openKylin Build Service

Build history for “docker-amd64-191.52-15201”

150 of 7370 results
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of ukui-kwin 1.0.2kylin6-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of qemu 1:8.2.2+ds-ok3 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of picmi 4:23.08.5-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] amd64 build of llvm-toolchain-10 1:10.0.0-ok4 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Missing dependencies: ocaml
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of kubrick 4:23.08.5-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of kjs 5.115.0-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of kbounce 4:23.08.5-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of peony in openkylin huanghe RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of source-highlight 3.1.9-ok2.1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libxml2 2.9.10+dfsg-ok4 in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-globaltheme in openkylin huanghe PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of vim 2:9.1.0016-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 13 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of glibc 2.38-1ok6.12 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 hour 30 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-settings-daemon in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 13 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of qt5-ukui-platformtheme in openkylin huanghe RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 10 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-biometric-auth in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-bluetooth in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-bluetooth in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kylin-theme in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 14 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kare in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 19 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kare in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-settings-daemon in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-power-manager in openkylin huanghe RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libkysdk-applications in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of docker-ce 5:20.10.3-7.2 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of x11-apps 7.7+11build3-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-system-monitor in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[SUPERSEDED] amd64 build of kylin-printer in openkylin nile PROPOSED
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of containerd-app 1.7.12-ok2 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of openjdk-lts 11.0.23+9-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 58 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-control-center in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kylin-photo-viewer in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 19 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of bind9 1:9.18.24-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of containerd 1.6.24~ds1-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of distro-info-data 0.60-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of git 1:2.43.0-ok4 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of jinja2 3.1.2-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libppd 2:2.0.0-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of openjpeg2 2.5.0-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kwin 4:5.24.4-ok10~0927 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-menu-extensions in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-bluetooth in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kylin-os-installer 0.2.1-0k79 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kylin-burner in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kylin-aiassistant 2.0.0-ok4.10 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 24 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ukui-media in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kylin-os-installer 0.2.1-0k61test6 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] amd64 build of kylin-ai-runtime in openkylin nile RELEASE
Missing dependencies: libkysdk-global-dev
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of rygel 0.42.5-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of webkit2gtk 2.44.0-ok3 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 57 minutes — see the log
150 of 7370 results