diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/changelog kwin-5.24.4/debian/changelog
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/changelog	2024-09-20 16:59:37.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/changelog	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
+kwin (4:5.24.4-ok11~0219) huanghe; urgency=medium
+  * Ignore right button click event on user action menu
+ -- Jie Liu <liujie01@kylinos.cn>  Wed, 19 Feb 2025 11:09:00 +0800
+kwin (4:5.24.4-ok11~0107) nile; urgency=medium
+  * allow repeated creation of ukui_surface for the same wl_surface
+  * support for ukui-shell v4 protocols
+ -- Jie Liu <liujie01@kylinos.cn>  Tue, 07 Jan 2025 14:25:19 +0800
+kwin (4:5.24.4-ok10~1118) nile; urgency=medium
+  * x11client: x11client: enable NET_RESIZE for dock window
+ -- Jie Liu <liujie01@kylinos.cn>  Mon, 18 Nov 2024 16:10:17 +0800
+kwin (4:5.24.4-ok10~1107) nile; urgency=medium
+  * 代码合并
+ -- zhangshoucheng <zhangshoucheng@kylinos.cn>  Thu, 07 Nov 2024 16:14:21 +0800
 kwin (4:5.24.4-ok10~0927) nile; urgency=medium
   * 更新0920维哈柯翻译文件
diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/kwin-data.install kwin-5.24.4/debian/kwin-data.install
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/kwin-data.install	2024-09-20 16:59:37.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/kwin-data.install	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0200-Add-get-modify-block-reset-shortcut-interface.patch kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0200-Add-get-modify-block-reset-shortcut-interface.patch
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0200-Add-get-modify-block-reset-shortcut-interface.patch	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0200-Add-get-modify-block-reset-shortcut-interface.patch	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+From: zhangshoucheng <zhangshoucheng@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 14:04:40 +0800
+Subject: Add: get/modify/block/reset shortcut interface
+ data/CMakeLists.txt        |   1 +
+ data/kwinShowShortcut.list |  17 +++++++
+ src/dbusinterface.cpp      | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/dbusinterface.h        |   5 ++
+ src/input.cpp              |   5 ++
+ src/input.h                |   9 ++++
+ src/org.kde.KWin.xml       |  15 ++++++
+ src/tabbox/tabbox.cpp      |   6 +++
+ src/tabbox/tabbox.h        |   2 +
+ src/useractions.cpp        |  19 +++++++-
+ src/virtualdesktops.cpp    |  23 +++++++---
+ src/virtualdesktops.h      |   2 +
+ src/workspace.cpp          |   2 +
+ src/workspace.h            |  20 ++++++++
+ 14 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 data/kwinShowShortcut.list
+diff --git a/data/CMakeLists.txt b/data/CMakeLists.txt
+index 7bbcfaf..062913f 100644
+--- a/data/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/data/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ install(FILES kwinrc DESTINATION /etc/xdg)
+ install(FILES kwin.desktop DESTINATION /etc/xdg/autostart)
+ install(FILES kwinrulesrc DESTINATION /etc/xdg)
+ install(FILES kcminputrc DESTINATION /etc/xdg)
++install(FILES kwinShowShortcut.list DESTINATION /etc/xdg)
+diff --git a/data/kwinShowShortcut.list b/data/kwinShowShortcut.list
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..df29db3
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/data/kwinShowShortcut.list
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++Show/Hide Desktop
++Walk Through Windows
++Multitask View show
++Switch One Desktop to the Left
++Switch One Desktop to the Right
++Minimize All Window
++Unminimize All Window
++Window Close
++Minimize Or Unminimize All Window Besides Active Window
++Window Quick Tile Top
++Window Quick Tile Bottom
++Window Quick Tile Left
++Window Quick Tile Right
++Window Direct Quick Tile Up
++Window Direct Quick Tile Down
++Window Direct Quick Tile Left
++Window Direct Quick Tile Right
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/src/dbusinterface.cpp b/src/dbusinterface.cpp
+index 2436e57..6e77624 100644
+--- a/src/dbusinterface.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusinterface.cpp
+@@ -33,11 +33,17 @@
+ #include "activities.h"
+ #endif
++#include "tabbox.h"
+ // Qt
+ #include <QDBusServiceWatcher>
+ #include <QOpenGLContext>
++#include <KGlobalAccel>
+ namespace KWin
+ {
+@@ -381,6 +387,111 @@ bool DBusInterface::haveFullScreenActiveWindow()
+     return false;
+ }
++QVariantList DBusInterface::getShortcutInfos()
++    QVector<Workspace::shortcutInfo> shortcutInfos = workspace()->getShortcutInfos();
++    QStringList showShortcutInfos = workspace()->getShowShortcutInfos();
++    QVariantList res;
++    for (auto s : showShortcutInfos) {
++        for (int i = 0; i < shortcutInfos.size(); i++) {
++            QStringList tmp;
++            if (shortcutInfos[i].actionName == s) {
++                tmp.append(shortcutInfos[i].actionName);
++                tmp.append(shortcutInfos[i].description);
++                QList<QKeySequence> keyList = KGlobalAccel::self()->shortcut(shortcutInfos[i].action);
++                if (keyList.isEmpty()) {
++                    QList<QKeySequence> defaultKeyList = KGlobalAccel::self()->defaultShortcut(shortcutInfos[i].action);
++                    for (int j = 0; j < defaultKeyList.size(); j++) {
++                        tmp.append("Null");
++                    }
++                } else {
++                    for (int j = 0; j < keyList.size(); j++) {
++                        if (keyList[j].toString() == "") {
++                            tmp.append("Null");
++                        } else {
++                            tmp.append(keyList[j].toString());
++                        }
++                    }
++                    QList<QKeySequence> defaultKeyList = KGlobalAccel::self()->defaultShortcut(shortcutInfos[i].action);
++                    if (defaultKeyList.size() != keyList.size()) {
++                        for (int j = 0; j < defaultKeyList.size() - keyList.size(); j++) {
++                            tmp.append("Null");
++                        }
++                    }
++                }
++                res.append(tmp);
++            }
++        }
++    }
++    return res;
++void DBusInterface::modifyShortcut(QString actionName, QString oldKey, QString newKey)
++    QAction *a = nullptr;
++    QList<QKeySequence> defaultShortcut;
++    QList<QKeySequence> keyList;
++    QVector<Workspace::shortcutInfo> shortcutInfos = workspace()->getShortcutInfos();
++    for (int i = 0; i < shortcutInfos.size(); i++) {
++        if (shortcutInfos[i].actionName == actionName) {
++            a = shortcutInfos[i].action;
++            defaultShortcut = shortcutInfos[i].defaultShortcut;
++            keyList = KGlobalAccel::self()->shortcut(shortcutInfos[i].action);
++            break;
++        }
++    }
++    for (int i = 0; i < keyList.size(); i++) {
++        if (keyList[i] == QKeySequence(tr(oldKey.toUtf8().constData()))) {
++            keyList[i] = QKeySequence(tr(newKey.toUtf8().constData()));
++        }
++    }
++    if (keyList.isEmpty() && !newKey.isEmpty()) {
++        keyList.push_back(QKeySequence(tr(newKey.toUtf8().constData())));
++    }
++    KGlobalAccel::self()->removeAllShortcuts(a);
++    KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(a, defaultShortcut);
++    KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(a, keyList);
++    if (!keyList.isEmpty()) {
++        TabBox::TabBox::self()->updateGlobalShortcut(a, keyList.first());
++    }
++void DBusInterface::resetShortcut()
++    // workspace()->readShowShortcutsName();
++    QStringList showShortcutInfos = workspace()->getShowShortcutInfos();
++    QVector<Workspace::shortcutInfo> shortcutInfos = workspace()->getShortcutInfos();
++    for (auto s : showShortcutInfos) {
++        for (int i = 0; i < shortcutInfos.size(); i++) {
++            if (shortcutInfos[i].actionName == s) {
++                KGlobalAccel::self()->removeAllShortcuts(shortcutInfos[i].action);
++                KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(shortcutInfos[i].action, shortcutInfos[i].defaultShortcut);
++                KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(shortcutInfos[i].action, shortcutInfos[i].defaultShortcut);
++                TabBox::TabBox::self()->updateGlobalShortcut(shortcutInfos[i].action, shortcutInfos[i].defaultShortcut.first());
++            }
++        }
++    }
++void DBusInterface::blockShortcut(QString actionName, bool flag)
++    QVector<Workspace::shortcutInfo> shortcutInfos = workspace()->getShortcutInfos();
++    for (auto info : shortcutInfos) {
++        if (info.actionName == actionName) {
++            if (flag) {
++                KGlobalAccel::self()->removeAllShortcuts(info.action);
++            } else {
++                KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(info.action, info.defaultShortcut);
++            }
++        }
++    }
+ void DBusInterface::setTapButtonMap(quint32 map)
+ {
+     for (InputDevice *inputDevice : input()->devices()) {
+diff --git a/src/dbusinterface.h b/src/dbusinterface.h
+index b8e571c..9d9cdae 100644
+--- a/src/dbusinterface.h
++++ b/src/dbusinterface.h
+@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS
+     bool haveFullScreenActiveWindow();
+     void setTapButtonMap(quint32 map);
++    QVariantList getShortcutInfos();
++    void modifyShortcut(QString actionName, QString oldKey, QString newKey);
++    void resetShortcut();
++    void blockShortcut(QString actionName, bool flag);
+ private Q_SLOTS:
+     void becomeKWinService(const QString &service);
+diff --git a/src/input.cpp b/src/input.cpp
+index 0f0d7b0..7d3014f 100644
+--- a/src/input.cpp
++++ b/src/input.cpp
+@@ -3484,6 +3484,11 @@ void InputRedirection::registerShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *a
+     kwinApp()->platform()->setupActionForGlobalAccel(action);
+ }
++void InputRedirection::registerShortcut(const QList<QKeySequence> &shortcut, QAction *action)
++    kwinApp()->platform()->setupActionForGlobalAccel(action);
+ void InputRedirection::registerPointerShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton pointerButtons, QAction *action)
+ {
+     m_shortcuts->registerPointerShortcut(action, modifiers, pointerButtons);
+diff --git a/src/input.h b/src/input.h
+index cc04526..e1a6017 100644
+--- a/src/input.h
++++ b/src/input.h
+@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ public:
+     Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiersRelevantForGlobalShortcuts() const;
+     void registerShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action);
++    void registerShortcut(const QList<QKeySequence> &shortcut, QAction *action);
+     /**
+      * @overload
+      *
+@@ -135,6 +136,8 @@ public:
+      */
+     template<typename T, typename Slot>
+     void registerShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action, T *receiver, Slot slot);
++    template <typename T, typename Slot>
++    void registerShortcut(const QList<QKeySequence> &shortcut, QAction *action, T *receiver, Slot slot);
+     void registerPointerShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton pointerButtons, QAction *action);
+     void registerAxisShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, PointerAxisDirection axis, QAction *action);
+     void registerTouchpadSwipeShortcut(SwipeDirection direction, QAction *action);
+@@ -595,6 +598,12 @@ inline void InputRedirection::registerShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAc
+     connect(action, &QAction::triggered, receiver, slot);
+ }
++template <typename T, typename Slot>
++inline void InputRedirection::registerShortcut(const QList<QKeySequence> &shortcut, QAction *action, T *receiver, Slot slot) {
++    registerShortcut(shortcut, action);
++    connect(action, &QAction::triggered, receiver, slot);
+ } // namespace KWin
+ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWin::InputRedirection::KeyboardKeyState)
+diff --git a/src/org.kde.KWin.xml b/src/org.kde.KWin.xml
+index cedd673..16de10a 100644
+--- a/src/org.kde.KWin.xml
++++ b/src/org.kde.KWin.xml
+@@ -78,5 +78,20 @@
+     <method name="setTapButtonMap">
+         <arg name="map" type="u" direction="in"/>
+     </method>
++    <method name="modifyShortcut">
++        <arg name="actionName" type="s" direction="in"/>
++        <arg name="oldKey" type="s" direction="in"/>
++        <arg name="newKey" type="s" direction="in"/>
++    </method>
++    <method name="resetShortcut">
++    </method>
++    <method name="getShortcutInfos">
++        <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="QVariantList"/>
++        <arg type="a{a{s}}" direction="out"/>
++    </method>
++    <method name="blockShortcut">
++        <arg name="actionName" type="s" direction="in"/>
++        <arg name="flag" type="b" direction="in"/>
++    </method>
+   </interface>
+ </node>
+diff --git a/src/tabbox/tabbox.cpp b/src/tabbox/tabbox.cpp
+index 082036f..2562bfd 100644
+--- a/src/tabbox/tabbox.cpp
++++ b/src/tabbox/tabbox.cpp
+@@ -521,6 +521,7 @@ void TabBox::key(const char *actionName, Slot slot, const QKeySequence &shortcut
+     a->setText(i18n(actionName));
+     KGlobalAccel::self()->setGlobalShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << shortcut);
+     input()->registerShortcut(shortcut, a, TabBox::self(), slot);
++    Workspace::self()->addShortcutInfos(actionName, i18n(actionName), a, QList<QKeySequence>() << shortcut);
+     auto cuts = KGlobalAccel::self()->shortcut(a);
+     globalShortcutChanged(a, cuts.isEmpty() ? QKeySequence() : cuts.first());
+ }
+@@ -559,6 +560,11 @@ void TabBox::initShortcuts()
+     connect(KGlobalAccel::self(), &KGlobalAccel::globalShortcutChanged, this, &TabBox::globalShortcutChanged);
+ }
++void TabBox::updateGlobalShortcut(QAction *action, const QKeySequence &seq)
++    globalShortcutChanged(action, seq);
+ void TabBox::globalShortcutChanged(QAction *action, const QKeySequence &seq)
+ {
+     if (qstrcmp(qPrintable(action->objectName()), s_windows) == 0) {
+diff --git a/src/tabbox/tabbox.h b/src/tabbox/tabbox.h
+index 889b9e9..51e0160 100644
+--- a/src/tabbox/tabbox.h
++++ b/src/tabbox/tabbox.h
+@@ -275,6 +275,8 @@ public:
+         return m_showMode;
+     }
++    void updateGlobalShortcut(QAction *action, const QKeySequence &seq);
+ public Q_SLOTS:
+     /**
+      * Notify effects that the tab box is being shown, and only display the
+diff --git a/src/useractions.cpp b/src/useractions.cpp
+index 80ea685..9ac03ef 100644
+--- a/src/useractions.cpp
++++ b/src/useractions.cpp
+@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+ #include <QCheckBox>
+ #include <QPushButton>
+ #include <QtConcurrentRun>
++#include <QFile>
+ #include <KGlobalAccel>
+ #include <KLocalizedString>
+@@ -911,6 +912,7 @@ void Workspace::initShortcut(const QString &actionName, const QString &descripti
+     }
+     KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << shortcut);
+     KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << shortcut);
++    addShortcutInfos(actionName, description, a, QList<QKeySequence>() << shortcut);
+     input()->registerShortcut(shortcut, a, receiver, slot);
+ }
+@@ -1066,7 +1068,7 @@ void Workspace::initShortcuts()
+     }
+     // DEF(I18N_NOOP("Window to Next Screen"),            Qt::META + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Right, slotWindowToNextScreen);
+     // DEF(I18N_NOOP("Window to Previous Screen"),        Qt::META + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Left, slotWindowToPrevScreen);
+-    DEF(I18N_NOOP("Show Desktop"), Qt::META + Qt::Key_D, slotToggleShowDesktop);
++    DEF(I18N_NOOP("Show/Hide Desktop"), Qt::META + Qt::Key_D, slotToggleShowDesktop);
+     // DEF(I18N_NOOP("Always Show Desktop"),              Qt::META + Qt::Key_H, slotAlwaysShowDesktop);
+     // DEF(I18N_NOOP("Always Restore Desktop"),           Qt::META + Qt::Key_G, slotAlwaysRestoreDesktop);
+@@ -1161,6 +1163,21 @@ void Workspace::clientShortcutUpdated(AbstractClient *c)
+     }
+ }
++void Workspace::readShowShortcutsName()
++    QFile file("/etc/xdg/kwinShowShortcut.list");
++    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
++        return;
++    }
++    QString res = QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll());
++    showShortcutsName = res.split("\n");
++void Workspace::addShortcutInfos(QString actionName, QString description, QAction *action, QList<QKeySequence> shortcut)
++    shortcutInfos.append({actionName, description, action, shortcut});
+ void Workspace::performWindowOperation(AbstractClient *c, Options::WindowOperation op)
+ {
+     if (!c)
+diff --git a/src/virtualdesktops.cpp b/src/virtualdesktops.cpp
+index 2398524..a5840c2 100644
+--- a/src/virtualdesktops.cpp
++++ b/src/virtualdesktops.cpp
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+ #include "virtualdesktops.h"
++#include "workspace.h"
+ #include "input.h"
+ #include "wayland/plasmavirtualdesktop_interface.h"
+ // KDE
+@@ -842,14 +843,10 @@ void VirtualDesktopManager::initShortcuts()
+     initSwitchToShortcuts();
+     const QString right = QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop to the Right");
+-    addAction(right, i18n(right.toStdString().c_str()), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::META + Qt::Key_Right), &VirtualDesktopManager::slotRight);
+-    const QString right1 = QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop to the Right 1");
+-    addAction(right1, i18n(right1.toStdString().c_str()), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Right), &VirtualDesktopManager::slotRight);
++    addAction(right, i18n(right.toStdString().c_str()), QList<QKeySequence>() << QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::META + Qt::Key_Right) << QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Right), &VirtualDesktopManager::slotRight);
+     const QString left = QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop to the Left");
+-    addAction(left, i18n(left.toStdString().c_str()), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::META + Qt::Key_Left), &VirtualDesktopManager::slotLeft);
+-    const QString left1 = QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop to the Left 1");
+-    addAction(left1, i18n(left1.toStdString().c_str()), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Left), &VirtualDesktopManager::slotLeft);
++    addAction(left, i18n(left.toStdString().c_str()), QList<QKeySequence>() << QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::META + Qt::Key_Left) << QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Left), &VirtualDesktopManager::slotLeft);    
+     QAction *slotUpAction = addAction(QStringLiteral("Switch One Desktop Up"), i18n("Switch One Desktop Up"), &VirtualDesktopManager::slotUp);
+     KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(slotUpAction, QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::META + Qt::Key_Up));
+@@ -885,6 +882,7 @@ QAction *VirtualDesktopManager::addAction(const QString &name, const KLocalizedS
+     a->setText(label.subs(value).toString());
+     a->setData(value);
+     KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(a, key);
++    workspace()->addShortcutInfos(name.arg(value), label.subs(value).toString(), a, QList<QKeySequence>() << key);
+     input()->registerShortcut(key, a, this, slot);
+     return a;
+ }
+@@ -897,6 +895,19 @@ QAction *VirtualDesktopManager::addAction(const QString &name, const QString &la
+     a->setText(label);
+     KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << key);
+     KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << key);
++    workspace()->addShortcutInfos(name, label, a, QList<QKeySequence>() << key);
++    input()->registerShortcut(key, a, this, slot);
++    return a;
++QAction *VirtualDesktopManager::addAction(const QString &name, const QString &label, const QList<QKeySequence> &key, void (VirtualDesktopManager::*slot)())
++    QAction *a = new QAction(this);
++    a->setProperty("componentName", QStringLiteral(KWIN_NAME));
++    a->setObjectName(name);
++    a->setText(label);
++    KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(a, key);
++    workspace()->addShortcutInfos(name, label, a, key);
+     input()->registerShortcut(key, a, this, slot);
+     return a;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/virtualdesktops.h b/src/virtualdesktops.h
+index 6c65a3b..fc2e315 100644
+--- a/src/virtualdesktops.h
++++ b/src/virtualdesktops.h
+@@ -478,6 +478,8 @@ private:
+     QAction *addAction(const QString &name, const QString &label, const QKeySequence &key, void (VirtualDesktopManager::*slot)());
++    QAction *addAction(const QString &name, const QString &label, const QList<QKeySequence> &key, void (VirtualDesktopManager::*slot)());
+     /**
+      * Creates an action and connects it to the @p slot in this Manager.
+      * Overloaded method for the case that no additional value needs to be passed to the action and
+diff --git a/src/workspace.cpp b/src/workspace.cpp
+index 9fe6aa9..127bab7 100644
+--- a/src/workspace.cpp
++++ b/src/workspace.cpp
+@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ Workspace::Workspace()
+     new DBusInterface(this);
+     Outline::create(this);
++    readShowShortcutsName();
+     initShortcuts();
+     init();
+diff --git a/src/workspace.h b/src/workspace.h
+index 4810045..b17714d 100644
+--- a/src/workspace.h
++++ b/src/workspace.h
+@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+ // Qt
+ #include <QTimer>
+ #include <QVector>
++#include <QAction>
++#include <QKeySequence>
+ // std
+ #include <functional>
+ #include <memory>
+@@ -455,6 +457,21 @@ public:
+         return m_screenLockState;
+     }
++    void addShortcutInfos(QString actionName, QString description, QAction *action, QList<QKeySequence> shortcut);
++    void readShowShortcutsName();
++    struct shortcutInfo {
++        QString actionName;
++        QString description;
++        QAction *action;
++        QList<QKeySequence> defaultShortcut;
++    };
++    QVector<shortcutInfo> getShortcutInfos() {return shortcutInfos;}
++    QStringList getShowShortcutInfos() {return showShortcutsName;}
+ public Q_SLOTS:
+     void performWindowOperation(KWin::AbstractClient *c, Options::WindowOperation op);
+     // Keybindings
+@@ -757,6 +774,9 @@ private:
+     AbstractClient *m_keyMinClient = nullptr;
++    QVector<shortcutInfo> shortcutInfos;
++    QStringList showShortcutsName;
+ private:
+     friend bool performTransiencyCheck();
+     friend Workspace *workspace();
diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0201-Add-new-rule-Unlimited-window-size.patch kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0201-Add-new-rule-Unlimited-window-size.patch
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0201-Add-new-rule-Unlimited-window-size.patch	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0201-Add-new-rule-Unlimited-window-size.patch	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+From: zhangshoucheng <zhangshoucheng@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 10:17:10 +0800
+Subject: Add: new rule, Unlimited window size
+ data/kwinrulesrc        |  8 ++++++++
+ src/abstract_client.cpp | 14 ++++++++++++--
+ src/abstract_client.h   |  6 ++++++
+ src/rules.cpp           |  7 +++++++
+ src/rules.h             |  5 +++++
+ src/rulesettings.kcfg   | 11 +++++++++++
+ src/x11client.cpp       |  7 ++++---
+ 7 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/data/kwinrulesrc b/data/kwinrulesrc
+index b26f80b..039d409 100644
+--- a/data/kwinrulesrc
++++ b/data/kwinrulesrc
+@@ -14,5 +14,13 @@ wmclass=ukui-notifications
+ wmclasscomplete=false
+ wmclassmatch=1
++Description=unlimit window size
+ [General]
+ count=3
+diff --git a/src/abstract_client.cpp b/src/abstract_client.cpp
+index c6c8b5f..f9a03fb 100644
+--- a/src/abstract_client.cpp
++++ b/src/abstract_client.cpp
+@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@ void AbstractClient::setSkipPager(bool b)
+     Q_EMIT skipPagerChanged();
+ }
++void AbstractClient::setUnlimitWindowArea(bool b)
++    m_isUnlimitArea = b;
+ void AbstractClient::doSetSkipPager()
+ {
+ }
+@@ -1391,8 +1396,13 @@ void AbstractClient::handleInteractiveMoveResize(int x, int y, int x_root, int y
+         fixWidth = qMin(size.width(), area.width());
+         fixHeight = qMin(size.height(), area.height());
+         // the new topleft and bottomright corners (after checking size constrains), if they'll be needed
+-        topleft = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().right() - fixWidth + 1, moveResizeGeometry().bottom() - fixHeight + 1);
+-        bottomright = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().left() + fixWidth - 1, moveResizeGeometry().top() + fixHeight - 1);
++        if (isUnlimitedWindowArea()) {
++            topleft = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().right() - size.width() + 1, moveResizeGeometry().bottom() - size.height() + 1);
++            bottomright = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().left() + size.width() - 1, moveResizeGeometry().top() + size.height() - 1);
++        } else {
++            topleft = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().right() - fixWidth + 1, moveResizeGeometry().bottom() - fixHeight + 1);
++            bottomright = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().left() + fixWidth - 1, moveResizeGeometry().top() + fixHeight - 1);
++        }
+         orig = moveResizeGeometry();
+         // if aspect ratios are specified, both dimensions may change.
+diff --git a/src/abstract_client.h b/src/abstract_client.h
+index 34731ba..edfbcfa 100644
+--- a/src/abstract_client.h
++++ b/src/abstract_client.h
+@@ -379,6 +379,11 @@ public:
+     }
+     void setSkipPager(bool set);
++    void setUnlimitWindowArea(bool b);
++    bool isUnlimitedWindowArea() {
++        return m_isUnlimitArea;
++    }
+     const QIcon &icon() const
+     {
+         return m_icon;
+@@ -1343,6 +1348,7 @@ private:
+     bool m_originalSkipTaskbar = false;
+     bool m_skipPager = false;
+     bool m_skipSwitcher = false;
++    bool m_isUnlimitArea = false;
+     QIcon m_icon;
+     bool m_diableActive = false;
+     bool m_active = false;
+diff --git a/src/rules.cpp b/src/rules.cpp
+index fd593b7..70d644f 100644
+--- a/src/rules.cpp
++++ b/src/rules.cpp
+@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ Rules::Rules()
+     , aboverule(UnusedSetRule)
+     , belowrule(UnusedSetRule)
+     , fullscreenrule(UnusedSetRule)
++    , unlimitarearule(UnusedSetRule)
+     , noborderrule(UnusedSetRule)
+     , decocolorrule(UnusedForceRule)
+     , blockcompositingrule(UnusedForceRule)
+@@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ void Rules::readFromSettings(const RuleSettings *settings)
+     READ_SET_RULE(above);
+     READ_SET_RULE(below);
+     READ_SET_RULE(fullscreen);
++    READ_SET_RULE(unlimitarea);
+     READ_SET_RULE(noborder);
+     READ_FORCE_RULE(decocolor, getDecoColor);
+@@ -232,6 +234,7 @@ void Rules::write(RuleSettings *settings) const
+     WRITE_SET_RULE(above, Above, );
+     WRITE_SET_RULE(below, Below, );
+     WRITE_SET_RULE(fullscreen, Fullscreen, );
++    WRITE_SET_RULE(unlimitarea, Unlimitarea, );
+     WRITE_SET_RULE(noborder, Noborder, );
+     auto colorToString = [](const QString &value) -> QString {
+         if (value.endsWith(QLatin1String(".colors"))) {
+@@ -284,6 +287,7 @@ bool Rules::isEmpty() const
+             && aboverule == UnusedSetRule
+             && belowrule == UnusedSetRule
+             && fullscreenrule == UnusedSetRule
++            && unlimitarearule == UnusedSetRule
+             && noborderrule == UnusedSetRule
+             && decocolorrule == UnusedForceRule
+             && blockcompositingrule == UnusedForceRule
+@@ -611,6 +615,7 @@ APPLY_RULE(skipswitcher, SkipSwitcher, bool)
+ APPLY_RULE(above, KeepAbove, bool)
+ APPLY_RULE(below, KeepBelow, bool)
+ APPLY_RULE(fullscreen, FullScreen, bool)
++APPLY_RULE(unlimitarea, UnlimitArea, bool)
+ APPLY_RULE(noborder, NoBorder, bool)
+ APPLY_FORCE_RULE(decocolor, DecoColor, QString)
+ APPLY_FORCE_RULE(blockcompositing, BlockCompositing, bool)
+@@ -685,6 +690,7 @@ bool Rules::discardUsed(bool withdrawn)
+     DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(fullscreen);
++    DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(unlimitarea);
+     DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(noborder);
+     DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(decocolor);
+     DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(blockcompositing);
+@@ -821,6 +827,7 @@ CHECK_RULE(KeepAbove, bool)
+ CHECK_RULE(KeepBelow, bool)
+ CHECK_RULE(FullScreen, bool)
+ CHECK_RULE(NoBorder, bool)
++CHECK_RULE(UnlimitArea, bool)
+ CHECK_FORCE_RULE(DecoColor, QString)
+ CHECK_FORCE_RULE(BlockCompositing, bool)
+diff --git a/src/rules.h b/src/rules.h
+index dbea8e4..241b8f3 100644
+--- a/src/rules.h
++++ b/src/rules.h
+@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ public:
+     bool checkKeepAbove(bool above, bool init = false) const;
+     bool checkKeepBelow(bool below, bool init = false) const;
+     bool checkFullScreen(bool fs, bool init = false) const;
++    bool checkUnlimitArea(bool ua, bool init = false) const;
+     bool checkNoBorder(bool noborder, bool init = false) const;
+     QString checkDecoColor(QString schemeFile) const;
+     bool checkBlockCompositing(bool block) const;
+@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ public:
+         Activity = 1 << 16,
+         Screen = 1 << 17,
+         DesktopFile = 1 << 18,
++        Unlimitarea = 1 << 19,
+         All = 0xffffffff
+     };
+     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Types, Type)
+@@ -175,6 +177,7 @@ public:
+     bool applyKeepAbove(bool &above, bool init) const;
+     bool applyKeepBelow(bool &below, bool init) const;
+     bool applyFullScreen(bool &fs, bool init) const;
++    bool applyUnlimitArea(bool &ua, bool init) const;
+     bool applyNoBorder(bool &noborder, bool init) const;
+     bool applyDecoColor(QString &schemeFile) const;
+     bool applyBlockCompositing(bool &block) const;
+@@ -265,6 +268,8 @@ private:
+     SetRule belowrule;
+     bool fullscreen;
+     SetRule fullscreenrule;
++    bool unlimitarea;
++    SetRule unlimitarearule;
+     bool noborder;
+     SetRule noborderrule;
+     QString decocolor;
+diff --git a/src/rulesettings.kcfg b/src/rulesettings.kcfg
+index 78cd226..80406d6 100644
+--- a/src/rulesettings.kcfg
++++ b/src/rulesettings.kcfg
+@@ -300,6 +300,17 @@
+       <default code="true">Rules::UnusedSetRule</default>
+     </entry>
++    <entry name="unlimitarea" type="Bool">
++      <label>Unlimitarea</label>
++      <default>false</default>
++    </entry>
++    <entry name="unlimitarearule" type="Int">
++      <label>Unlimitarea rule type</label>
++      <min code="true">Rules::UnusedSetRule</min>
++      <max code="true">static_cast&lt;Rules::SetRule&gt;(Rules::ForceTemporarily)</max>
++      <default code="true">Rules::UnusedSetRule</default>
++    </entry>
+     <entry name="noborder" type="Bool">
+       <label>No titlebar and frame</label>
+       <default>false</default>
+diff --git a/src/x11client.cpp b/src/x11client.cpp
+index 82d70b2..cfafaf3 100644
+--- a/src/x11client.cpp
++++ b/src/x11client.cpp
+@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ bool X11Client::manage(xcb_window_t w, bool isMapped)
+     setOriginalSkipTaskbar((info->state() & NET::SkipTaskbar) != 0);
+     setSkipPager((info->state() & NET::SkipPager) != 0);
+     setSkipSwitcher((info->state() & NET::SkipSwitcher) != 0);
++    setUnlimitWindowArea(rules()->checkUnlimitArea(false));
+     readFirstInTabBox(firstInTabBoxCookie);
+     setupCompositing();
+@@ -688,7 +689,7 @@ bool X11Client::manage(xcb_window_t w, bool isMapped)
+     if (!session) { // has a better handling of this
+         setGeometryRestore(frameGeometry()); // Remember restore geometry
+-        if (isMaximizable() && (width() >= area.width() || height() >= area.height())) {
++        if (isMaximizable() && (width() >= area.width() || height() >= area.height()) && !isUnlimitedWindowArea()) {
+             // Window is too large for the screen, maximize in the
+             // directions necessary
+             const QSize ss = workspace()->clientArea(ScreenArea, this, area.center()).size();
+@@ -738,7 +739,7 @@ bool X11Client::manage(xcb_window_t w, bool isMapped)
+         }
+     }
+-    if ((!isSpecialWindow() || isToolbar()) && isMovable() && !dontKeepInArea)
++    if ((!isSpecialWindow() || isToolbar()) && isMovable() && !dontKeepInArea && !isUnlimitedWindowArea())
+         keepInArea(area, partial_keep_in_area);
+     updateShape();
+@@ -3824,7 +3825,7 @@ void X11Client::configureRequest(int value_mask, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh,
+         resize(requestedFrameSize);
+         QRect area = workspace()->clientArea(WorkArea, this);
+         if (!from_tool && (!isSpecialWindow() || isToolbar()) && !isFullScreen()
+-            && area.contains(origClientGeometry))
++            && area.intersects(origClientGeometry) && !isUnlimitedWindowArea())
+             keepInArea(area);
+         // this is part of the kicker-xinerama-hack... it should be
diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0202-update-changlog-4-5.24.4-ok10-1118.patch kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0202-update-changlog-4-5.24.4-ok10-1118.patch
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0202-update-changlog-4-5.24.4-ok10-1118.patch	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0202-update-changlog-4-5.24.4-ok10-1118.patch	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From: Jie Liu <liujie01@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 16:10:53 +0800
+Subject: update changlog: 4:5.24.4-ok10~1118
+ src/x11client.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/x11client.cpp b/src/x11client.cpp
+index cfafaf3..a0d1c15 100644
+--- a/src/x11client.cpp
++++ b/src/x11client.cpp
+@@ -3985,7 +3985,7 @@ bool X11Client::isResizable() const
+     }
+     if (isFullScreen())
+         return false;
+-    if (isSpecialWindow() || isSplash() || isToolbar())
++    if ((isSpecialWindow() && !isDock()) || isSplash() || isToolbar())
+         return false;
+     if (rules()->checkSize(QSize()).isValid()) // forced size
+         return false;
diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0203-support-for-ukui-shell-v4-protocols.patch kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0203-support-for-ukui-shell-v4-protocols.patch
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0203-support-for-ukui-shell-v4-protocols.patch	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0203-support-for-ukui-shell-v4-protocols.patch	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+From: Jie Liu <liujie01@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 14:19:00 +0800
+Subject: support for ukui-shell v4 protocols
+ src/wayland/protocols/ukui-shell.xml | 15 ++++++++++++---
+ src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.cpp  | 16 +++++++++++-----
+ src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.h    |  1 +
+ src/xdgshellclient.cpp               |  4 ++++
+ 4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/wayland/protocols/ukui-shell.xml b/src/wayland/protocols/ukui-shell.xml
+index 3c37745..203e75e 100644
+--- a/src/wayland/protocols/ukui-shell.xml
++++ b/src/wayland/protocols/ukui-shell.xml
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+     ]]>
+   </copyright>
+-  <interface name="ukui_shell" version="3">
++  <interface name="ukui_shell" version="4">
+     <description summary="create ukui shell windows and helpers">
+       This interface is used by kylin powered Wayland shells to communicate with the compositor and
+       can only be bound one time.
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+     <event name="current_output" since="2">
+       <description summary="send the output name under cursor">
+-        Emitted after bind ukui_shell or recieve get_current_output request.
++        Emitted after bind ukui_shell or receive get_current_output request.
+       </description>
+       <arg name="output_name" type="string" summary="name of current output"/>
+       <arg name="seat_name" type="string" summary="seat name of cursor under output"/>
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+   </interface>
+-  <interface name="ukui_surface" version="3">
++  <interface name="ukui_surface" version="4">
+     <description summary="metadata interface">
+       An interface that may be implemented by a wl_surface, for implementations that provide the
+       shell user interface.
+@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
+       <entry name="logout" value="12"/>
+       <entry name="screenlocknotification" value="13"/>
+       <entry name="switcher" value="14"/>
++      <entry name="authentication" value="15"/>
+     </enum>
+     <request name="set_role">
+@@ -222,5 +223,13 @@
+       <arg name="y" type="int" summary="the vertical position of the window" />
+     </event>
++    <request name="activate" since = "4">
++      <description summary="set the surface active state">
++        This request makes the created surface to be activated.
++        There is no guarantee the surface will be actually activated, and behaviour
++        may be compositor-dependentption.
++      </description>
++    </request>
+   </interface>
+ </protocol>
+diff --git a/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.cpp b/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.cpp
+index ecab6ad..a91873c 100644
+--- a/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.cpp
++++ b/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.cpp
+@@ -73,9 +73,10 @@ protected:
+     void ukui_surface_set_panel_takes_focus(Resource *resource, uint32_t takes_focus) override;
+     void ukui_surface_grab_keyboard(Resource *resource, struct ::wl_resource *seat) override;
+     void ukui_surface_set_icon(Resource *resource, const QString &icon_name) override;
++    void ukui_surface_activate(Resource *resource) override;
+ };
+-static const int s_version = 3;
++static const int s_version = 4;
+ static QList<UkuiSurfaceInterface *> s_surfaces;
+ /*********************************
+@@ -128,10 +129,10 @@ void UkuiShellInterfacePrivate::ukui_shell_create_surface(QtWaylandServer::ukui_
+         return;
+     }
+-    if (UkuiSurfaceInterface::get(surface)) {
+-        wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, 0, "ukui_surface already exists");
+-        return;
+-    }
++    // if (UkuiSurfaceInterface::get(surface)) {
++    // wl_resource_post_error(resource->handle, 0, "ukui_surface already exists");
++    //     return;
++    // }
+     wl_resource *ukuiSurfaceResource = wl_resource_create(resource->client(), &ukui_surface_interface, resource->version(), id);
+@@ -430,4 +431,9 @@ void UkuiSurfaceInterfacePrivate::ukui_surface_set_icon(Resource *resource, cons
+     Q_EMIT q->iconNameChanged();
+ }
++void UkuiSurfaceInterfacePrivate::ukui_surface_activate(Resource *resource)
++    Q_EMIT q->activatedRequested();
+ } // namespace KWaylandServer
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.h b/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.h
+index 8e29eec..7702874 100644
+--- a/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.h
++++ b/src/wayland/ukuishell_interface.h
+@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
+     void panelTakesFocusChanged();
+     void panelHideChanged();
+     void iconNameChanged();
++    void activatedRequested();
+ private:
+     QScopedPointer<UkuiSurfaceInterfacePrivate> d;
+diff --git a/src/xdgshellclient.cpp b/src/xdgshellclient.cpp
+index b43c440..47beda5 100644
+--- a/src/xdgshellclient.cpp
++++ b/src/xdgshellclient.cpp
+@@ -756,6 +756,10 @@ void XdgSurfaceClient::installUkuiSurface(UkuiSurfaceInterface *ukuiSurface)
+     connect(this, &XdgSurfaceClient::frameGeometryChanged, this, [this, ukuiSurface] {
+         ukuiSurface->sendPosition(frameGeometry().topLeft());
+     });
++    connect(ukuiSurface, &UkuiSurfaceInterface::activatedRequested, this, [this] {
++        workspace()->activateClient(this);
++    });
+ }
+ void XdgSurfaceClient::setupPlasmaShellIntegration()
diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0204-update-changelog-4-5.24.4-ok11-0219.patch kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0204-update-changelog-4-5.24.4-ok11-0219.patch
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0204-update-changelog-4-5.24.4-ok11-0219.patch	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/0204-update-changelog-4-5.24.4-ok11-0219.patch	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+From: Jie Liu <liujie01@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 11:09:29 +0800
+Subject: update changelog: 4:5.24.4-ok11~0219
+ src/useractions.cpp | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
+ src/useractions.h   | 24 +++++++++++++++++------
+ 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/useractions.cpp b/src/useractions.cpp
+index 9ac03ef..fac6345 100644
+--- a/src/useractions.cpp
++++ b/src/useractions.cpp
+@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
+ #include <QAction>
+ #include <QCheckBox>
++#include <QFile>
++#include <QMouseEvent>
+ #include <QPushButton>
+ #include <QtConcurrentRun>
+-#include <QFile>
+ #include <KGlobalAccel>
+ #include <KLocalizedString>
+ #include <QAction>
+-#include <QMenu>
+ #include <QRegularExpression>
+ #include <kauthorized.h>
+ #include <kconfig.h>
+@@ -65,6 +65,30 @@
+ namespace KWin
+ {
++void CustomMenu::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
++    if (event->button() != Qt::LeftButton) {
++        event->accept();
++        if (!rect().contains(event->pos())) {
++            close();
++        }
++    } else {
++        QMenu::mousePressEvent(event);
++    }
++void CustomMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
++    if (event->button() != Qt::LeftButton) {
++        event->accept();
++        if (!rect().contains(event->pos())) {
++            close();
++        }
++    } else {
++        QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
++    }
+ UserActionsMenu::UserActionsMenu(QObject *parent)
+     : QObject(parent)
+     , m_menu(nullptr)
+@@ -217,11 +241,11 @@ void UserActionsMenu::init()
+     if (m_menu) {
+         return;
+     }
+-    m_menu = new QMenu;
+-    connect(m_menu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::menuAboutToShow);
+-    connect(m_menu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &UserActionsMenu::slotWindowOperation, Qt::QueuedConnection);
++    m_menu = new CustomMenu;
++    connect(m_menu, &CustomMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::menuAboutToShow);
++    connect(m_menu, &CustomMenu::triggered, this, &UserActionsMenu::slotWindowOperation, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+-    QMenu *advancedMenu = new QMenu(m_menu);
++    CustomMenu *advancedMenu = new CustomMenu(m_menu);
+     auto setShortcut = [](QAction *action, const QString &actionName) {
+         const auto shortcuts = KGlobalAccel::self()->shortcut(Workspace::self()->findChild<QAction *>(actionName));
+@@ -390,7 +414,7 @@ void UserActionsMenu::menuAboutToShow()
+     // ask scripts whether they want to add entries for the given Client
+     QList<QAction *> scriptActions = Scripting::self()->actionsForUserActionMenu(m_client.data(), m_scriptsMenu);
+     if (!scriptActions.isEmpty()) {
+-        m_scriptsMenu = new QMenu(m_menu);
++        m_scriptsMenu = new CustomMenu(m_menu);
+         m_scriptsMenu->addActions(scriptActions);
+         QAction *action = m_scriptsMenu->menuAction();
+@@ -429,8 +453,8 @@ void UserActionsMenu::initDesktopPopup()
+             return;
+         }
+-        m_multipleDesktopsMenu = new QMenu(m_menu);
+-        connect(m_multipleDesktopsMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::multipleDesktopsPopupAboutToShow);
++        m_multipleDesktopsMenu = new CustomMenu(m_menu);
++        connect(m_multipleDesktopsMenu, &CustomMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::multipleDesktopsPopupAboutToShow);
+         QAction *action = m_multipleDesktopsMenu->menuAction();
+         // set it as the first item
+@@ -442,8 +466,8 @@ void UserActionsMenu::initDesktopPopup()
+         if (m_desktopMenu)
+             return;
+-        m_desktopMenu = new QMenu(m_menu);
+-        connect(m_desktopMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::desktopPopupAboutToShow);
++        m_desktopMenu = new CustomMenu(m_menu);
++        connect(m_desktopMenu, &CustomMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::desktopPopupAboutToShow);
+         QAction *action = m_desktopMenu->menuAction();
+         // set it as the first item
+@@ -459,8 +483,8 @@ void UserActionsMenu::initScreenPopup()
+         return;
+     }
+-    m_screenMenu = new QMenu(m_menu);
+-    connect(m_screenMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::screenPopupAboutToShow);
++    m_screenMenu = new CustomMenu(m_menu);
++    connect(m_screenMenu, &CustomMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::screenPopupAboutToShow);
+     QAction *action = m_screenMenu->menuAction();
+     // set it as the first item after desktop
+@@ -474,9 +498,9 @@ void UserActionsMenu::initActivityPopup()
+     if (m_activityMenu)
+         return;
+-    m_activityMenu = new QMenu(m_menu);
+-    connect(m_activityMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &UserActionsMenu::slotToggleOnActivity);
+-    connect(m_activityMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::activityPopupAboutToShow);
++    m_activityMenu = new CustomMenu(m_menu);
++    connect(m_activityMenu, &CustomMenu::triggered, this, &UserActionsMenu::slotToggleOnActivity);
++    connect(m_activityMenu, &CustomMenu::aboutToShow, this, &UserActionsMenu::activityPopupAboutToShow);
+     QAction *action = m_activityMenu->menuAction();
+     // set it as the first item
+diff --git a/src/useractions.h b/src/useractions.h
+index 97d54a3..f16d94b 100644
+--- a/src/useractions.h
++++ b/src/useractions.h
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ // Qt
+ #include <QDialog>
++#include <QMenu>
+ #include <QObject>
+ #include <QPointer>
+@@ -24,6 +25,17 @@ namespace KWin
+ {
+ class AbstractClient;
++class KWIN_EXPORT CustomMenu : public QMenu
++    Q_OBJECT
++    using QMenu::QMenu;
++    void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
++    void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
+ /**
+  * @brief Menu shown for a Client.
+  *
+@@ -170,27 +182,27 @@ private:
+     /**
+      * The actual main context menu which is show when the UserActionsMenu is invoked.
+      */
+-    QMenu *m_menu;
++    CustomMenu *m_menu;
+     /**
+      * The move to desktop sub menu.
+      */
+-    QMenu *m_desktopMenu;
++    CustomMenu *m_desktopMenu;
+     /**
+      * The move to desktop sub menu, with the Wayland protocol.
+      */
+-    QMenu *m_multipleDesktopsMenu;
++    CustomMenu *m_multipleDesktopsMenu;
+     /**
+      * The move to screen sub menu.
+      */
+-    QMenu *m_screenMenu;
++    CustomMenu *m_screenMenu;
+     /**
+      * The activities sub menu.
+      */
+-    QMenu *m_activityMenu;
++    CustomMenu *m_activityMenu;
+     /**
+      * Menu for further entries added by scripts.
+      */
+-    QMenu *m_scriptsMenu;
++    CustomMenu *m_scriptsMenu;
+     QAction *m_resizeOperation;
+     QAction *m_moveOperation;
+     QAction *m_maximizeOperation;
diff -Nru kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/series kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/series
--- kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/series	2024-09-20 16:59:37.000000000 +0800
+++ kwin-5.24.4/debian/patches/series	2025-02-19 11:09:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -197,3 +197,8 @@