openKylin Build Service

Build history for “docker-amd64-191.52-15210”

150 of 624 results
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of bluez 5.71-ok1.3.test1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libxml-libxml-perl 2.0207+dfsg+really+2.0134-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libsyntax-keyword-try-perl 0.29-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of libseccomp 2.5.5-1ok1.2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of neatvnc 0.7.1+dfsg-ok1.2 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of python3.12 3.12.2-ok4 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 hours 40 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of gvfs 1.52.0-ok2.1~0701 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of glib2.0 2.80.0-ok1.1~0701 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of glib2.0 2.80.0-ok1~0701 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] i386 build of qemu 1:7.1.0-ok16 in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Missing dependencies: librbd-dev
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of openssl 3.2.1-ok3 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 38 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] i386 build of revisions-manager in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Missing dependencies: libkysdk-waylandhelper-dev (>= 1.2.0kylin2), libkysdk-qtwidgets-dev
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of libgudev 1:238-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of libgudev 1:238-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of qtbase-opensource-src 5.15.10+dfsg-3ok2.5 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of gnutls28 3.6.13-ok12.1 in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 16 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of linux 6.6.0-1.0ok6 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of gcc-defaults-ports 1.204-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of openssl 3.2.1-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 39 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of openssl 3.0.8-ok5 in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 34 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of cunit 2.1-3-dfsg-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] i386 build of revisions-manager in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Missing dependencies: libkysdk-waylandhelper-dev (>= 1.2.0kylin2), libkysdk-qtwidgets-dev
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of gcc-defaults-ports 1.204-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of coreutils 9.4-ok3 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of coreutils 9.4-ok2 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] i386 build of revisions-manager in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Missing dependencies: libkysdk-waylandhelper-dev (>= 1.2.0kylin2), libkysdk-qtwidgets-dev
Build started and finished taking 11 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of mesa-demos 8.4.0-1ok6 in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of openssl 1.1.1f-ok7 in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of openipmi 2.0.33-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[CHROOTWAIT] i386 build of multipath-tools 0.9.4-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of livecd-rootfs 24.04.69-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of libftdi1 1.5-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] i386 build of libcue 2.2.1-ok1 in openkylin nile RELEASE
Missing dependencies: cmake-data (= 3.25.1-ok2)
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of pyqt5 5.15.10+dfsg-ok3 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of python3-stdlib-extensions 3.12.3-ok6 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of pygobject 3.48.2-ok2 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of babeltrace 1.5.11-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libfcgi 2.4.2-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of googletest 1.14.0-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libgav1 0.18.0-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libvpx 1.14.0-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of spirv-tools 2023.6~rc1-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] i386 build of kylin-photo-viewer in openkylin yangtze RELEASE
Missing dependencies: libfreeimage-dev, libfreeimageplus-dev, libkysdk-applications-dev, libopencv-core-dev, libopencv-imgcodecs-dev, libopencv-imgproc-dev, libpeony-dev
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of highway 1.0.7-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[MANUALDEPWAIT] i386 build of lirc 0.10.2-ok3 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Missing dependencies: libusb-dev
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libdeflate 1.19-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of dh-exec 0.29-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of protobuf-c 1.4.1-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of gtkmm3.0 3.24.9-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libebml 1.4.5-ok1 in openkylin nile PROPOSED
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
150 of 624 results