diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	2024-11-15 10:53:30.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -1,3 +1,39 @@
+ukui-screensaver ( nile; urgency=medium
+  * BUG号:无
+  * 需求号:无
+  * 其他改动说明:解决编译失败问题
+  * 其他改动影响域:无
+ -- liuyuanpeng <liuyuanpeng@kylinos.cn>  Thu, 27 Feb 2025 16:00:04 +0800
+ukui-screensaver ( nile; urgency=medium
+  * BUG号:无
+  * 需求号:无
+  * 其他改动说明:同步v11-2503代码
+  * 其他改动影响域:无
+ -- Yang Min <yangmin@kylinos.cn>  Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:23:46 +0800
+ukui-screensaver ( nile; urgency=medium
+  * BUG号:无
+  * 需求号:无
+  * 其他改动说明:增加阿越翻译文件
+  * 其他改动影响域:无
+ -- Kevin Duan <duankaiwen@kylinos.cn>  Wed, 12 Feb 2025 14:58:18 +0800
+ukui-screensaver ( nile; urgency=medium
+  * BUG号:无
+  * 需求号:无
+  * 其他改动说明:增加单元测试;迁移控制面板锁屏、屏保插件
+  * 其他改动影响域:无
+ -- Yang Min <yangmin@kylinos.cn>  Wed, 12 Feb 2025 14:58:18 +0800
 ukui-screensaver ( nile; urgency=medium
   * BUG号:无
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	2024-11-15 10:53:30.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -35,12 +35,15 @@
+               libkysdk-qtwidgets-dev,
+               libkysdk-diagnostics-dev,
-               libcharls-dev
+               libcharls-dev,
+               libukcc-dev
 Standards-Version: 4.5.0
 Rules-Requires-Root: no
 Homepage: https://www.github.com/ukui/ukui-screensaver
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+From: =?utf-8?b?5p2o5pWP?= <yangmin@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 01:18:01 +0000
+Subject: !111 sync codes from v11-2503 Merge pull request !111 from
+ liudunfa/openkylin/nile
+ src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp      | 13 +++++---
+ src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp | 27 +++++++++-------
+ src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h   |  2 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp   |  3 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h     |  2 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h       |  2 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/main.cpp                | 23 ++++++++------
+ src/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt          |  6 ++--
+ src/screensaver/main.cpp                |  3 ++
+ src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp         | 50 ++++++++++++++++--------------
+ src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp             | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ src/widgets/blockwidget.h               |  1 +
+ src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp    | 20 ++++++------
+ src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp              |  6 ++++
+ src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp         | 27 +++++++++++-----
+ src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h           |  6 ++--
+ 16 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp b/src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp
+index 1094cc6..070b404 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp
+@@ -36,10 +36,15 @@ KglobalAccelHelper::~KglobalAccelHelper() {}
+ bool KglobalAccelHelper::blockShortcut(bool val)
+ {
+-    QDBusMessage result = m_kglobalInterface->call("blockGlobalShortcuts", val);
+-    if (result.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) {
+-        qWarning() << "blockShortcut error:" << result.errorMessage();
++    qDebug()<<"m_kglobalInterface isvalid:"<<m_kglobalInterface->isValid();
++    if (m_kglobalInterface->isValid()) {
++        QDBusMessage result = m_kglobalInterface->call("blockGlobalShortcuts", val);
++        if (result.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) {
++            qWarning() << "blockShortcut error:" << result.errorMessage();
++            return false;
++        }
++        return true;
++    } else {
+         return false;
+     }
+-    return true;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
+index 940d699..a7da4d2 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
+@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::SessionTools()
+         message = QDBusMessage::createSignal(SS_DBUS_PATH, SS_DBUS_INTERFACE, "SecondRunParam");
+         message << "CmdSessionTools";
+         QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
+-        emitLockState(true);
++        emitLockState(false, true);
+         return;
+     }
+     m_bLockState = false;
+@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::SessionTools()
+     qDebug() << cmd;
+     m_procLockDialog.start(cmd);
+-    emitLockState(true);
++    emitLockState(false, true);
+ }
+ void DbusUpperInterface::AppBlockWindow(QString actionType)
+@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::AppBlockWindow(QString actionType)
+         else
+             return;
+         QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
+-        emitLockState(false);
++        emitLockState(false, true);
+         return;
+     }
+     if (actionType != "Restart" && actionType != "Shutdown" && actionType != "Suspend" && actionType != "Hibernate"
+@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::AppBlockWindow(QString actionType)
+     qDebug() << cmd;
+     m_procLockDialog.start(cmd);
+-    emitLockState(false);
++    emitLockState(false, true);
+ }
+ void DbusUpperInterface::MultiUserBlockWindow(QString actionType)
+@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::MultiUserBlockWindow(QString actionType)
+         else
+             return;
+         QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
+-        emitLockState(false);
++        emitLockState(false, true);
+         return;
+     }
+     if (actionType != "Restart" && actionType != "Shutdown")
+@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::MultiUserBlockWindow(QString actionType)
+     qDebug() << cmd;
+     m_procLockDialog.start(cmd);
+-    emitLockState(false);
++    emitLockState(false, true);
+ }
+ void DbusUpperInterface::Suspend()
+@@ -619,23 +619,25 @@ bool DbusUpperInterface::checkScreenDialogRunning()
+     return isRunning;
+ }
+-void DbusUpperInterface::emitLockState(bool val)
++void DbusUpperInterface::emitLockState(bool val, bool isSessionTools)
+ {
+     qDebug() << "emitLockState state = " << val;
+     if (val != m_bBlockShortcutState) {
+         m_kglobalHelper->blockShortcut(val);
+         m_bBlockShortcutState = val;
+-        qDebug() << " block all shortcut " << "blockShortcut states = " << m_bBlockShortcutState;
++        qDebug() << " block all shortcut "
++                 << "blockShortcut states = " << m_bBlockShortcutState;
+     }
+     QDBusMessage message;
+-    if (val) {
++    if (val && !isSessionTools) {
+         message = QDBusMessage::createSignal(SS_DBUS_PATH, SS_DBUS_INTERFACE, "lock");
+-    } else {
++        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
++    } else if (!val && !isSessionTools) {
+         message = QDBusMessage::createSignal(SS_DBUS_PATH, SS_DBUS_INTERFACE, "unlock");
++        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
+     }
+-    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
+ }
+ QString DbusUpperInterface::GetInformation(QString strJson)
+@@ -2619,9 +2621,10 @@ bool DbusUpperInterface::lockStateChanged(const QJsonObject &objInfo)
+ {
+     int nRet = -1;
+     bool state = objInfo.value("Content").toBool();
++    bool isSessionTools = objInfo.value("SessionTools").toBool();
+     if (lockState != state) {
+         lockState = state;
+-        emitLockState(state);
++        emitLockState(state, isSessionTools);
+     }
+     return lockState;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
+index 67302bb..2797db9 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
++++ b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public:
+ public:
+     bool checkScreenDialogRunning();
+-    void emitLockState(bool val);
++    void emitLockState(bool val, bool isSessionTools = false);
+     void LockStartupMode();
+     /**
+      * @brief 获取黑色屏保状态(沿用)
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp
+index 16c655b..eb6ff0e 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp
+@@ -358,11 +358,12 @@ bool BackendDbusHelper::setCurrentSession(QString strSession)
+     return true;
+ }
+-bool BackendDbusHelper::lockStateChanged(bool isVisible)
++bool BackendDbusHelper::lockStateChanged(bool isVisible, bool isSessionTools)
+ {
+     QJsonObject jsonCmd;
+     jsonCmd["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED;
+     jsonCmd["Content"] = isVisible;
++    jsonCmd["SessionTools"] = isSessionTools;
+     QDBusPendingReply<int> reply = SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd).toJson()));
+     if (reply.isError()) {
+         qWarning() << "lockStateChanged error: " << reply.error().message();
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
+index 3bac8b9..426ab68 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
+@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
+     bool setCurrentUser(QString strUserName);
+     int switchToUser(QString strUserName);
+     bool setCurrentSession(QString strSession);
+-    bool lockStateChanged(bool isVisible);
++    bool lockStateChanged(bool isVisible, bool isSessionTools);
+     void startSession();
+     void pamAuthenticate(QString strUserName);
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
+index 72abc20..8db3e16 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
+@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
+     void agreementInfoChanged();
+-    void lockStateChanged(bool isVisible);
++    void lockStateChanged(bool isVisible, bool isSessionTools);
+     void lidstateChanged(const QString &lidstate);
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp
+index 167ab7f..68c6e78 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp
+@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     initUkuiLog4qt("ukui-screensaver-dialog");
+     // 重启或关机时不被session关掉
+     qunsetenv("SESSION_MANAGER");
+-    if (!isGreeterMode()) {
+-        // 试用模式不起锁屏
+-        checkIslivecd();
+-    }
+     qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME", QByteArray("ukui"));
+@@ -85,6 +81,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     }
+     QString id = QString("ukui-screensaver-dialog" + strDisplay);
+     QtSingleApplication app(id, argc, argv);
++    LockDialogModel::CommandLineArgs cmdArgs;
++    if (!lockDialogModel->parseCmdArguments(app.arguments(), cmdArgs)) {
++        return 0;
++    }
++    if (!isGreeterMode()) {
++	// 需要判断参数是否是session-tools
++        if (!cmdArgs.isSessionTools) {
++            // 试用模式不起锁屏
++            checkIslivecd();
++        }
++    }
+     if (app.isRunning()) {
+         QString strArguments = QApplication::arguments().join(",");
+         app.sendMessage(strArguments);
+@@ -125,11 +135,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+         loopTemp->exec();
+     }
+-    LockDialogModel::CommandLineArgs cmdArgs;
+-    if (!lockDialogModel->parseCmdArguments(app.arguments(), cmdArgs)) {
+-        return 0;
+-    }
+     QObject::connect(
+         &app, SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString &)), lockDialogModel, SLOT(onRunningMessage(const QString &)));
+diff --git a/src/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt b/src/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+index ada55ef..ab4eabf 100644
+--- a/src/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/src/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ set(screensaver_SRC
+     ../agreementinfo.cpp
+     )
+ add_executable(ukui-screensaver-default ${screensaver_SRC})
+-target_link_libraries(ukui-screensaver-default Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::X11Extras Qt5::Xml Qt5::Network Qt5::Multimedia Qt5::MultimediaWidgets  avformat avcodec ${EXTRA_LIBS})
++target_link_libraries(ukui-screensaver-default Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::X11Extras Qt5::Xml Qt5::Network ukui-log4qt Qt5::Multimedia Qt5::MultimediaWidgets  avformat avcodec ${EXTRA_LIBS})
+ qt5_add_resources(screensaver_Plugin_SRC
+         default.qrc
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ set(screensaver_Plugin_SRC
+     )
+ add_library(screensaver-default SHARED ${screensaver_Plugin_SRC})
+-target_link_libraries(screensaver-default Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::X11Extras Qt5::Xml Qt5::Network Qt5::Multimedia Qt5::MultimediaWidgets  avformat avcodec ${EXTRA_LIBS})
++target_link_libraries(screensaver-default Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::X11Extras Qt5::Xml Qt5::Network ukui-log4qt Qt5::Multimedia Qt5::MultimediaWidgets  avformat avcodec ${EXTRA_LIBS})
+ qt5_add_resources(Screensaver_SRC
+         default.qrc
+@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ set(Screensaver_SRC
+     )
+ add_library(Screensaver STATIC ${Screensaver_SRC})
+-target_link_libraries(Screensaver Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::X11Extras Qt5::Xml Qt5::Network Qt5::Multimedia Qt5::MultimediaWidgets  avformat avcodec ${EXTRA_LIBS})
++target_link_libraries(Screensaver Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::X11Extras Qt5::Xml Qt5::Network ukui-log4qt Qt5::Multimedia Qt5::MultimediaWidgets  avformat avcodec ${EXTRA_LIBS})
+ install(TARGETS
+ 	ukui-screensaver-default
+diff --git a/src/screensaver/main.cpp b/src/screensaver/main.cpp
+index 4190ec5..6b04da1 100644
+--- a/src/screensaver/main.cpp
++++ b/src/screensaver/main.cpp
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <sys/prctl.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <syslog.h>
++#include <ukui-log4qt.h>
+ #define WORKING_DIRECTORY "/usr/share/ukui-screensaver"
+ bool bControlFlg = false;//是否控制面板窗口
+@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps);
+ #endif
+     QApplication a(argc, argv);
++    initUkuiLog4qt("ukui-screensaver-default");
+ /*
+     //加载翻译文件
+diff --git a/src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp b/src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp
+index 71e2f0a..c0fce8c 100644
+--- a/src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp
++++ b/src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp
+@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ bool Screensaver::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+         }
+     }
+ #endif
+-    return false;
++    return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event);
+ }
+ void Screensaver::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
+@@ -539,23 +539,25 @@ void Screensaver::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * /*event*/)
+         if (flag == 0) {
+             QList<QLabel *> labelList = this->findChildren<QLabel *>();
+             for (int i = 0; i < labelList.count(); i++) {
+-                int fontsize = labelList.at(i)->font().pixelSize();
+-                int fontpt = labelList.at(i)->font().pointSize();
+-                if (fontsize > 0) {
++                if (labelList.at(i) != myPreviewLabel) {
++                    int fontsize = labelList.at(i)->font().pixelSize();
++                    int fontpt = labelList.at(i)->font().pointSize();
++                    if (fontsize > 0) {
+ #ifdef USE_INTEL
+-                    const QString SheetStyle = QString("font-size:%1px;").arg(fontsize / 3);
++                        const QString SheetStyle = QString("font-size:%1px;").arg(fontsize / 3);
+ #else
+-                    const QString SheetStyle = QString("font-size:%1px;").arg(fontsize / 4);
++                        const QString SheetStyle = QString("font-size:%1px;").arg(fontsize / 4);
+ #endif
+-                    labelList.at(i)->setStyleSheet(SheetStyle);
+-                } else {
+-                    QFont font = labelList.at(i)->font();
++                        labelList.at(i)->setStyleSheet(SheetStyle);
++                    } else {
++                        QFont font = labelList.at(i)->font();
+ #ifdef USE_INTEL
+-                    font.setPointSize(fontpt / 3);
++                        font.setPointSize(fontpt / 3);
+ #else
+-                    font.setPointSize(fontpt / 4);
++                        font.setPointSize(fontpt / 4);
+ #endif
+-                    labelList.at(i)->setFont(font);
++                        labelList.at(i)->setFont(font);
++                    }
+                 }
+             }
+             QList<QWidget *> childList = timeLayout->findChildren<QWidget *>();
+@@ -882,6 +884,17 @@ void Screensaver::initUI()
+             }
+         }
+     }
++    // V11上在窗口关闭时会收到一个leaveEvent(),控制面板关闭的时候new这个label,会导致控制面板关闭卡顿。
++    if (!myPreviewLabel) {
++        myPreviewLabel = new QLabel(this);
++        myPreviewLabel->setFixedHeight(30);
++        myPreviewLabel->setMinimumWidth(54);
++        // 设置样式
++        myPreviewLabel->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(38,38,38); border-radius: 0px; color:white;");
++        myPreviewLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
++        myPreviewLabel->hide();
++    }
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -1136,16 +1149,6 @@ void Screensaver::setRandomText()
+ void Screensaver::setPreviewText(bool bVisible)
+ {
+-    if (!myPreviewLabel) {
+-        myPreviewLabel = new QLabel(this);
+-        myPreviewLabel->setFixedHeight(30);
+-        myPreviewLabel->setMinimumWidth(54);
+-        // 设置样式
+-        myPreviewLabel->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(38,38,38); border-radius: 0px; color:white;");
+-        myPreviewLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+-    }
+     myPreviewLabel->setText(m_strPreViewTrans);
+     myPreviewLabel->adjustSize();
+@@ -1312,7 +1315,8 @@ QPixmap Screensaver::loadFromFile(QString strPath)
+ void Screensaver::getVideoFormat(QString fileName)
+ {
+     char *ch;
+-    QByteArray ba = fileName.toLatin1();
++    // 用toLiatin1()解析在有中文路径时回乱码
++    QByteArray ba = fileName.toUtf8();
+     ch = ba.data();
+     int ret;
+diff --git a/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp
+index 1a3afc0..a0755d3 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp
+@@ -137,8 +137,27 @@ void BlockWidget::setTips(const QString tips)
+     m_tipLabel->show();
+     m_listView->hide();
+     m_tipLabel->setText(tips);
+-    m_cancelButton->setText(tr("Cancel"));
+-    m_confirmButton->setText(tr("Confrim"));
++    QString cancelStrEText = getElidedText(
++        m_cancelButton->font(),
++        m_cancelButton->width() - m_cancelButton->contentsMargins().left() - m_cancelButton->contentsMargins().right(),
++        tr("Cancel"));
++    if (cancelStrEText == tr("Cancel")) {
++        m_cancelButton->setText(tr("Cancel"));
++    } else if (cancelStrEText != tr("Cancel")) {
++        m_cancelButton->setText(cancelStrEText);
++        m_cancelButton->setToolTip(tr("Cancel"));
++    }
++    QString strEText = getElidedText(
++        m_confirmButton->font(),
++        m_confirmButton->width() - m_confirmButton->contentsMargins().left()
++            - m_confirmButton->contentsMargins().right(),
++        tr("Confrim"));
++    if (strEText == tr("Confrim")) {
++        m_confirmButton->setText(tr("Confrim"));
++    } else if (strEText != tr("Confrim")) {
++        m_confirmButton->setText(strEText);
++        m_confirmButton->setToolTip(tr("Confrim"));
++    }
+ }
+ void BlockWidget::setMsgTips(int type)
+@@ -236,8 +255,27 @@ void BlockWidget::setWarning(QStringList list, int type)
+                                   "QPushButton:pressed {background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);border-radius: 24px;}");
+     sysFont.setPointSize((16 + m_curFontSize) * m_ptToPx);
+     m_cancelButton->setFont(sysFont);
+-    m_cancelButton->setText(tr("Cancel"));
+-    m_confirmButton->setText(tr("Confrim"));
++    QString cancelStrEText = getElidedText(
++        m_cancelButton->font(),
++        m_cancelButton->width() - m_cancelButton->contentsMargins().left() - m_cancelButton->contentsMargins().right(),
++        tr("Cancel"));
++    if (cancelStrEText == tr("Cancel")) {
++        m_cancelButton->setText(tr("Cancel"));
++    } else if (cancelStrEText != tr("Cancel")) {
++        m_cancelButton->setText(cancelStrEText);
++        m_cancelButton->setToolTip(tr("Cancel"));
++    }
++    QString strEText = getElidedText(
++        m_confirmButton->font(),
++        m_confirmButton->width() - m_confirmButton->contentsMargins().left()
++            - m_confirmButton->contentsMargins().right(),
++        tr("Confrim"));
++    if (strEText == tr("Confrim")) {
++        m_confirmButton->setText(tr("Confrim"));
++    } else if (strEText != tr("Confrim")) {
++        m_confirmButton->setText(strEText);
++        m_confirmButton->setToolTip(tr("Confrim"));
++    }
+ }
+ QString BlockWidget::getHibited_tr_lowcase(int type)
+@@ -255,3 +293,12 @@ QString BlockWidget::getHibited_tr_lowcase(int type)
+     return "";
+ }
++QString BlockWidget::getElidedText(QFont font, int width, QString strInfo)
++    QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
++    // 如果当前字体下,字符串长度大于指定宽度
++    if (fontMetrics.width(strInfo) > width) {
++        strInfo = QFontMetrics(font).elidedText(strInfo, Qt::ElideRight, width);
++    }
++    return strInfo;
+diff --git a/src/widgets/blockwidget.h b/src/widgets/blockwidget.h
+index 748758a..fdd139b 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/blockwidget.h
++++ b/src/widgets/blockwidget.h
+@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ public:
+ private:
+     void initUi();
++    QString getElidedText(QFont font, int width, QString strInfo);
+ private Q_SLOTS:
+     void onFontSizeChanged(double fontSize);
+diff --git a/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp
+index 3c313f2..2e3c28e 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp
+@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onSecondRunParam(const QString &str)
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowBlankScreensaver(int nDelay, bool isHasLock)
+ {
+     qDebug() << "onShowBlankScreensaver:" << nDelay << "," << isHasLock;
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, false);
+     if (isHasLock) {
+         screenStatus = (ScreenStatus)(screenStatus | SCREEN_SAVER | SCREEN_LOCK);
+@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowLock(bool isStartup)
+     m_isStartupMode = isStartup;
+     show();
+     Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(m_modelLockDialog->defaultUserName());
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, false);
+     if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+         m_lockWidget->show();
+ }
+@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowSwitchUserLock()
+     screenStatus = (ScreenStatus)(screenStatus | SCREEN_LOCK);
+     show();
+     Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(m_modelLockDialog->defaultUserName());
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, false);
+     if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden()) {
+         m_lockWidget->show();
+         m_lockWidget->onShowUserListWidget(true);
+@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowSessionTools()
+     m_isSessionTools = true;
+     show();
+     Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(m_modelLockDialog->defaultUserName());
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, true);
+     if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+         m_lockWidget->onShowPowerListWidget(true);
+ }
+@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowAppBlockWindow(int actionType)
+         if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+             screenStatus = (ScreenStatus)(screenStatus | SCREEN_LOCK);
+         Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(m_modelLockDialog->defaultUserName());
+-        Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++        Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, true);
+         m_isSessionTools = true;
+         if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+             m_lockWidget->onShowInhibitWarning(lockcheck, actionType, true);
+@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowMultiUsersBlockWindows(int actionType)
+     show();
+     if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+         Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(m_modelLockDialog->defaultUserName());
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, true);
+     if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+         m_lockWidget->onMulUsersLogined(actionType, true);
+ }
+@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowSessionIdle()
+ {
+     onShowScreensaver();
+     delayLockScreen();
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, true);
+ }
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowLockScreensaver()
+@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowScreensaver()
+         }
+     }
+     show();
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, false);
+ }
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onClearScreensaver()
+@@ -468,6 +468,8 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onClearScreensaver()
+     for (auto widget : widgetXScreensaverList) {
+         widget->close();
++        delete widget;
++        widget = nullptr;
+     }
+     widgetXScreensaverList.clear();
+@@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onLockScreenTimeout()
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onCloseScreensaver()
+ {
+     hide();
+-    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(false);
++    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(false, false);
+     stopDelayLockScreen();
+     screenStatus = UNDEFINED;
+     m_isBlank = false;
+diff --git a/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
+index a1cabbf..769e240 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
+@@ -388,6 +388,7 @@ void LockWidget::initUserWidget()
+         m_userListWidget->updateWidgetSize();
+         m_userListWidget->hide();
+         connect(m_userListWidget, &UserListWidget::userSelected, m_modelLockDialog, [=](QString strUserName) {
++            exitSubWidget(false, false);
+             SwitchToUser(strUserName);
+         });
+         connect(m_userListWidget, &UserListWidget::widgetSizeChanged, m_modelLockDialog, [=]() {
+@@ -430,6 +431,11 @@ void LockWidget::initPowerWidget()
+     connect(m_powerListWidget, &PowerListWidget::suspendClicked, this, &LockWidget::onSuspendClicked);
+     connect(m_powerListWidget, &PowerListWidget::itemClicked, this, &LockWidget::onPowerItemClicked);
+     connect(m_powerListWidget, &PowerListWidget::switchuserClicked, this, &LockWidget::onSwitchuserClicked);
++    connect(m_powerListWidget, &PowerListWidget::powerWidgetClicked, this, [=] {
++        exitSubWidget();
++        Q_EMIT sessionToolsExit();
++        m_isSessionTools = false;
++    });
+     //    m_powerListWidget->clearFocus();
+ }
+diff --git a/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp
+index 4b35e4d..9e3cbde 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp
+@@ -51,6 +51,24 @@ bool PowerListWidget::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+     return MyListWidget::eventFilter(obj, event);
+ }
++void PowerListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
++    QPoint mousePos = event->pos();
++    QList<PowerItemWidget*> itemList = this->findChildren<PowerItemWidget*>();
++    for (PowerItemWidget* item : itemList)
++    {
++        if (item->geometry().contains(mousePos))
++        {
++            //  如果是点击的功能按钮,不发信号,防止点击锁屏按钮时不进入锁屏
++            return QListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event);;
++        }
++    }
++    //  只有点击空白处,才需要发送信号
++    qDebug() << "Mouse press on list widget";
++    Q_EMIT powerWidgetClicked();
++    return QListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+ void PowerListWidget::setPowerType(int type)
+ {
+     m_powerType = type;
+@@ -78,9 +96,6 @@ void PowerListWidget::initUI()
+         "QScrollBar::add-line:vertical{width:0px;height:0px}"
+         "QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical{width:0px;height:0px}");
+     //    powerBtnList[0].func = &PowerListWidget::setSystemSuspend1();
+-    m_curFontSize = m_modelLockDialog->getCurFontSize();
+-    m_ptToPx = m_modelLockDialog->getPtToPx();
+ }
+ void PowerListWidget::initConnections()
+@@ -186,7 +201,7 @@ void PowerListWidget::onUpdateListInfo()
+             QIcon::fromTheme(strIconTheme, QIcon(powerBtnList[i].m_strIcon))
+                 .pixmap(powerBtnList[i].m_icon_width, powerBtnList[i].m_icon_width),
+             "white"));
+-        btnWdg->setFontSize((16 + m_curFontSize) * m_ptToPx);
++        btnWdg->setFontSize((16 + m_modelLockDialog->getCurFontSize()) * m_modelLockDialog->getPtToPx());
+     }
+ }
+@@ -309,7 +324,7 @@ void PowerListWidget::refreshTranslate()
+         } else if (powerBtnList[i].setFuncName == "PowerOff") {
+             powerBtnList[i].m_strName = tr("Shut Down");
+             powerBtnList[i].m_strToolTip = tr("Close all apps, and then shut down your computer");
+-        } else if (powerBtnList[i].setFuncName == "Log Out") {
++        } else if (powerBtnList[i].setFuncName == "Logout") {
+             powerBtnList[i].m_strName = tr("Log Out");
+             powerBtnList[i].m_strToolTip
+                 = tr("The current user logs out of the system, terminates the session, and returns to the login page");
+@@ -321,8 +336,6 @@ void PowerListWidget::refreshTranslate()
+             powerBtnList[i].m_strName = tr("UpgradeThenRestart");
+         } else if (powerBtnList[i].setFuncName == "UpgradeThenShutdown") {
+             powerBtnList[i].m_strName = tr("UpgradeThenShutdown");
+-        } else if (powerBtnList[i].setFuncName == "PowerOff") {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_strName = tr("Logout");
+         }
+     }
+     onUpdateListInfo();
+diff --git a/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h b/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h
+index 5c272fb..df9cf3b 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h
++++ b/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h
+@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ public:
+ protected:
+     bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
+     void changeEvent(QEvent *event);
++    void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
+     void mulUsersLogined(int inhibitType, bool iscommand);
+@@ -219,6 +220,8 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
+     void suspendClicked();
+     void switchuserClicked();
+     void sureShutDown(int inhibitType, bool iscommand);
++    void powerWidgetClicked();  /*发送电源管理鼠标点击信号,在eventfilter中点击listwidget的空白处,
++                                      收不到鼠标点击事件,只有在mouseReleaseEvent中能过滤到*/
+ public Q_SLOTS:
+     void onUpdateListInfo();
+@@ -237,9 +240,6 @@ private:
+     bool m_canSwitchUser = true;
+     bool m_canLogout = true;
+-    double m_curFontSize;
+-    double m_ptToPx = 1.0;
+     int m_powerType = SAVER;
+     int m_powerBtnNum = 0;
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,29339 @@
+From: =?utf-8?b?5p2o5pWP?= <yangmin@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 12:29:25 +0000
+Subject: =?utf-8?q?!113_diable_quick_start_Merge_pull_request_!113_from_?=
+ =?utf-8?q?=E6=9D=A8=E6=95=8F/openkylin/nile?=
+ CMakeLists.txt                                     |    4 +-
+ data/CMakeLists.txt                                |    5 +
+ data/ukui-greeter/95-ukui-greeter.conf             |    1 -
+ data/ukui-greeter/97-ukui-greeter-wlcom.conf       |    4 +
+ data/ukui-greeter/start-greeter-session            |    3 +
+ data/ukui-greeter/start-quick-session              |    4 +
+ data/ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter-wlcom.desktop       |    7 +
+ data/ukui-screensaver.desktop                      |    2 +-
+ src/CMakeLists.txt                                 |    8 +-
+ src/common/configuration.cpp                       |   24 -
+ src/common/configuration.h                         |    3 -
+ src/common/definetypes.h                           |    6 +
+ src/common/plasma-shell-manager.cpp                |    7 +-
+ src/common/plasma-shell-manager.h                  |    1 +
+ src/common/utils.cpp                               |    3 +
+ src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp                     |    4 +-
+ src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h                      |    2 +-
+ src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp                  |   53 +
+ src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h                    |   50 +
+ src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp                       |    2 +-
+ src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h                    |    2 +-
+ src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp                       |   30 +-
+ src/dbusifs/login1helper.h                         |    3 +-
+ src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp                      |  260 +-
+ src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h                        |   19 +-
+ src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp                     |  125 +-
+ src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h                       |   93 +-
+ src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h                         |    1 +
+ src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp               |   39 +-
+ src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h                 |    3 +-
+ src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp            |  195 +-
+ src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h              |   38 +-
+ src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp               |   32 +-
+ src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h                 |    3 +
+ src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp                 |   34 +-
+ src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h                   |    9 +-
+ src/lock-backend/main.cpp                          |   96 +-
+ src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp               |   28 +-
+ src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h                 |    7 +-
+ src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp                |    8 +-
+ src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h                  |    7 +-
+ src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp               |   11 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp              |   13 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h                |    8 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.cpp                |    2 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp                |    6 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h                  |    8 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp            |   24 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.h              |    2 +
+ src/lock-dialog/main.cpp                           |   60 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c                        |   30 +-
+ src/screensaver/scconfiguration.cpp                |    9 +-
+ src/ukccplugins/CMakeLists.txt                     |    3 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/CMakeLists.txt          |   47 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.cpp         |  124 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.h           |   61 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp          |  277 ++
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.h            |   83 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp        |  598 +++
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.h          |   98 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt         |   51 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.cpp      |   35 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.h        |   22 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp        |  379 ++
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.h          |   94 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverpluginso.h  |   27 +
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp      |  504 ++
+ src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.h        |   94 +
+ .../sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.cpp            |  153 +
+ src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h  |   63 +
+ .../sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.cpp           |  193 +
+ src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h |   78 +
+ src/userinfo.cpp                                   |    4 +-
+ src/widgets/authdialog.cpp                         |   69 +-
+ src/widgets/authdialog.h                           |    1 -
+ src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp                        |   11 +-
+ src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp               |   55 +-
+ src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.h                 |    6 +-
+ src/widgets/iconedit.cpp                           |    3 +
+ src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp                         |  140 +-
+ src/widgets/lockwidget.h                           |    9 +-
+ src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp                 |   34 +-
+ src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.h                   |    3 +-
+ src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp                        |   18 +-
+ src/widgets/mpriswidget.h                          |    7 +
+ src/widgets/screensaverwidget.cpp                  |    7 +-
+ tests/CMakeLists.txt                               |   50 +
+ tests/auto_test.sh                                 |   56 +
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp   |   58 +
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h     |  171 +
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h         |  129 +
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h            |  280 ++
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_pri.h            |  177 +
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/elfio.hpp             | 4888 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h                |  360 ++
+ tests/unit_test_account_helper/CMakeLists.txt      |   64 +
+ tests/unit_test_account_helper/main.cpp            |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_account_helper.cpp                   |   65 +
+ tests/unit_test_auth_pam/CMakeLists.txt            |   86 +
+ tests/unit_test_auth_pam/main.cpp                  |   12 +
+ tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp    |  377 ++
+ tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/CMakeLists.txt        |   68 +
+ tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/main.cpp              |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_backend_dbus.cpp                     |  423 ++
+ tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/CMakeLists.txt    |   66 +
+ tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/main.cpp          |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_biometric_helper.cpp                 |  131 +
+ tests/unit_test_common/CMakeLists.txt              |   89 +
+ tests/unit_test_common/main.cpp                    |   12 +
+ tests/unit_test_common/unit_test_common.cpp        |  349 ++
+ tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/CMakeLists.txt      |  147 +
+ tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/main.cpp            |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp                   |  524 +++
+ tests/unit_test_display_service/CMakeLists.txt     |   59 +
+ tests/unit_test_display_service/main.cpp           |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_display_service.cpp                  |   69 +
+ tests/unit_test_engine_device/CMakeLists.txt       |   66 +
+ tests/unit_test_engine_device/main.cpp             |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_engine_device.cpp                    |  451 ++
+ tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/CMakeLists.txt  |   58 +
+ tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/main.cpp        |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_freedesktop_helper.cpp               |   38 +
+ tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/CMakeLists.txt    |   63 +
+ tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/main.cpp          |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_gsettings_helper.cpp                 |  437 ++
+ tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/CMakeLists.txt   |   63 +
+ tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/main.cpp         |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_inputswitch_event.cpp                |  137 +
+ tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/CMakeLists.txt |   57 +
+ tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/main.cpp       |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper.cpp              |   36 +
+ tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/CMakeLists.txt   |   86 +
+ tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/main.cpp         |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_lock_dialog_model.cpp                |   68 +
+ tests/unit_test_login1_helper/CMakeLists.txt       |   58 +
+ tests/unit_test_login1_helper/main.cpp             |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_login1_helper.cpp                    |   95 +
+ tests/unit_test_personal_data/CMakeLists.txt       |   60 +
+ tests/unit_test_personal_data/main.cpp             |   12 +
+ tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_common.cpp |  329 ++
+ .../unit_test_personal_data.cpp                    |  140 +
+ tests/unit_test_screenlock/CMakeLists.txt          |  150 +
+ tests/unit_test_screenlock/main.cpp                |    8 +
+ .../unit_test_screenlock/unit_test_screenlock.cpp  |   96 +
+ tests/unit_test_screensaver/CMakeLists.txt         |  149 +
+ tests/unit_test_screensaver/main.cpp               |    8 +
+ .../unit_test_screensaver.cpp                      |  141 +
+ tests/unit_test_session_helper/CMakeLists.txt      |   74 +
+ tests/unit_test_session_helper/main.cpp            |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_session_helper.cpp                   |   70 +
+ tests/unit_test_session_watcher/CMakeLists.txt     |   77 +
+ tests/unit_test_session_watcher/main.cpp           |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_session_watcher.cpp                  |   35 +
+ tests/unit_test_switch_user/CMakeLists.txt         |   67 +
+ tests/unit_test_switch_user/main.cpp               |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_switch_user.cpp                      |   71 +
+ .../unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/CMakeLists.txt  |   59 +
+ tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/main.cpp      |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_systemupgrade_helper.cpp             |   45 +
+ tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/CMakeLists.txt     |   62 +
+ tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/main.cpp           |   11 +
+ .../unit_test_uniauth_service.cpp                  |  159 +
+ tests/unit_test_usd_helper/CMakeLists.txt          |   57 +
+ tests/unit_test_usd_helper/main.cpp                |   12 +
+ .../unit_test_usd_helper/unit_test_usd_helper.cpp  |   32 +
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/CMakeLists.txt                 |   12 +
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo.ts                          |  312 ++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo_CN.ts                       |  486 ++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/de.ts                          |  640 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en.ts                          |  312 ++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en_US.ts                       |  312 ++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/es.ts                          |  640 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fa.ts                          |  312 ++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fr.ts                          |  640 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/kk.ts                          |  619 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ky.ts                          |  619 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/lzh.ts                         |  454 ++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/mn.ts                          |  636 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/tr.ts                          |  497 ++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ug.ts                          |  619 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_CN.ts                       |  616 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_HK.ts                       |  640 +++
+ ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_Hant.ts                     |  640 +++
+ 183 files changed, 25758 insertions(+), 536 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 data/ukui-greeter/97-ukui-greeter-wlcom.conf
+ create mode 100755 data/ukui-greeter/start-greeter-session
+ create mode 100755 data/ukui-greeter/start-quick-session
+ create mode 100644 data/ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter-wlcom.desktop
+ create mode 100644 src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screenlock/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverpluginso.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.cpp
+ create mode 100644 src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h
+ create mode 100644 tests/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100755 tests/auto_test.sh
+ create mode 100644 tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h
+ create mode 100644 tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h
+ create mode 100644 tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h
+ create mode 100644 tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_pri.h
+ create mode 100644 tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/elfio.hpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_account_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_account_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_account_helper/unit_test_account_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_auth_pam/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_auth_pam/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/unit_test_backend_dbus.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/unit_test_biometric_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_common/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_common/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_common/unit_test_common.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_display_service/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_display_service/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_display_service/unit_test_display_service.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_engine_device/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_engine_device/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_engine_device/unit_test_engine_device.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/unit_test_freedesktop_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/unit_test_gsettings_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/unit_test_inputswitch_event.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/unit_test_lock_dialog_model.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_login1_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_login1_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_login1_helper/unit_test_login1_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_personal_data/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_personal_data/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_common.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_personal_data.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_screenlock/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_screenlock/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_screenlock/unit_test_screenlock.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_screensaver/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_screensaver/unit_test_screensaver.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_session_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_session_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_session_helper/unit_test_session_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_session_watcher/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_session_watcher/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_session_watcher/unit_test_session_watcher.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_switch_user/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_switch_user/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_switch_user/unit_test_switch_user.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/unit_test_uniauth_service.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_usd_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_usd_helper/main.cpp
+ create mode 100644 tests/unit_test_usd_helper/unit_test_usd_helper.cpp
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo_CN.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/de.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en_US.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/es.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fa.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fr.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/kk.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ky.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/lzh.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/mn.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/tr.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ug.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_CN.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_HK.ts
+ create mode 100644 ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_Hant.ts
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index 37e601e..2e870f5 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ if(Debug)
+ endif()
+ add_subdirectory(src)
+ add_subdirectory(i18n_ts)
+ add_subdirectory(data)
+ # 让主目标依赖翻译文件,这样才会执行i18n
+-add_dependencies(ukui-screensaver-dialog i18n)
++add_dependencies(ukui-screensaver-dialog i18n ukccplugins_i18n)
+diff --git a/data/CMakeLists.txt b/data/CMakeLists.txt
+index 91e01fe..4db9e2c 100644
+--- a/data/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/data/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@ install(FILES ukui-screensaver-qt DESTINATION /etc/pam.d)
+ install(FILES screensaver-startup.sh DESTINATION /usr/bin)
+ install(FILES ukui-screensaver-dialog.desktop DESTINATION /usr/share/applications)
+ install(FILES org.ukui.screensaver.conf DESTINATION /etc/dbus-1/system.d)
++install(FILES ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter-wlcom.desktop DESTINATION /usr/share/xgreeters/)
++install(FILES ukui-greeter/97-ukui-greeter-wlcom.conf DESTINATION /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/)
++install(FILES ukui-greeter/start-greeter-session DESTINATION /usr/bin/)
++install(FILES ukui-greeter/start-quick-session DESTINATION /usr/bin/)
+diff --git a/data/ukui-greeter/95-ukui-greeter.conf b/data/ukui-greeter/95-ukui-greeter.conf
+index 2ecb765..45a0cda 100644
+--- a/data/ukui-greeter/95-ukui-greeter.conf
++++ b/data/ukui-greeter/95-ukui-greeter.conf
+@@ -2,4 +2,3 @@
+ greeter-session=ukui-greeter
+ user-session=ukui
+ #greeter-setup-script=/usr/lib/ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter-nm-start.sh
+diff --git a/data/ukui-greeter/97-ukui-greeter-wlcom.conf b/data/ukui-greeter/97-ukui-greeter-wlcom.conf
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4a166bd
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/data/ukui-greeter/97-ukui-greeter-wlcom.conf
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+diff --git a/data/ukui-greeter/start-greeter-session b/data/ukui-greeter/start-greeter-session
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..698158d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/data/ukui-greeter/start-greeter-session
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++exec /usr/bin/ukui-session simpleDesk
+diff --git a/data/ukui-greeter/start-quick-session b/data/ukui-greeter/start-quick-session
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..44ee2e8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/data/ukui-greeter/start-quick-session
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++# dbus-send --system --dest=org.ukui.UniauthBackend --type=method_call /org/ukui/UniauthBackend org.ukui.UniauthBackend.GetLastLoginUser &
++exec /usr/bin/ukui-session quickstart
+diff --git a/data/ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter-wlcom.desktop b/data/ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter-wlcom.desktop
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..239c01b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/data/ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter-wlcom.desktop
+@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
++[Desktop Entry]
++Name=UKUI Greeter for wlcom
++Comment=UKUI Greeter for wlcom
++Exec=kylin-wlcom -s  /usr/bin/start-greeter-session
+diff --git a/data/ukui-screensaver.desktop b/data/ukui-screensaver.desktop
+index c701dac..ebd8438 100644
+--- a/data/ukui-screensaver.desktop
++++ b/data/ukui-screensaver.desktop
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Name[zh_TW]=螢幕保護程式
+ Comment[tr]=Ekran koruyucuyu çalıştır ve programı kilitler
+ Comment[zh_CN]=运行屏幕保护及锁定程序
+ Comment[zh_TW]=啟動螢幕保護程式以及鎖定程式
++Exec=/usr/bin/ukui-screensaver-backend %U
+ NoDisplay=true
+ X-UKUI-Autostart-Phase=Initialization
+ X-UKUI-Autostart-Notify=true
+diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
+index f76501d..616be9d 100644
+--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ set(EXTRA_LIBS
+     -lrt
+     -lpthread
+     -llibnm-icon-kylin
+-    -lukuiinputgatherclient
+     )
+ #qt5_wrap_ui(dialog_SRC
+@@ -154,6 +153,8 @@ qt5_add_dbus_adaptor(backend_SRC
+ qt5_wrap_cpp(backend_SRC
+        userinfo.h
+        agreementinfo.h
++       ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h
++       ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h
+     )
+ set(backend_SRC
+@@ -175,13 +176,17 @@ set(backend_SRC
+     dbusifs/machinemodel.cpp
+     dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
+     dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.cpp
++    dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
+     userinfo.cpp
+     agreementinfo.cpp
+     common/global_utils.cpp
+     common/configuration.cpp
+     common/biodefines.cpp
+     common/rsac.cpp
++    ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.cpp
++    ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.cpp
+     )
+ add_executable(ukui-screensaver-backend ${backend_SRC})
+ target_link_libraries(ukui-screensaver-backend
+     Qt5::Core
+@@ -220,6 +225,7 @@ target_link_libraries(screensaver-focus-helper Qt5::Core  Qt5::Widgets Qt5::X11E
+ add_subdirectory(VirtualKeyboard)
+ add_subdirectory(screensaver)
+ add_dependencies(ukui-screensaver-dialog VirtualKeyboard ukui-screensaver-default screensaver-default Screensaver)
+diff --git a/src/common/configuration.cpp b/src/common/configuration.cpp
+index 85a80d9..9db84f7 100644
+--- a/src/common/configuration.cpp
++++ b/src/common/configuration.cpp
+@@ -90,30 +90,6 @@ bool Configuration::hasValue(const QString &key)
+     return value;
+ }
+-QString Configuration::getLastLoginUser()
+-    recordSettings->beginGroup("Greeter");
+-    QString lastLoginUser = recordSettings->value("lastLoginUser").toString();
+-    recordSettings->endGroup();
+-    return lastLoginUser;
+-void Configuration::saveLastLoginUser(const QString &userRealName)
+-    recordSettings->beginGroup("Greeter");
+-    recordSettings->setValue("lastLoginUser", userRealName);
+-    recordSettings->endGroup();
+-    recordSettings->sync();
+-void Configuration::saveLastLoginUser1(const QString &userRealName)
+-    recordSettings->beginGroup("Greeter");
+-    recordSettings->setValue("lastLoginUser1", userRealName);
+-    recordSettings->endGroup();
+-    recordSettings->sync();
+ bool Configuration::getLastNumLock()
+ {
+     recordSettings->beginGroup("Greeter");
+diff --git a/src/common/configuration.h b/src/common/configuration.h
+index dc01545..ba9142e 100644
+--- a/src/common/configuration.h
++++ b/src/common/configuration.h
+@@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ public:
+     bool hasValue(const QString &);
+     void getCurrentUser(const QString userName);
+-    QString getLastLoginUser();
+-    void saveLastLoginUser(const QString &);
+-    void saveLastLoginUser1(const QString &);
+     bool getLastNumLock();
+     void saveLastNumLock(bool value);
+     int getRootBackgroundOption(QString userName);
+diff --git a/src/common/definetypes.h b/src/common/definetypes.h
+index b7fbbb7..2381e65 100644
+--- a/src/common/definetypes.h
++++ b/src/common/definetypes.h
+@@ -203,6 +203,11 @@ typedef enum _LOCK_CMD_ID_e
+ #define SS_DBUS_PATH "/"
+ #define SS_DBUS_INTERFACE "org.ukui.ScreenSaver"
++#define SL_SESSION_DBUS_SERVICE "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screenlock"
++#define SL_SESSION_DBUS_PATH "/Screenlock"
++#define SS_SESSION_DBUS_SERVICE "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screensaver"
++#define SS_SESSION_DBUS_PATH "/Screensaver"
+ enum SessionStatus
+ {
+@@ -352,6 +357,7 @@ enum Action
+     PowerReboot,
+     PowerUpgradeThenShutdown,
+     PowerShutdown,
++    TestAction,
+ };
+ #endif // DEFINETYPES_H
+diff --git a/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.cpp b/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.cpp
+index 3cd7024..6c57eab 100644
+--- a/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.cpp
++++ b/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.cpp
+@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ PlasmaShellManager::PlasmaShellManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+     auto connection = KWayland::Client::ConnectionThread::fromApplication(qApp);
+     auto registry = new KWayland::Client::Registry(this);
+     registry->create(connection->display());
++#if 0
+     connect(registry, &KWayland::Client::Registry::plasmaShellAnnounced, this, [=]() {
+         qDebug() << "plasmaShellAnnounced...";
+         const auto interface = registry->interface(KWayland::Client::Registry::Interface::PlasmaShell);
+@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ PlasmaShellManager::PlasmaShellManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+             m_shell = registry->createShell(interface.name, interface.version, this);
+         }
+     });
+     connect(registry, &KWayland::Client::Registry::fakeInputAnnounced, this, [=]() {
+         qDebug() << "fakeInputAnnounced";
+         const auto interface = registry->interface(KWayland::Client::Registry::Interface::FakeInput);
+@@ -237,6 +237,9 @@ PlasmaShellManager::PlasmaShellManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+                     [this](KWayland::Client::Keystate::Key key, KWayland::Client::Keystate::State state) {
+                         qDebug() << "key = " << key << "state = " << state;
+                         m_keyStateMap[key] = state;
++                        if (key == KWayland::Client::Keystate::Key::CapsLock) {
++                            emit capslockStateChanged(state == KWayland::Client::Keystate::Locked);
++                        }
+                         emit keyStateChanged();
+                     });
+                 m_keyState->fetchStates();
+diff --git a/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.h b/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.h
+index 12b2b9d..c69beee 100644
+--- a/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.h
++++ b/src/common/plasma-shell-manager.h
+@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ public:
+     KWayland::Client::Keystate::State getKeyState(KWayland::Client::Keystate::Key key);
+     void keyStateChanged();
++    void capslockStateChanged(bool isLocked);
+ private:
+     explicit PlasmaShellManager(QObject *parent = nullptr);
+diff --git a/src/common/utils.cpp b/src/common/utils.cpp
+index 22ddf60..c7641c7 100644
+--- a/src/common/utils.cpp
++++ b/src/common/utils.cpp
+@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ bool checkCapsLockState()
+         }
+     }
++    if (QString(qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) == "wayland") {
++        return false;
++    }
+     bool capsState = false;
+     unsigned int n;
+     XkbGetIndicatorState(QX11Info::display(), XkbUseCoreKbd, &n);
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp b/src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
+index de820a3..66395ad 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
+@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
+  *
+  **/
+ #include "accountshelper.h"
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../common/definetypes.h"
+ #include <QDBusConnection>
+ #include <QDBusInterface>
+ #include <QDBusConnectionInterface>
+ #include <QDebug>
+-#include "userinfo.h"
++#include "../../src/userinfo.h"
+ AccountsHelper::AccountsHelper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+ {
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h b/src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h
+index dbd9fc5..9fca386 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h
++++ b/src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ #include <QtDBus>
+ #include <QDBusAbstractInterface>
+ #include <QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>
+-#include "biodefines.h"
++#include "../../src/common/biodefines.h"
+ class BiometricHelper : public QDBusAbstractInterface
+ {
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp b/src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7135542
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
++#include "dbusservermanager.h"
++#include "../common/definetypes.h"
++#include <QDebug>
++#include <QDBusReply>
++DBusServerManager *DBusServerManager::m_instance = nullptr;
++DBusServerManager::MemCollector DBusServerManager::m_memCollector;
++DBusServerManager::DBusServerManager(QObject *parent) : QObject{ parent }
++    init();
++DBusServerManager *DBusServerManager::instance(QObject *parent)
++    if (!m_instance) {
++        m_instance = new DBusServerManager(parent);
++    }
++    return m_instance;
++void DBusServerManager::init()
++    if (!m_dbusService) {
++        m_dbusService
++            = new QDBusInterface(FD_DBUS_SERVICE, FD_DBUS_PATH, FD_DBUS_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
++        connect(
++            m_dbusService,
++            SIGNAL(NameOwnerChanged(QString, QString, QString)),
++            this,
++            SLOT(onDBusNameOwnerChanged(QString, QString, QString)));
++    }
++void DBusServerManager::onDBusNameOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner)
++    Q_UNUSED(oldOwner);
++    //    qDebug() << "service status changed:" << name
++    //             << (newOwner.isEmpty() ? "inactivate" : "activate");
++    Q_EMIT dbusServerActiveChanged(name, !newOwner.isEmpty());
++bool DBusServerManager::serviceExists(const QString &strService)
++    if (!m_dbusService) {
++        return false;
++    }
++    QDBusReply<bool> reply = m_dbusService->call("NameHasOwner", strService);
++    if (!reply.isValid()) {
++        qWarning() << "check service exists error:" << reply.error();
++        return false;
++    }
++    return reply.value();
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h b/src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..04b5dee
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
++#include <QObject>
++#include <QDBusInterface>
++class DBusServerManager : public QObject
++    Q_OBJECT
++    explicit DBusServerManager(QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    /**
++     * @brief 单实例
++     *
++     * @param parent 父指针
++     * @return DBusServerManager 单实例对象指针
++     */
++    static DBusServerManager *instance(QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    bool serviceExists(const QString &strService);
++public Q_SLOTS:
++    void onDBusNameOwnerChanged(const QString &name,
++                                const QString &oldOwner,
++                                const QString &newOwner);
++    void dbusServerActiveChanged(const QString &strServerName, bool isActive);
++    void init();
++    class MemCollector{
++    public:
++        ~MemCollector(){
++            if (DBusServerManager::instance()) {
++                delete DBusServerManager::instance();
++                DBusServerManager::m_instance = nullptr;
++            }
++        }
++    };
++    static DBusServerManager *m_instance; /** 统一认证配置服务单实例指针 */
++    static MemCollector m_memCollector;
++    QDBusInterface *m_dbusService = nullptr;
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp b/src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp
+index b9ed268..81c0503 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ void EngineDevice::power_device_get_devices()
+     int len = deviceNames.size();
+     // qDebug()<<deviceNames.at(1).path();
+     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+-        DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++        DEVICE *device = new DEVICE(this);
+         device->m_dev.path = deviceNames.at(i).path();
+         getProperty(device->m_dev.path, device->m_dev);
+         /* connect the nofity signal to changecallback */
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h b/src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
+index 0d08ae0..2157305 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
++++ b/src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ #include <QtDBus>
+ #include <QDBusAbstractInterface>
+ #include <QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../common/definetypes.h"
+ class FreedesktopHelper : public QDBusAbstractInterface
+ {
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
+index bbf0e1f..075779c 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include <QDBusConnection>
+ #include <QDBusInterface>
+ #include <QDBusConnectionInterface>
++#include <QDBusMessage>
+ const static QString login1Service = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.login1");
+ const static QString login1Path = QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/login1");
+@@ -30,12 +31,11 @@ const static QString login1SessionInterface = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.lo
+ Login1Helper::Login1Helper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+ {
+-    QDBusInterface *loginInterface
+-        = new QDBusInterface(login1Service, login1Path, login1ManagerInterface, QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
++    m_login1Interface = new QDBusInterface(login1Service, login1Path, login1ManagerInterface, QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
+     // 监听manager的睡眠、唤醒信号
+-    connect(loginInterface, SIGNAL(PrepareForSleep(bool)), this, SLOT(onPrepareForSleep(bool)));
++    connect(m_login1Interface, SIGNAL(PrepareForSleep(bool)), this, SLOT(onPrepareForSleep(bool)));
+-    QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> sessionPath = loginInterface->call("GetSession", "auto");
++    QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> sessionPath = m_login1Interface->call("GetSession", "auto");
+     if (!sessionPath.isValid()) {
+         qWarning() << "Get session error:" << sessionPath.error();
+     } else {
+@@ -138,22 +138,26 @@ void Login1Helper::onHibitedWatcherMessage()
+ void Login1Helper::setPowerManager(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ {
+-    QDBusInterface iface(login1Service, login1Path, login1ManagerInterface, QDBusConnection::systemBus());
+-    iface.call(powerManagerfunc, true);
++    if (m_login1Interface) {
++        m_login1Interface->call(powerManagerfunc, true);
++    }
+ }
+ bool Login1Helper::getCanPowerManager(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ {
+     qDebug() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << "===========";
+-    bool canFlag = true;
+-    QDBusInterface iface(login1Service, login1Path, login1ManagerInterface, QDBusConnection::systemBus());
+-    QDBusReply<QString> stateReplySuspend = iface.call(powerManagerfunc);
+-    if (stateReplySuspend.isValid() && stateReplySuspend.value() == "yes") {
+-        canFlag = true;
++    if (m_login1Interface) {
++        bool canFlag = true;
++        QDBusReply<QString> stateReplySuspend = m_login1Interface->call(powerManagerfunc);
++        if (stateReplySuspend.isValid() && stateReplySuspend.value() == "yes") {
++            canFlag = true;
++        } else {
++            canFlag = false;
++        }
++        return canFlag;
+     } else {
+-        canFlag = false;
++        return false;
+     }
+-    return canFlag;
+ }
+ bool Login1Helper::isCanHibernate()
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
+index ea616fe..94067a6 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
++++ b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ #include <QDBusConnection>
+ #include <QVariantMap>
+ #include <QObject>
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../common/definetypes.h"
+ /**
+  * @brief login1访问工具类
+@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ private:
+     bool m_isCanLogout = true;
+     QString m_strSessionPath; // 当前会话路径
++    QDBusInterface *m_login1Interface = nullptr;
+ };
+ #endif // LOGIN1HELPER_H
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp b/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp
+index ccbb7d1..d3fb9dc 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp
+@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
+ #include <QProcess>
+ #include "login1helper.h"
+-#include "lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h"
++#include "../lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h"
++#include "dbusservermanager.h"
+ const static QString sessionService = QStringLiteral("org.gnome.SessionManager");
+ const static QString sessionPath = QStringLiteral("/org/gnome/SessionManager");
+@@ -48,10 +49,32 @@ const QDBusArgument &InhibitInfo::operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, Inhi
+     return argument;
+ }
+-SessionHelper::SessionHelper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
++SessionHelper::SessionHelper(QSharedPointer<Login1Helper> login1Helper, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
++  , m_login1Helper(login1Helper)
+ {
+-    m_sessionInterface
+-        = new QDBusInterface(sessionService, sessionPath, sessionInterface, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
++    init();
++void SessionHelper::init()
++    if (!m_sessionInterface && DBusServerManager::instance()->serviceExists(sessionService)) {
++        qDebug() << "Init session interface!";
++        m_sessionInterface
++            = new QDBusInterface(sessionService, sessionPath, sessionInterface, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
++    } else {
++        connect(DBusServerManager::instance(), &DBusServerManager::dbusServerActiveChanged, this, &SessionHelper::onSessionDbusActiveChanged);
++    }
++void SessionHelper::onSessionDbusActiveChanged(const QString &strServerName, bool isActive)
++    if (strServerName == sessionService && isActive) {
++        qDebug() << "Init session interface!";
++        if (!m_sessionInterface) {
++            m_sessionInterface
++                = new QDBusInterface(sessionService, sessionPath, sessionInterface, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
++        }
++    }
+ }
+ SessionHelper::~SessionHelper() {}
+@@ -59,73 +82,72 @@ SessionHelper::~SessionHelper() {}
+ bool SessionHelper::canAction(Action action)
+ {
+     //以下为代码结构调整
+-    QString command;
+-    switch (action) {
+-        case PowerSwitchUser:
+-            command = QLatin1String("canSwitch");
+-            break;
+-        case PowerHibernate:
+-            command = QLatin1String("canHibernate");
+-            break;
+-        case PowerSuspend:
+-            command = QLatin1String("canSuspend");
+-            break;
+-        case PowerMonitorOff:
+-            command = QLatin1String("canLockscreen");
+-            break;
+-        case PowerLogout:
+-            command = QLatin1String("canLogout");
+-            break;
+-        case PowerReboot:
+-            command = QLatin1String("canReboot");
+-            break;
+-        case PowerShutdown:
+-            command = QLatin1String("canPowerOff");
+-            break;
+-        default:
+-            break;
+-    }
++    if (m_sessionInterface) {
++        QString command;
++        switch (action) {
++            case PowerSwitchUser:
++                command = QLatin1String("canSwitch");
++                break;
++            case PowerHibernate:
++                command = QLatin1String("canHibernate");
++                break;
++            case PowerSuspend:
++                command = QLatin1String("canSuspend");
++                break;
++            case PowerMonitorOff:
++                command = QLatin1String("canLockscreen");
++                break;
++            case PowerLogout:
++                command = QLatin1String("canLogout");
++                break;
++            case PowerReboot:
++                command = QLatin1String("canReboot");
++                break;
++            case PowerShutdown:
++                command = QLatin1String("canPowerOff");
++                break;
++            default:
++                break;
++        }
+-    if (!m_sessionInterface->isValid()) {
+-        qWarning() << "dbusCall: Session QDBusInterface is invalid";
+-        return false;
+-    }
++        if (!m_sessionInterface->isValid()) {
++            qWarning() << "dbusCall: Session QDBusInterface is invalid";
++            return false;
++        }
+-    QDBusReply<bool> testReply = m_sessionInterface->call(QLatin1String("canLockscreen"));
+-    if (!testReply.isValid()) {
+-        //解决老版本升级到新版本接口不兼容的问题,在session接口不存在的情况下,调用systemd的接口
+-        QDBusError error = testReply.error();
+-        Login1Helper *m_login1Helper = new Login1Helper(this);
+-        if (error.type() == QDBusError::UnknownMethod) {
+-            qInfo() << "updating ! old ukui-session dose not have canAction method";
+-            if (action == PowerLogout || action == PowerMonitorOff) {
+-                return true;
++        QDBusReply<bool> testReply = m_sessionInterface->call(QLatin1String("canLockscreen"));
++        if (!testReply.isValid()) {
++            //解决老版本升级到新版本接口不兼容的问题,在session接口不存在的情况下,调用systemd的接口
++            QDBusError error = testReply.error();
++            Login1Helper *m_login1Helper = new Login1Helper(this);
++            if (error.type() == QDBusError::UnknownMethod) {
++                qInfo() << "updating ! old ukui-session dose not have canAction method";
++                if (action == PowerLogout || action == PowerMonitorOff) {
++                    return true;
++                }
++                if (m_login1Helper) {
++                    return m_login1Helper->canAction(action);
++                }
+             }
+-            return m_login1Helper->canAction(action);
++            qInfo() << "dbus error";
++            return false;
++        }
++        QDBusReply<bool> reply = m_sessionInterface->call(command);
++        qInfo() << "command = " << command << "reply = " << m_sessionInterface->call(command);
++        return reply.value();
++    } else if (m_login1Helper){
++        if (action == PowerLogout || action == PowerMonitorOff) {
++            return true;
+         }
+-        qInfo() << "dbus error";
++        return m_login1Helper->canAction(action);
++    } else {
+         return false;
+     }
+-    QDBusReply<bool> reply = m_sessionInterface->call(command);
+-    qInfo() << "command = " << command << "reply = " << m_sessionInterface->call(command);
+-    return reply.value();
+ }
+ bool SessionHelper::doAction(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ {
+-    if (!m_sessionInterface->isValid()) {
+-        qWarning() << "dbusCall: Session QDBusInterface is invalid";
+-        return false;
+-    }
+-    up_to_time = new QTimer();
+-    up_to_time->setSingleShot(true);
+-//    qDebug() << "playShutdownMusic(powerManagerfunc) = " << playShutdownMusic(powerManagerfunc);
++    // qDebug() << "doAction = " << powerManagerfunc;
+     if (!playShutdownMusic(powerManagerfunc)) {
+         doPowerManager(powerManagerfunc);
+     }
+@@ -134,61 +156,68 @@ bool SessionHelper::doAction(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ void SessionHelper::doPowerManager(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ {
+-    QString command;
+-    if (powerManagerfunc == "Hibernate") {
+-        command = QLatin1String("hibernate");
+-    } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Suspend") {
+-        command = QLatin1String("suspend");
+-    } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Reboot") {
+-        command = QLatin1String("reboot");
+-    } else if (powerManagerfunc == "PowerOff") {
+-        command = QLatin1String("powerOff");
+-    } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Logout") {
+-        command = QLatin1String("logout");
+-    } else if (powerManagerfunc == "SwitchUser") {
+-        command = QLatin1String("switchUser");
+-    } else {
+-        return;
+-    }
+-    QDBusMessage mes = m_sessionInterface->call(command);
++    if (m_sessionInterface) {
++        QString command;
++        if (powerManagerfunc == "Hibernate") {
++            command = QLatin1String("hibernate");
++        } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Suspend") {
++            command = QLatin1String("suspend");
++        } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Reboot") {
++            command = QLatin1String("reboot");
++        } else if (powerManagerfunc == "PowerOff") {
++            command = QLatin1String("powerOff");
++        } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Logout") {
++            command = QLatin1String("logout");
++        } else if (powerManagerfunc == "SwitchUser") {
++            command = QLatin1String("switchUser");
++        } else {
++            return;
++        }
++        QDBusMessage mes = m_sessionInterface->call(command);
+-    if (!(mes.errorName().isEmpty())) {
+-        Login1Helper *m_login1Helper = new Login1Helper(this);
+-        //本来应该判断错误类别,考虑到运行效率,不做该判断
++        if (!(mes.errorName().isEmpty()) && m_login1Helper) {
++            //本来应该判断错误类别,考虑到运行效率,不做该判断
++            m_login1Helper->setPowerManager(powerManagerfunc);
++        }
++    } else if (m_login1Helper) {
+         m_login1Helper->setPowerManager(powerManagerfunc);
+     }
+ }
+ QStringList SessionHelper::getLockCheckStatus(QString type)
+ {
+-    qDBusRegisterMetaType<InhibitInfo::InhibitorInfo>();
++    if (m_sessionInterface) {
++        qDBusRegisterMetaType<InhibitInfo::InhibitorInfo>();
+-    QVector<InhibitInfo::InhibitorInfo> resVec;
++        QVector<InhibitInfo::InhibitorInfo> resVec;
+-    if (!m_sessionInterface->isValid()) {
+-        qDebug() << "session interface invalid!";
+-    }
++        if (!m_sessionInterface->isValid()) {
++            qDebug() << "session interface invalid!";
++        }
+-    QDBusMessage result = m_sessionInterface->call("ListInhibitor", QVariant(type));
+-    QList<QVariant> outArgs = result.arguments();
+-    QVariant first = outArgs.at(0);
+-    const QDBusArgument &dbusArgs = first.value<QDBusArgument>();
++        QDBusMessage result = m_sessionInterface->call("ListInhibitor", QVariant(type));
++        QList<QVariant> outArgs = result.arguments();
++        QVariant first = outArgs.at(0);
++        const QDBusArgument &dbusArgs = first.value<QDBusArgument>();
+-    dbusArgs.beginArray();
+-    while (!dbusArgs.atEnd()) {
+-        InhibitInfo::InhibitorInfo inhibtor;
+-        dbusArgs >> inhibtor;
+-        resVec.push_back(inhibtor);
+-    }
+-    dbusArgs.endArray();
+-    QStringList lockCheckList;
+-    for (auto iter = resVec.begin(); iter != resVec.end(); ++iter) {
+-        lockCheckList.append(iter->icon);
+-        lockCheckList.append(iter->name);
+-    }
+-    // qDebug() << "lockCheckList = " << lockCheckList;
++        dbusArgs.beginArray();
++        while (!dbusArgs.atEnd()) {
++            InhibitInfo::InhibitorInfo inhibtor;
++            dbusArgs >> inhibtor;
++            resVec.push_back(inhibtor);
++        }
++        dbusArgs.endArray();
++        QStringList lockCheckList;
++        for (auto iter = resVec.begin(); iter != resVec.end(); ++iter) {
++            lockCheckList.append(iter->icon);
++            lockCheckList.append(iter->name);
++        }
++        // qDebug() << "lockCheckList = " << lockCheckList;
+-    return lockCheckList;
++        return lockCheckList;
++    } else {
++        return QStringList();
++    }
+ }
+ bool SessionHelper::playShutdownMusic(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+@@ -203,12 +232,14 @@ bool SessionHelper::playShutdownMusic(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+         play_music = gsettingsHelper->GetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_POWEROFF_MUSIC).toBool();
+     } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Logout") {
+         play_music = gsettingsHelper->GetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_LOGOUT_MUSIC).toBool();
+-        msg = m_sessionInterface->call("emitStartLogout");
+-        if (!msg.errorName().isEmpty()) {
+-            qWarning() << "Dbus error: " << msg;
++        if (m_sessionInterface) {
++            msg = m_sessionInterface->call("emitStartLogout");
++            if (!msg.errorName().isEmpty()) {
++                qWarning() << "Dbus error: " << msg;
++            }
+         }
+     } else {
+-        if (powerManagerfunc == "SwitchUser") {
++        if (powerManagerfunc == "SwitchUser" && m_sessionInterface) {
+             msg = m_sessionInterface->call("emitPrepareForSwitchuser");
+             if (!msg.errorName().isEmpty()) {
+                 qWarning() << "Dbus error: " << msg;
+@@ -218,8 +249,13 @@ bool SessionHelper::playShutdownMusic(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+     }
+     if (play_music) {
+-        QObject::connect(up_to_time, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() {
+-            doPowerManager(powerManagerfunc);
++        if (!m_timerPlayMusic) {
++            m_timerPlayMusic = new QTimer();
++            m_timerPlayMusic->setSingleShot(true);
++        }
++        disconnect(m_timerPlayMusic, nullptr, this, nullptr);
++        connect(m_timerPlayMusic, &QTimer::timeout, this, [&, this, powerManagerfunc]() {
++            this->doPowerManager(powerManagerfunc);
+             return true;
+         });
+         QString xdg_session_type = qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE");
+@@ -229,14 +265,14 @@ bool SessionHelper::playShutdownMusic(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+             } else {
+                 QProcess::startDetached("aplay /usr/share/ukui/ukui-session-manager/shutdown.wav");
+             }
+-            up_to_time->start(5000);
++            m_timerPlayMusic->start(5000);
+         } else if (powerManagerfunc == "Logout") {
+             if (xdg_session_type == "wayland") {
+                 QProcess::startDetached("paplay /usr/share/ukui/ukui-session-manager/logout.wav");
+             } else {
+                 QProcess::startDetached("aplay /usr/share/ukui/ukui-session-manager/logout.wav");
+             }
+-            up_to_time->start(2000);
++            m_timerPlayMusic->start(2000);
+         } else {
+             qDebug() << "error num";
+             return false;
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h b/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h
+index 6c2248c..a113b7f 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h
++++ b/src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h
+@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
+ #include <QFile>
+ #include <QTimer>
+ #include <QDBusArgument>
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include <QSharedPointer>
++#include "../common/definetypes.h"
+ namespace InhibitInfo
+ {
+@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class SessionHelper : public QObject
+ {
+     Q_OBJECT
+ public:
+-    explicit SessionHelper(QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    explicit SessionHelper(QSharedPointer<Login1Helper> login1Helper, QObject *parent = nullptr);
+     virtual ~SessionHelper();
+@@ -56,14 +57,22 @@ public:
+     bool doAction(const QString &powerManagerfunc);
+-    QDBusInterface *m_sessionInterface = nullptr;
++private Q_SLOTS:
++    void onSessionDbusActiveChanged(const QString &strServerName, bool isActive);
+-    QTimer *up_to_time = nullptr;
++    void init();
+     void doPowerManager(const QString &powerManagerfunc);
+     bool playShutdownMusic(const QString &powerManagerfunc);
++    QDBusInterface *m_sessionInterface = nullptr;
++    QTimer *m_timerPlayMusic = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<Login1Helper> m_login1Helper = nullptr;
+ };
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp b/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
+index 90b165b..5403907 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
+@@ -18,14 +18,41 @@
+ #include "uniauthservice.h"
+ #include <QDebug>
+ #include <pwd.h>
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../common/definetypes.h"
+ #include "freedesktophelper.h"
++/* For the type WillLoginUserInfo */
++QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const WillLoginUserInfo &willLoginUserInfo)
++    argument.beginStructure();
++    argument << willLoginUserInfo.strUserName << willLoginUserInfo.isOneKeyLogin;
++    argument.endStructure();
++    return argument;
++const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, WillLoginUserInfo &willLoginUserInfo)
++    argument.beginStructure();
++    argument >> willLoginUserInfo.strUserName >> willLoginUserInfo.isOneKeyLogin;
++    argument.endStructure();
++    return argument;
++QDebug operator<<(QDebug stream, const WillLoginUserInfo &willLoginUserInfo)
++    stream << "WillLogUser [" << willLoginUserInfo.strUserName << willLoginUserInfo.isOneKeyLogin << "]";
++    return stream;
++UniAuthService *UniAuthService::m_instance = nullptr;
++UniAuthService::MemCollector UniAuthService::m_memCollector;
+ UniAuthService::UniAuthService(QObject *parent)
+     : QDBusAbstractInterface(
+     , m_isActivatable(false)
+ {
++    qRegisterMetaType<WillLoginUserInfo>("WillLoginUserInfo");
++    qDBusRegisterMetaType<WillLoginUserInfo>();
+     setTimeout(2147483647);
+     FreedesktopHelper *systemFdHelper = new FreedesktopHelper(false);
+     if (systemFdHelper) {
+@@ -36,6 +63,14 @@ UniAuthService::UniAuthService(QObject *parent)
+     }
+ }
++UniAuthService *UniAuthService::instance(QObject *parent)
++    if (!m_instance) {
++        m_instance = new UniAuthService(parent);
++    }
++    return m_instance;
+ // 设置默认设备
+ void UniAuthService::setDefaultDevice(int bioDevType, QString deviceName)
+ {
+@@ -78,7 +113,7 @@ QStringList UniAuthService::getAllDefaultDevice(QString userName)
+     return listDefDevices;
+ }
++// 生物特征开关接口
+ bool UniAuthService::getBioAuthStatus(QString userName, int bioAuthType)
+ {
+     QDBusMessage bioResult = call(QStringLiteral("getBioAuthStatus"), userName, bioAuthType);
+@@ -236,3 +271,89 @@ int UniAuthService::getFTimeoutTimes()
+         return 1;
+     }
+ }
++void UniAuthService::SwitchToUser(QString strUserName)
++    QDBusReply<int> reply = call(QStringLiteral("SwitchToUser"), strUserName);
++    if (!reply.isValid()) {
++        qWarning() << "SwitchToUser error:" << reply.error();
++        return;
++    }
++    return;
++void UniAuthService::SwitchToGreeterUser(QString strUserName)
++    QDBusReply<int> reply = call(QStringLiteral("SwitchToGreeterUser"), strUserName);
++    if (!reply.isValid()) {
++        qWarning() << "SwitchToGreeterUser error:" << reply.error();
++        return;
++    }
++    return;
++WillLoginUserInfo UniAuthService::getWillSwitchUser()
++    WillLoginUserInfo willLoginUserInfo;
++    QDBusMessage result = call(QStringLiteral("getWillSwitchUser"));
++    if (result.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) {
++        qWarning() << "getWillSwitchUser error:" << result.errorMessage();
++        return willLoginUserInfo;
++    }
++    if (result.arguments().size() > 0) {
++        QDBusArgument argInfo = result.arguments().at(0).value<QDBusArgument>();
++        argInfo >> willLoginUserInfo;
++    }
++    qDebug() << "getUserInfo:" << willLoginUserInfo;
++    return willLoginUserInfo;
++bool UniAuthService::isUserNameValid(QString strUserName)
++    struct passwd *userInfo = nullptr;
++    userInfo = getpwnam(strUserName.toLatin1().data());
++    if (userInfo) {
++        return true;
++    }
++    return false;
++int UniAuthService::SaveLastLoginUser(QString strUserName)
++    QDBusReply<int> reply = call(QStringLiteral("SaveLastLoginUser"), strUserName);
++    if (!reply.isValid()) {
++        qWarning() << "SaveLastLoginUser error:" << reply.error();
++        return -1;
++    }
++    return reply.value();
++QString UniAuthService::GetLastLoginUser()
++    QDBusReply<QString> reply = call(QStringLiteral("GetLastLoginUser"));
++    if (!reply.isValid()) {
++        qWarning() << "GetLastLoginUser error:" << reply.error();
++        return QString("");
++    }
++    return reply.value();
++int UniAuthService::SaveQuickLoginUser(QString strUserName)
++    QDBusReply<int> reply = call(QStringLiteral("SaveQuickLoginUser"), strUserName);
++    if (!reply.isValid()) {
++        qWarning() << "SaveQuickLoginUser error:" << reply.error();
++        return -1;
++    }
++    return reply.value();
++QString UniAuthService::GetQuickLoginUser()
++    QDBusReply<QString> reply = call(QStringLiteral("GetQuickLoginUser"));
++    if (!reply.isValid()) {
++        qWarning() << "GetQuickLoginUser error:" << reply.error();
++        return QString("");
++    }
++    return reply.value();
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h b/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
+index ef7d1c0..2599c95 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
++++ b/src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
+@@ -32,12 +32,36 @@ enum authEnableType
+     ENABLETYPE_LOGIN,   // 暂保留
+ };
++ * @brief 用户信息
++ */
++struct WillLoginUserInfo
++    QString strUserName = "";
++    bool isOneKeyLogin = false;
++QDBusArgument &operator <<(QDBusArgument &arg, const WillLoginUserInfo &willLoginUserInfo);
++const QDBusArgument &operator >>(const QDBusArgument &arg, WillLoginUserInfo &willLoginUserInfo);
++QDebug operator <<(QDebug stream, const WillLoginUserInfo &willLoginUserInfo);
+ class UniAuthService : public QDBusAbstractInterface
+ {
+     Q_OBJECT
+     explicit UniAuthService(QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    /**
++     * @brief 单实例
++     *
++     * @param parent 父指针
++     * @return UniAuthService 单实例对象指针
++     */
++    static UniAuthService *instance(QObject *parent = nullptr);
+ public Q_SLOTS:
+     // 设置默认设备
+     void setDefaultDevice(int bioDevType, QString deviceName);
+@@ -64,6 +88,53 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
+     bool getHiddenSwitchButton();
+     // 获取人脸超时停用次数
+     int getFTimeoutTimes();
++    /**
++     * @brief 用户名是否有效
++     *
++     * @param strUserName 用户名
++     * @return bool true 有效,否则 无效
++     */
++    bool isUserNameValid(QString strUserName);
++    /**
++     * @brief 一键切换并登录用户
++     *
++     * @param strUserName 用户名
++     */
++    void SwitchToUser(QString strUserName);
++    /**
++     * @brief 切换到登录用户
++     *
++     * @param strUserName 用户名
++     */
++    void SwitchToGreeterUser(QString strUserName);
++    /**
++     * @brief 将要登录的用户信息
++     *
++     * @return WillLoginUserInfo 用户信息
++     */
++    WillLoginUserInfo getWillSwitchUser();
++    /**
++     * @brief SaveLastLoginUser 记录上一次登录成功的用户
++     * @param strUserName 用户名
++     * @return 0 成功,其他失败
++     */
++    int SaveLastLoginUser(QString strUserName);
++    /**
++     * @brief GetLastLoginUser 获取上一次登录的用户
++     * @return 用户名
++     */
++    QString GetLastLoginUser();
++    /**
++     * @brief SaveQuickLoginUser 保存下次快速登录的用户
++     * @param strUserName 用户名
++     * @return 0 成功,其他失败
++     */
++    int SaveQuickLoginUser(QString strUserName);
++    /**
++     * @brief GetQuickLoginUser 获取快速登录的用户名
++     * @return 用户名
++     */
++    QString GetQuickLoginUser();
+ public:
+     bool isActivatable();
+@@ -73,6 +144,26 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
+     void defaultDeviceChanged(QString userName, int bioDevType, QString deviceName);
+     //开关状态改变
+     void bioAuthStatusChanged(QString userName, int type, bool status);
++    /**
++     * @brief 将要登录的用户名改变
++     *
++     * @param strUserName 新用户名(需对空串异常处理)
++     * @param isOneKeyLogin 是否需要一键登录
++     */
++    void userChanged(WillLoginUserInfo willLoginUser);
++    class MemCollector{
++    public:
++        ~MemCollector(){
++            if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++                delete UniAuthService::instance();
++                UniAuthService::m_instance = nullptr;
++            }
++        }
++    };
++    static UniAuthService *m_instance; /** 统一认证配置服务单实例指针 */
++    static MemCollector m_memCollector;
+ private:
+     bool m_isActivatable;
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h b/src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h
+index 7f31af6..3db9edb 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h
++++ b/src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include <QDBusConnection>
++#include <QDBusMessage>
+ #include <QVariantMap>
+ #include <QObject>
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp b/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp
+index e072f56..4cdbb4e 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp
+@@ -16,22 +16,19 @@
+  *
+  **/
+ #include "bioauthenticate.h"
+-#include "freedesktophelper.h"
+-#include "biometrichelper.h"
+-#include "uniauthservice.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h"
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+-#include "giodbus.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.h"
+ BioAuthenticate::BioAuthenticate(QObject *parent)
+-    : QObject(parent)
+-    , m_systemFdHelper(new FreedesktopHelper(false, this))
+-    , m_uniauthService(new UniAuthService(this))
+-    , m_bioTimer(nullptr)
++    : QObject(parent), m_systemFdHelper(new FreedesktopHelper(false, this)), m_bioTimer(nullptr)
+ {
+     m_bioauthState = BIOAUTH_IDLE;
+     m_deviceInfo.id = -1;
+-    m_maxFailedTimes = m_uniauthService->getMaxFailedTimes();
++    m_maxFailedTimes = UniAuthService::instance()->getMaxFailedTimes();
+     m_listPriority.clear();
+     m_listPriority.push_back(BioT_Face);
+     m_listPriority.push_back(BioT_FingerPrint);
+@@ -130,9 +127,9 @@ void BioAuthenticate::onServiceStatusChanged(const QString &strService, bool bAc
+ bool BioAuthenticate::getBioAuthEnable(QString strUserName, int nType)
+ {
+     bool isEnable = false;
+-    isEnable = m_uniauthService->getBioAuthStatus(strUserName, ENABLETYPE_BIO);
++    isEnable = UniAuthService::instance()->getBioAuthStatus(strUserName, ENABLETYPE_BIO);
+     if (isEnable) {
+-        isEnable = m_uniauthService->getBioAuthStatus(strUserName, nType);
++        isEnable = UniAuthService::instance()->getBioAuthStatus(strUserName, nType);
+     }
+     return isEnable;
+ }
+@@ -157,9 +154,9 @@ void BioAuthenticate::checkAvailableBioInfo(int nUid)
+     if (pwdInfo) {
+         int nAuthType = (pwdInfo->pw_name == getenv("USER")) ? ENABLETYPE_SAVER : ENABLETYPE_GREETER;
+         bool isAuthEnable = getBioAuthEnable(pwdInfo->pw_name, nAuthType);
+-        bool isQRCodeEnable = m_uniauthService->getQRCodeEnable();
++        bool isQRCodeEnable = UniAuthService::instance()->getQRCodeEnable();
+         DeviceList deviceList = m_biometricHelper->GetDevList();
+-        QStringList listDefDevices = m_uniauthService->getAllDefaultDevice(pwdInfo->pw_name);
++        QStringList listDefDevices = UniAuthService::instance()->getAllDefaultDevice(pwdInfo->pw_name);
+         qDebug() << "BeginGetFeature------!";
+         FeatureMap mapFeatures = m_biometricHelper->GetUserFeatures(nUid);
+         qDebug() << nUid << ",count:" << mapFeatures.size();
+@@ -212,7 +209,7 @@ void BioAuthenticate::onBioDeviceChanged(int drvid, int action, int devNum)
+     Q_UNUSED(devNum);
+     switch (action) {
+         case ACTION_ATTACHED: {
+-            //插入设备后,需要更新设备列表
++            // 插入设备后,需要更新设备列表
+             clearBioData();
+             QMap<int, DeviceMap>::iterator itUserDev = m_mapDevices.begin();
+             for (; itUserDev != m_mapDevices.end(); itUserDev++) {
+@@ -375,11 +372,11 @@ void BioAuthenticate::onIdentifyComplete(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
+     } else if (result == DBUS_RESULT_NOTMATCH) { // 特征识别不匹配
+         qDebug() << "Identify failed";
+         onBioAuthComplete(false, 2);
+-    } else if (result == DBUS_RESULT_ERROR) { //识别发生错误
++    } else if (result == DBUS_RESULT_ERROR) { // 识别发生错误
+         StatusReslut ret = m_biometricHelper->UpdateStatus(m_deviceInfo.id);
+         qDebug() << "StatusReslut:" << ret.result << "," << ret.enable << "," << ret.devNum << "," << ret.devStatus
+                  << "," << ret.opsStatus << "," << ret.notifyMessageId;
+-        //识别操作超时 304/404 认证超时;8 网络错误;
++        // 识别操作超时 304/404 认证超时;8 网络错误;
+         if (ret.result == 0) {
+             if (ret.opsStatus == OPS_IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT || ret.opsStatus == OPS_VERIFY_TIMEOUT
+                 || ret.opsStatus == 8) { // 304认证超时, 8网络异常
+@@ -460,7 +457,7 @@ void BioAuthenticate::onBioAuthComplete(bool isSuccess, int nError)
+             startBioAuth(10000);
+         } else if (m_deviceInfo.deviceType == LOGINOPT_TYPE_FACE && nError == 1) {
+             m_fTimeoutTimes += 1;
+-            if (m_fTimeoutTimes == m_uniauthService->getFTimeoutTimes()) {
++            if (m_fTimeoutTimes == UniAuthService::instance()->getFTimeoutTimes()) {
+                 m_fTimeoutTimes = 0;
+                 nError = 6;
+             } else {
+@@ -524,8 +521,8 @@ void BioAuthenticate::startBioAuth(unsigned uTimeout)
+ QString BioAuthenticate::getDefaultDevice(int nUid, QString strUserName, int bioType)
+ {
+     QString defaultDeviceName = "";
+-    if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
+-        QString strDeviceName = m_uniauthService->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
++        QString strDeviceName = UniAuthService::instance()->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
+         if (!strDeviceName.isEmpty()) {
+             DeviceInfoPtr pDeviceInfo = findDeviceByName(nUid, strDeviceName);
+             if (pDeviceInfo) {
+@@ -539,9 +536,9 @@ QString BioAuthenticate::getDefaultDevice(int nUid, QString strUserName, int bio
+ QString BioAuthenticate::getDefaultDevice(int nUid, QString strUserName)
+ {
+     QString defaultDeviceName = "";
+-    if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
+         for (auto bioType : m_listPriority) {
+-            QString strDeviceName = m_uniauthService->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
++            QString strDeviceName = UniAuthService::instance()->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
+             if (!strDeviceName.isEmpty()) {
+                 DeviceInfoPtr pDeviceInfo = findDeviceByName(nUid, strDeviceName);
+                 if (pDeviceInfo) {
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h b/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h
+index 9f7378b..d295812 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h
++++ b/src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ #include <QObject>
+ #include <QList>
+ #include <QMap>
+-#include "biodefines.h"
++#include "../../src/common/biodefines.h"
+ class BiometricHelper;
+ class FreedesktopHelper;
+@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ private:
+     BiometricHelper *m_biometricHelper = nullptr;
+     FreedesktopHelper *m_systemFdHelper = nullptr;
+     QMap<int, DeviceMap> m_mapDevices; // 用户可用的设备
+-    UniAuthService *m_uniauthService = nullptr;
+     DeviceInfo m_deviceInfo;
+     BIOAUTH_STATE m_bioauthState;
+     int m_fdFrame = -1;
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
+index a7da4d2..d78250d 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
+@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
+  **/
+ #include "dbusupperinterface.h"
+ #include "lightdmhelper.h"
+-#include "login1helper.h"
+-#include "definetypes.h"
+-#include "configuration.h"
+-#include "gsettingshelper.h"
+-#include "usdhelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/common/configuration.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.h"
+ #include <QJsonValue>
+ #include <QJsonObject>
+ #include <QJsonDocument>
+@@ -29,24 +29,34 @@
+ #include <QJsonArray>
+ #include <QJsonParseError>
+ #include <QDebug>
+-#include "qtlocalpeer.h"
+-#include "switchuserutils.h"
+-#include "pamauthenticate.h"
+-#include "upowerhelper.h"
+-#include "accountshelper.h"
+-#include "sessionhelper.h"
+-#include "systemupgradehelper.h"
+-#include "sessionwatcher.h"
+-#include "freedesktophelper.h"
+-#include "bioauthenticate.h"
+-#include "rsac.h"
+-#include "kglobalaccelhelper.h"
+-#include "personalizeddata.h"
+-#include "libinputswitchevent.h"
++#include "../../src/QtSingleApplication/qtlocalpeer.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h"
++#include "../../src/common/rsac.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h"
++#include <syslog.h>
+ #define CONFIG_FILE "/usr/share/ukui-greeter/ukui-greeter.conf"
+ DbusUpperInterface::DbusUpperInterface(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
++    m_bLockState = false;
++    m_bSlpState = false;
++DbusUpperInterface::~DbusUpperInterface() {}
++void DbusUpperInterface::init()
+ {
+     initData();
+     initConnections();
+@@ -55,130 +65,152 @@ DbusUpperInterface::DbusUpperInterface(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+ void DbusUpperInterface::initData()
+ {
+-    m_bLockState = false;
+-    m_bSlpState = false;
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] DbusUpperInterface initData begin!!");
+     m_config = Configuration::instance(this);
+-    m_accountsHelper = new AccountsHelper(this);
+-    m_lightDmHelper = new LightDMHelper(m_accountsHelper, m_config, this);
+-    m_login1Helper = new Login1Helper(this);
+-    m_gsettingsHelper = new GSettingsHelper(this);
+-    m_bioAuth = new BioAuthenticate(this);
+-    m_pamAuth = new PamAuthenticate(m_lightDmHelper, this);
+-    m_usdHelper = new UsdHelper(this);
+-    m_upowerHelper = new UpowerHelper(this);
+-    m_sessionHelper = new SessionHelper(this);
+-    m_systemsUpgradeHelper = new SystemUpgradeHelper(this);
+-    m_sessionWatcher = new SessionWatcher(m_gsettingsHelper, this);
+-    m_kglobalHelper = new KglobalAccelHelper(this);
+-    m_libinputSwitchEvent = new LibinputSwitchEvent(this);
++    m_accountsHelper = QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper>(new AccountsHelper(this));
++    m_lightDmHelper = QSharedPointer<LightDMHelper>(new LightDMHelper(m_accountsHelper, m_config, this));
++    m_login1Helper = QSharedPointer<Login1Helper>(new Login1Helper(this));
++    m_gsettingsHelper = QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper>(new GSettingsHelper(this));
++    m_bioAuth = QSharedPointer<BioAuthenticate>(new BioAuthenticate(this));
++    m_pamAuth = QSharedPointer<PamAuthenticate>(new PamAuthenticate(m_lightDmHelper, this));
++    m_usdHelper = QSharedPointer<UsdHelper>(new UsdHelper(this));
++    m_upowerHelper = QSharedPointer<UpowerHelper>(new UpowerHelper(this));
++    m_sessionHelper = QSharedPointer<SessionHelper>(new SessionHelper(m_login1Helper, this));
++    m_systemsUpgradeHelper = QSharedPointer<SystemUpgradeHelper>(new SystemUpgradeHelper(this));
++    m_sessionWatcher = QSharedPointer<SessionWatcher>(new SessionWatcher(m_gsettingsHelper, this));
++    m_kglobalHelper = QSharedPointer<KglobalAccelHelper>(new KglobalAccelHelper(this));
++    m_libinputSwitchEvent = QSharedPointer<LibinputSwitchEvent>(new LibinputSwitchEvent(this));
+     m_config->initShareConfig();
+     m_config->setShareConfigValue("timeType", m_gsettingsHelper->GetUkccPluginsConf(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM).toInt());
+     m_config->setShareConfigValue("dateType", m_gsettingsHelper->GetUkccPluginsConf(KEY_DATE).toString());
+     m_config->setShareConfigValue("fontSize", m_gsettingsHelper->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE).toDouble());
+     m_config->setShareConfigValue("themeColor", m_gsettingsHelper->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_THEME_COLOR).toString());
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] DbusUpperInterface initData end!!");
+ }
+ void DbusUpperInterface::initConnections()
+ {
+     if (m_lightDmHelper) {
+-        connect(m_lightDmHelper, &LightDMHelper::usersInfoChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onUsersInfoChanged);
++        connect(m_lightDmHelper.get(), &LightDMHelper::usersInfoChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onUsersInfoChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_lightDmHelper, &LightDMHelper::currentSessionChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onCurrentSessionChanged);
++            m_lightDmHelper.get(),
++            &LightDMHelper::currentSessionChanged,
++            this,
++            &DbusUpperInterface::onCurrentSessionChanged);
+     }
+     if (m_login1Helper) {
+-        connect(m_login1Helper, &Login1Helper::requestLock, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLogin1ReqLock);
+-        connect(m_login1Helper, &Login1Helper::requestUnlock, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLogin1ReqUnLock);
+-        connect(m_login1Helper, &Login1Helper::PrepareForSleep, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLogin1PrepareForSleep);
++        connect(m_login1Helper.get(), &Login1Helper::requestLock, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLogin1ReqLock);
++        connect(m_login1Helper.get(), &Login1Helper::requestUnlock, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLogin1ReqUnLock);
+         connect(
+-            m_login1Helper,
++            m_login1Helper.get(), &Login1Helper::PrepareForSleep, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLogin1PrepareForSleep);
++        connect(
++            m_login1Helper.get(),
+             &Login1Helper::sessionActiveChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onLogin1SessionActiveChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_login1Helper, &Login1Helper::blockInhibitedChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBlockInhibitedChanged);
++            m_login1Helper.get(),
++            &Login1Helper::blockInhibitedChanged,
++            this,
++            &DbusUpperInterface::onBlockInhibitedChanged);
+     }
+     if (m_gsettingsHelper) {
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::lockScreenConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onLockScreenConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::screenSaverConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onScreenSaverConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::powerManagerConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onPowerManagerConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper, &GSettingsHelper::mateBgConfigChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onMateBgConfigChanged);
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
++            &GSettingsHelper::mateBgConfigChanged,
++            this,
++            &DbusUpperInterface::onMateBgConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::ukccPluginsConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onUkccPluginsConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::themeStyleConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onThemeStyleConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::sessionConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onSessionConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::keyboardConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onKeyboardConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::usdMediaKeysConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onUsdMediaKeysConfigChanged);
+         connect(
+-            m_gsettingsHelper,
++            m_gsettingsHelper.get(),
+             &GSettingsHelper::usdMediaStateKeysConfigChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onUsdMediaStateKeysConfigChanged);
+     }
+     if (m_bioAuth) {
+-        connect(m_bioAuth, &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthShowMessage, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthShowMessage);
++        connect(m_bioAuth.get(), &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthShowMessage, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthShowMessage);
+         connect(
+-            m_bioAuth, &BioAuthenticate::bioServiceStatusChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioServiceStatusChanged);
+-        connect(m_bioAuth, &BioAuthenticate::bioDeviceChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioDeviceChanged);
+-        connect(m_bioAuth, &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthStateChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthStateChanged);
+-        connect(m_bioAuth, &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthFrameData, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthFrameData);
+-        connect(m_bioAuth, &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthCompleted, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthCompleted);
++            m_bioAuth.get(),
++            &BioAuthenticate::bioServiceStatusChanged,
++            this,
++            &DbusUpperInterface::onBioServiceStatusChanged);
++        connect(m_bioAuth.get(), &BioAuthenticate::bioDeviceChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioDeviceChanged);
++        connect(
++            m_bioAuth.get(), &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthStateChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthStateChanged);
++        connect(m_bioAuth.get(), &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthFrameData, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthFrameData);
++        connect(m_bioAuth.get(), &BioAuthenticate::bioAuthCompleted, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBioAuthCompleted);
+         if (m_pamAuth) {
+             connect(
+-                m_pamAuth, &PamAuthenticate::authenticationComplete, m_bioAuth, &BioAuthenticate::onPamAuthComplete);
++                m_pamAuth.get(),
++                &PamAuthenticate::authenticationComplete,
++                m_bioAuth.get(),
++                &BioAuthenticate::onPamAuthComplete);
+         }
+     }
+     if (m_pamAuth) {
+-        connect(m_pamAuth, &PamAuthenticate::showMessage, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onPamShowMessage);
+-        connect(m_pamAuth, &PamAuthenticate::showPrompt, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onPamShowPrompt);
+-        connect(m_pamAuth, &PamAuthenticate::authenticationComplete, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onPamAuthCompleted);
++        connect(m_pamAuth.get(), &PamAuthenticate::showMessage, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onPamShowMessage);
++        connect(m_pamAuth.get(), &PamAuthenticate::showPrompt, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onPamShowPrompt);
++        connect(
++            m_pamAuth.get(), &PamAuthenticate::authenticationComplete, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onPamAuthCompleted);
+     }
+     if (m_upowerHelper) {
+-        connect(m_upowerHelper, &UpowerHelper::batteryStatusChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBatteryStatusChanged);
+-        connect(m_upowerHelper, &UpowerHelper::batteryChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBatteryChanged);
+-        connect(m_upowerHelper, &UpowerHelper::lidStateChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLidStateChanged);
++        connect(
++            m_upowerHelper.get(),
++            &UpowerHelper::batteryStatusChanged,
++            this,
++            &DbusUpperInterface::onBatteryStatusChanged);
++        connect(m_upowerHelper.get(), &UpowerHelper::batteryChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onBatteryChanged);
++        connect(m_upowerHelper.get(), &UpowerHelper::lidStateChanged, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onLidStateChanged);
+     }
+     if (m_sessionWatcher) {
+-        connect(m_sessionWatcher, &SessionWatcher::sessionIdle, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onSessionIdleReceived);
+-        connect(m_sessionWatcher, &SessionWatcher::sessionIdle, this, [=]() {
++        connect(m_sessionWatcher.get(), &SessionWatcher::sessionIdle, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onSessionIdleReceived);
++        connect(m_sessionWatcher.get(), &SessionWatcher::sessionIdle, this, [=]() {
+             QDBusMessage message;
+             message = QDBusMessage::createSignal(SS_DBUS_PATH, SS_DBUS_INTERFACE, "SecondRunParam");
+             message << "SessionIdle";
+             QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message);
+         });
+-        connect(m_sessionWatcher, &SessionWatcher::sessionIdleExit, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onSessionIdleExit);
++        connect(m_sessionWatcher.get(), &SessionWatcher::sessionIdleExit, this, &DbusUpperInterface::onSessionIdleExit);
+     }
+     connect(
+         &m_procLockDialog,
+@@ -187,7 +219,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::initConnections()
+         SLOT(onLockDialogProcExit(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)));
+     if (m_libinputSwitchEvent) {
+         connect(
+-            m_libinputSwitchEvent,
++            m_libinputSwitchEvent.get(),
+             &LibinputSwitchEvent::tabletModeStatusChanged,
+             this,
+             &DbusUpperInterface::onTabletModeChanged);
+@@ -622,8 +654,7 @@ bool DbusUpperInterface::checkScreenDialogRunning()
+ void DbusUpperInterface::emitLockState(bool val, bool isSessionTools)
+ {
+     qDebug() << "emitLockState state = " << val;
+-    if (val != m_bBlockShortcutState) {
++    if (val != m_bBlockShortcutState && m_kglobalHelper) {
+         m_kglobalHelper->blockShortcut(val);
+         m_bBlockShortcutState = val;
+         qDebug() << " block all shortcut "
+@@ -985,7 +1016,7 @@ QJsonArray DbusUpperInterface::GenerateUserInfoList()
+             objUserInfo["lang"] = userInfo->lang();
+             objUserInfo["headImg"] = userInfo->headImage();
+             objUserInfo["systemAccount"] = userInfo->isSystemAccount();
+-            KylinUserDatePtr ptr = KYLINUSERDATAMNG::getInstance()->GetUserPtr(userInfo->name());
++            KylinUserDatePtr ptr = KYLINUSERDATAMNG::instance()->GetUserPtr(userInfo->name());
+             if (nullptr != ptr) {
+                 if (!ptr->backgroundPath().isEmpty()) {
+                     objUserInfo["greeterBackGround"] = ptr->backgroundPath();
+@@ -1088,8 +1119,18 @@ QString DbusUpperInterface::GetDefaultAuthUser()
+         strUserName = getenv("USER");
+     } else {
+         // 获取lightdm传过来的被选中的用户
+-        QString selectedUser = m_lightDmHelper->selectUserHint();
+-        if (!selectedUser.isEmpty()) {
++        WillLoginUserInfo willSwitchUser = UniAuthService::instance()->getWillSwitchUser();
++        QString selectedUser = "";
++        if (willSwitchUser.strUserName.isEmpty()
++            || !UniAuthService::instance()->isUserNameValid(willSwitchUser.strUserName)) {
++            qDebug() << "WillSwitchUser is NULL or invalid:" << willSwitchUser.strUserName;
++            selectedUser = m_lightDmHelper->selectUserHint();
++        }
++        UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToGreeterUser("");
++        if (!willSwitchUser.strUserName.isEmpty()) {
++            strUserName = willSwitchUser.strUserName;
++            qDebug() << "WillSwitchUser:" << strUserName;
++        } else if (!selectedUser.isEmpty()) {
+             qDebug() << "SelectUserHint: " << selectedUser;
+             if (m_lightDmHelper->findUserByName(selectedUser)) {
+                 strUserName = selectedUser;
+@@ -1105,7 +1146,7 @@ QString DbusUpperInterface::GetDefaultAuthUser()
+         } else if (m_lightDmHelper->getUsersInfo().count() == 1) { // 如果只有一个用户,默认选中
+             strUserName = m_lightDmHelper->getUsersInfo()[0]->name();
+         } else {
+-            QString lastLoginUser = m_config->getLastLoginUser();
++            QString lastLoginUser = UniAuthService::instance()->GetLastLoginUser();
+             if (m_lightDmHelper->findUserByName(lastLoginUser)) {
+                 strUserName = lastLoginUser;
+             } else {
+@@ -1644,6 +1685,7 @@ void DbusUpperInterface::onKeyboardConfigChanged(QString strKey, QVariant value)
+ {
+     QJsonObject retObj;
++    retObj["Key"] = strKey;
+     switch (value.type()) {
+         case QVariant::Bool:
+             retObj["Value"] = value.toBool();
+@@ -2650,3 +2692,8 @@ int DbusUpperInterface::SetPowerManager(const QJsonObject &objInfo)
+     return nRet;
+ }
++QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper> DbusUpperInterface::getGSettingsInstance()
++    return m_gsettingsHelper;
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
+index 2797db9..e9898bb 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
++++ b/src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
+@@ -25,9 +25,11 @@
+ #include <QDBusInterface>
+ #include <QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>
+ #include <QProcess>
++#include <QSharedPointer>
+ #include <QTimer>
+-#include "utils.h"
+-#include "rsac.h"
++#include "../../src/common/utils.h"
++#include "../../src/common/rsac.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
+ class LightDMHelper;
+ class Login1Helper;
+@@ -66,6 +68,10 @@ public:
+      */
+     explicit DbusUpperInterface(QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    virtual ~DbusUpperInterface();
++    void init();
+ public:
+     bool checkScreenDialogRunning();
+     void emitLockState(bool val, bool isSessionTools = false);
+@@ -151,6 +157,8 @@ public:
+     bool sendPassword(const QString username, QByteArray password);
++    QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper> getGSettingsInstance();
+ public Q_SLOTS:
+     /**
+      * @brief 服务退出
+@@ -402,10 +410,10 @@ private:
+     bool SendUpdateInfoSig(QString strJson);
+ private:
+-    LightDMHelper *m_lightDmHelper = nullptr; /**< lightdm工具实例 */
+-    Login1Helper *m_login1Helper = nullptr;   /**< login1工具实例 */
++    QSharedPointer<LightDMHelper> m_lightDmHelper = nullptr; /**< lightdm工具实例 */
++    QSharedPointer<Login1Helper> m_login1Helper = nullptr;   /**< login1工具实例 */
+     Configuration *m_config = nullptr;
+-    GSettingsHelper *m_gsettingsHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper> m_gsettingsHelper = nullptr;
+     QProcess m_procLockDialog;
+     bool m_bLockState;
+     bool m_bBlankState = false;
+@@ -415,19 +423,19 @@ private:
+     int m_timerCount = 0;
+     QTimer *m_timerLock = nullptr;
+     QDBusUnixFileDescriptor m_inhibitFileDescriptor;
+-    PamAuthenticate *m_pamAuth = nullptr;
+-    UsdHelper *m_usdHelper = nullptr;
+-    UpowerHelper *m_upowerHelper = nullptr;
+-    AccountsHelper *m_accountsHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<PamAuthenticate> m_pamAuth = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<UsdHelper> m_usdHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<UpowerHelper> m_upowerHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper> m_accountsHelper = nullptr;
+     bool lockState = false;
+-    SessionHelper *m_sessionHelper = nullptr;
+-    SystemUpgradeHelper *m_systemsUpgradeHelper = nullptr;
+-    SessionWatcher *m_sessionWatcher = nullptr;
+-    BioAuthenticate *m_bioAuth = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<SessionHelper> m_sessionHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<SystemUpgradeHelper> m_systemsUpgradeHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<SessionWatcher> m_sessionWatcher = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<BioAuthenticate> m_bioAuth = nullptr;
+     RSAC rsac;
+     QByteArray pubKey, priKey;
+-    KglobalAccelHelper *m_kglobalHelper = nullptr;
+-    LibinputSwitchEvent *m_libinputSwitchEvent = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<KglobalAccelHelper> m_kglobalHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<LibinputSwitchEvent> m_libinputSwitchEvent = nullptr;
+     bool m_bBlockShortcutState = false;
+ };
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp b/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
+index fd29271..5e08b4b 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ #include "gsettingshelper.h"
+ #include <QVariant>
+ #include <QDebug>
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../common/definetypes.h"
+ GSettingsHelper::GSettingsHelper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {}
+@@ -294,10 +294,10 @@ bool GSettingsHelper::initUsdMediaKeys()
+ bool GSettingsHelper::initUsdMediaStateKeys()
+ {
+     if (!m_gsUsdMediaStateKeys) {
+-        if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_MEDIAKEY_STATE_SCHEMA)) {
++        if (QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_MEDIAKEY_STATE_SCHEMA)) {
+             m_gsUsdMediaStateKeys = new QGSettings(GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_MEDIAKEY_STATE_SCHEMA, "", this);
+-            connect(m_gsUsdMediaStateKeys, &QGSettings::changed,
+-                    this, &GSettingsHelper::onUsdMediaStateKeysConfigChanged);
++            connect(
++                m_gsUsdMediaStateKeys, &QGSettings::changed, this, &GSettingsHelper::onUsdMediaStateKeysConfigChanged);
+             QStringList keys = m_gsUsdMediaStateKeys->keys();
+             if (keys.contains(KEY_RFKILL_STATE)) {
+                 m_rfkillState = m_gsUsdMediaStateKeys->get(KEY_RFKILL_STATE).toInt();
+@@ -536,6 +536,18 @@ bool GSettingsHelper::SetScreenSaverConf(QString strKey, QVariant value)
+     return false;
+ }
++QVariant GSettingsHelper::ResetScreenSaverConf(QString strKey)
++    QVariant defValue;
++    if (initLockScreen()) {
++        if (m_gsLockScreen->keys().contains(strKey)) {
++            m_gsLockScreen->reset(strKey);
++            defValue = m_gsLockScreen->get(strKey);
++        }
++    }
++    return defValue;
+ QVariant GSettingsHelper::GetLockScreenConf(QString strKey)
+ {
+     QVariant varValue;
+@@ -582,6 +594,18 @@ bool GSettingsHelper::SetLockScreenConf(QString strKey, QVariant value)
+     return false;
+ }
++QVariant GSettingsHelper::ResetLockScreenConf(QString strKey)
++    QVariant defValue;
++    if (initLockScreen()) {
++        if (m_gsLockScreen->keys().contains(strKey)) {
++            m_gsLockScreen->reset(strKey);
++            defValue = m_gsLockScreen->get(strKey);
++        }
++    }
++    return defValue;
+ QVariant GSettingsHelper::GetPowerManagerConf(QString strKey)
+ {
+     QVariant varValue;
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h b/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
+index 70303a9..4aa4fdf 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
++++ b/src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ #include <QObject>
+ #include <qgsettings.h>
++#include <QVariant>
+ class GSettingsHelper : public QObject
+ {
+@@ -31,8 +32,10 @@ public:
+ public:
+     QVariant GetLockScreenConf(QString strKey);
+     bool SetLockScreenConf(QString strKey, QVariant value);
++    QVariant ResetLockScreenConf(QString strKey);
+     QVariant GetScreenSaverConf(QString strKey);
+     bool SetScreenSaverConf(QString strKey, QVariant value);
++    QVariant ResetScreenSaverConf(QString strKey);
+     QVariant GetPowerManagerConf(QString strKey);
+     bool SetPowerManagerConf(QString strKey, QVariant value);
+     QVariant GetMateBgConf(QString strKey);
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp b/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp
+index 8444de5..3033b05 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp
+@@ -20,15 +20,21 @@
+ #include <QLightDM/Greeter>
+ #include <QFileInfo>
+ #include "securityuser.h"
++#include "../../src/common/global_utils.h"
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ #include "proxymodel.h"
+-#include "accountshelper.h"
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h"
+ #include <QDBusArgument>
+ #include <QDBusMessage>
+ #include <QVariantMap>
++#ifdef WITHKYSEC
++#include <kysec/libkysec.h>
++#include <kysec/status.h>
+-LightDMHelper::LightDMHelper(AccountsHelper *accountHelper, Configuration *config, QObject *parent)
++LightDMHelper::LightDMHelper(QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper> accountHelper, Configuration *config, QObject *parent)
+     : QLightDM::Greeter(parent)
+     , m_sessionsModel(nullptr)
+     , m_secUser(SecurityUser::instance())
+@@ -39,7 +45,7 @@ LightDMHelper::LightDMHelper(AccountsHelper *accountHelper, Configuration *confi
+     , m_mapUsers(new QMap<QString, UserInfoPtr>())
+     , m_dbusIfsLDM(nullptr)
+ {
+-    //连接到lightdm
++    // 连接到lightdm
+     if (!connectToDaemonSync()) {
+         qDebug() << "connect to Daemon failed";
+         exit(1);
+@@ -66,6 +72,9 @@ void LightDMHelper::initData()
+         m_isShowManualLogin = true;
+     }
+     updateUsersInfo();
++    if (isGreeterMode() && UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        UniAuthService::instance()->SaveQuickLoginUser("");
++    }
+ }
+ bool LightDMHelper::setSession(const QString &session)
+@@ -109,9 +118,16 @@ int LightDMHelper::getLoginUserCount()
+ void LightDMHelper::startSession()
+ {
+     if (isAuthenticated()) {
+-        if (m_configuration) {
+-            m_configuration->saveLastLoginUser(m_strCurUserName);
+-            m_configuration->saveLastLoginUser1(m_strCurUserName);
++        if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++            UniAuthService::instance()->SaveLastLoginUser(m_strCurUserName);
++// 三权分立不保存秒级登录用户信息
++#ifdef WITHKYSEC
++            if (kysec_is_disabled() || !kysec_get_3adm_status()) {
++                UniAuthService::instance()->SaveQuickLoginUser(m_strCurUserName);
++#ifdef WITHKYSEC
++            }
+         }
+         Q_EMIT authenticationSucess(m_strCurUserName);
+     }
+@@ -332,9 +348,9 @@ void LightDMHelper::initAccountsUsersInfo()
+             connect(userInfo.get(), &UserInfo::userPropChanged, this, &LightDMHelper::onUsersChanged);
+             m_mapUsers->insert(user, userInfo);
+         }
+-        connect(m_accountServiceHelper, SIGNAL(UserAdded(QDBusObjectPath)), this, SLOT(onUserAdded(QDBusObjectPath)));
++        connect(m_accountServiceHelper.get(), SIGNAL(UserAdded(QDBusObjectPath)), this, SLOT(onUserAdded(QDBusObjectPath)));
+         connect(
+-            m_accountServiceHelper, SIGNAL(UserRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)), this, SLOT(onUserRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)));
++            m_accountServiceHelper.get(), SIGNAL(UserRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)), this, SLOT(onUserRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)));
+     }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h b/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h
+index 1530a11..1209ee9 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h
++++ b/src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h
+@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
+ #include <QList>
+ #include <QModelIndex>
+ #include <QDBusInterface>
+-#include "userinfo.h"
+-#include "configuration.h"
++#include "../userinfo.h"
++#include "../../src/common/configuration.h"
++#include <QSharedPointer>
+ class SecurityUser;
+ class UsersModel;
+@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ public:
+      *
+      * @param parent 父指针
+      */
+-    explicit LightDMHelper(AccountsHelper *accountHelper, Configuration *config, QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    explicit LightDMHelper(QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper> accountHelper, Configuration *config, QObject *parent = nullptr);
+ public:
+     /**
+@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ private:
+     QLightDM::SessionsModel *m_sessionsModel; /**< lightdm 会话数据指针 */
+     QList<QString> m_listSessions;            /**< 会话列表 */
+     QMap<QString, UserInfoPtr> *m_mapUsers;   /**< accounts 用户信息列表指针 */
+-    AccountsHelper *m_accountServiceHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper> m_accountServiceHelper = nullptr;
+     QMap<QString, std::shared_ptr<LightDMSessionInfo>> *m_ldmSessions;
+     QDBusInterface *m_dbusIfsLDM;
+     Configuration *m_configuration = nullptr;
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/main.cpp b/src/lock-backend/main.cpp
+index 27916bc..409924c 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/main.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/main.cpp
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+  *
++ **/
+ #include <QCoreApplication>
+ #include <QDBusConnection>
+ #include <QDebug>
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <sys/wait.h>
++#include <sys/prctl.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <ukui-log4qt.h>
+ #include "qtsinglecoreapplication.h"
+@@ -32,9 +33,13 @@
+ #include "screensaveradaptor.h"
+ #include "personalizeddata.h"
+ #include "msysdbus.h"
++#include "../ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h"
++#include "../ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h"
++#include <syslog.h>
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] startup!!");
+     initUkuiLog4qt("ukui-screensaver-backend");
+     // 重启或关机时不被session关掉
+     qunsetenv("SESSION_MANAGER");
+@@ -44,80 +49,103 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     } else {
+         strDisplay = QLatin1String(getenv("DISPLAY"));
+     }
+-    QString singleId = QString("ukui-screensaver-backend"+strDisplay);
++    QString singleId = QString("ukui-screensaver-backend" + strDisplay);
+     QtSingleCoreApplication a(singleId, argc, argv);
+     if (a.isRunning()) {
+         qDebug() << "There is an instance running";
+         return 0;
+     }
+-    qInfo()<<"ukui screensaver backend Started!!";
+-    //命令行参数解析
++    qInfo() << "ukui screensaver backend Started!!";
++    // 会话管理器退出时,锁屏后端也退出
++    // 命令行参数解析
+     QCommandLineParser parser;
+     parser.setApplicationDescription(QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Backend for the ukui ScreenSaver."));
+     parser.addHelpOption();
+     parser.addVersionOption();
+     parser.setSingleDashWordOptionMode(QCommandLineParser::ParseAsLongOptions);
+-    QCommandLineOption lockStartupOption(QStringLiteral("lock-startup"),
+-                                  QCoreApplication::translate("main", "lock the screen by startup"));
+-    parser.addOptions({lockStartupOption});
++    QCommandLineOption lockStartupOption(
++        QStringLiteral("lock-startup"), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "lock the screen by startup"));
++    parser.addOptions({ lockStartupOption });
+     parser.process(a.arguments());
+-    KYLINUSERDATAMNG::instance();
+     // 检查该程序是否已经有实例在运行
+-    QDBusInterface *checkInterface =
+-            new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.DBus",
+-                               "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
+-                               "org.freedesktop.DBus",
+-                               QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
+-    QDBusReply<bool> ret = checkInterface->call("NameHasOwner",
+-                                               "cn.kylinos.ScreenSaver");
+-    if(ret.value()) {
++    QDBusInterface *checkInterface = new QDBusInterface(
++        "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
++    QDBusReply<bool> ret = checkInterface->call("NameHasOwner", "cn.kylinos.ScreenSaver");
++    if (ret.value()) {
+         qDebug() << "There is an instance running";
+         return EXIT_FAILURE;
+     }
+     // 注册DBus
+-    DbusUpperInterface *interface = new DbusUpperInterface();
+-    ScreenSaverAdaptor adaptor(interface);
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] DbusUpperInterface initing!!");
++    DbusUpperInterface interface;
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] DbusUpperInterface inited!!");
++    ScreenSaverAdaptor adaptor(&interface);
+     QDBusConnection service = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
+     QString sessionDbus = SS_DBUS_SERVICE;
+-    if(!service.registerService(sessionDbus)) {
+-        QString displayNum = QString(qgetenv("DISPLAY")).replace(":", "").replace(".", "_");;
++    if (!service.registerService(sessionDbus)) {
++        QString displayNum = QString(qgetenv("DISPLAY")).replace(":", "").replace(".", "_");
++        ;
+         sessionDbus = QString("%1%2").arg(QString(SS_DBUS_SERVICE)).arg(displayNum);
+-        if(!service.registerService(sessionDbus)) {
++        if (!service.registerService(sessionDbus)) {
+             qDebug() << service.lastError().message();
+             return EXIT_FAILURE;
+         }
+     }
+-    if(!service.registerObject(SS_DBUS_PATH, SS_DBUS_SERVICE, &adaptor,
+-                               QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots |
+-                               QDBusConnection::ExportAllSignals)) {
++    if (!service.registerObject(
++            SS_DBUS_PATH,
++            SS_DBUS_SERVICE,
++            &adaptor,
++            QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportAllSignals)) {
+         qDebug() << service.lastError().message();
+         return EXIT_FAILURE;
+     }
++    // 注册控制面板插件接口服务
++    if (!isGreeterMode()) {
++        ScreenlockInterface *lockInterface = new ScreenlockInterface(&interface, &interface);
++        if (!service.registerObject(
++                SL_SESSION_DBUS_PATH,
++                lockInterface,
++                QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties
++                    | QDBusConnection::ExportAllSignals)) {
++            qDebug() << service.lastError().message();
++            return EXIT_FAILURE;
++        }
++        ScreensaverInterface *saverInterface = new ScreensaverInterface(&interface, &interface);
++        if (!service.registerObject(
++                SS_SESSION_DBUS_PATH,
++                saverInterface,
++                QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportAllProperties
++                    | QDBusConnection::ExportAllSignals)) {
++            qDebug() << service.lastError().message();
++            return EXIT_FAILURE;
++        }
++    }
+     qDebug() << service.baseService();
+-    QObject::connect(checkInterface, SIGNAL(NameLost(QString)),
+-                     interface, SLOT(onNameLost(QString)));
++    QObject::connect(checkInterface, SIGNAL(NameLost(QString)), &interface, SLOT(onNameLost(QString)));
+     if (parser.isSet(lockStartupOption)) {
+-        QTimer::singleShot(0, interface, [=](){
+-            interface->LockStartupMode();
+-        });
++        syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] lock startup mode begin!!");
++        interface.LockStartupMode();
++        syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] lock startup mode end!!");
+     }
++    interface.init();
+-    MSysDbus *m_sysDbus = new MSysDbus(interface,nullptr);
++    MSysDbus m_sysDbus(&interface);
+     QString displayNum = QString(qgetenv("DISPLAY")).replace(":", "").replace(".", "_");
+     QString sysService = "org.ukui.screensaver._" + displayNum;
+     if (!QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerService("org.ukui.screensaver")) {
+-        qDebug()<<"registerService failed";
++        qDebug() << "registerService failed";
+     }
+-    QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerObject("/", "org.ukui.screensaver",m_sysDbus, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots);
++    QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerObject(
++        "/", "org.ukui.screensaver", &m_sysDbus, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots);
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-backend] application event loop begin!!");
+     return a.exec();
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp b/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
+index ddf1802..a0da99f 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+  *
+  **/
+ #include "pamauthenticate.h"
+-#include "global_utils.h"
++#include "../../src/common/global_utils.h"
+ #include "authpamthread.h"
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <wait.h>
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ #include <QSocketNotifier>
+ #include <QDebug>
+-PamAuthenticate::PamAuthenticate(LightDMHelper *helper, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_lightdmHelper(helper)
++PamAuthenticate::PamAuthenticate(QSharedPointer<LightDMHelper> helper, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_lightdmHelper(helper)
+ {
+     m_fdToParent[0] = -1;
+     m_fdToParent[1] = -1;
+@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ PamAuthenticate::PamAuthenticate(LightDMHelper *helper, QObject *parent) : QObje
+     m_fdToChild[1] = -1;
+     connect(
+-        m_lightdmHelper,
++        m_lightdmHelper.get(),
+         SIGNAL(showMessage(QString, QLightDM::Greeter::MessageType)),
+         this,
+         SLOT(onLDMShowMessage(QString, QLightDM::Greeter::MessageType)));
+     connect(
+-        m_lightdmHelper,
++        m_lightdmHelper.get(),
+         SIGNAL(showPrompt(QString, QLightDM::Greeter::PromptType)),
+         this,
+         SLOT(onLDMShowPrompt(QString, QLightDM::Greeter::PromptType)));
+-    connect(m_lightdmHelper, SIGNAL(authenticationComplete()), this, SIGNAL(authenticationComplete()));
++    connect(m_lightdmHelper.get(), SIGNAL(authenticationComplete()), this, SIGNAL(authenticationComplete()));
+ }
+ bool PamAuthenticate::inAuthentication() const
+@@ -74,10 +74,14 @@ QString PamAuthenticate::authenticationUser() const
+ void PamAuthenticate::authenticate(const QString &username)
+ {
+     m_isOtherUser = (getenv("USER") != username);
+     if (username == "*guest") {
+         m_lightdmHelper->authenticateAsGuest();
+-    } else if (m_isOtherUser)
++        hasSendBiometricPam = false;
++    } else if (m_isOtherUser) {
+         m_lightdmHelper->authenticate(username);
++        hasSendBiometricPam = false;
++    }
+     else {
+         cancelAuthentication();
+         m_strUserName = username;
+@@ -93,9 +97,12 @@ void PamAuthenticate::authenticate(const QString &username)
+ void PamAuthenticate::respond(const QString &response)
+ {
+-    if (m_isOtherUser)
++    if (m_isOtherUser) {
++        if (response == BIOMETRIC_IGNORE && !hasSendBiometricPam) {
++            return ;
++        }
+         m_lightdmHelper->respond(response);
+-    else {
++    } else {
+         m_nPrompts--;
+         m_responseList.push_back(response);
+@@ -276,5 +283,10 @@ void PamAuthenticate::onLDMShowMessage(QString strMsg, QLightDM::Greeter::Messag
+ void PamAuthenticate::onLDMShowPrompt(QString strPrompt, QLightDM::Greeter::PromptType type)
+ {
++    if(strPrompt == BIOMETRIC_PAM) {
++        hasSendBiometricPam = true;
++    } else {
++        hasSendBiometricPam = false;
++    }
+     Q_EMIT showPrompt(strPrompt, type);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h b/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h
+index f5a715a..d531c2b 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h
++++ b/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <QStringList>
+ #include <security/pam_appl.h>
+ #include "lightdmhelper.h"
++#include <QSharedPointer>
+ typedef struct pam_message PAM_MESSAGE;
+ typedef struct pam_response PAM_RESPONSE;
+@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class PamAuthenticate : public QObject
+ {
+     Q_OBJECT
+ public:
+-    explicit PamAuthenticate(LightDMHelper *helper, QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    explicit PamAuthenticate(QSharedPointer<LightDMHelper> helper, QObject *parent = nullptr);
+ public:
+     bool inAuthentication() const;
+@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ private:
+     void _respond(const struct pam_response *response);
+ private:
+-    LightDMHelper *m_lightdmHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<LightDMHelper> m_lightdmHelper = nullptr;
+     bool m_isInAuthentication = false;
+     bool m_isAuthenticated = false;
+     bool m_isOtherUser = false;
+@@ -70,6 +71,8 @@ private:
+     int m_fdToParent[2];
+     int m_fdToChild[2];
+     QString m_strUserName;
++    bool hasSendBiometricPam = false;  
+ };
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp b/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp
+index 7d1ef25..9f7d7fa 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp
+@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
+ #include <QDebug>
+ #include <QFile>
+ #include <QDBusReply>
+-#include "definetypes.h"
+-#include "utils.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/common/utils.h"
+ #define GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_SCREENSAVER "org.ukui.screensaver"
+-SessionWatcher::SessionWatcher(GSettingsHelper *helper, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_gsettingsHelper(helper)
++SessionWatcher::SessionWatcher(QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper> helper, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_gsettingsHelper(helper)
+ {
+     sessionPath = qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_PATH");
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ SessionWatcher::SessionWatcher(GSettingsHelper *helper, QObject *parent) : QObje
+         SLOT(onSessionRemoved(QDBusObjectPath)));
+     connect(
+-        m_gsettingsHelper, &GSettingsHelper::lockScreenConfigChanged, this, &SessionWatcher::onLockScreenConfigChanged);
++        m_gsettingsHelper.get(), &GSettingsHelper::lockScreenConfigChanged, this, &SessionWatcher::onLockScreenConfigChanged);
+     // 重置屏保从不字段
+     bool isEnable = m_gsettingsHelper->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_ACTIVATION_ENABLED).toBool();
+     if (!isEnable) {
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h b/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h
+index 9bda7fc..bde1ae1 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h
++++ b/src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include <QTimer>
+ #include <QSettings>
+ #include <QProcess>
++#include <QSharedPointer>
+ #include "gsettingshelper.h"
+ class SessionWatcher : public QObject
+@@ -37,14 +38,14 @@ public:
+         SESSION_STATUS_SLEEPED = 4,     // 休眠/睡眠
+     };
+-    explicit SessionWatcher(GSettingsHelper *m_gsettingsHelper, QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    explicit SessionWatcher(QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper> m_gsettingsHelper, QObject *parent = nullptr);
+     void sessionIdle();
+     void sessionLockIdle();
+     void sessionIdleExit();
+-private Q_SLOTS:
++public Q_SLOTS:
+     void onStatusChanged(unsigned int status);
+     void onSessionRemoved(const QDBusObjectPath &objectPath);
+     void onLockScreenConfigChanged(QString strKey, QVariant value);
+@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ private:
+     bool lockState;
+     int m_nStatus = 0; // 当前状态
+     QTimer *m_timerLock = nullptr;
+-    GSettingsHelper *m_gsettingsHelper = nullptr;
++    QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper> m_gsettingsHelper = nullptr;
+ };
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp b/src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp
+index 27d7de1..06b1d5c 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+ #include <QProcess>
+ #include <QStandardPaths>
+ #include <QString>
+-#include "global_utils.h"
++#include "../../src/common/global_utils.h"
+ SwitchUserUtils::SwitchUserUtils() {}
+@@ -277,11 +277,20 @@ int SwitchUserUtils::SwitchToUserSession(QString seatPath, UserDisplayIfInfo &to
+         return 0;
+     } else if (!toUDII.strUserName.isEmpty()) {
+         if (!isGreeterMode()) {
++            // 切换到免密登录用户会直接登录桌面,需要先展示“登录”按钮
++#if 0
+             QDBusMessage result = ifaceDM.call("SwitchToUser", toUDII.strUserName, toUDII.strSessionPath);
+             if (result.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) {
+                 qWarning() << "SwitchUser SwitchToUser failed:" << result.errorMessage();
+                 return 2;
+             }
++            QDBusMessage result = ifaceDM.call("SwitchToGreeter");
++            if (result.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) {
++                qWarning() << "SwitchUser SwitchToGreeter failed:" << result.errorMessage();
++                return 2;
++            }
+         } else {
+             return 4;
+         }
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp
+index eb6ff0e..979d669 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+  *
+  **/
+ #include "backenddbushelper.h"
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
+ #include <QJsonValue>
+ #include <QJsonObject>
+ #include <QJsonDocument>
+@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ void BackendDbusHelper::onUpdateInformation(const QString &strJson)
+                         ParseBlockInhibitedChanged(objRes);
+                     } break;
+-                        ParseCapslockConf(objRes);
++                        ParseKeyboardConf(objRes);
+                     } break;
+                     case LOCK_CMD_ID_PAMAUTH_SHOWMESSAGE: {
+                         ParsePamShowMessage(objRes);
+@@ -1577,10 +1577,13 @@ bool BackendDbusHelper::ParseSessionConf(const QJsonObject &objRes)
+     return true;
+ }
+-bool BackendDbusHelper::ParseCapslockConf(const QJsonObject &objRes)
++bool BackendDbusHelper::ParseKeyboardConf(const QJsonObject &objRes)
+ {
+-    bool state = objRes.value("Value").toBool();
+-    Q_EMIT capslockConfChanged(state);
++    QString strKey = objRes.value("Key").toString();
++    if (strKey == KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS) {
++        bool state = objRes.value("Value").toBool();
++        Q_EMIT capslockConfChanged(state);
++    }
+     return true;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
+index 426ab68..5b98836 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
+@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
+ #include <QtCore/QStringList>
+ #include <QtCore/QVariant>
+ #include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
+-#include "userinfo.h"
+-#include "agreementinfo.h"
+-#include "biodefines.h"
++#include "../../src/userinfo.h"
++#include "../../src/agreementinfo.h"
++#include "../../src/common/biodefines.h"
+ /**
+  * @brief 后端服务访问工具类
+@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ private:
+     bool ParseUkccPluginsConf(const QJsonObject &objRes);
+     bool ParseThemeStyleConf(const QJsonObject &objRes);
+     bool ParseSessionConf(const QJsonObject &objRes);
+-    bool ParseCapslockConf(const QJsonObject &objRes);
++    bool ParseKeyboardConf(const QJsonObject &objRes);
+     void ParsePamShowMessage(const QJsonObject &objRes);
+     void ParsePamShowPrompt(const QJsonObject &objRes);
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.cpp
+index 75c43b2..1d9ae64 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.cpp
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+  **/
+ #include "languagesetting.h"
+ #include <QApplication>
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
+ #include <QDebug>
+ #include <QFileInfo>
+ #include <QProcess>
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp
+index 3802e38..e3e558e 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp
+@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
+ #include <QStandardPaths>
+ #include <QApplication>
+ #include <QScreen>
+-#include "utils.h"
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/common/utils.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ LockDialogModel::LockDialogModel(QObject *parent)
+-    : QObject(parent), m_isUseWayland(QGuiApplication::platformName().startsWith("wayland", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
++    : QObject(parent), m_isUseWayland(QString(qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) == "wayland")
+ {
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
+index 8db3e16..a44175c 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
+@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
+ #include <QObject>
+-#include "userinfo.h"
+-#include "agreementinfo.h"
+-#include "screensavermode.h"
+-#include "biodefines.h"
++#include "../../src/userinfo.h"
++#include "../../src/agreementinfo.h"
++#include "../../src/widgets/screensavermode.h"
++#include "../../src/common/biodefines.h"
+ /**
+  * @brief 锁屏模型类(管理所有功能逻辑和状态)
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp
+index 8a5afeb..e254f0d 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ #include "lockdialogperformer.h"
+ #include "lockdialogmodel.h"
+ #include "backenddbushelper.h"
++#include "../common/plasma-shell-manager.h"
+ #include "utils.h"
+ #include "rsac.h"
+@@ -58,11 +59,13 @@ void LockDialogPerformer::initConnections()
+         m_modelLockDialog->updateSleepLockcheck(m_bdHelper->getSleepLockcheck());
+         m_modelLockDialog->updateShutdownLockcheck(m_bdHelper->getShutdownLockcheck());
+     });
+-    connect(
+-        m_bdHelper,
+-        &BackendDbusHelper::capslockConfChanged,
+-        m_modelLockDialog,
+-        &LockDialogModel::onCapslockStateChanged);
++    if (!m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland()) {
++        connect(
++            m_bdHelper,
++            &BackendDbusHelper::capslockConfChanged,
++            m_modelLockDialog,
++            &LockDialogModel::onCapslockStateChanged);
++    }
+     connect(
+         m_bdHelper,
+@@ -231,3 +234,14 @@ void LockDialogPerformer::initData()
+     m_modelLockDialog->updateSessionLogoutMusic(m_bdHelper->getSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_LOGOUT_MUSIC).toBool());
+     m_modelLockDialog->updateSessionPoweroffMusic(m_bdHelper->getSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_POWEROFF_MUSIC).toBool());
+ }
++void LockDialogPerformer::initExtraData()
++    if (m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland()) {
++        connect(
++            PlasmaShellManager::getInstance(),
++            &PlasmaShellManager::capslockStateChanged,
++            m_modelLockDialog,
++            &LockDialogModel::onCapslockStateChanged);
++    }
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.h b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.h
+index 903507b..c4d8f7e 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.h
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.h
+@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ public:
+      */
+     explicit LockDialogPerformer(LockDialogModel *model, QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    void initExtraData();
+ private:
+     /**
+      * @brief 初始化连接信号槽
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp
+index 68c6e78..0f6ebc9 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/main.cpp
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <QEventLoop>
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
++#include <sys/prctl.h>
+ #include <QProcess>
+ #include <ukui-log4qt.h>
+ #include <QtSingleApplication>
+@@ -67,11 +68,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     // 屏蔽输入法
+     qunsetenv("QT_IM_MODULE");
+-    LockDialogModel *lockDialogModel = new LockDialogModel();
+-    LockDialogPerformer *performer = new LockDialogPerformer(lockDialogModel);
++    LockDialogModel lockDialogModel;
++    LockDialogPerformer performer(&lockDialogModel);
+-    if (isGreeterMode())
+-        DisplayService::instance(lockDialogModel)->setCurUserName(lockDialogModel->defaultUserName());
++    if (isGreeterMode() && !lockDialogModel.isUseWayland()) {
++        DisplayService::instance(&lockDialogModel)->setCurUserName(lockDialogModel.defaultUserName());
++    }
+     QString strDisplay = "";
+     if (QString(qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) == "wayland") {
+@@ -81,14 +83,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     }
+     QString id = QString("ukui-screensaver-dialog" + strDisplay);
+     QtSingleApplication app(id, argc, argv);
++    // 锁屏后端退出时,锁屏前端也退出
++    performer.initExtraData();
+     LockDialogModel::CommandLineArgs cmdArgs;
+-    if (!lockDialogModel->parseCmdArguments(app.arguments(), cmdArgs)) {
++    if (!lockDialogModel.parseCmdArguments(app.arguments(), cmdArgs)) {
+         return 0;
+     }
+     if (!isGreeterMode()) {
+-	// 需要判断参数是否是session-tools
++        // 需要判断参数是否是session-tools
+         if (!cmdArgs.isSessionTools) {
+             // 试用模式不起锁屏
+             checkIslivecd();
+@@ -98,12 +103,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     if (app.isRunning()) {
+         QString strArguments = QApplication::arguments().join(",");
+         app.sendMessage(strArguments);
+-        delete lockDialogModel;
+-        lockDialogModel = nullptr;
+         qInfo() << "ukui screensaver dialog is running!";
+         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+     }
+-    setCursorCenter();
++    if (!lockDialogModel.isUseWayland()) {
++        setCursorCenter();
++    }
+     // 加载插件实例
+     PluginsLoader *pluginsLoader = &PluginsLoader::instance();
+     pluginsLoader->start(QThread::HighestPriority);
+@@ -111,22 +116,22 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     QApplication::setSetuidAllowed(true);
+-    QObject::connect(lockDialogModel, &LockDialogModel::requestUnlockSession, [=]() {
++    QObject::connect(&lockDialogModel, &LockDialogModel::requestUnlockSession, [=]() {
+         if (window) {
+             window->onCloseScreensaver();
+         } else {
+             exit(0);
+         }
+     });
+-    if (!lockDialogModel->sessionActive()) {
++    if (!lockDialogModel.sessionActive()) {
+         QEventLoop *loopTemp = new QEventLoop(&app);
+-        QObject::connect(lockDialogModel, &LockDialogModel::sessionActiveChanged, [loopTemp](bool isActive) {
++        QObject::connect(&lockDialogModel, &LockDialogModel::sessionActiveChanged, [loopTemp](bool isActive) {
+             qDebug() << "sessionActiveChanged:" << isActive;
+             if (isActive && loopTemp->isRunning()) {
+                 loopTemp->quit();
+             }
+         });
+-        QObject::connect(lockDialogModel, &LockDialogModel::requestLockSession, [loopTemp]() {
++        QObject::connect(&lockDialogModel, &LockDialogModel::requestLockSession, [loopTemp]() {
+             qDebug() << "session requestLock!";
+             if (loopTemp->isRunning()) {
+                 loopTemp->quit();
+@@ -136,19 +141,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     }
+     QObject::connect(
+-        &app, SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString &)), lockDialogModel, SLOT(onRunningMessage(const QString &)));
++        &app, SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString &)), &lockDialogModel, SLOT(onRunningMessage(const QString &)));
+     qInfo() << "Start " << app.arguments();
+     // 加载翻译文件
+-    UserInfoPtr ptrUserInfo = lockDialogModel->findUserByName(lockDialogModel->defaultUserName());
++    UserInfoPtr ptrUserInfo = lockDialogModel.findUserByName(lockDialogModel.defaultUserName());
+     if (ptrUserInfo) {
+         LanguageSetting::instance()->onLanguageChanged(ptrUserInfo->lang());
+     } else {
+         LanguageSetting::instance()->onLanguageChanged(QLocale::system().name());
+     }
+-    window = new FullBackgroundWidget(lockDialogModel);
++    window = new FullBackgroundWidget(&lockDialogModel, cmdArgs.isLockStartup);
+     // 注册DBus
+     ScreenSaverWndAdaptor adaptorWnd(window);
+@@ -156,7 +161,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     QString sessionDbus = SSWND_DBUS_SERVICE;
+     if (!service.registerService(SSWND_DBUS_SERVICE)) {
+         QString displayNum = QString(qgetenv("DISPLAY")).replace(":", "").replace(".", "_");
+-        ;
+         sessionDbus = QString("%1%2").arg(QString(SSWND_DBUS_SERVICE)).arg(displayNum);
+         if (!service.registerService(sessionDbus)) {
+             qDebug() << service.lastError().message();
+@@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     qDebug() << service.baseService();
+     if (cmdArgs.isBlank) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showBlankScreensaver(cmdArgs.nBlankDelay, cmdArgs.isBlankHasLock);
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showBlankScreensaver(cmdArgs.nBlankDelay, cmdArgs.isBlankHasLock);
+     }
+ #ifndef USE_INTEL
+@@ -185,42 +189,42 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ #endif
+     if (cmdArgs.isLock) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showLock(false);
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showLock(false);
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isLockStartup) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showLock(true);
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showLock(true);
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isSessionIdle) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showSessionIdle();
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showSessionIdle();
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isLockScreensaver) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showLockScreensaver();
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showLockScreensaver();
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isScreenSaver) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showScreensaver();
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showScreensaver();
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isSessionTools) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showSessionTools();
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showSessionTools();
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isAppBlock != -1) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showAppBlockWindow(cmdArgs.isAppBlock);
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showAppBlockWindow(cmdArgs.isAppBlock);
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isMultiUserBlock != -1) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showMultiUsersBlockWindow(cmdArgs.isMultiUserBlock);
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showMultiUsersBlockWindow(cmdArgs.isMultiUserBlock);
+     }
+     if (cmdArgs.isSwitchUser) {
+-        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel->showSwitchUserLock();
++        Q_EMIT lockDialogModel.showSwitchUserLock();
+     }
+     KillFocusOfKydroid();
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] application event loop begin!!");
+     return app.exec();
+ }
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c b/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c
+index a1d1014..f02d9f6 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c
+@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ struct  tallylog {
+ 	uint64_t        fail_time;      /* time of last failure */
+ };
++static pam_tally g_tally_info;
+ 	static
+ int get_is_open_other_authentication()
+@@ -150,6 +151,19 @@ void set_shm_tally_real()
+ int pam_tally_init()
+ {
++#if 1
++       int deny = 0, unlock_time = 0 , root_unlock_time = 0;
++       if (!get_pam_tally(&deny, &unlock_time,&root_unlock_time)) {
++           return 0;
++       }
++       g_tally_info.deny = deny;
++       g_tally_info.unlock_time = unlock_time;
++       g_tally_info.failed = 0;
++       g_tally_info.lock_start_time = 0;
++       g_tally_info.root_unlock_time = root_unlock_time;
++       return 1;
+ 	int fd;
+ 	int deny = 0, unlock_time = 0 , root_unlock_time = 0;
+ 	pam_tally *tally_ptr;
+@@ -197,6 +211,7 @@ int pam_tally_init()
+ 	tally_ptr->root_unlock_time = root_unlock_time;    
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+ 	static
+@@ -389,10 +404,12 @@ void get_tally(uid_t uid, int *tfile, struct tallylog *tally)
+ int pam_tally_unlock_time_left(uid_t userID, int *fail_cnt,int *left_time, int *deny, int *fail_time, int *unlock_time1)
+ {
+ 	pam_tally *tally_ptr;
++#if 1
++    tally_ptr = &g_tally_info;
+ 	if((tally_ptr = pam_tally_memory()) == NULL)
+ 		return 0;
+ 	int unlock_time = tally_ptr->unlock_time;
+ 	*deny = tally_ptr->deny;
+@@ -441,9 +458,12 @@ int pam_tally_root_unlock_time_left(uid_t userID, int *fail_cnt,int *left_time,
+ {
+ 	pam_tally *tally_ptr;
+-	if((tally_ptr = pam_tally_memory()) == NULL){
+-		return 0;
+-	}
++#if 1
++    tally_ptr = &g_tally_info;
++    if((tally_ptr = pam_tally_memory()) == NULL)
++        return 0;
+ 	int root_unlock_time = tally_ptr->root_unlock_time;
+ 	int deny = tally_ptr->deny;
+ 	if(root_unlock_time == 0)
+diff --git a/src/screensaver/scconfiguration.cpp b/src/screensaver/scconfiguration.cpp
+index e2c2f91..105045a 100644
+--- a/src/screensaver/scconfiguration.cpp
++++ b/src/screensaver/scconfiguration.cpp
+@@ -114,10 +114,15 @@ void SCConfiguration::onConfigurationChanged(QString key, QVariant value)
+ QString SCConfiguration::getDefaultBackground()
+ {
+     QString backgroundFile = m_helperBackendDbus->getLockScreenConf(KEY_BACKGROUND).toString();
+-    if (ispicture(backgroundFile))
++    if (ispicture(backgroundFile)) {
+         return backgroundFile;
+-    else
++    } else {
++        QString default_background_path = "/usr/share/backgrounds/1-warty-final-ubuntukylin.jpg";
++        if (ispicture(default_background_path)) {
++            return default_background_path;
++        }
++    }
+ }
+ int SCConfiguration::getTimeType()
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/CMakeLists.txt b/src/ukccplugins/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9599549
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++add_definitions(-DOPENKYLIN -DNile)
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/CMakeLists.txt b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2941a16
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++pkg_check_modules(GIO2.0 REQUIRED gio-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(KYSDKQTWIDGETS REQUIRED kysdk-qtwidgets)
++pkg_check_modules(KYSDKDIAGNOSTICS REQUIRED kysdk-diagnostics)
++        ${GIO2.0_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++        /usr/include/ukcc
++	)
++        ${EXTRA_LIBS}
++        ${QGS_LIBRARIES}
++        ${GIO2.0_LIBRARIES}
++        -lukcc
++	)
++        )
++    pictureunit.h
++    screenlock.h
++    screenlockui.h
++    )
++    ${lockscreen_Plugin_SRC}
++    pictureunit.cpp
++    screenlock.cpp
++    screenlockui.cpp
++    )
++add_library(screenlock SHARED ${lockscreen_Plugin_SRC})
++target_link_libraries(screenlock Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus Qt5::Xml ${EXTRA_LIBS})
++        screenlock
++        DESTINATION lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/ukui-control-center)
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..03489d6
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2019 Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include "pictureunit.h"
++#include <QApplication>
++#include <widgets/maskwidget.h>
++#include <QTouchEvent>
++#include <QGSettings>
++#include <QDebug>
++#include <qmath.h>
++PictureUnit::PictureUnit(QWidget *parent) : QLabel(parent)
++    _filename = "";
++    hoverStyleSheet = QString("border-width: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: palette(highlight);");
++    clickedStyleSheet = QString("border-width: 4px;border-style: solid;border-color: palette(highlight);");
++    if (QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled("org.ukui.style")) {
++        QGSettings *qtSettings = new QGSettings("org.ukui.style", QByteArray(), this);
++        connect(qtSettings, &QGSettings::changed, this, [=](const QString &key) {
++            if (key == "themeColor" && this->clickedFlag) {
++                this->setStyleSheet(clickedStyleSheet);
++            }
++        });
++    }
++    clickedFlag = false;
++    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
++    setFixedSize(QSize(160, 110));
++    setScaledContents(true);
++    MaskWidget *maskWidget = new MaskWidget(this);
++    maskWidget->setGeometry(0, 0, this->width(), this->height());
++    isTouchControl = false;
++    qApp->installEventFilter(this);
++    this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents);
++PictureUnit::~PictureUnit() {}
++void PictureUnit::setFilenameText(QString fn)
++    _filename = fn;
++QString PictureUnit::filenameText()
++    return _filename;
++void PictureUnit::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
++    if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && !isTouchControl && e->pos().x() >= 0 && e->pos().y() >= 0
++        && e->pos().x() <= width() && e->pos().y() <= height()) {
++        changeClickedFlag(true);
++        Q_EMIT clicked(_filename);
++    }
++void PictureUnit::enterEvent(QEvent *e)
++    if (getClickedFlag() == false && !isTouchControl) {
++        setFrameShape(QFrame::Box);
++        setStyleSheet(hoverStyleSheet);
++    }
++void PictureUnit::leaveEvent(QEvent *e)
++    if (getClickedFlag() == false) {
++        setStyleSheet("border-width: 0px;");
++    }
++bool PictureUnit::getClickedFlag()
++    return clickedFlag;
++void PictureUnit::changeClickedFlag(bool flag)
++    clickedFlag = flag;
++    if (flag) {
++        this->setFrameShape(QFrame::Box);
++        this->setStyleSheet(clickedStyleSheet);
++    } else {
++        this->setStyleSheet("border-width: 0px;");
++    }
++bool PictureUnit::eventFilter(QObject *w, QEvent *e)
++    if (w == this) {
++        if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin) {
++            isTouchControl = true;
++            QTouchEvent *touchE = static_cast<QTouchEvent *>(e);
++            touchBeginPoint = touchE->touchPoints().at(0).screenPos();
++        }
++    } else if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchEnd && isTouchControl) {
++        isTouchControl = false;
++        QTouchEvent *touchE = static_cast<QTouchEvent *>(e);
++        touchEndPoint = touchE->touchPoints().at(0).screenPos();
++        if (qFabs(touchEndPoint.x() - touchBeginPoint.x()) < 1.0
++            && qFabs(touchEndPoint.y() - touchBeginPoint.y()) < 1.0) {
++            emit clicked(_filename);
++        }
++    }
++    return qApp->eventFilter(w, e);
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.h b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8778bee
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/pictureunit.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2019 Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include <QLabel>
++#include <QMouseEvent>
++#include <QEvent>
++class PictureUnit : public QLabel
++    Q_OBJECT
++    explicit PictureUnit(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
++    ~PictureUnit();
++    void setFilenameText(QString fn);
++    QString filenameText();
++    void changeClickedFlag(bool flag);
++    bool getClickedFlag();
++    void enterEvent(QEvent *e);
++    void leaveEvent(QEvent *e);
++    QString _filename;
++    QString clickedStyleSheet;
++    void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e);
++    bool eventFilter(QObject *w, QEvent *e);
++    bool clickedFlag;
++    QString hoverStyleSheet;
++    bool isTouchControl;
++    QPointF touchBeginPoint;
++    QPointF touchEndPoint;
++    void clicked(QString filename);
++#endif // PICTUREUNIT_H
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1f08bc7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2019 Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include "screenlock.h"
++#include <interface/ukcccommon.h>
++using namespace ukcc;
++#include <QDebug>
++#include <QDir>
++#include <QFileDialog>
++#include <QDesktopServices>
++#include <QProcess>
++#include <QFileSystemWatcher>
++#include <QTranslator>
++#include <QLocale>
++#include <QApplication>
++Screenlock::Screenlock() : mFirstLoad(true)
++    QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(this);
++    translator->load("/usr/share/ukui-screensaver/ukccplugins/i18n_qm/" + QLocale::system().name());
++    QApplication::installTranslator(translator);
++    pluginName = tr("Screenlock");
++    pluginType = PERSONALIZED;
++Screenlock::~Screenlock() {}
++QString Screenlock::plugini18nName()
++    return pluginName;
++int Screenlock::pluginTypes()
++    return pluginType;
++QWidget *Screenlock::pluginUi()
++    if (mFirstLoad) {
++        mFirstLoad = false;
++        screenlockui = new ScreenlockUi();
++        screenlockInterface = new QDBusInterface(
++            "org.ukui.ScreenSaver",
++            "/Screenlock",
++            "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screenlock",
++            QDBusConnection::sessionBus(),
++            this);
++        if (screenlockInterface->isValid()) {                         // 判断服务是否存在
++            QDBusMessage message = screenlockInterface->call("ping"); // 判断dbus路径是否存在
++            if (message.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage
++                && message.errorMessage().contains("No such object path", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
++                qWarning() << screenlockInterface << ":" << message.errorMessage();
++            } else {
++                QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect(
++                    "org.ukui.ScreenSaver",
++                    "/Screenlock",
++                    "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screenlock",
++                    "changed",
++                    this,
++                    SLOT(dataChanged(QString)));
++                initContent();
++                connectUiSignals();
++                connectToServer();
++            }
++        } else {
++            qCritical() << "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screenlock DBus error:" << screenlockInterface->lastError();
++        }
++    } else {
++        screenlockui->resize(screenlockui->size() - QSize(1, 1));
++        screenlockui->resize(screenlockui->size() + QSize(1, 1));
++    }
++    return screenlockui;
++const QString Screenlock::name() const
++    return QStringLiteral("Screenlock");
++bool Screenlock::isShowOnHomePage() const
++    return false;
++QIcon Screenlock::icon() const
++    return QIcon::fromTheme("ukui-lock-screen-symbolic");
++bool Screenlock::isEnable() const
++    return true;
++void Screenlock::dataChanged(const QString &key)
++    if (toChangeKey != key) {
++        if (key == "showOnLogin") {
++            initShowOnLogin();
++        } else if (key == "wallpaper") {
++            initWallpaper();
++        }
++    }
++    toChangeKey = "";
++void Screenlock::initContent()
++    QStringList previewPictures = screenlockInterface->property("previewWallpapers").toStringList();
++    QStringList sourcePictures = screenlockInterface->property("sourceWallpapers").toStringList();
++    screenlockui->setPictures(previewPictures, sourcePictures);
++    initWallpaper();
++    initShowOnLogin();
++void Screenlock::initShowOnLogin()
++    screenlockui->setShowOnLogin(screenlockInterface->property("showOnLogin").toBool());
++void Screenlock::initWallpaper()
++    screenlockui->setPicture(screenlockInterface->property("wallpaper").toString());
++void Screenlock::connectUiSignals()
++    connect(screenlockui, &ScreenlockUi::showOnLoginChanged, this, [=](bool b) {
++        toChangeKey = "showOnLogin";
++        screenlockInterface->call("setShowOnLogin", b);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(
++            name(),
++            QString("Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin"),
++            QString("settings"),
++            UkccCommon::boolToString(b));
++    });
++    connect(screenlockui, &ScreenlockUi::pictureChanged, this, [=](QString file) {
++        toChangeKey = "wallpaper";
++        screenlockInterface->call("setWallpaper", file);
++    });
++    connect(screenlockui, &ScreenlockUi::localButtonClicked, this, [=]() { showLocalWpDialog(); });
++    connect(screenlockui, &ScreenlockUi::onlineButtonClicked, this, [=]() {
++        QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(QLatin1String("https://www.ubuntukylin.com/wallpaper.html")));
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("onlineBtnonlineButton"), QString("clicked"));
++    });
++    connect(screenlockui, &ScreenlockUi::resetButtonClicked, this, [=]() {
++        screenlockInterface->call("resetDefault");
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("resetBtn"), QString("clicked"));
++    });
++    connect(screenlockui, &ScreenlockUi::toSetMonitor, this, [=]() {
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), "setBtn(Monitor Off)", QString("clicked"));
++        QProcess::startDetached(
++            "ukui-control-center",
++            QStringList() << "-m"
++                          << "Power");
++    });
++    connect(screenlockui, &ScreenlockUi::toSetScreensaver, this, [=]() {
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), "setBtn(Screensaver)", QString("clicked"));
++        QProcess::startDetached(
++            "ukui-control-center",
++            QStringList() << "-m"
++                          << "Screensaver");
++    });
++void Screenlock::showLocalWpDialog()
++    QStringList filters;
++    filters << tr("Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)");
++    QFileDialog fd;
++    QList<QUrl> usb_list = fd.sidebarUrls();
++    int sidebarNum = 8; // 最大添加U盘数,可以自己定义
++    QString home_path = QDir::homePath().section("/", -1, -1);
++    QString mnt = "/media/" + home_path + "/";
++    QDir mntDir(mnt);
++    mntDir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
++    QFileInfoList file_list = mntDir.entryInfoList();
++    QList<QUrl> mntUrlList;
++    for (int i = 0; i < sidebarNum && i < file_list.size(); ++i) {
++        QFileInfo fi = file_list.at(i);
++        mntUrlList << QUrl("file://" + fi.filePath());
++    }
++    QFileSystemWatcher m_fileSystemWatcher(&fd);
++    m_fileSystemWatcher.addPath("/media/" + home_path + "/");
++    connect(
++        &m_fileSystemWatcher,
++        &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged,
++        &fd,
++        [=, &sidebarNum, &mntUrlList, &usb_list, &fd](const QString path) {
++            QDir m_wmntDir(path);
++            m_wmntDir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
++            QFileInfoList m_wfilist = m_wmntDir.entryInfoList();
++            mntUrlList.clear();
++            for (int i = 0; i < sidebarNum && i < m_wfilist.size(); ++i) {
++                QFileInfo m_fi = m_wfilist.at(i);
++                mntUrlList << QUrl("file://" + m_fi.filePath());
++            }
++            fd.setSidebarUrls(usb_list + mntUrlList);
++            fd.update();
++        });
++    connect(&fd, &QFileDialog::finished, &fd, [=, &usb_list, &fd]() { fd.setSidebarUrls(usb_list); });
++    fd.setDirectory(QString(const_cast<char *>(g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES))));
++    fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen);
++    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
++    fd.setNameFilters(filters);
++    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile);
++    fd.setWindowTitle(tr("select custom wallpaper file"));
++    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Accept, tr("Select"));
++    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::LookIn, tr("Position: "));
++    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::FileName, tr("FileName: "));
++    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::FileType, tr("FileType: "));
++    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Reject, tr("Cancel"));
++    fd.setSidebarUrls(usb_list + mntUrlList);
++    if (fd.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) {
++        return;
++    }
++    QString selectedfile;
++    selectedfile = fd.selectedFiles().first();
++    QStringList fileRes = selectedfile.split("/");
++    QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
++    QString program("cp");
++    QStringList arguments;
++    arguments << selectedfile;
++    arguments << "/tmp";
++    process->start(program, arguments);
++    screenlockInterface->call("setWallpaper", selectedfile);
++    UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("browserLocalwpBtn"), QString("clicked"));
++void Screenlock::connectToServer()
++    QThread *NetThread = new QThread;
++    MThread *NetWorker = new MThread;
++    NetWorker->moveToThread(NetThread);
++    connect(NetThread, &QThread::started, NetWorker, &MThread::run);
++    connect(NetWorker, &MThread::keychangedsignal, this, &Screenlock::keyChangedSlot);
++    connect(NetThread, &QThread::finished, NetWorker, &MThread::deleteLater);
++    NetThread->start();
++void Screenlock::keyChangedSlot(const QString &key)
++    if (key == "ukui-screensaver") {
++        if (!bIsCloudService) {
++            bIsCloudService = true;
++        }
++        initShowOnLogin();
++        initWallpaper();
++    }
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.h b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9cb3dbb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2019 Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef SCREENLOCK_H
++#define SCREENLOCK_H
++#include <interface/mthread.h>
++#include <interface/interface.h>
++#include "screenlockui.h"
++#include <QObject>
++#include <QtPlugin>
++#ifdef signals
++#undef signals
++#include <glib.h>
++#include <gio/gio.h>
++class Screenlock : public QObject, CommonInterface
++    Q_OBJECT
++    Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.ukcc.CommonInterface")
++    Q_INTERFACES(CommonInterface)
++    Screenlock();
++    ~Screenlock();
++    QString plugini18nName()   Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    int pluginTypes()       Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    QWidget * pluginUi()   Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    const QString name() const  Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    bool isShowOnHomePage() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    QIcon icon() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    bool isEnable() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    virtual QString translationPath() const {
++        return QStringLiteral("/usr/share/ukui-screensaver/ukccplugins/i18n/%1.ts");
++    }
++    void connectToServer();
++public Q_SLOTS:
++    void keyChangedSlot(const QString &key);
++    void initContent();
++    void initShowOnLogin();
++    void initWallpaper();
++    void connectUiSignals();
++    void showLocalWpDialog();
++public Q_SLOTS:
++    void dataChanged(const QString &key);
++    QString        toChangeKey;
++    QString        pluginName;
++    int            pluginType;
++    bool           mFirstLoad;
++    ScreenlockUi   *screenlockui        = nullptr;
++    QDBusInterface *screenlockInterface = nullptr;
++    bool           bIsCloudService      = false;
++#endif // SCREENLOCK_H
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8d868c8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
++#include "screenlockui.h"
++#include <QImageReader>
++    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
++    uiLayout         = new QVBoxLayout(this);
++    screenlockLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
++    relateLayout     = new QVBoxLayout(this);
++    uiLayout->addLayout(screenlockLayout);
++    uiLayout->addLayout(relateLayout);
++    uiLayout->addStretch();
++    uiLayout->setSpacing(40);
++    uiLayout->setMargin(0);
++    initUi();
++void ScreenlockUi::initUi()
++    initScreenLock();
++    initRelateSet();
++#ifdef Nile
++    initLeavLockStatus();
++    initSignals();
++void ScreenlockUi::initScreenLock()
++    wallpaperTitleLabel = new KLabel(this);
++    wallpaperTitleLabel->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 0, 0);
++    previewFrame        = new UkccFrame(this);
++    previewLayout       = new QHBoxLayout(previewFrame);
++    previewLabel        = new QLabel(this);
++    centerGroup         = new SettingGroup(this);
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin
++    showPicWidget       = new SwitchWidget(tr("Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin"), centerGroup);
++#ifdef Nile
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)
++    btLeaveLockWidget   = new SwitchWidget(tr("Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)"), centerGroup);
++    bluetoothWidget     = new ComboxWidget(tr("Specified device"), centerGroup);
++    setBtWidget         = new PushButtonWidget(tr("No paired phone. Please turn to 'Bluetooth' to pair."), centerGroup);
++    noBtWidget          = new UkccFrame(centerGroup,UkccFrame::None,true);
++    picBtnFrame         = new UkccFrame(centerGroup);
++    picBtnLayout        = new QVBoxLayout(picBtnFrame);
++    pictureFrame        = new UkccFrame(picBtnFrame);
++    pictureLayout       = new FlowLayout(pictureFrame, 16, -1, -1);
++    bottomFrame         = new UkccFrame(picBtnFrame);
++    bottomLayout        = new QHBoxLayout(bottomFrame);
++    localBtn            = new QPushButton(bottomFrame);
++    onlineBtn           = new QPushButton(bottomFrame);
++    resetBtn            = new QPushButton(bottomFrame);
++    screenlockLayout->setMargin(0);
++    screenlockLayout->setSpacing(8);
++    screenlockLayout->addWidget(wallpaperTitleLabel);
++    screenlockLayout->addWidget(previewFrame);
++    screenlockLayout->addWidget(centerGroup);
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Screenlock
++    wallpaperTitleLabel->setText(tr("Screenlock"));
++    previewFrame->setFixedHeight(212);
++    previewLabel->setFixedSize(300, 180);
++    previewLayout->addWidget(previewLabel);
++    previewLayout->addStretch();
++    centerGroup->addWidget(showPicWidget);
++#ifdef Nile
++    centerGroup->addWidget(btLeaveLockWidget);
++    centerGroup->addWidget(bluetoothWidget);
++    centerGroup->addWidget(noBtWidget);
++    centerGroup->addWidget(setBtWidget);
++    centerGroup->addWidget(picBtnFrame);
++    picBtnFrame->setLineWidth(0);
++    pictureFrame->setLineWidth(0);
++    picBtnLayout->setMargin(0);
++    picBtnLayout->setSpacing(0);
++    picBtnLayout->addWidget(pictureFrame);
++    picBtnLayout->addWidget(bottomFrame);
++    bottomLayout->setSpacing(32);
++    bottomLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 16, 16);
++    bottomLayout->addWidget(localBtn);
++    bottomLayout->addWidget(onlineBtn);
++    bottomLayout->addStretch();
++    bottomLayout->addWidget(resetBtn);
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Local Pictures
++    localBtn->setText(tr("Local Pictures"));
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Online Pictures
++    onlineBtn->setText(tr("Online Pictures"));
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Reset To Default
++    resetBtn->setText(tr("Reset To Default"));
++    onlineBtn->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
++    onlineBtn->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
++    onlineBtn->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor));
++    onlineBtn->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{background: transparent;border-radius: 4px;text-decoration: underline;}");
++#ifdef Nile
++    QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme("kylin-dialog-warning");
++    if (icon.isNull())
++        icon = QIcon::fromTheme("dialog-warning");
++    setBtWidget->setIconLabel(icon);
++    setBtWidget->setButtonText(tr("Bluetooth"));
++    setBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++    QHBoxLayout *noBtVLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
++    QLabel *noBtWarnIcon = new QLabel(noBtWidget);
++    QLabel *noBtMessage = new QLabel(tr("No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock."),noBtWidget);
++    noBtWarnIcon->setPixmap(icon.pixmap(18,18));
++    noBtVLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 16, 0);
++    noBtVLayout->setSpacing(16);
++    noBtVLayout->addWidget(noBtWarnIcon);
++    noBtVLayout->addWidget(noBtMessage,Qt::AlignLeft);
++    noBtWidget->setLayout(noBtVLayout);
++    noBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++    bluetoothWidget->setVisible(false);
++void ScreenlockUi::initRelateSet()
++    relateTitleLabel  = new KLabel(this);
++    relateTitleLabel->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 0, 0);
++    relatedGroup      = new SettingGroup(this);
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Monitor Off
++    monitorWidget     = new PushButtonWidget(tr("Monitor Off"), relatedGroup);
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Screensaver
++    screensaverWidget = new PushButtonWidget(tr("Screensaver"), relatedGroup);
++    //~ contents_path /Screenlock/Related Settings
++    relateTitleLabel->setText(tr("Related Settings"));
++    relateLayout->setSpacing(8);
++    relateLayout->addWidget(relateTitleLabel);
++    relateLayout->addWidget(relatedGroup);
++    relatedGroup->addWidget(monitorWidget);
++    relatedGroup->addWidget(screensaverWidget);
++    monitorWidget->setButtonText(tr("Set"));
++    screensaverWidget->setButtonText(tr("Set"));
++void ScreenlockUi::initLeavLockStatus() {
++    bool ispowered = isBluetoothPowered();
++    bool leaveLockOn = getLeavLockOn();
++    bool hasAdapter = hasBluetoothAdapter();
++    QMap<QString, QString> btDevices = getBtPairedDevices();
++    bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->clear();
++    if (leaveLockOn)
++        btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton()->click();
++    canLeaveLock = !btDevices.isEmpty();
++    bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->addItem(tr("Please select device"));
++    for (auto dev : btDevices.keys())
++        bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->addItem(btDevices.value(dev), dev);
++    if (canLeaveLock && ispowered) {
++        lockdev = getLeaveLockDev();
++        if (!lockdev.isEmpty() && canLeaveLock) {
++            bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->setCurrentIndex(bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->findData(lockdev));
++        }
++    }
++    if (!hasAdapter && leaveLockOn) {
++        noBtWidget->setVisible(!hasAdapter);
++        return;
++    }
++    if (bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->count() == 1 && leaveLockOn) {
++        setBtWidget->setVisible(true);
++        noBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++        bluetoothWidget->setVisible(false);
++        return;
++    }
++    bluetoothWidget->setVisible(leaveLockOn && canLeaveLock && ispowered);
++    setBtWidget->setVisible((!canLeaveLock || !ispowered) && leaveLockOn);
++void ScreenlockUi::initSignals()
++    connect(showPicWidget->switchButton(), &KSwitchButton::clicked, this, [=](){
++        Q_EMIT showOnLoginChanged(showPicWidget->switchButton()->isChecked());
++    });
++#ifdef Nile
++    connect(btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton(), &KSwitchButton::clicked, this, [=](bool clicked){
++        if (!clicked) {
++            noBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++            setBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++            bluetoothWidget->setVisible(false);
++            if (!lockdev.isEmpty()) {
++                setLeaveLock(false);
++            }
++            lockdev.clear();
++            bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->setCurrentIndex(0);
++            return;
++        }
++        bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->setCurrentIndex(0);
++        bool ispowered = isBluetoothPowered();
++        bool hasAdapter = hasBluetoothAdapter();
++        if (!hasAdapter) {
++            noBtWidget->setVisible(!hasAdapter);
++            return;
++        }
++        if (bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->count() == 1) {
++            setBtWidget->setVisible(true);
++            noBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++            bluetoothWidget->setVisible(false);
++            return;
++        }
++        bluetoothWidget->setVisible(canLeaveLock && ispowered);
++        setBtWidget->setVisible(!canLeaveLock || !ispowered);
++    });
++    connect(bluetoothWidget, &ComboxWidget::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](int index) {
++        if (!lockdev.isEmpty()) {
++            setLeaveLock(false);
++        }
++        if (index == 0) {
++            lockdev.clear();
++            return;
++        }
++        lockdev = bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->currentData().toString();
++        setLeaveLock(true);
++    });
++    connect(setBtWidget, &PushButtonWidget::clicked, this, [=](){
++        QProcess *process = new QProcess();
++        QString cmd = "ukui-control-center";
++        QStringList arg;
++        arg.clear();
++        arg << "-m";
++        arg << "Bluetooth";
++        process->startDetached(cmd,arg);
++    });
++    connect(monitorWidget, &PushButtonWidget::clicked, this, [=](){
++        Q_EMIT toSetMonitor();
++    });
++    connect(screensaverWidget, &PushButtonWidget::clicked, this, [=](){
++        Q_EMIT toSetScreensaver();
++    });
++    connect(localBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){
++        Q_EMIT localButtonClicked();
++    });
++    connect(onlineBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){
++        Q_EMIT onlineButtonClicked();
++    });
++    connect(resetBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){
++        Q_EMIT resetButtonClicked();
++    });
++#ifdef Nile
++    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                          "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "devPairSignal",
++                                          this,
++                                          SLOT(addPairedDev(QString,bool)));
++    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                          "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "defaultAdapterPowerChanged",
++                                          this,
++                                          SLOT(powerChanged(bool)));
++    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                          "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "defaultAdapterChanged",
++                                          this,
++                                          SLOT(defaultAdapterChanged(QString)));
++    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                          "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "adapterAddSignal",
++                                          this,
++                                          SLOT(adapterAdded(QString)));
++    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                          "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                          "adapterRemoveSignal",
++                                          this,
++                                          SLOT(adapterRemoved(QString)));
++void ScreenlockUi::setShowOnLogin(bool b)
++    showPicWidget->switchButton()->blockSignals(true);
++    showPicWidget->switchButton()->setChecked(b);
++    showPicWidget->switchButton()->blockSignals(false);
++void ScreenlockUi::setPicture(const QString &data)
++    currentFile = data;
++    QImageReader reader(data);
++    reader.setDecideFormatFromContent(true);
++    previewLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(reader.read()).scaled(previewLabel->size()));
++    resetClickedPic();
++void ScreenlockUi::setPictures(const QStringList &picturePathList, const QStringList &sourcePathList)
++    if (picturePathList.size() != sourcePathList.size()) {
++        qWarning()<<"picturePathList.size():"<<picturePathList.size()<<" != sourcePathList.size():"<<sourcePathList.size();
++        return;
++    }
++    for (int i = 0; i < picturePathList.size(); ++i) {
++        QPixmap pixmap;
++        pixmap.load(picturePathList.at(i));
++        bool clicked = false;
++        if (sourcePathList.at(i) == currentFile) {
++            clicked = true;
++        }
++        createPictureUnit(pixmap, sourcePathList.at(i), clicked);
++    }
++void ScreenlockUi::createPictureUnit(const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &filename, const bool &clicked)
++    PictureUnit *picUnit = new PictureUnit(this);
++    picUnit->setPixmap(pixmap);
++    picUnit->setFilenameText(filename);
++    if (clicked) {
++        prePictureUnit = picUnit;
++        picUnit->changeClickedFlag(true);
++        setPicture(filename);
++    }
++    connect(picUnit, &PictureUnit::clicked, [=](QString file){
++        if (prePictureUnit) {
++            prePictureUnit->changeClickedFlag(false);
++        }
++        prePictureUnit = picUnit;
++        setPicture(file);
++        Q_EMIT pictureChanged(file);
++    });
++    pictureLayout->addWidget(picUnit);
++void ScreenlockUi::resetClickedPic() {
++    if (prePictureUnit != nullptr) {
++        prePictureUnit->changeClickedFlag(false);
++        prePictureUnit = nullptr;
++    }
++    for (int i = pictureLayout->count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
++        QLayoutItem *it      = pictureLayout->itemAt(i);
++        PictureUnit *picUnit = static_cast<PictureUnit*>(it->widget());
++        if (currentFile == picUnit->filenameText()) {
++            picUnit->changeClickedFlag(true);
++            prePictureUnit = picUnit;
++        }
++    }
++QMap<QString, QString> ScreenlockUi::getBtPairedDevices() {
++    QMap<QString, QString> pairedList;
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "getPairedPhoneAddr");
++    QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++    if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
++    {
++        QStringList ret = response.arguments().takeFirst().toStringList();
++        if (ret.isEmpty())
++            return pairedList;
++        for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) {
++            if (pairedList.contains(ret.at(i)))
++                continue;
++            QDBusMessage _message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                                   "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                                   "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                                   "getDevName");
++            _message << ret.at(i);
++            QDBusMessage _response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(_message);
++            if (_response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
++            {
++                QString devName = _response.arguments().takeFirst().toString();
++                if (devName == "")
++                    continue;
++                pairedList.insert(ret.at(i), devName);
++            }
++        }
++    }
++    return pairedList;
++bool ScreenlockUi::hasBluetoothAdapter() {
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth", \
++                                                      "getAdapterDevAddressList");
++    QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++    if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
++        QStringList ret = response.arguments().takeFirst().toStringList();
++        return !ret.isEmpty();
++    } else
++        return false;
++bool ScreenlockUi::isBluetoothPowered() {
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "getDefaultAdapterPower");
++    QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++    if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
++        return response.arguments().takeFirst().toBool();
++    } else
++        return false;
++void ScreenlockUi::addPairedDev(QString dev, bool paired) {
++    int index = bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->findData(dev);
++    if (paired && index >= 0)
++        return;
++    if (!paired && index >= 0) {
++        bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->removeItem(bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->findData(dev));
++        if (bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->count() == 1) {
++            noBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++            bluetoothWidget->setVisible(false);
++            setBtWidget->setVisible(true);
++        }
++        if (lockdev == dev)
++            lockdev.clear();
++        return;
++    }
++    QDBusMessage _message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                           "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                           "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                           "getDevName");
++    _message << dev;
++    QDBusMessage _response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(_message);
++    if (_response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
++    {
++        QString devName = _response.arguments().takeFirst().toString();
++        if (devName != "") {
++            bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->addItem(devName, dev);
++            setBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++            bluetoothWidget->setVisible(true);
++        }
++    }
++void ScreenlockUi::powerChanged(bool powered) {
++    if (!btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton()->isChecked())
++        return;
++    if (!hasBluetoothAdapter()) {
++        noBtWidget->setVisible(true);
++        setBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++        bluetoothWidget->setVisible(false);
++        return;
++    }
++    noBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++    setBtWidget->setVisible(!powered);
++    bluetoothWidget->setVisible(powered);
++    setLeaveLock(false);
++void ScreenlockUi::setLeaveLock(bool on) {
++    if (lockdev.isEmpty())
++        return;
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "setLeaveLock");
++    message << lockdev << on;
++    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++bool ScreenlockUi::getLeavLockOn() {
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "getLeaveLock");
++    QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++    if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
++        return response.arguments().takeFirst().toBool();
++    else
++        return false;
++QString ScreenlockUi::getLeaveLockDev() {
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "getLeaveLockDev");
++    QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++    if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
++        return response.arguments().takeFirst().toString();
++    else
++        return QString("");
++void ScreenlockUi::defaultAdapterChanged(QString address) {
++    Q_UNUSED(address);
++    if (!btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton()->isChecked())
++        return;
++    bool ispowered = isBluetoothPowered();
++    bool leaveLockOn = getLeavLockOn();
++    bool hasAdapter = hasBluetoothAdapter();
++    QMap<QString, QString> btDevices = getBtPairedDevices();
++    lockdev.clear();
++    bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->clear();
++    if (leaveLockOn && !btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton()->isChecked())
++        btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton()->click();
++    canLeaveLock = !btDevices.isEmpty();
++    bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->addItem(tr("Please select device"));
++    for (auto dev : btDevices.keys())
++        bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->addItem(btDevices.value(dev), dev);
++    if (!hasAdapter && leaveLockOn) {
++        noBtWidget->setVisible(!hasAdapter);
++        return;
++    }
++    bluetoothWidget->setVisible(leaveLockOn && canLeaveLock && ispowered);
++    setBtWidget->setVisible((!canLeaveLock || !ispowered) && leaveLockOn);
++void ScreenlockUi::adapterAdded(QString address) {
++    Q_UNUSED(address);
++    if (!btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton()->isChecked())
++        return;
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth", \
++                                                      "getAdapterDevAddressList");
++    QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++    if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
++        QStringList ret = response.arguments().takeFirst().toStringList();
++        if (ret.size() > 1)
++            return;
++        else {
++            bool ispowered = isBluetoothPowered();
++            QMap<QString, QString> btDevices = getBtPairedDevices();
++            lockdev.clear();
++            bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->clear();
++            canLeaveLock = !btDevices.isEmpty();
++            bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->addItem("请选择设备");
++            for (auto dev : btDevices.keys())
++                bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->addItem(btDevices.value(dev), dev);
++            noBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++            setBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++            bluetoothWidget->setVisible(canLeaveLock && ispowered);
++            setBtWidget->setVisible(!canLeaveLock || !ispowered);
++        }
++    }
++void ScreenlockUi::adapterRemoved(QString address) {
++    Q_UNUSED(address);
++    if (!btLeaveLockWidget->switchButton()->isChecked())
++        return;
++    QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("com.ukui.bluetooth",
++                                                      "/com/ukui/bluetooth",
++                                                      "com.ukui.bluetooth", \
++                                                      "getAdapterDevAddressList");
++    QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
++    if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
++        QStringList ret = response.arguments().takeFirst().toStringList();
++        if (ret.size() < 1){
++            lockdev.clear();
++            bluetoothWidget->comboBox()->clear();
++            noBtWidget->setVisible(true);
++            bluetoothWidget->setVisible(false);
++            setBtWidget->setVisible(false);
++        }
++    }
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.h b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f3fd4a3
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
++#include <widgets/settinggroup.h>
++#include <widgets/flowlayout.h>
++#include <widgets/switchwidget.h>
++#include <widgets/comboxwidget.h>
++#include <widgets/pushbuttonwidget.h>
++#include <QProcess>
++#include "pictureunit.h"
++#include <QHBoxLayout>
++#include <QWidget>
++#include <kysdk/applications/klabel.h>
++using namespace kdk;
++class ScreenlockUi : public QWidget
++    Q_OBJECT
++    ScreenlockUi();
++    ~ScreenlockUi();
++    void setShowOnLogin(bool b);
++    void setPicture(const QString &data);
++    void setPictures(const QStringList &picturePathList, const QStringList &sourcePathList);
++    void createPictureUnit(const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &filename, const bool &clicked);
++    void resetClickedPic();
++    void initUi();
++    void initScreenLock();
++    void initRelateSet();
++    void initSignals();
++    void initLeavLockStatus();
++    bool hasBluetoothAdapter();
++    bool isBluetoothPowered();
++    bool getLeavLockOn();
++    QString getLeaveLockDev();
++    QMap<QString, QString> getBtPairedDevices();
++private slots:
++    void addPairedDev(QString dev, bool paired);
++    void powerChanged(bool powered);
++    void setLeaveLock(bool on);
++    void defaultAdapterChanged(QString address);
++    void adapterAdded(QString address);
++    void adapterRemoved(QString address);
++    QVBoxLayout *uiLayout         = nullptr;
++    QVBoxLayout *screenlockLayout = nullptr;
++    QVBoxLayout *relateLayout     = nullptr;
++    KLabel   *wallpaperTitleLabel = nullptr;
++    UkccFrame    *previewFrame        = nullptr;
++    QHBoxLayout  *previewLayout       = nullptr;
++    QLabel       *previewLabel        = nullptr;
++    SettingGroup *centerGroup         = nullptr;
++    SwitchWidget *showPicWidget       = nullptr;
++    SwitchWidget *btLeaveLockWidget   = nullptr;
++    ComboxWidget *bluetoothWidget     = nullptr;
++    PushButtonWidget *setBtWidget     = nullptr;
++    UkccFrame    *noBtWidget          = nullptr;
++    UkccFrame    *picBtnFrame         = nullptr;
++    QVBoxLayout  *picBtnLayout        = nullptr;
++    UkccFrame    *pictureFrame        = nullptr;
++    FlowLayout   *pictureLayout       = nullptr;
++    UkccFrame    *bottomFrame         = nullptr;
++    QHBoxLayout  *bottomLayout        = nullptr;
++    QPushButton  *localBtn            = nullptr;
++    QPushButton  *onlineBtn           = nullptr;
++    QPushButton  *resetBtn            = nullptr;
++    KLabel       *relateTitleLabel  = nullptr;
++    SettingGroup     *relatedGroup      = nullptr;
++    PushButtonWidget *monitorWidget     = nullptr;
++    PushButtonWidget *screensaverWidget = nullptr;
++    PictureUnit *prePictureUnit = nullptr;
++    bool        canLeaveLock    = false;
++    QString     currentFile;
++    QString     lockdev;
++    void showOnLoginChanged(const bool &b);
++    void pictureChanged(const QString &picture);
++    void localButtonClicked();
++    void onlineButtonClicked();
++    void resetButtonClicked();
++    void toSetMonitor();
++    void toSetScreensaver();
++#endif // SCREENLOCKUI_H
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..35fc567
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++pkg_check_modules(GIO2.0 REQUIRED gio-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(GIOUNIX2.0 REQUIRED gio-unix-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(KYSDKQTWIDGETS REQUIRED kysdk-qtwidgets)
++pkg_check_modules(KYSDKDIAGNOSTICS REQUIRED kysdk-diagnostics)
++        ${QGS_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++        ${GIO2.0_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++        ${GIOUNIX2.0_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++        /usr/include/ukcc
++        )
++        ${EXTRA_LIBS}
++        ${QGS_LIBRARIES}
++        ${GIO2.0_LIBRARIES}
++        ${GIOUNIX2.0_LIBRARIES}
++        -lukcc
++        )
++        )
++    previewwidget.h
++    screensaver.h
++    screensaverpluginso.h
++    screensaverui.h
++    )
++    ${screensaver_Plugin_SRC}
++    previewwidget.cpp
++    screensaver.cpp
++    screensaverui.cpp
++    )
++add_library(screensaver SHARED ${screensaver_Plugin_SRC})
++target_link_libraries(screensaver Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus ${EXTRA_LIBS})
++        screensaver
++        DESTINATION lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/ukui-control-center)
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e865fdf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
++#include "previewwidget.h"
++#include <QProcess>
++PreviewWidget::PreviewWidget(QWidget *parent):QWidget(parent)
++void PreviewWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
++    Q_UNUSED(event);
++    QPainter p(this);
++    p.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
++    p.setBrush(Qt::black);
++    p.drawRect(rect());
++void PreviewWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
++    if(e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
++        previewScreensaver();
++    }
++void PreviewWidget::previewScreensaver()
++    static QProcess *viewProcess = new QProcess();
++    viewProcess->start("ukui-screensaver-command --screensaver");
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.h b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..96fbf3f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/previewwidget.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
++#include <QWidget>
++#include <QPainter>
++#include <QMouseEvent>
++class PreviewWidget : public QWidget
++    Q_OBJECT
++    PreviewWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
++    ~PreviewWidget();
++    void previewScreensaver();
++    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
++    void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37acf50
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2019 Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include "screensaver.h"
++#include <QDebug>
++#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrent>
++#include <QTranslator>
++#include <QLocale>
++#include <QApplication>
++#define PREENTRY_TIME "preentryTime"
++#define SCREENSAVER_TYPE "screensaverType"
++#define SHOWTIME_UKUI "showBreakTimeUkui"
++#define SHOWTIME_CUSTOM "showBreakTimeCustom"
++#define SCREENLOCK_ENABLED "screenLockEnabled"
++#define CUSTOM_PATH "customPath"
++#define SWITCH_RANDOW "switchRandom"
++#define CYCLE_TIME "cycleTime"
++#define CUSTOM_TEXT "customText"
++#define CUSTOM_TEXT_CENTERED "customTextCentered"
++Screensaver::Screensaver() : mFirstLoad(true)
++    QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(this);
++    translator->load("/usr/share/ukui-screensaver/ukccplugins/i18n_qm/" + QLocale::system().name());
++    QApplication::installTranslator(translator);
++    pluginName = tr("Screensaver");
++    pluginType = PERSONALIZED;
++    QtConcurrent::run([=] { preInitialize(); });
++    if (!mFirstLoad) {
++        screensaverUi->deleteLater();
++        screensaverUi = nullptr;
++    }
++QString Screensaver::plugini18nName()
++    return pluginName;
++int Screensaver::pluginTypes()
++    return pluginType;
++void Screensaver::preInitialize()
++    screensaverInterface = new QDBusInterface(
++        "org.ukui.ScreenSaver",
++        "/Screensaver",
++        "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screensaver",
++        QDBusConnection::sessionBus(),
++        this);
++    if (!screensaverInterface->isValid()) {
++        qCritical() << "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.ScreenSaver DBus error:" << screensaverInterface->lastError();
++        return;
++    }
++    QDBusMessage message = screensaverInterface->call("ping"); // 判断dbus路径是否存在
++    if (message.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage
++        && message.errorMessage().contains("No such object path", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
++        qCritical() << screensaverInterface << ":" << message.errorMessage();
++        return;
++    }
++    QPluginLoader pluginLoader("/usr/lib/ukui-screensaver/libscreensaver-default.so");
++    pluginLoader.load();
++    QObject *plugin = pluginLoader.instance();
++    screensaverPtr = nullptr;
++    if (plugin) {
++        screensaverPtr = std::unique_ptr<ScreensaverPlugin>(qobject_cast<ScreensaverPlugin *>(plugin));
++    } else {
++        qWarning() << "pluginLoader '/usr/lib/ukui-screensaver/libscreensaver-default.so' failed";
++    }
++QWidget *Screensaver::pluginUi()
++    if (mFirstLoad) {
++        mFirstLoad = false;
++        screensaverUi = new ScreensaverUi;
++        initOptions();
++        initContent();
++        connectUiSignals();
++        connectToServer();
++    }
++    return screensaverUi;
++const QString Screensaver::name() const
++    return QStringLiteral("Screensaver");
++void Screensaver::plugin_leave()
++    return;
++bool Screensaver::isShowOnHomePage() const
++    return true;
++QIcon Screensaver::icon() const
++    return QIcon::fromTheme("ukui-screensaver-symbolic");
++bool Screensaver::isEnable() const
++    return true;
++void Screensaver::dataChanged(const QString &key)
++    if (key != toChangeKey) {
++        if (key == PREENTRY_TIME) {
++            initIdleTime();
++        } else if (key == SCREENSAVER_TYPE) {
++            initScreensaver();
++        } else if (key == CUSTOM_PATH) {
++            initCustomSource();
++        } else if (key == SWITCH_RANDOW) {
++            initSwicthMode();
++        } else if (key == CYCLE_TIME) {
++            initSwitchTime();
++        } else if (key == CUSTOM_TEXT) {
++            initCustomText();
++        } else if (key == CUSTOM_TEXT_CENTERED) {
++            initTextPosition();
++        } else if (key == SHOWTIME_UKUI) {
++            initShowBreakTimeUkui();
++        } else if (key == SHOWTIME_CUSTOM) {
++            initShowBreakTimeCustom();
++        } else if (key == SCREENLOCK_ENABLED) {
++            initLockscreen();
++        }
++    }
++    toChangeKey = "";
++void Screensaver::initOptions()
++    QStringList textList = {};
++    QList<int> dataList = {};
++    QStringList dataList2 = {};
++    textList.clear();
++    textList << tr("5min") << tr("10min") << tr("15min") << tr("30min") << tr("1hour") << tr("Never");
++    dataList.clear();
++    dataList << 5 << 10 << 15 << 30 << 60 << -1;
++#ifdef OPENKYLIN
++    textList.insert(0, tr("1min"));
++    dataList.insert(0, 1);
++    screensaverUi->setIdleTimeOptions(textList, dataList);
++    textList.clear();
++    textList << tr("UKUI") << tr("Customize");
++    dataList2.clear();
++    dataList2 << "ukui"
++              << "custom";
++    screensaverUi->setScreensaverOptions(textList, dataList2);
++    textList.clear();
++    textList << tr("1min") << tr("5min") << tr("10min") << tr("30min");
++    dataList.clear();
++    dataList << 60 << 300 << 600 << 1800;
++    screensaverUi->setSwitchTimeOptions(textList, dataList);
++void Screensaver::initContent()
++    initIdleTime();
++    initScreensaver();
++    initCustomSource();
++    initSwicthMode();
++    initSwitchTime();
++    initCustomText();
++    initTextPosition();
++    initShowBreakTimeUkui();
++    initShowBreakTimeCustom();
++    initLockscreen();
++void Screensaver::initPreview()
++    if (screensaverPtr) {
++        qInfo() << "screensaverPtr can be used";
++        QWidget *widget = screensaverPtr->createWidget(false, screensaverUi);
++        widget->show();
++        screensaverUi->updatePreview(widget);
++    } else {
++        qInfo() << "screensaverPtr can not be used";
++    }
++void Screensaver::initIdleTime()
++    int time = screensaverInterface->property(PREENTRY_TIME).toInt();
++    screensaverUi->setIdleTime(time);
++void Screensaver::initScreensaver()
++    QString type = screensaverInterface->property(SCREENSAVER_TYPE).toString();
++    screensaverUi->setScreensaver(type);
++    initPreview();
++void Screensaver::initCustomSource()
++    QString path = screensaverInterface->property(CUSTOM_PATH).toString();
++    screensaverUi->setSourcePath(path);
++void Screensaver::initSwicthMode()
++    bool random = screensaverInterface->property(SWITCH_RANDOW).toBool();
++    screensaverUi->setSwitchRandom(random);
++void Screensaver::initSwitchTime()
++    int time = screensaverInterface->property(CYCLE_TIME).toInt();
++    screensaverUi->setSwitchTime(time);
++void Screensaver::initCustomText()
++    QString text = screensaverInterface->property(CUSTOM_TEXT).toString();
++    screensaverUi->setCustomText(text);
++void Screensaver::initTextPosition()
++    bool centered = screensaverInterface->property(CUSTOM_TEXT_CENTERED).toBool();
++    screensaverUi->setTextCentered(centered);
++void Screensaver::initShowBreakTimeUkui()
++    bool b = screensaverInterface->property(SHOWTIME_UKUI).toBool();
++    screensaverUi->setShowUkuiTime(b);
++void Screensaver::initShowBreakTimeCustom()
++    bool b = screensaverInterface->property(SHOWTIME_CUSTOM).toBool();
++    screensaverUi->setShowCustomTime(b);
++void Screensaver::initLockscreen()
++    bool b = screensaverInterface->property(SCREENLOCK_ENABLED).toBool();
++    screensaverUi->setLockscreen(b);
++void Screensaver::connectUiSignals()
++    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect(
++        "org.ukui.ScreenSaver",
++        "/Screensaver",
++        "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screensaver",
++        "changed",
++        this,
++        SLOT(dataChanged(QString)));
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::idleTimeChanged, this, [=](int time) {
++        toChangeKey = PREENTRY_TIME;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setPreentryTime", time);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("Idle time"), QString("select"), QString::number(time));
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::screensaverChanged, this, [=](QString type) {
++        toChangeKey = SCREENSAVER_TYPE;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setScreensaverType", type);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("Screensaver program"), QString("select"), type);
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::customPathChanged, this, [=](QString path) {
++        toChangeKey = CUSTOM_PATH;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setCustomPath", path);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("Screensaver source Select"), QString("select"), path);
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::switchRandomChanged, this, [=](bool b) {
++        toChangeKey = SWITCH_RANDOW;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setSwitchRandom", b);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("Random switching"), QString("settings"), b ? "Random" : "Ordinal");
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::switchTimeChanged, this, [=](int time) {
++        toChangeKey = CYCLE_TIME;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setCycleTime", time);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("Switching time"), QString("select"), QString::number(time));
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::customTextChanged, this, [=](QString text) {
++        toChangeKey = CUSTOM_TEXT;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setCustomText", text);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(name(), QString("Text(up to 30 characters):"), QString("settings"), text);
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::textCenteredChanged, this, [=](bool b) {
++        toChangeKey = CUSTOM_TEXT_CENTERED;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setCustomTextCentered", b);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(
++            name(), QString("Text position"), QString("settings"), b ? "Centered" : "Randow(Bubble text)");
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::showUkuiTimeChanged, this, [=](bool b) {
++        toChangeKey = SHOWTIME_UKUI;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setShowBreakTimeUkui", b);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(
++            name(), QString("custom Show rest time"), QString("settings"), UkccCommon::boolToString(b));
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::showCustomChanged, this, [=](bool b) {
++        toChangeKey = SHOWTIME_CUSTOM;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setShowBreakTimeCustom", b);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(
++            name(), QString("ukui Show rest time"), QString("settings"), UkccCommon::boolToString(b));
++    });
++    connect(screensaverUi, &ScreensaverUi::lockscreenChanged, this, [=](bool b) {
++        toChangeKey = SCREENLOCK_ENABLED;
++        screensaverInterface->call("setScreenLockEnabled", b);
++        UkccCommon::buriedSettings(
++            name(), QString("Lock screen when screensaver boot"), QString("settings"), UkccCommon::boolToString(b));
++    });
++    // 如果在dbus端监听gsetting的改变信号,再发送changed信号,此时再去initPreview可能会异常
++    // 因为界面端程序此时去读取gsetting的值可能还是修改前的值,该问题应该是qgsetting的设计逻辑问题
++    // 因此这里去监听gsetting的改变而不是dbus的changed
++    QGSettings *mScreensaverGsettings = nullptr;
++    if (!mScreensaverGsettings) {
++        const QByteArray id("org.ukui.screensaver");
++        if (QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(id)) {
++            mScreensaverGsettings = new QGSettings(id, QByteArray(), this);
++        }
++        connect(mScreensaverGsettings, &QGSettings::changed, this, [=](QString key) {
++            if (key == "mode") {
++                initPreview();
++            }
++        });
++    }
++void Screensaver::connectToServer()
++    QThread *NetThread = new QThread;
++    MThread *NetWorker = new MThread;
++    NetWorker->moveToThread(NetThread);
++    connect(NetThread, &QThread::started, NetWorker, &MThread::run);
++    connect(NetWorker, &MThread::keychangedsignal, this, &Screensaver::keyChangedSlot);
++    connect(NetThread, &QThread::finished, NetWorker, &MThread::deleteLater);
++    NetThread->start();
++void Screensaver::keyChangedSlot(const QString &key)
++    if (key == "ukui-screensaver") {
++        initContent();
++    }
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.h b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..dcf900a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2019 Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include <QObject>
++#include <QtPlugin>
++#include <QGSettings>
++#include <QtDBus>
++#include "screensaverpluginso.h"
++#include <interface/interface.h>
++#include "screensaverui.h"
++#include <interface/mthread.h>
++#include <interface/ukcccommon.h>
++using namespace ukcc;
++using namespace kdk;
++class Screensaver : public QWidget, CommonInterface
++    Q_OBJECT
++    Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.ukcc.CommonInterface")
++    Q_INTERFACES(CommonInterface)
++    Screensaver();
++    ~Screensaver();
++    QString plugini18nName() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    int pluginTypes() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    QWidget * pluginUi() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    const QString name() const  Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    void plugin_leave()Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    bool isShowOnHomePage() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    QIcon icon() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    bool isEnable() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
++    virtual QString translationPath() const {
++        return QStringLiteral("/usr/share/ukui-screensaver/ukccplugins/i18n/%1.ts");
++    }
++    void initOptions();
++    void initContent();
++    void initPreview();
++    void initIdleTime();
++    void initScreensaver();
++    void initCustomSource();
++    void initSwicthMode();
++    void initSwitchTime();
++    void initCustomText();
++    void initTextPosition();
++    void initShowBreakTimeUkui();
++    void initShowBreakTimeCustom();
++    void initLockscreen();
++    void connectUiSignals();
++    void preInitialize();
++    void connectToServer();
++private Q_SLOTS:
++    void keyChangedSlot(const QString &key);
++    void dataChanged(const QString &key);
++    QString pluginName;
++    bool mFirstLoad;
++    int pluginType;
++    std::unique_ptr<ScreensaverPlugin> screensaverPtr;
++    ScreensaverUi  *screensaverUi        = nullptr;
++    QDBusInterface *screensaverInterface = nullptr;
++    QString toChangeKey;
++#endif // SCREENSAVER_H
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverpluginso.h b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverpluginso.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ea22558
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverpluginso.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++#include <QWidget>
++class ScreensaverPlugin
++    virtual ~ScreensaverPlugin() {}
++    //插件实例的名称
++    virtual QString name() const = 0;
++    //创建UI的实例
++    virtual QWidget* createWidget(bool isScreensaver, QWidget* parent) = 0;
++    //获得插件的展示名称
++    virtual QString displayName() const = 0;
++#define interface_iid "org.ukui.screensaver.screensaver-default1.0.0"
++Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(ScreensaverPlugin, interface_iid)
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f45526c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
++#include "screensaverui.h"
++#include <QPluginLoader>
++    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
++    uiLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
++    uiLayout->setSpacing(8);
++    uiLayout->setMargin(0);
++    initUi();
++    sendSignals();
++void ScreensaverUi::initUi()
++    initPreview();
++    initSetting();
++    uiLayout->addStretch();
++void ScreensaverUi::initPreview()
++    screensaverTitle = new KLabel(this);
++    screensaverTitle->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 0, 0);
++    previewFrame     = new UkccFrame(this);
++    previewLayout    = new QHBoxLayout(previewFrame);
++    previewWidget    = new PreviewWidget(this);
++    uiLayout->addWidget(screensaverTitle);
++    uiLayout->addWidget(previewFrame);
++    previewLayout->addWidget(previewWidget);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Screensaver
++    screensaverTitle->setText(tr("Screensaver"));
++    previewFrame->setFixedHeight(212);
++    previewWidget->setFixedSize(300, 180);
++    previewLayout->addWidget(previewWidget);
++    previewLayout->addStretch();
++    QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(previewWidget);
++    layout->setMargin(0);
++void ScreensaverUi::initSetting()
++    screensaverGroup = new SettingGroup(this);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Idle time
++    idleTimeWidget   = new ComboxWidget(tr("Idle time"), screensaverGroup);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Screensaver program
++    programWidget    = new ComboxWidget(tr("Screensaver program"), screensaverGroup);
++    customizeGroup   = new SettingGroup(screensaverGroup);
++    uiLayout->addWidget(screensaverGroup);
++    screensaverGroup->addWidget(idleTimeWidget);
++    screensaverGroup->addWidget(programWidget);
++    screensaverGroup->addWidget(customizeGroup);
++    initSourceFrame();
++    initSwitchModeFrame();
++    initSwitchTimeFrame();
++    initCustomTextFrame();
++    initTextPositionFrame();
++    initBreakTimeFrame();
++    initScreenlockFrame();
++void ScreensaverUi::initSourceFrame()
++    UkccFrame   *screensaverSourceFrame = new UkccFrame(customizeGroup, UkccFrame::BorderRadiusStyle::Around, true);
++    QHBoxLayout *sourceLayout           = new QHBoxLayout(screensaverSourceFrame);
++    KLabel    *sourceLabel            = new KLabel();
++    sourcePathLine = new QLineEdit();
++    sourceButton   = new QPushButton();
++    sourceLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 16, 0);
++    sourceLayout->addWidget(sourceLabel);
++    sourceLayout->addWidget(sourcePathLine);
++    sourceLayout->addWidget(sourceButton);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Screensaver source
++    sourceLabel->setText(tr("Screensaver source"));
++    sourceLabel->setFixedWidth(220);
++    sourcePathLine->setMinimumWidth(252);
++    sourcePathLine->setReadOnly(true);
++    sourceButton->adjustSize();
++    sourceButton->setText(tr("Select"));
++    sourceButton->raise();
++    customizeGroup->addWidget(screensaverSourceFrame);
++void ScreensaverUi::initSwitchModeFrame()
++    UkccFrame    *pictureSwitchFrame = new UkccFrame(customizeGroup, UkccFrame::BorderRadiusStyle::Around, true);
++    QHBoxLayout  *randomLayout       = new QHBoxLayout(pictureSwitchFrame);
++    KLabel     *randomLabel        = new KLabel();
++    QRadioButton *radioOrder         = new QRadioButton();
++    QRadioButton *radioRand          = new QRadioButton();
++    switchModeGroup  = new QButtonGroup();
++    switchModeGroup->addButton(radioOrder, 0);
++    switchModeGroup->addButton(radioRand, 1);
++    radioOrder->setFixedWidth(220);
++    radioRand->adjustSize();
++    radioOrder->setText(tr("Ordinal"));
++    radioRand->setText(tr("Random"));
++    randomLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 16, 0);
++    randomLayout->addWidget(randomLabel);
++    randomLayout->addWidget(radioOrder);
++    randomLayout->addWidget(radioRand);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Random switching
++    randomLabel->setText(tr("Random switching"));
++    randomLabel->setFixedWidth(220);
++    randomLayout->addStretch();
++    customizeGroup->addWidget(pictureSwitchFrame);
++void ScreensaverUi::initSwitchTimeFrame()
++    UkccFrame   *timeSetFrame  = new UkccFrame(customizeGroup, UkccFrame::BorderRadiusStyle::Around, true);
++    QHBoxLayout *timeSetLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
++    KLabel    *timeSetLabel  = new KLabel();
++    switchTimeComboBox = new QComboBox();
++    timeSetFrame->setLayout(timeSetLayout);
++    timeSetLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 0, 16, 0);
++    timeSetLayout->addWidget(timeSetLabel);
++    timeSetLayout->addWidget(switchTimeComboBox);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Switching time
++    timeSetLabel->setText(tr("Switching time"));
++    timeSetLabel->setFixedWidth(220);
++    switchTimeComboBox->setMinimumWidth(340);
++    customizeGroup->addWidget(timeSetFrame);
++void ScreensaverUi::initCustomTextFrame()
++    UkccFrame   *showTextFrame  = new UkccFrame(customizeGroup, UkccFrame::BorderRadiusStyle::Around, true);
++    QHBoxLayout *showTextLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
++    KLabel    *showLabel      = new KLabel();
++    textLineEdit = new QLineEdit(); //用户输入文字
++    showTextFrame->setLayout(showTextLayout);
++    showTextLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 6, 15, 8);
++    showTextLayout->addWidget(showLabel);
++    showTextLayout->addWidget(textLineEdit);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):
++    showLabel->setText(tr("Text(up to 30 characters):"));
++    showLabel->setFixedWidth(220);
++    textLineEdit->setMaxLength(30);
++    customizeGroup->addWidget(showTextFrame);
++void ScreensaverUi::initTextPositionFrame()
++    UkccFrame    *showTextSetFrame = new UkccFrame(customizeGroup, UkccFrame::BorderRadiusStyle::Around, true);
++    QHBoxLayout  *textSetLayout    = new QHBoxLayout(showTextSetFrame);
++    KLabel     *textSetLabel     = new KLabel();
++    QRadioButton *radioRandom      = new QRadioButton(this);
++    QRadioButton *radioCenter      = new QRadioButton(this);
++    textPositionGroup = new QButtonGroup();
++    textPositionGroup->addButton(radioRandom, 0);
++    textPositionGroup->addButton(radioCenter, 1);
++    showTextSetFrame->setFixedHeight(60);
++    textSetLayout->addWidget(textSetLabel);
++    textSetLayout->setContentsMargins(16,0,16,0);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Text position
++    textSetLabel->setText(tr("Text position"));
++    textSetLabel->setFixedWidth(220);
++    radioRandom->setFixedWidth(220);
++    radioCenter->adjustSize();
++    textSetLayout->addWidget(radioRandom);
++    textSetLayout->addWidget(radioCenter);
++    textSetLayout->addStretch();
++    radioCenter->setText(tr("Centered"));
++    radioRandom->setText(tr("Randow(Bubble text)"));
++    customizeGroup->addWidget(showTextSetFrame);
++void ScreensaverUi::initBreakTimeFrame()
++    UkccFrame   *showTimeFrame  = new UkccFrame(screensaverGroup, UkccFrame::BorderRadiusStyle::Around, true);
++    QHBoxLayout *showTimeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(showTimeFrame);
++    KLabel    *showTimeLabel  = new KLabel();
++    showTimeLayout->setContentsMargins(16,0,16,0);
++    showTimeLayout->addWidget(showTimeLabel);
++    //添加休息时间显示按钮
++    showCustomTimeBtn = new KSwitchButton(showTimeFrame);
++    showUkuiTimeBtn   = new KSwitchButton(showTimeFrame);
++    showTimeLayout->addStretch();
++    showTimeLayout->addWidget(showCustomTimeBtn);
++    showTimeLayout->addWidget(showUkuiTimeBtn);
++    showTimeLabel->setFixedWidth(220);
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Show rest time
++    showTimeLabel->setText(tr("Show rest time"));
++    screensaverGroup->addWidget(showTimeFrame);
++void ScreensaverUi::initScreenlockFrame()
++    UkccFrame   *lockFrame  = new UkccFrame(screensaverGroup, UkccFrame::BorderRadiusStyle::Around, true);;
++    QHBoxLayout *lockLayout = new QHBoxLayout(lockFrame);
++    KLabel    *lockLabel  = new KLabel();
++    //~ contents_path /Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot
++    lockLabel->setText(tr("Lock screen when screensaver boot"));
++    lockLabel->setFixedWidth(400);
++    lockFrame->setFixedHeight(60);
++    lockLayout->setContentsMargins(16,0,16,0);
++    lockLayout->addWidget(lockLabel);
++    lockButton = new KSwitchButton(lockFrame);
++    lockLayout->addStretch();
++    lockLayout->addWidget(lockButton);
++    screensaverGroup->addWidget(lockFrame);
++void ScreensaverUi::setIdleTimeOptions(const QStringList &textList, const QList<int> &dataList)
++    if (textList.size() == dataList.size()) {
++        idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->clear();
++        for (int i = 0; i < textList.size(); ++i) {
++            idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->addItem(textList.at(i), dataList.at(i));
++        }
++    }
++void ScreensaverUi::setScreensaverOptions(const QStringList &textList, const QStringList &dataList)
++    if (textList.size() == dataList.size()) {
++        programWidget->comboBox()->clear();
++        for (int i = 0; i < textList.size(); ++i) {
++            programWidget->comboBox()->addItem(textList.at(i), dataList.at(i));
++        }
++    }
++void ScreensaverUi::setSwitchTimeOptions(const QStringList &textList, const QList<int> &dataList)
++    if (textList.size() == dataList.size()) {
++        switchTimeComboBox->clear();
++        for (int i = 0; i < textList.size(); ++i) {
++            switchTimeComboBox->addItem(textList.at(i), dataList.at(i));
++        }
++    }
++void ScreensaverUi::setIdleTime(int time)
++    for (int i = 0; i < idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->count(); ++i) {
++        if (time == idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->itemData(i)) {
++            idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->blockSignals(true);
++            idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->setCurrentIndex(i);
++            idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->blockSignals(false);
++        }
++    }
++void ScreensaverUi::setScreensaver(QString type)
++    for (int i = 0; i < programWidget->comboBox()->count(); ++i) {
++        if (type == programWidget->comboBox()->itemData(i)) {
++            programWidget->comboBox()->blockSignals(true);
++            programWidget->comboBox()->setCurrentIndex(i);
++            programWidget->comboBox()->blockSignals(false);
++        }
++    }
++    if (type == "ukui") {
++        customizeGroup->setVisible(false);
++        showUkuiTimeBtn->setVisible(true);
++        showCustomTimeBtn->setVisible(false);
++    } else if (type == "custom") {
++        customizeGroup->setVisible(true);
++        showUkuiTimeBtn->setVisible(false);
++        showCustomTimeBtn->setVisible(true);
++    }
++void ScreensaverUi::updatePreview(QWidget *w)
++    for (QObject *o : previewWidget->children()) {
++        if (o->objectName() == "screensaverWidget") {
++            delete o;
++            o = nullptr;
++        }
++    }
++    w->setObjectName("screensaverWidget");
++    previewWidget->layout()->addWidget(w);
++    previewWidget->update();
++void ScreensaverUi::setSourcePath(const QString &text)
++    if (sourcePathLine == nullptr) {
++        return;
++    }
++    QFontMetrics fontMetrics(sourcePathLine->font());
++    int fontSize = fontMetrics.width(text);
++    if (fontSize > sourcePathLine->width()) {
++       sourcePathLine->setText(fontMetrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, sourcePathLine->width()));
++       sourcePathLine->setToolTip(text);
++    } else {
++       sourcePathLine->setText(text);
++       sourcePathLine->setToolTip("");
++    }
++void ScreensaverUi::setSwitchRandom(const bool &b)
++    switchModeGroup->blockSignals(true);
++    if (b) {
++        switchModeGroup->button(1)->setChecked(true);
++    } else {
++        switchModeGroup->button(0)->setChecked(true);
++    }
++    switchModeGroup->blockSignals(false);
++void ScreensaverUi::setSwitchTime(const int &time)
++    for (int i = 0; i < switchTimeComboBox->count(); ++i) {
++        if (time == switchTimeComboBox->itemData(i)) {
++            switchTimeComboBox->blockSignals(true);
++            switchTimeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(i);
++            switchTimeComboBox->blockSignals(false);
++        }
++    }
++void ScreensaverUi::setCustomText(const QString &text)
++    textLineEdit->blockSignals(true);
++    textLineEdit->setText(text);
++    textLineEdit->blockSignals(false);
++void ScreensaverUi::setTextCentered(const bool &b)
++    textPositionGroup->blockSignals(true);
++    if (b) {
++        textPositionGroup->button(1)->setChecked(true);
++    } else {
++        textPositionGroup->button(0)->setChecked(true);
++    }
++    textPositionGroup->blockSignals(false);
++void ScreensaverUi::setShowUkuiTime(const bool &b)
++    showUkuiTimeBtn->blockSignals(true);
++    showUkuiTimeBtn->setChecked(b);
++    showUkuiTimeBtn->blockSignals(false);
++void ScreensaverUi::setShowCustomTime(const bool &b)
++    showCustomTimeBtn->blockSignals(true);
++    showCustomTimeBtn->setChecked(b);
++    showCustomTimeBtn->blockSignals(false);
++void ScreensaverUi::setLockscreen(const bool &b)
++    lockButton->blockSignals(true);
++    lockButton->setChecked(b);
++    lockButton->blockSignals(false);
++void ScreensaverUi::sendSignals()
++    connect(idleTimeWidget->comboBox(), QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, [=](int index) {
++        Q_UNUSED(index)
++        Q_EMIT idleTimeChanged(idleTimeWidget->comboBox()->currentData().toInt());
++    });
++    connect(programWidget->comboBox(), QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, [=](int index) {
++        Q_UNUSED(index)
++        QString type = programWidget->comboBox()->currentData().toString();
++        Q_EMIT screensaverChanged(type);
++        if (type == "ukui") {
++            customizeGroup->setVisible(false);
++            showUkuiTimeBtn->setVisible(true);
++            showCustomTimeBtn->setVisible(false);
++        } else if (type == "custom") {
++            customizeGroup->setVisible(true);
++            showUkuiTimeBtn->setVisible(false);
++            showCustomTimeBtn->setVisible(true);
++        }
++    });
++    connect(sourceButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=]() {
++        QString filter;
++        filter = tr("Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)");
++        QFileDialog fd(this);
++        QList<QUrl> usb_list = fd.sidebarUrls();
++        int sidebarNum = 8;// 最大添加U盘数,可以自己定义
++        QString home_path = QDir::homePath().section("/", -1, -1);
++        QString mnt = "/media/" + home_path + "/";
++        QDir mntDir(mnt);
++        mntDir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
++        QFileInfoList file_list = mntDir.entryInfoList();
++        QList<QUrl> mntUrlList;
++        for (int i = 0; i < sidebarNum && i < file_list.size(); ++i) {
++            QFileInfo fi = file_list.at(i);
++            mntUrlList << QUrl("file://" + fi.filePath());
++        }
++        QFileSystemWatcher m_fileSystemWatcher(&fd);
++        m_fileSystemWatcher.addPath("/media/" + home_path + "/");
++        connect(&m_fileSystemWatcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, &fd,
++                [=, &sidebarNum, &mntUrlList, &usb_list, &fd](const QString path) {
++            QDir m_wmntDir(path);
++            m_wmntDir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
++            QFileInfoList m_wfilist = m_wmntDir.entryInfoList();
++            mntUrlList.clear();
++            for (int i = 0; i < sidebarNum && i < m_wfilist.size(); ++i) {
++                QFileInfo m_fi = m_wfilist.at(i);
++                mntUrlList << QUrl("file://" + m_fi.filePath());
++            }
++            fd.setSidebarUrls(usb_list + mntUrlList);
++            fd.update();
++        });
++        connect(&fd, &QFileDialog::finished, &fd, [=, &usb_list, &fd]() {
++            fd.setSidebarUrls(usb_list);
++        });
++        fd.setDirectory(QString(sourcePathLine->text()));
++        fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen);
++        fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
++        fd.setNameFilter(filter);
++        fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::Directory);
++        fd.setWindowTitle(tr("select custom screensaver dir"));
++        fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Accept, tr("Select"));
++        fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::LookIn, tr("Position: "));
++        fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::FileName, tr("FileName: "));
++        fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::FileType, tr("FileType: "));
++        fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Reject, tr("Cancel"));
++        fd.setSidebarUrls(usb_list + mntUrlList);
++        if (fd.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) {
++            return;
++        }
++        QString selectedfile;
++        selectedfile = fd.selectedFiles().first();
++        if(selectedfile != "") {  //非点击【取消】时
++            setSourcePath(selectedfile);
++            Q_EMIT customPathChanged(selectedfile);
++        }
++    });
++    connect(switchModeGroup, QOverload<int>::of(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked), this, [=](int id) {
++        if (id == 0) {
++            Q_EMIT switchRandomChanged(false);
++        } else {
++            Q_EMIT switchRandomChanged(true);
++        }
++    });
++    connect(switchTimeComboBox, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, [=](int index) {
++        Q_UNUSED(index)
++        Q_EMIT switchTimeChanged(switchTimeComboBox->currentData().toInt());
++    });
++    connect(textLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, [=](){
++        Q_EMIT customTextChanged(textLineEdit->text());
++    });
++    connect(textPositionGroup, QOverload<int>::of(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked), this, [=](int id) {
++        if (id == 0) {
++            Q_EMIT textCenteredChanged(false);
++        } else {
++            Q_EMIT textCenteredChanged(true);
++        }
++    });
++    connect(showUkuiTimeBtn, &KSwitchButton::stateChanged, this, [=]() {
++        Q_EMIT showUkuiTimeChanged(showUkuiTimeBtn->isChecked());
++    });
++    connect(showCustomTimeBtn, &KSwitchButton::stateChanged, this, [=]() {
++        Q_EMIT showCustomChanged(showCustomTimeBtn->isChecked());
++    });
++    connect(lockButton, &KSwitchButton::stateChanged, this, [=]() {
++        Q_EMIT lockscreenChanged(lockButton->isChecked());
++    });
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.h b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..92d67ec
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
++#include <widgets/settinggroup.h>
++#include <widgets/switchwidget.h>
++#include <widgets/pushbuttonwidget.h>
++#include <widgets/comboxwidget.h>
++#include "screensaverpluginso.h"
++#include "previewwidget.h"
++#include <QHBoxLayout>
++#include <QWidget>
++#include <QRadioButton>
++#include <QLineEdit>
++#include <QFileDialog>
++#include <QButtonGroup>
++#include <QFileSystemWatcher>
++#include <kysdk/applications/klabel.h>
++using namespace kdk;
++class ScreensaverUi : public QWidget
++    Q_OBJECT
++    ScreensaverUi();
++    ~ScreensaverUi();
++    void setIdleTimeOptions(const QStringList &textList, const QList<int> &dataList);
++    void setScreensaverOptions(const QStringList &textList, const QStringList &dataList);
++    void setSwitchTimeOptions(const QStringList &textList, const QList<int> &dataList);
++    void updatePreview(QWidget *w);
++    void setSourcePath(const QString &text);
++    void setSwitchRandom(const bool &b);
++    void setSwitchTime(const int &time);
++    void setCustomText(const QString &text);
++    void setTextCentered(const bool &b);
++    void setShowUkuiTime(const bool &b);
++    void setShowCustomTime(const bool &b);
++    void setLockscreen(const bool &b);
++    void setIdleTime(int time);
++    void setScreensaver(QString type);
++    void initUi();
++    void initPreview();
++    void initSetting();
++    void initSourceFrame();
++    void initSwitchModeFrame();
++    void initSwitchTimeFrame();
++    void initCustomTextFrame();
++    void initTextPositionFrame();
++    void initBreakTimeFrame();
++    void initScreenlockFrame();
++    void sendSignals();
++    QVBoxLayout *uiLayout         = nullptr;
++    KLabel    *screensaverTitle = nullptr;
++    UkccFrame     *previewFrame     = nullptr;
++    QHBoxLayout   *previewLayout    = nullptr;
++    PreviewWidget *previewWidget    = nullptr;
++    SettingGroup  *screensaverGroup = nullptr;
++    ComboxWidget  *idleTimeWidget   = nullptr;
++    ComboxWidget  *programWidget    = nullptr;
++    SettingGroup  *customizeGroup   = nullptr;
++    QLineEdit     *sourcePathLine     = nullptr;
++    QPushButton   *sourceButton       = nullptr;
++    QButtonGroup  *switchModeGroup    = nullptr;
++    QComboBox     *switchTimeComboBox = nullptr;
++    QLineEdit     *textLineEdit       = nullptr;
++    QButtonGroup  *textPositionGroup  = nullptr;
++    KSwitchButton *showCustomTimeBtn  = nullptr;
++    KSwitchButton *showUkuiTimeBtn    = nullptr;
++    KSwitchButton *lockButton         = nullptr;
++    void idleTimeChanged(int time);
++    void screensaverChanged(QString type);
++    void customPathChanged(QString path);
++    void switchRandomChanged(bool b);
++    void switchTimeChanged(int time);
++    void customTextChanged(QString text);
++    void textCenteredChanged(bool b);
++    void showUkuiTimeChanged(bool b);
++    void showCustomChanged(bool b);
++    void lockscreenChanged(bool b);
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f14ae59
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2025 KylinSoft Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++ *
++ **/
++#include "screenlockinterface.h"
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include "../../lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h"
++ScreenlockInterface::ScreenlockInterface(DbusUpperInterface *upperInterface, QObject *parent)
++    : QObject(parent), m_upperInterface(upperInterface)
++bool ScreenlockInterface::initData()
++    if (!m_isInited) {
++        mUKCConfig = QDir::homePath() + "/.config/ukui/ukui-control-center.conf";
++        lockSetting = new QSettings(mUKCConfig, QSettings::IniFormat, this);
++        m_isInited = true;
++    }
++    return m_isInited;
++ScreenlockInterface::~ScreenlockInterface() {}
++void ScreenlockInterface::setShowOnLogin(bool b)
++    initData();
++    QString bgStr;
++    struct stat fileStat;
++    if (b && m_upperInterface) {
++        bgStr = m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_BACKGROUND).toString();
++        stat(bgStr.toStdString().c_str(), &fileStat);
++        if (fileStat.st_uid != 0) { // 在普通用户下
++            bgStr = copyLoginFile(bgStr);
++        }
++    } else if (!b) {
++        bgStr = "";
++    }
++    lockSetting->beginGroup("ScreenLock");
++    lockSetting->setValue("lockStatus", b);
++    lockSetting->endGroup();
++    QString name = qgetenv("USER");
++    if (name.isEmpty()) {
++        name = qgetenv("USERNAME");
++    }
++    QString lockfilename = "/var/lib/lightdm-data/" + name + "/ukui-greeter.conf";
++    QSettings lockLoginSettings(lockfilename, QSettings::IniFormat, this);
++    lockLoginSettings.beginGroup("greeter");
++    lockLoginSettings.setValue("backgroundPath", bgStr);
++    lockLoginSettings.endGroup();
++    Q_EMIT changed("showOnLogin");
++void ScreenlockInterface::setWallpaper(QString f)
++    initData();
++    if (m_upperInterface) {
++        m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetLockScreenConf(KEY_BACKGROUND, f);
++    }
++    setShowOnLogin(getShowOnLogin());
++    Q_EMIT changed("wallpaper");
++bool ScreenlockInterface::getShowOnLogin()
++    initData();
++    if (!QFile::exists(mUKCConfig)) {
++        setShowOnLogin(true);
++    }
++    lockSetting->beginGroup("ScreenLock");
++    lockSetting->sync();
++    bool status = lockSetting->value("lockStatus").toBool();
++    lockSetting->endGroup();
++    return status;
++QString ScreenlockInterface::getWallpaper()
++    initData();
++    QString initBgStr = "";
++    if (m_upperInterface) {
++        initBgStr = m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_BACKGROUND).toString();
++    }
++    // 锁屏壁纸不存在,则展示默认壁纸
++    if (!QFile::exists(initBgStr)) {
++        initBgStr = "/usr/share/backgrounds/1-warty-final-ubuntukylin.jpg";
++        if (!QFile::exists(initBgStr)) {
++            initBgStr = "/usr/share/backgrounds/1-openkylin.jpg";
++        }
++    }
++    return initBgStr;
++QStringList ScreenlockInterface::getPreviewWallpapers()
++    initData();
++    QDBusInterface interface(
++        "org.ukui.ukcc.session", "/Wallpaper", "org.ukui.ukcc.session.Wallpaper", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
++    if (interface.isValid()) {
++        return interface.property("previewWallpapers").toStringList();
++    }
++    return QStringList();
++QStringList ScreenlockInterface::getSourceWallpapers()
++    QDBusInterface interface(
++        "org.ukui.ukcc.session", "/Wallpaper", "org.ukui.ukcc.session.Wallpaper", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
++    if (interface.isValid()) {
++        return interface.property("sourceWallpapers").toStringList();
++    }
++    return QStringList();
++void ScreenlockInterface::resetDefault()
++    initData();
++    if (m_upperInterface) {
++        QString strDefBg = m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->ResetLockScreenConf(KEY_BACKGROUND).toString();
++        setWallpaper(strDefBg);
++    }
++QString ScreenlockInterface::copyLoginFile(QString fileName)
++    QString name = qgetenv("USER");
++    if (name.isEmpty()) {
++        name = qgetenv("USERNAME");
++    }
++    QString loginFilename = "/var/lib/lightdm-data/" + name + "/" + "loginBackground";
++    QString loginCmd = QString("cp '%1' %2").arg(fileName).arg(loginFilename);
++    system(loginCmd.toUtf8().data());
++    return loginFilename;
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8458a46
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2025 KylinSoft Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++ *
++ **/
++#include <QObject>
++#include <QtDBus>
++#include "../../lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h"
++class ScreenlockInterface : public QObject
++    Q_OBJECT
++    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screenlock")
++    Q_PROPERTY(bool showOnLogin READ getShowOnLogin)
++    Q_PROPERTY(QString wallpaper READ getWallpaper)
++    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList previewWallpapers READ getPreviewWallpapers)
++    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList sourceWallpapers READ getSourceWallpapers)
++    ScreenlockInterface(DbusUpperInterface *upperInterface, QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    ~ScreenlockInterface();
++    bool getShowOnLogin();
++    QString getWallpaper();
++    QStringList getPreviewWallpapers();
++    QStringList getSourceWallpapers();
++public Q_SLOTS:
++    void setShowOnLogin(bool b);
++    void setWallpaper(QString f);
++    void resetDefault();
++    QString copyLoginFile(QString fileName);
++    bool initData();
++    QStringList previewWallpaperList;
++    QStringList sourceWallpaperList;
++    QString     mUKCConfig     = "";
++    QSettings   *lockSetting   = nullptr;
++    DbusUpperInterface *m_upperInterface = nullptr;
++    bool m_isInited = false;
++    void changed(QString key);
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1a8e884
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2025 KylinSoft Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++ *
++ **/
++#include "screensaverinterface.h"
++#include "../../lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h"
++ScreensaverInterface::ScreensaverInterface(DbusUpperInterface *upperInterface, QObject *parent)
++    : QObject(parent), m_upperInterface(upperInterface)
++bool ScreensaverInterface::initData()
++    if (!m_isInited) {
++        mScreensaverType.clear();
++        QString mode = m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_MODE).toString();
++        if (mode == "default-ukui") {
++            mScreensaverType = "ukui";
++        } else if (mode == "default-ukui-custom") {
++            mScreensaverType = "custom";
++        } else {
++            mScreensaverType = "other";
++        }
++        connect(
++            m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance().get(),
++            &GSettingsHelper::lockScreenConfigChanged,
++            this,
++            [=](QString strKey, QVariant value) {
++                if (strKey == KEY_MODE) {
++                    QString mode = value.toString();
++                    if (mode == "default-ukui") {
++                        mScreensaverType = "ukui";
++                    } else if (mode == "default-ukui-custom") {
++                        mScreensaverType = "custom";
++                    } else {
++                        mScreensaverType = "other";
++                    }
++                }
++            });
++        m_isInited = true;
++    }
++    return m_isInited;
++ScreensaverInterface::~ScreensaverInterface() {}
++int ScreensaverInterface::getPreentryTime()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_DELAY).toInt();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setPreentryTime(int time)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_DELAY, time);
++    Q_EMIT changed("preentryTime");
++QString ScreensaverInterface::getScreensaverType()
++    initData();
++    return mScreensaverType;
++void ScreensaverInterface::setScreensaverType(QString type)
++    initData();
++    if (type == "ukui") {
++        m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetLockScreenConf(KEY_MODE, "default-ukui");
++    } else if (type == "custom") {
++        m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetLockScreenConf(KEY_MODE, "default-ukui-custom");
++    }
++    Q_EMIT changed("screensaverType");
++bool ScreensaverInterface::getShowBreakTimeUkui()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_UKUI_REST_TIME).toBool();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setShowBreakTimeUkui(bool b)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_UKUI_REST_TIME, b);
++    Q_EMIT changed("showBreakTimeUkui");
++bool ScreensaverInterface::getShowBreakTimeCustom()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_CUSTOM_REST_TIME).toBool();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setShowBreakTimeCustom(bool b)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_CUSTOM_REST_TIME, b);
++    Q_EMIT changed("showBreakTimeCustom");
++bool ScreensaverInterface::getScreenLockEnabled()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED).toBool();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setScreenLockEnabled(bool b)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetLockScreenConf(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED, b);
++    Q_EMIT changed("screenLockEnabled");
++QString ScreensaverInterface::getcustomPath()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_BACKGROUND_PATH).toString();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setCustomPath(QString path)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_BACKGROUND_PATH, path);
++    Q_EMIT changed("customPath");
++bool ScreensaverInterface::getSwitchRandom()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE).toBool();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setSwitchRandom(bool b)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE, b);
++    Q_EMIT changed("switchRandom");
++int ScreensaverInterface::getCycleTime()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_CYCLE_TIME).toInt();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setCycleTime(int time)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_CYCLE_TIME, time);
++    Q_EMIT changed("cycleTime");
++QString ScreensaverInterface::getCustomText()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_MYTEXT).toString();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setCustomText(QString text)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_MYTEXT, text);
++    Q_EMIT changed("customText");
++bool ScreensaverInterface::getCustomTextCentered()
++    initData();
++    return m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_TEXT_IS_CENTER).toBool();
++void ScreensaverInterface::setCustomTextCentered(bool b)
++    initData();
++    m_upperInterface->getGSettingsInstance()->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_TEXT_IS_CENTER, b);
++    Q_EMIT changed("customTextCentered");
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..654a6db
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2025 KylinSoft Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++ * any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++ *
++ **/
++#include <QObject>
++#include <QtDBus>
++#include "../../lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h"
++class ScreensaverInterface : public QObject
++    Q_OBJECT
++    Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.ukui.ScreenSaver.session.Screensaver")
++    Q_PROPERTY(int preentryTime READ getPreentryTime)
++    Q_PROPERTY(QString screensaverType READ getScreensaverType)
++    Q_PROPERTY(bool showBreakTimeUkui READ getShowBreakTimeUkui)
++    Q_PROPERTY(bool showBreakTimeCustom READ getShowBreakTimeCustom)
++    Q_PROPERTY(bool screenLockEnabled READ getScreenLockEnabled)
++    Q_PROPERTY(QString customPath READ getcustomPath)
++    Q_PROPERTY(bool switchRandom READ getSwitchRandom)
++    Q_PROPERTY(int cycleTime READ getCycleTime)
++    Q_PROPERTY(QString customText READ getCustomText)
++    Q_PROPERTY(bool customTextCentered READ getCustomTextCentered)
++    ScreensaverInterface(DbusUpperInterface *upperInterface, QObject *parent = nullptr);
++    ~ScreensaverInterface();
++    int getPreentryTime();
++    QString getScreensaverType();
++    bool getShowBreakTimeUkui();
++    bool getShowBreakTimeCustom();
++    bool getScreenLockEnabled();
++    QString getcustomPath();
++    bool getSwitchRandom();
++    int getCycleTime();
++    QString getCustomText();
++    bool getCustomTextCentered();
++    bool initData();
++    QString mScreensaverType;
++    DbusUpperInterface *m_upperInterface = nullptr;
++    bool m_isInited = false;
++public Q_SLOTS:
++    void setPreentryTime(int time);
++    void setScreensaverType(QString type);
++    void setShowBreakTimeUkui(bool b);
++    void setShowBreakTimeCustom(bool b);
++    void setScreenLockEnabled(bool b);
++    void setCustomPath(QString path);
++    void setSwitchRandom(bool b);
++    void setCycleTime(int time);
++    void setCustomText(QString Text);
++    void setCustomTextCentered(bool b);
++    void changed(QString key);
+diff --git a/src/userinfo.cpp b/src/userinfo.cpp
+index 7808f3a..c9e03a8 100644
+--- a/src/userinfo.cpp
++++ b/src/userinfo.cpp
+@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
+  *
+  **/
+ #include "userinfo.h"
+-#include "global_utils.h"
+-#include "definetypes.h"
++#include "common/global_utils.h"
++#include "common/definetypes.h"
+ #include <QDBusConnection>
+ #include <QDBusMessage>
+ #include <QDBusInterface>
+diff --git a/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp b/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp
+index e831004..c65cb49 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <pwd.h>
++#include <syslog.h>
+ #include "../lock-dialog/pam-tally.h"
+ #include "global_utils.h"
+@@ -48,18 +49,15 @@
+ AuthDialog::AuthDialog(LockDialogModel *model, UserInfoPtr userInfo, QWidget *parent)
+-    : QWidget(parent)
+-    , m_modelLockDialog(model)
+-    , m_isLockingFlg(false)
+-    , m_isInputPasswd(false)
+-    , m_curUserInfo(userInfo)
+-    , m_uniauthService(new UniAuthService(this))
++    : QWidget(parent), m_modelLockDialog(model), m_isLockingFlg(false), m_isInputPasswd(false), m_curUserInfo(userInfo)
+ {
++    pam_tally_init();
+     initUI();
+ }
+ void AuthDialog::initUI()
+ {
++    installEventFilter(this);
+     QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+     mainLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+     mainLayout->setSpacing(WIDGET_HEIGHT_SPACING);
+@@ -141,6 +139,8 @@ bool AuthDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+             } else {
+                 Q_EMIT bottomPositionChanged(mapToParent(m_widgetLoginOpts->geometry().topLeft()).y());
+             }
++        } else if (this == obj && event->type() == QEvent::Show) {
++            pam_tally_init();
+         }
+     }
+@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ void AuthDialog::initHeaderWidget()
+     m_labelQRCodeTip->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme("dialog-warning").pixmap(QSize(22, 22)));
+     m_labelQRCodeTip->show();
+     m_labelQRCodeMsg = new KLabel();
+-    m_labelQRCodeMsg->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0);color:rgba(255,0,0)}");
++    m_labelQRCodeMsg->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0);color:rgba(255,0,0,255)}");
+     m_labelQRCodeMsg->hide();
+     layoutQRCode->addWidget(m_labelQRCodeMsg, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+     headerLayout->addWidget(m_labelQRCode);
+@@ -872,8 +872,8 @@ void AuthDialog::onFirstLoginIdentifyComplete(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
+         struct passwd *pwd;
+         pwd = getpwuid(authUid);
+         if (pwd && pwd->pw_name) {
+-            if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
+-                bool isEnable = m_uniauthService->getBioAuthStatus(pwd->pw_name, ENABLETYPE_BIO);
++            if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
++                bool isEnable = UniAuthService::instance()->getBioAuthStatus(pwd->pw_name, ENABLETYPE_BIO);
+                 if (isEnable == false)
+                     return;
+             }
+@@ -907,10 +907,13 @@ void AuthDialog::onPamShowPrompt(QString strPrompt, int nType)
+             //                });
+             //                isPowerup = false;
+             //            } else {
++            syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] check bio auth begin!!");
+             performBiometricAuth();
++            syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] check bio auth done!!");
+             //            }
+         }
+     } else {
++        syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] auth alraedy!!");
+         m_isNameLogin = false;
+         qDebug() << "m_isNameLogin = false";
+         m_passwordEdit->stopWaiting();
+@@ -1087,28 +1090,25 @@ void AuthDialog::onRespond(const QString &strRes)
+ void AuthDialog::startAuth()
+ {
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] auth start!!");
+     if (!m_curUserInfo->name().isEmpty()) {
+-        qint64 lnDiffTime = qAbs(m_lastPamAuthTime.msecsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()));
+-        if (lnDiffTime >= 1000 || m_strLastPamAuthName != m_curUserInfo->name()) {
+-            m_lastPamAuthTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+-            m_bRecvPrompt = false;
+-            m_bHasUnacknowledgedMsg = false;
+-            // 用户认证
+-            if (m_curUserInfo->name() == "*guest") { // 游客登录
+-                qDebug() << "guest login";
+-                m_passwordEdit->show();
+-                m_passwordEdit->setPrompt(tr("login"));
+-                m_strLastPamAuthName = "*guest";
+-            } else if (m_curUserInfo->name() == "*login") { // 手动输入用户名
+-                Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->pamAuthenticate("");
+-                m_strLastPamAuthName = "*login";
+-            } else {
+-                qDebug() << "login: " << m_curUserInfo->name();
+-                Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->pamAuthenticate(m_curUserInfo->name());
+-                m_passwordEdit->clear();
+-                m_passwordEdit->readOnly(true);
+-                m_strLastPamAuthName = m_curUserInfo->name();
+-            }
++        m_bRecvPrompt = false;
++        m_bHasUnacknowledgedMsg = false;
++        // 用户认证
++        if (m_curUserInfo->name() == "*guest") { // 游客登录
++            qDebug() << "guest login";
++            m_passwordEdit->show();
++            m_passwordEdit->setPrompt(tr("login"));
++            m_strLastPamAuthName = "*guest";
++        } else if (m_curUserInfo->name() == "*login") { // 手动输入用户名
++            Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->pamAuthenticate("");
++            m_strLastPamAuthName = "*login";
++        } else {
++            qDebug() << "login: " << m_curUserInfo->name();
++            Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->pamAuthenticate(m_curUserInfo->name());
++            m_passwordEdit->clear();
++            m_passwordEdit->readOnly(true);
++            m_strLastPamAuthName = m_curUserInfo->name();
+         }
+     }
+ }
+@@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ void AuthDialog::performBiometricAuth()
+     if (!m_biometricProxy) {
+         waitBiometricServiceStatus();
+         m_biometricProxy = new BiometricHelper(this);
+-        maxFailedTimes = m_uniauthService->getMaxFailedTimes();
++        maxFailedTimes = UniAuthService::instance()->getMaxFailedTimes();
+     }
+     // 服务没启动,或者打开DBus连接出错
+@@ -1523,8 +1523,7 @@ void AuthDialog::initBiometricWidget()
+     } else {
+         QHBoxLayout *optsLayout = new QHBoxLayout(m_widgetLoginOpts);
+         optsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+-        m_loginOpts
+-            = new LoginOptionsWidget(m_biometricProxy, m_curUserInfo->uid(), m_uniauthService, m_widgetLoginOpts);
++        m_loginOpts = new LoginOptionsWidget(m_biometricProxy, m_curUserInfo->uid(), m_widgetLoginOpts);
+         optsLayout->addWidget(m_loginOpts);
+         connect(m_loginOpts, &LoginOptionsWidget::authComplete, this, &AuthDialog::onBiometricAuthComplete);
+         connect(m_loginOpts, &LoginOptionsWidget::optionSelected, this, &AuthDialog::onDeviceChanged);
+@@ -1818,7 +1817,7 @@ void AuthDialog::onBiometricAuthComplete(bool result, int nStatus)
+                 startBioAuth(10000);
+             } else if (m_uCurLoginOptType == LOGINOPT_TYPE_FACE && nStatus == 1) {
+                 m_fTimeoutTimes += 1;
+-                if (m_fTimeoutTimes == m_uniauthService->getFTimeoutTimes()) {
++                if (m_fTimeoutTimes == UniAuthService::instance()->getFTimeoutTimes()) {
+                     m_fRetryButton->show();
+                     m_labelFace->hide();
+                     setLoginTypeTip(
+@@ -1895,7 +1894,7 @@ void AuthDialog::onBiometricDbusChanged(bool bActive)
+             qDebug() << "OnDelay init biometric!!";
+             if (!m_biometricProxy) {
+                 m_biometricProxy = new BiometricHelper(this);
+-                maxFailedTimes = m_uniauthService->getMaxFailedTimes();
++                maxFailedTimes = UniAuthService::instance()->getMaxFailedTimes();
+             }
+             // 服务没启动,或者打开DBus连接出错
+diff --git a/src/widgets/authdialog.h b/src/widgets/authdialog.h
+index 60cf629..c152f5a 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/authdialog.h
++++ b/src/widgets/authdialog.h
+@@ -260,7 +260,6 @@ private:
+     QPixmap m_waitingPixmap;
+     QTimer *w_timer = nullptr;
+-    UniAuthService *m_uniauthService = nullptr;
+     bool isLoadingUkey = false;
+     bool isPowerup = false;
+     QDBusInterface *bioService = nullptr;
+diff --git a/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp
+index a0755d3..d6892a9 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp
+@@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ void BlockWidget::initUi()
+     connect(m_modelLockDialog, &LockDialogModel::fontSizeChanged, this, &BlockWidget::onFontSizeChanged);
+     m_tipLabel->setFontSize((18 + m_curFontSize) * m_ptToPx);
+-    connect(m_cancelButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [&]() { 
+-        if(shutdownTimer){
++    connect(m_cancelButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [&]() {
++        if (shutdownTimer) {
+             shutdownTimer->stop();
+         }
+-        emit cancelButtonclicked(); 
++        emit cancelButtonclicked();
+     });
+     connect(m_confirmButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [&]() { emit confirmButtonclicked(); });
+ }
+ void BlockWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event)
+ {
+-    if(shutdownTimer){
++    if (shutdownTimer) {
+         shutdownTimer->stop();
+     }
+ }
+@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void BlockWidget::setMsgTips(int type)
+     QString tips = tr("If you do not perform any operation, the system will automatically %1 after %2 seconds.")
+                        .arg(getHibited_tr_lowcase(msg_type))
+                        .arg(SHUTDOWN_MSG_TIME);
+     m_msgTipLabel->setText(tips);
+     m_msgTipLabel->show();
+@@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ void BlockWidget::setMsgTips(int type)
+         });
+     }
+     shutdownTimer->start(500);
+ }
+ void BlockWidget::setWarning(QStringList list, int type)
+diff --git a/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp
+index 2e3c28e..aaf2559 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.cpp
+@@ -50,9 +50,13 @@
+ #include "configuration.h"
+ #include <windowmanager/windowmanager.h>
+ using namespace kdk;
++#ifdef WITHKYSEC
++#include <kysec/libkysec.h>
++#include <kysec/status.h>
+-FullBackgroundWidget::FullBackgroundWidget(LockDialogModel *model, QWidget *parent)
+-    : QWidget(parent), m_modelLockDialog(model)
++FullBackgroundWidget::FullBackgroundWidget(LockDialogModel *model, bool isStartup, QWidget *parent)
++    : QWidget(parent), m_modelLockDialog(model), m_isStartupMode(isStartup)
+ {
+     initCurrentBackground();
+     initUI();
+@@ -109,8 +113,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::initUI()
+         moveToPrimaryScreen();
+     }
+-    if (m_modelLockDialog->getAgreementWindowShowLoginPrompt()
+-        && (/*IsStartupMode() || */ (qgetenv("USER") == "lightdm"))) {
++    if (m_modelLockDialog->getAgreementWindowShowLoginPrompt() && (IsStartupMode() || isGreeterMode())) {
+         bool hideTitle = m_modelLockDialog->getAgreementWindowHideTitle();
+         QString title = m_modelLockDialog->getAgreementWindowPromptTitle();
+         QString text = m_modelLockDialog->getAgreementWindowText();
+@@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::initUI()
+         if (!text.isEmpty() && (hideTitle || (!hideTitle && !text.isEmpty()))) {
+             m_agreementWindow = new AgreementWindow(hideTitle, title, text, this);
+             m_lockWidget->hide();
+-            m_agreementWindow->setGeometry(this->geometry());
++            m_agreementWindow->setGeometry(m_lockWidget->geometry());
+             m_agreementWindow->show();
+             m_lockWidget->clearFocus();
+@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::initUI()
+     setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint);
+     // 登录模式下监听屏幕插拔
+-    if (isGreeterMode() && QString(qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) != "wayland") {
++    if (isGreeterMode() && !m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland()) {
+         XRRQueryExtension(QX11Info::display(), &m_RREventBase, &m_RRErrorBase);
+         XRRSelectInput(QX11Info::display(), QX11Info::appRootWindow(), RRScreenChangeNotifyMask);
+         QtConcurrent::run([=]() { RRScreenChangeEvent(true); });
+@@ -249,6 +252,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onSecondRunParam(const QString &str)
+     } else if (str == "ScreensaverLock") {
+         onShowLockScreensaver();
+     } else if (str == "StartupLock") {
++        setIsStartupMode(true);
+         onShowLock(true);
+     } else if (str == "CmdLock") {
+         onShowLock(false);
+@@ -337,6 +341,7 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowBlankScreensaver(int nDelay, bool isHasLock)
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowLock(bool isStartup)
+ {
++    Q_UNUSED(isStartup);
+     if (m_isSessionTools) {
+         m_isSessionTools = false;
+         if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+@@ -344,8 +349,8 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onShowLock(bool isStartup)
+     }
+     screenStatus = (ScreenStatus)(screenStatus | SCREEN_LOCK);
+-    m_isStartupMode = isStartup;
+     show();
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] set current user!!");
+     Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(m_modelLockDialog->defaultUserName());
+     Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(true, false);
+     if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->isHidden())
+@@ -516,6 +521,9 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onLockScreenTimeout()
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onCloseScreensaver()
+ {
+     hide();
++    if (m_lockWidget) {
++        m_lockWidget->exitSubWidget(false, false);
++    }
+     Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->lockStateChanged(false, false);
+     stopDelayLockScreen();
+     screenStatus = UNDEFINED;
+@@ -639,6 +647,9 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::moveToPrimaryScreen()
+     for (auto screen : QGuiApplication::screens()) {
+         if (screen == qApp->primaryScreen()) {
+             qInfo() << "LockWidget:" << screen->geometry() << m_lockWidget->geometry() << geometry();
++            if (m_agreementWindow && m_agreementWindow->isVisible()) {
++                m_agreementWindow->setGeometry(screen->geometry());
++            }
+             if (!m_lockWidget->isHidden()) {
+                 m_lockWidget->hide();
+                 m_lockWidget->setGeometry(screen->geometry());
+@@ -656,6 +667,9 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::moveToPrimaryScreen()
+                 /*避免切换时闪烁*/
+                 qInfo() << "LockWidget:" << screen->geometry() << m_lockWidget->geometry() << "," << screen
+                         << geometry();
++                if (m_agreementWindow && m_agreementWindow->isVisible()) {
++                    m_agreementWindow->setGeometry(screen->geometry());
++                }
+                 if (!m_lockWidget->isHidden()) {
+                     m_lockWidget->hide();
+                     m_lockWidget->setGeometry(screen->geometry());
+@@ -712,8 +726,9 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
+             bool canShow = true;
+             if (m_lockWidget && !m_lockWidget->exitSubWidget())
+                 canShow = false;
+-            if (canShow)
++            if (canShow && !isGreeterMode()) {
+                 onShowScreensaver();
++            }
+         } else if (screenStatus & SCREEN_SAVER /* && !isBlank*/) {
+             onClearScreensaver();
+         }
+@@ -799,7 +814,7 @@ bool FullBackgroundWidget::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *
+         qDebug() << "---------------------XCB_KEY_RELEASE:" << xc->detail;
+         onGlobalKeyRelease(xc->detail);
+     } else if (responseType == m_RREventBase + RRScreenChangeNotify) {
+-        if (isGreeterMode() && QString(qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) != "wayland") {
++        if (isGreeterMode() && !m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland()) {
+             RRScreenChangeEvent(false);
+         }
+     }
+@@ -808,13 +823,27 @@ bool FullBackgroundWidget::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onCurUserChanged(const QString &strUserName)
+ {
+-    if (isGreeterMode())
++    if (isGreeterMode() && !m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland())
+         DisplayService::instance(m_modelLockDialog)->setCurUserName(strUserName);
+ }
+ void FullBackgroundWidget::onAuthSucceed(QString strUserName)
+ {
++    if (IsStartupMode()) {
++        setIsStartupMode(false);
++    }
+     if (getenv("USER") == strUserName) {
++        if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++            UniAuthService::instance()->SaveLastLoginUser(strUserName);
++// 三权分立不保存秒级登录用户信息
++#ifdef WITHKYSEC
++            if (kysec_is_disabled() || !kysec_get_3adm_status()) {
++                UniAuthService::instance()->SaveQuickLoginUser(strUserName);
++#ifdef WITHKYSEC
++            }
++        }
+         onCloseScreensaver();
+     } else {
+         if (m_lockWidget) {
+@@ -1177,3 +1206,9 @@ void FullBackgroundWidget::onScreensChanged(QList<QString> listMonitors)
+     // 分辨率,延时1000ms正常。
+     QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(onDesktopResized()));
+ }
++void FullBackgroundWidget::setIsStartupMode(bool isStartup)
++    m_isStartupMode = isStartup;
++    Q_EMIT StartupModeChanged(m_isStartupMode);
+diff --git a/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.h b/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.h
+index 2ed39b6..09d7d96 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.h
++++ b/src/widgets/fullbackgroundwidget.h
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class FullBackgroundWidget : public QWidget, public QAbstractNativeEventFilter
+ {
+     Q_OBJECT
+ public:
+-    explicit FullBackgroundWidget(LockDialogModel *model, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
++    explicit FullBackgroundWidget(LockDialogModel *model, bool isStartup = false, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+     ~FullBackgroundWidget();
+     virtual bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result) override;
+@@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
+     void onUserBackgroundChanged(const QString &);
+     void onCurrentUserBackground(const QString &);
+     void onSecondRunParam(const QString &);
++    void StartupModeChanged(bool isStartup);
+ protected:
+     void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
+@@ -129,6 +131,8 @@ private:
+     void onLockScreenTimeout();
+     void stopDelayLockScreen();
++    void setIsStartupMode(bool isStartup);
+ private Q_SLOTS:
+     void onGlobalKeyPress(const quint8 &key);
+     void onGlobalKeyRelease(const quint8 &key);
+diff --git a/src/widgets/iconedit.cpp b/src/widgets/iconedit.cpp
+index 725885b..d1dbd5f 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/iconedit.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/iconedit.cpp
+@@ -155,12 +155,15 @@ bool IconEdit::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+         if (event->type() == 2) {
+         }
+     }
++    //导致出现按回车发送多次密码问题,因此注释
++    /*
+     if (obj == m_iconButton && event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) {
+         QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(event);
+         if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
+             clicked_cb();
+         }
+     }
++    */
+     return false;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
+index 769e240..0a0d0c9 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
+@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
+ #include "../lock-dialog/rootWindowBackground.h"
+ #include "configuration.h"
+ #include "utils.h"
++#include <syslog.h>
+ #define BLUR_RADIUS 300
+ #define RIGHT_MARGIN 24
+@@ -130,12 +131,12 @@ bool LockWidget::exitSubWidget(bool isForScreensaver, bool hideVirkeyboard)
+         return false;
+     }
+     bool allExited = true;
+-    if (m_userListWidget && m_userListWidget->isVisible()) {
++    if (m_userListWidget && !m_userListWidget->isHidden()) {
+         m_userListWidget->hide();
+         m_userButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+         allExited = false;
+     }
+-    if (m_powerListWidget && m_powerListWidget->isVisible()) {
++    if (m_powerListWidget && !m_powerListWidget->isHidden()) {
+         authDialog->setFocus();
+         authDialog->show();
+         if (m_widgetMediaControl) {
+@@ -143,34 +144,34 @@ bool LockWidget::exitSubWidget(bool isForScreensaver, bool hideVirkeyboard)
+         }
+         m_powerListWidget->hide();
+         buttonListWidget->show();
+-        if (m_systemMonitorBtn && m_systemMonitorBtn->isVisible()) {
++        if (m_systemMonitorBtn && !m_systemMonitorBtn->isHidden()) {
+             m_systemMonitorBtn->hide();
+         }
+         m_powerManagerButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+         allExited = false;
+     }
+-    if (m_networkWidget && m_networkWidget->isVisible()) {
++    if (m_networkWidget && !m_networkWidget->isHidden()) {
+         m_networkWidget->hide();
+         m_networkButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+         //        sendNetPluginVisible(false);
+         allExited = false;
+     }
+-    if (hideVirkeyboard && m_virtualKeyboardWidget && m_virtualKeyboardWidget->isVisible()) {
++    if (hideVirkeyboard && m_virtualKeyboardWidget && !m_virtualKeyboardWidget->isHidden()) {
+         m_virtualKeyboardWidget->hide();
+         m_virKbButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+         allExited = false;
+     }
+-    if (batteryWidget && batteryWidget->isVisible()) {
++    if (batteryWidget && !batteryWidget->isHidden()) {
+         batteryWidget->hide();
+         m_batteryonButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+         allExited = false;
+     }
+-    if (m_sessionListWidget && m_sessionListWidget->isVisible()) {
++    if (m_sessionListWidget && !m_sessionListWidget->isHidden()) {
+         m_sessionListWidget->hide();
+         m_sessionButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+         allExited = false;
+     }
+-    if (m_blockWidget && m_blockWidget->isVisible()) {
++    if (m_blockWidget && !m_blockWidget->isHidden()) {
+         m_blockWidget->hide();
+         m_timeWidget->show();
+         m_powerListWidget->show();
+@@ -184,18 +185,6 @@ bool LockWidget::exitSubWidget(bool isForScreensaver, bool hideVirkeyboard)
+ void LockWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
+ {
+-    QPainter painter(this);
+-    painter.drawPixmap(this->geometry(), background);
+-    QPainterPath path;
+-    painter.setOpacity(0.25);
+-    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // 反锯齿;
+-    painter.setClipping(true);
+-    painter.setPen(Qt::transparent);
+-    path.addRect(this->rect());
+-    path.setFillRule(Qt::WindingFill);
+-    painter.setBrush(QColor("#000000"));
+-    painter.setPen(Qt::transparent);
+-    painter.drawPath(path);
+     return QWidget::paintEvent(event);
+ }
+@@ -356,6 +345,7 @@ void LockWidget::initUI()
+ void LockWidget::initConnections()
+ {
++    connect(UniAuthService::instance(), &UniAuthService::userChanged, this, &LockWidget::onServiceUserChanged);
+     connect(m_modelLockDialog, &LockDialogModel::usersInfoChanged, this, &LockWidget::onUsersInfoChanged);
+     connect(m_modelLockDialog, &LockDialogModel::currentUserChanged, this, &LockWidget::onCurUserChanged);
+     connect(m_modelLockDialog, &LockDialogModel::currentSessionChanged, this, &LockWidget::onSessionChanged);
+@@ -540,7 +530,7 @@ void LockWidget::initButtonWidget()
+         });
+     }
+ #endif
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] init net icon begin!!");
+     m_networkButton = new NetWorkButton(this);
+     QListWidgetItem *buttonItem = new QListWidgetItem();
+     buttonItem->setSizeHint(QSize(48, 48));
+@@ -549,6 +539,7 @@ void LockWidget::initButtonWidget()
+     buttonListWidget->addItem(buttonItem);
+     m_networkButton->setToolTip(tr("Network"));
+     connect(m_networkButton, &NetWorkButton::clicked, this, [this]() { onShowNetworkWidget(); });
++    syslog(LOG_INFO, "[ukui-screensaver-dialog] init net icon end!!");
+     /*
+     connect(buttonWidget, &KyNetworkIcon::updateIconHidden
+@@ -1150,6 +1141,8 @@ void LockWidget::onShowPowerListWidget(bool issessionTools)
+     } else {
+         m_powerListWidget->hide();
+         authDialog->show();
++        // bug#292889 头像加载缓慢问题,需要调用一次update或repaint来刷新
++        authDialog->update();
+         authDialog->setFocus();
+         m_systemMonitorBtn->hide();
+         buttonListWidget->show();
+@@ -1416,12 +1409,22 @@ void LockWidget::onSessionActiveChanged(bool isActive)
+     if (isActive) {
+         if (m_timerChkActive && m_timerChkActive->isActive()) {
+             m_timerChkActive->stop();
++        }
++        if (m_modelLockDialog && m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland()) {
++            QTimer::singleShot(500, this, [&, this]() {
++                if (this->isHidden()) {
++                    this->show();
++                    update();
++                }
++                startAuth();
++            });
++        } else {
+             if (this->isHidden()) {
+                 this->show();
+                 update();
+             }
++            startAuth();
+         }
+-        startAuth();
+     }
+ }
+@@ -1455,37 +1458,76 @@ void LockWidget::onAuthDialogBottomPosChanged(int nPosY)
+     }
+ }
+-void LockWidget::SwitchToUser(QString strUserName)
++void LockWidget::onServiceUserChanged(WillLoginUserInfo willSwitchUser)
++    if (!isGreeterMode() || willSwitchUser.strUserName.isEmpty()) {
++        if (isCurUserSelf(willSwitchUser.strUserName)) { // 锁屏且是当前用户则清空不处理
++            UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToGreeterUser("");
++        }
++        return;
++    }
++    static QString strLastUserName = "";
++    static quint64 llLastChangeTick = 0;
++    // 清空 willSwitchUser
++    UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToGreeterUser("");
++    quint64 curChangeTick = QDateTime::currentDateTime().currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
++    if (willSwitchUser.strUserName == strLastUserName && curChangeTick - llLastChangeTick <= 2000) {
++        qDebug() << "onServiceUserChanged same name and time short:" << willSwitchUser.strUserName << ","
++                 << curChangeTick - llLastChangeTick;
++        return;
++    }
++    strLastUserName = willSwitchUser.strUserName;
++    llLastChangeTick = curChangeTick;
++    if (willSwitchUser.strUserName.isEmpty()
++        || !UniAuthService::instance()->isUserNameValid(willSwitchUser.strUserName)) {
++        qDebug() << "WillSwitchUser is NULL or invalid:" << willSwitchUser.strUserName;
++        return;
++    }
++    qDebug() << "willSwitchUser:" << willSwitchUser;
++    SwitchToUser(willSwitchUser.strUserName, true);
++void LockWidget::SwitchToUser(QString strUserName, bool isSwitchInCurPage /* = false*/)
+ {
+     if (m_modelLockDialog) {
+-        int nSwitchRet = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->switchToUser(strUserName);
+-        if (nSwitchRet != 0) {
++        if (isSwitchInCurPage) {
+             Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(strUserName);
+         } else {
+-            //            if(authDialog) {
+-            //                authDialog->stopAuth();
+-            //            }
+-            if (!isCurUserSelf(strUserName) && !isHidden()) {
+-                this->hide();
+-                update();
+-                if (!m_timerChkActive) {
+-                    m_timerChkActive = new QTimer(this);
+-                    m_timerChkActive->setInterval(10 * 1000);
+-                    connect(m_timerChkActive, &QTimer::timeout, this, [&, this]() {
+-                        if (this->isHidden()) {
+-                            this->show();
++            UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToGreeterUser(strUserName);
++            int nSwitchRet = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->switchToUser(strUserName);
++            if (nSwitchRet != 0) {
++                UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToGreeterUser("");
++                Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(strUserName);
++            } else {
++                //            if(authDialog) {
++                //                authDialog->stopAuth();
++                //            }
++                if (!isCurUserSelf(strUserName) && !isHidden()) {
++                    this->hide();
++                    update();
++                    if (!m_timerChkActive) {
++                        m_timerChkActive = new QTimer(this);
++                        m_timerChkActive->setInterval(10 * 1000);
++                        connect(m_timerChkActive, &QTimer::timeout, this, [&, this]() {
++                            if (this->isHidden() && m_modelLockDialog->sessionActive()) {
++                                this->show();
++                            }
++                            m_timerChkActive->stop();
++                        });
++                    } else {
++                        if (m_timerChkActive->isActive()) {
++                            m_timerChkActive->stop();
+                         }
+-                        m_timerChkActive->stop();
+-                    });
+-                } else {
+-                    if (m_timerChkActive->isActive()) {
+-                        m_timerChkActive->stop();
+                     }
++                    m_timerChkActive->start();
++                    stopAuth();
++                } else {
++                    UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToGreeterUser("");
++                    Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(strUserName);
+                 }
+-                m_timerChkActive->start();
+-                stopAuth();
+-            } else {
+-                Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->setCurrentUser(strUserName);
+             }
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1675,8 +1717,9 @@ void LockWidget::setrootWindow(QList<QPair<QRect, QRect>> screenRectList)
+ void LockWidget::reloadRootBackground()
+ {
+-    if (!isGreeterMode())
++    if (!isGreeterMode() || m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland()) {
+         return;
++    }
+     // 记录当前的屏幕信息,写入QList保存,防止线程中在遍历屏幕信息时,因
+     // 屏幕插拔而崩溃
+     m_screenRectList.clear();
+@@ -1699,6 +1742,9 @@ void LockWidget::reloadRootBackground()
+ void LockWidget::drawRootBackground()
+ {
++    if (m_modelLockDialog->isUseWayland()) {
++        return;
++    }
+     drawBackground(true);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/widgets/lockwidget.h b/src/widgets/lockwidget.h
+index d4a5d32..07b5239 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/lockwidget.h
++++ b/src/widgets/lockwidget.h
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <QFuture>
+ #include "userinfo.h"
+ #include "mediacontrolwidget.h"
++#include "uniauthservice.h"
+ class QListWidgetItem;
+ class MyListWidget;
+@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ private:
+     void updateBottomButton();
+-    void SwitchToUser(QString strUserName);
++    void SwitchToUser(QString strUserName, bool isSwitchInCurPage = false);
+     void refreshTranslate();
+@@ -188,6 +189,12 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
+     void onAuthDialogBottomPosChanged(int nPosY);
++    /**
++     * @brief onServiceUserChanged 登录服务用户切换
++     * @param willLoginUserInfo 新用户信息
++     */
++    void onServiceUserChanged(WillLoginUserInfo willLoginUserInfo);
+     void authSucceed(QString strUserName);
+diff --git a/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp b/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp
+index 166ae4c..e628a62 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp
+@@ -43,11 +43,8 @@
+ #include <QJsonArray>
+ #include <QJsonParseError>
+-LoginOptionsWidget::LoginOptionsWidget(BiometricHelper *bioHelper,
+-                                       int uid,
+-                                       UniAuthService *uniauthService,
+-                                       QWidget *parent)
+-    : QWidget(parent), m_biomericProxy(bioHelper), m_uid(uid), m_uniauthService(uniauthService)
++LoginOptionsWidget::LoginOptionsWidget(BiometricHelper *bioHelper, int uid, QWidget *parent)
++    : QWidget(parent), m_biomericProxy(bioHelper), m_uid(uid)
+ {
+     m_listPriority.clear();
+     m_listPriority.push_back(BioT_Face);
+@@ -572,8 +569,9 @@ void LoginOptionsWidget::onIdentifyComplete(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
+                 Q_EMIT authComplete(false, 1);
+             } else if (ret.opsStatus == OPS_IDENTIFY_STOP_BY_USER || ret.opsStatus == OPS_VERIFY_STOP_BY_USER) {
+                 Q_EMIT authComplete(false, -2); // 主动停止,直接重试
+-            } else if (ret.opsStatus == OPS_OPEN_FAIL
+-                       || ret.opsStatus == OPS_OPEN_ERROR) { // 无法打开设备(设备是坏的/被占用),直接停止
++            } else if (
++                ret.opsStatus == OPS_OPEN_FAIL
++                || ret.opsStatus == OPS_OPEN_ERROR) { // 无法打开设备(设备是坏的/被占用),直接停止
+                 Q_EMIT authComplete(false, 5);
+             } else if (ret.opsStatus >= OPS_GET_FLIST_SUCCESS && ret.opsStatus <= OPS_GET_FLIST_MAX) {
+                 Q_EMIT authComplete(false, -3); // 主动停止,直接重试
+@@ -912,12 +910,12 @@ QPixmap LoginOptionsWidget::drawSymbolicColoredPixmap(QPixmap &source, QString c
+ bool LoginOptionsWidget::getBioAuthEnable(int nType)
+ {
+     bool isEnable = false;
+-    if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
+         struct passwd *pwInfo = getpwuid(m_uid);
+         if (pwInfo) {
+-            isEnable = m_uniauthService->getBioAuthStatus(pwInfo->pw_name, ENABLETYPE_BIO);
++            isEnable = UniAuthService::instance()->getBioAuthStatus(pwInfo->pw_name, ENABLETYPE_BIO);
+             if (isEnable) {
+-                isEnable = m_uniauthService->getBioAuthStatus(pwInfo->pw_name, nType);
++                isEnable = UniAuthService::instance()->getBioAuthStatus(pwInfo->pw_name, nType);
+             }
+             return isEnable;
+         } else {
+@@ -930,8 +928,8 @@ bool LoginOptionsWidget::getBioAuthEnable(int nType)
+ bool LoginOptionsWidget::getQRCodeEnable()
+ {
+-    if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
+-        return m_uniauthService->getQRCodeEnable();
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
++        return UniAuthService::instance()->getQRCodeEnable();
+     } else {
+         return true;
+     }
+@@ -939,9 +937,9 @@ bool LoginOptionsWidget::getQRCodeEnable()
+ QString LoginOptionsWidget::getDefaultDevice(QString strUserName, int bioType)
+ {
+-    if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
+         QString defaultDeviceName = "";
+-        QString strDeviceName = m_uniauthService->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
++        QString strDeviceName = UniAuthService::instance()->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
+         if (!strDeviceName.isEmpty()) {
+             DeviceInfoPtr pDeviceInfo = findDeviceByName(strDeviceName);
+             if (pDeviceInfo) {
+@@ -956,10 +954,10 @@ QString LoginOptionsWidget::getDefaultDevice(QString strUserName, int bioType)
+ QString LoginOptionsWidget::getDefaultDevice(QString strUserName)
+ {
+-    if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
+         QString defaultDeviceName = "";
+         for (auto bioType : m_listPriority) {
+-            QString strDeviceName = m_uniauthService->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
++            QString strDeviceName = UniAuthService::instance()->getDefaultDevice(strUserName, bioType);
+             if (!strDeviceName.isEmpty()) {
+                 DeviceInfoPtr pDeviceInfo = findDeviceByName(strDeviceName);
+                 if (pDeviceInfo) {
+@@ -977,10 +975,10 @@ QString LoginOptionsWidget::getDefaultDevice(QString strUserName)
+ QStringList LoginOptionsWidget::getAllDefDevices()
+ {
+     QStringList listDefDevices;
+-    if (m_uniauthService && m_uniauthService->isActivatable()) {
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable()) {
+         struct passwd *pwdInfo = getpwuid(m_uid);
+         if (pwdInfo) {
+-            listDefDevices = m_uniauthService->getAllDefaultDevice(pwdInfo->pw_name);
++            listDefDevices = UniAuthService::instance()->getAllDefaultDevice(pwdInfo->pw_name);
+         }
+     } else {
+         QString defaultDeviceName;
+diff --git a/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.h b/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.h
+index 3b8f6f7..7a15874 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.h
++++ b/src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.h
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class LoginOptionsWidget : public QWidget
+     Q_OBJECT
+ public:
+     explicit LoginOptionsWidget(
+-        BiometricHelper *bioHelper, int uid, UniAuthService *uniauthService, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
++        BiometricHelper *bioHelper, int uid, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+     virtual ~LoginOptionsWidget();
+     bool getCurLoginOpt(int &nLoginOptType, int &nDrvId);
+@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ private:
+     // ToolTip
+     QStringList nameList;
+-    UniAuthService *m_uniauthService = nullptr;
+     QList<int> m_listPriority;
+     bool isShowUkey = false;
+diff --git a/src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp b/src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp
+index 630a374..4bca3c5 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp
+@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ void MPRISWidget::onLostMediaPath(const QString &strPath)
+             m_mprisDbusClient->deleteLater();
+             m_mprisDbusClient = nullptr;
+         }
+         m_strMediaPlayerPath.clear();
+         Q_EMIT statusChanged(false);
+     }
+@@ -209,8 +210,23 @@ void MPRISWidget::onMetadataChanged()
+ {
+     if (!m_mprisDbusClient)
+         return;
++    delayMetadataUpdate();
+-    if (m_nPlayState == -1) {
++void MPRISWidget::delayMetadataUpdate(int nTimeout /* = 1000*/)
++    if (!m_timerDelayUpdate) {
++        m_timerDelayUpdate = new QTimer(this);
++        m_timerDelayUpdate->setSingleShot(true);
++        connect(m_timerDelayUpdate, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MPRISWidget::onDelayMetadataUpdate);
++    }
++    m_timerDelayUpdate->setInterval(nTimeout);
++    m_timerDelayUpdate->start();
++void MPRISWidget::onDelayMetadataUpdate()
++    if (m_nPlayState == -1) { // 停止播放状态
+         m_labelName->setText(tr("Unknown"));
+         m_labelArtist->setText(tr("Unknown"));
+         m_labelAlbum->setPixmap(PixmapToRound(m_pixmapAlbumDefault, 12, 0, 12, 0));
+diff --git a/src/widgets/mpriswidget.h b/src/widgets/mpriswidget.h
+index b2d0d6f..4f018a4 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/mpriswidget.h
++++ b/src/widgets/mpriswidget.h
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ #include <QVBoxLayout>
+ #include <QDBusConnectionInterface>
+ #include <QVariantMap>
++#include <QTimer>
+ #include "klabel.h"
+ class MPRISWidget : public QFrame
+@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
+     void onCanControlChanged();
+     void updateFont(QString strFont, double fontSizeF);
++    void onDelayMetadataUpdate();
+     void statusChanged(bool isValid);
+@@ -45,6 +48,8 @@ private:
+     void initUI();
+     void initConnections();
++    void delayMetadataUpdate(int nTimeout = 1000);
+ private:
+     QDBusConnectionInterface *m_mprisMonitor = nullptr;
+     MPRISDBusClient *m_mprisDbusClient = nullptr;
+@@ -66,6 +71,8 @@ private:
+     QPushButton *m_btnPrev = nullptr;
+     QPushButton *m_btnPlayPause = nullptr;
+     QPushButton *m_btnNext = nullptr;
++    QTimer *m_timerDelayUpdate = nullptr;
+ };
+ #endif // MPRISWIDGET_H
+diff --git a/src/widgets/screensaverwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/screensaverwidget.cpp
+index e9190bb..0d6239d 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/screensaverwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/screensaverwidget.cpp
+@@ -32,13 +32,16 @@ ScreenSaverWidget::ScreenSaverWidget(ScreenSaver *screensaver, QWidget *parent)
+     : QWidget(parent), timer(nullptr), screensaver(screensaver), closing(false)
+ {
+     qDebug() << "ScreenSaverWidget::ScreenSaverWidget";
+-    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
++    // setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+     setMouseTracking(true);
+     setFocus();
+     this->installEventFilter(this);
++    if (screensaver) {
++        screensaver->setParent(this);
++    }
+     QPalette pal(palette());
+-    pal.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::black); //设置背景黑色
++    pal.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::black); // 设置背景黑色
+     setAutoFillBackground(true);
+     setPalette(pal);
+diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..eeca582
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
++# 处理打桩工具相关配置
++# 收集打桩工具的头文件,递归查找符合条件的头文件
++    "${TEST_UTILS_PATH}/cpp-stub/*.h"
++    "${TEST_UTILS_PATH}/cpp-stub/*.hpp"
++    "${TEST_UTILS_PATH}/cpp-stub-ext/*.h"
++# 收集打桩工具的源文件,递归查找符合条件的源文件
++    "${TEST_UTILS_PATH}/cpp-stub/*.cpp"
++    "${TEST_UTILS_PATH}/cpp-stub-ext/*.cpp"
++# 创建一个库(这里以静态库为例,可以根据需求改为共享库等)来存放打桩工具相关代码
++add_library(utils_lib STATIC ${UTILS_SOURCES} ${UTILS_HEADERS})
++# 将打桩工具库的头文件目录添加到包含路径,方便其他目标使用
++    PUBLIC
++        "${TEST_UTILS_PATH}/cpp-stub"
++        "${TEST_UTILS_PATH}/cpp-stub-ext"
+diff --git a/tests/auto_test.sh b/tests/auto_test.sh
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..6fde6ac
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/auto_test.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++# 设置退出脚本当命令失败时 (非零退出状态)
++#set -e
++# 函数:运行单元测试
++run_unit_tests() {
++    local pattern="unit_test_*"
++    # 遍历所有匹配模式的目录
++    for dir in $pattern; do
++        if [ -d "$dir" ] && [ -x "$dir/$(basename "$dir")" ]; then
++            echo "Running tests in $dir..."
++	    # 执行单元测试
++	    (cd "$dir" && "./$(basename "$dir")")
++            # 收集代码覆盖率数据
++	    echo "Collecting coverage data..."
++	    (cd "$dir" && (find ./ -name '*.o' | xargs gcov --preserve-paths))
++        else
++	    echo "Skipping non-existent or non-executable directory: $dir, $dir/$(basename "$dir")"
++        fi
++    done
++# 上传 result.zip 到平台
++upload_result() {
++    echo "current pwd : $(pwd)"
++    # 收集覆盖率信息
++    lcov -d . -c -o r.info
++    # 删除不需要的文件或路径
++    lcov -r r.info "$(pwd)/unit_test_*" "$(pwd)/../registeredSession/universalinterface.cpp" "/usr/include/*" "/opt/*" -o coverage.info
++    # 生成html覆盖率报告
++    genhtml "$(pwd)/coverage.info" -o result
++    # 打包
++    zip -r  result.zip result
++    # 上传平台
++    curl --insecure -X POST -F "file=@/$(pwd)/result.zip" -F "package=ukui-control-center" -F "username=hesisheng" $URL
++    echo "all parameter : $@"
++# 编译项目
++echo "Compiling the project..."
++cmake . && make
++# 运行各个单元测试
++echo "Running unit tests..."
++# 上传到平台
++echo "All tests have been run successfully, and coverage data has been collected."
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ff21dcd
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++ * Author:     Zhang Yu <clauszy@163.com>
++ * Maintainer: Zhang Yu <clauszy@163.com>
++ *
++ * MIT License
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2020 Zhang Yu
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
++ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
++ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
++ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
++ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
++ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
++ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
++ *
++#include "stub-shadow.h"
++namespace stub_ext {
++WrapperMap stub_wrappers;
++void freeWrapper(Wrapper *wrapper)
++    if (!wrapper)
++        return;
++    for (auto iter = stub_wrappers.begin(); iter != stub_wrappers.end();) {
++        if (iter->second == wrapper)
++            iter = stub_wrappers.erase(iter);
++        else
++            ++iter;
++    }
++    delete wrapper;
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..04e746e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
++#ifndef STUBSHADOW_H
++#define STUBSHADOW_H
++ * Author:     Zhang Yu <clauszy@163.com>
++ * Maintainer: Zhang Yu <clauszy@163.com>
++ *
++ * MIT License
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2020 Zhang Yu
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
++ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
++ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
++ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
++ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
++ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
++ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
++ *
++#include <unordered_map>
++#include <assert.h>
++namespace stub_ext {
++#define LAMDA_FUNCTION_TYPE decltype(&Lamda::operator())
++class Wrapper
++    Wrapper();
++    virtual ~Wrapper();
++typedef std::unordered_map<long, Wrapper* > WrapperMap;
++extern WrapperMap stub_wrappers;
++template<class Lamda>
++class LamdaWrapper : public Wrapper
++    LamdaWrapper(Lamda func): Wrapper(),_func(func){}
++    ~LamdaWrapper(){}
++    Lamda _func;
++template <typename Func>
++struct VFLocator
++template <class Obj, typename Ret, typename... Args>
++struct VFLocator<Ret (Obj::*)(Args...)>
++    typedef Ret (*Func)(Obj*, Args...);
++template <class Obj, typename Ret, typename... Args>
++struct VFLocator<Ret (Obj::*)(Args...) const>
++    typedef Ret (*Func)(Obj*, Args...);
++template <typename Func>
++struct LamdaCaller
++template <class Obj, typename Ret, typename... Args>
++struct LamdaCaller<Ret (Obj::*)(Args...) const>
++    template<class Lamda, typename ...OrgArgs>
++    static Ret call(LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *wrapper, OrgArgs&&... args)
++    {
++        return wrapper->_func(std::forward<OrgArgs>(args)...);
++    }
++template <class Obj, typename Ret>
++struct LamdaCaller<Ret (Obj::*)() const>
++    template<class Lamda, typename ...OrgArgs>
++    static Ret call(LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *wrapper, OrgArgs&&... args)
++    {
++        return wrapper->_func();
++    }
++template<typename Func, class Lamda>
++struct FuncShadow
++template<typename Ret, typename... Args, class Lamda>
++struct FuncShadow<Ret (*)(Args...), Lamda>
++    typedef Ret (*Shadow)(Args...);
++    typedef Ret RetType;
++    static Ret call(Args ...args)
++    {
++       Shadow shadow = &call;
++       long id = (long)shadow;
++       auto iter = stub_wrappers.find(id);
++       assert(stub_wrappers.find(id) != stub_wrappers.end());
++       LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *wrapper = dynamic_cast<LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *>(iter->second);
++       return LamdaCaller<LAMDA_FUNCTION_TYPE>::call(wrapper, args...);
++    }
++template<typename Ret, class Obj,typename... Args, class Lamda>
++struct FuncShadow<Ret (Obj::*)(Args...), Lamda>
++    typedef Ret (*Shadow)(Obj *,Args...);
++    typedef Ret RetType;
++    static Ret call(Obj *obj, Args ...args)
++    {
++        Shadow shadow = &call;
++        long id = (long)shadow;
++        auto iter = stub_wrappers.find(id);
++        assert(stub_wrappers.find(id) != stub_wrappers.end());
++        LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *wrapper = dynamic_cast<LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *>(iter->second);
++        return LamdaCaller<LAMDA_FUNCTION_TYPE>::call(wrapper, obj, args...);
++    }
++template<typename Ret, class Obj,typename... Args, class Lamda>
++struct FuncShadow<Ret (Obj::*)(Args...) const, Lamda>
++    typedef Ret (*Shadow)(Obj *,Args...);
++    typedef Ret RetType;
++    static Ret call(Obj *obj, Args ...args)
++    {
++        Shadow shadow = &call;
++        long id = (long)shadow;
++        auto iter = stub_wrappers.find(id);
++        assert(stub_wrappers.find(id) != stub_wrappers.end());
++        LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *wrapper = dynamic_cast<LamdaWrapper<Lamda> *>(iter->second);
++        return LamdaCaller<LAMDA_FUNCTION_TYPE>::call(wrapper, obj, args...);
++    }
++template<typename Func, class Lamda>
++typename FuncShadow<Func, Lamda>::Shadow depictShadow(Wrapper **wrapper, Func func, Lamda lamda)
++    *wrapper = new LamdaWrapper<Lamda>(lamda);
++    typename FuncShadow<Func,Lamda>::Shadow shadow = &FuncShadow<Func,Lamda>::call;
++    long id = (long)shadow;
++    assert(stub_wrappers.find(id) == stub_wrappers.end());
++    stub_wrappers.insert(std::make_pair(id,*wrapper));
++    return shadow;
++void freeWrapper(Wrapper *wrapper);
++#endif // STUBSHADOW_H
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2a70a78
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
++#ifndef STUBEXT_H
++#define STUBEXT_H
++ * Author:     Zhang Yu <clauszy@163.com>
++ * Maintainer: Zhang Yu <clauszy@163.com>
++ *
++ * MIT License
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) 2020 Zhang Yu
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
++ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
++ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
++ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
++ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
++ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
++ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
++ *
++#include "stub.h"
++#include "stub-shadow.h"
++// use to make sure the stub function is invoked.
++#    define __DBG_STUB_INVOKE__ printf("stub at %s:%d is invoked.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
++#    define __DBG_STUB_INVOKE__
++#define VADDR(CLASS_NAME, MEMBER_NAME) (typename stub_ext::VFLocator<decltype(&CLASS_NAME::MEMBER_NAME)>::Func)(&CLASS_NAME::MEMBER_NAME)
++namespace stub_ext {
++class StubExt : public Stub
++    StubExt()
++        : Stub() { }
++    template<typename T, class Lamda>
++    bool set_lamda(T addr, Lamda lamda)
++    {
++        char *fn = addrof(addr);
++        if (m_result.find(fn) != m_result.end())
++            reset(addr);
++        Wrapper *wrapper = nullptr;
++        auto addr_stub = depictShadow(&wrapper, addr, lamda);
++        if (set(addr, addr_stub)) {
++            m_wrappers.insert(std::make_pair(fn, wrapper));
++            return true;
++        } else {
++            freeWrapper(wrapper);
++        }
++        return false;
++    }
++    template<typename T>
++    void reset(T addr)
++    {
++        Stub::reset(addr);
++        char *fn = addrof(addr);
++        auto iter = m_wrappers.find(fn);
++        if (iter != m_wrappers.end()) {
++            freeWrapper(iter->second);
++            m_wrappers.erase(iter);
++        }
++    }
++    ~StubExt()
++    {
++        clear();
++    }
++    void clear() override
++    {
++        Stub::clear();
++        for (auto iter = m_wrappers.begin(); iter != m_wrappers.end(); ++iter) {
++            freeWrapper(iter->second);
++        }
++        m_wrappers.clear();
++    }
++    template<class T>
++    static void *get_ctor_addr(bool start = true)
++    {
++        // the start vairable must be true, or the compiler will optimize out.
++        if (start) goto Start;
++    Call_Constructor:
++        // This line of code will not be executed.
++        // The purpose of the code is to allow the compiler to generate the assembly code that calls the constructor.
++        T();
++    Start:
++        // The address of the line of code T() obtained by assembly
++        char *p = (char *)&&Call_Constructor;   // https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Labels-as-Values.html
++        // CALL rel32
++        void *ret = 0;
++        char pos;
++        char call = 0xe8;
++        do {
++            pos = *p;
++            if (pos == call) {
++                ret = p + 5 + (*(int *)(p + 1));
++            }
++        } while (!ret && (++p));
++        return ret;
++    }
++    std::map<char *, Wrapper *> m_wrappers;
++#endif   // STUBEXT_H
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a153f34
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
++#ifndef __ADDR_ANY_H__
++#define __ADDR_ANY_H__
++#include <regex.h>
++#include <cxxabi.h>
++#include <cinttypes>
++#include <cstdio>
++#include <cstdlib>
++#include <string>
++#include <map>
++#include "elfio.hpp"
++class AddrAny
++    AddrAny()
++    {
++        m_init = get_exe_pathname(m_fullname);
++        m_baseaddr = 0;
++    }
++    AddrAny(std::string libname)
++    {
++        m_init = get_lib_pathname_and_baseaddr(libname, m_fullname, m_baseaddr);
++    }
++    int get_local_func_addr_symtab(std::string func_name_regex_str, std::map<std::string,void*>& result)
++    {
++        return get_func_addr(SHT_SYMTAB, STB_LOCAL, func_name_regex_str, result);
++    }
++    int get_global_func_addr_symtab(std::string func_name_regex_str, std::map<std::string,void*>& result)
++    {
++        return get_func_addr(SHT_SYMTAB, STB_GLOBAL, func_name_regex_str, result);
++    }
++    int get_weak_func_addr_symtab(std::string func_name_regex_str, std::map<std::string,void*>& result)
++    {
++        return get_func_addr(SHT_SYMTAB, STB_WEAK, func_name_regex_str, result);
++    }
++    int get_global_func_addr_dynsym( std::string func_name_regex_str, std::map<std::string,void*>& result)
++    {
++        return get_func_addr(SHT_DYNSYM, STB_GLOBAL, func_name_regex_str, result);
++    }
++    int get_weak_func_addr_dynsym(std::string func_name_regex_str, std::map<std::string,void*>& result)
++    {
++        return get_func_addr(SHT_DYNSYM, STB_WEAK, func_name_regex_str, result);
++    }
++    bool demangle(std::string& s, std::string& name) {
++        int status;
++        char* pname = abi::__cxa_demangle(s.c_str(), 0, 0, &status);
++        if (status != 0)
++        {
++            switch(status)
++            {
++                case -1: name = "memory allocation error"; break;
++                case -2: name = "invalid name given"; break;
++                case -3: name = "internal error: __cxa_demangle: invalid argument"; break;
++                default: name = "unknown error occured"; break;
++            }
++            return false;
++        }
++        name = pname;
++        free(pname);
++        return true;
++    }
++    bool get_exe_pathname( std::string& name)
++    {
++        char                     line[512];
++        FILE                    *fp;
++        uintptr_t                base_addr;
++        char                     perm[5];
++        unsigned long            offset;
++        int                      pathname_pos;
++        char                    *pathname;
++        size_t                   pathname_len;
++        int                      match = 0;
++        if(NULL == (fp = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r")))
++        {
++            return false;
++        }
++        while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
++        {
++            if(sscanf(line, "%" PRIxPTR "-%*lx %4s %lx %*x:%*x %*d%n", &base_addr, perm, &offset, &pathname_pos) != 3) continue;
++            if(0 != offset) continue;
++            //get pathname
++            while(isspace(line[pathname_pos]) && pathname_pos < (int)(sizeof(line) - 1))
++                pathname_pos += 1;
++            if(pathname_pos >= (int)(sizeof(line) - 1)) continue;
++            pathname = line + pathname_pos;
++            pathname_len = strlen(pathname);
++            if(0 == pathname_len) continue;
++            if(pathname[pathname_len - 1] == '\n')
++            {
++                pathname[pathname_len - 1] = '\0';
++                pathname_len -= 1;
++            }
++            if(0 == pathname_len) continue;
++            if('[' == pathname[0]) continue;
++            name = pathname;
++            match = 1;
++            break;
++        }
++        fclose(fp);
++        if(0 == match)
++        {
++            return false;
++        }
++        else
++        {
++            return true;
++        }
++    }
++    bool get_lib_pathname_and_baseaddr(std::string pathname_regex_str, std::string& name, unsigned long& addr)
++    {
++        char                     line[512];
++        FILE                    *fp;
++        uintptr_t                base_addr;
++        char                     perm[5];
++        unsigned long            offset;
++        int                      pathname_pos;
++        char                    *pathname;
++        size_t                   pathname_len;
++        int                      match;
++        regex_t   pathname_regex;
++        regcomp(&pathname_regex, pathname_regex_str.c_str(), 0);
++        if(NULL == (fp = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r")))
++        {
++            return false;
++        }
++        while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
++        {
++            if(sscanf(line, "%" PRIxPTR "-%*lx %4s %lx %*x:%*x %*d%n", &base_addr, perm, &offset, &pathname_pos) != 3) continue;
++            //check permission
++            if(perm[0] != 'r') continue;
++            if(perm[3] != 'p') continue; //do not touch the shared memory
++            //check offset
++            //
++            //We are trying to find ELF header in memory.
++            //It can only be found at the beginning of a mapped memory regions
++            //whose offset is 0.
++            if(0 != offset) continue;
++            //get pathname
++            while(isspace(line[pathname_pos]) && pathname_pos < (int)(sizeof(line) - 1))
++                pathname_pos += 1;
++            if(pathname_pos >= (int)(sizeof(line) - 1)) continue;
++            pathname = line + pathname_pos;
++            pathname_len = strlen(pathname);
++            if(0 == pathname_len) continue;
++            if(pathname[pathname_len - 1] == '\n')
++            {
++                pathname[pathname_len - 1] = '\0';
++                pathname_len -= 1;
++            }
++            if(0 == pathname_len) continue;
++            if('[' == pathname[0]) continue;
++            //check pathname
++            //if we need to hook this elf?
++            match = 0;
++            if(0 == regexec(&pathname_regex, pathname, 0, NULL, 0))
++            {
++                match = 1;
++                name = pathname;
++                addr = (unsigned long)base_addr;
++                break;
++            }
++            if(0 == match) continue;
++        }
++        fclose(fp);
++        if(0 == match)
++        {
++            return false;
++        }
++        else
++        {
++            return true;
++        }
++    }
++    int get_func_addr(unsigned int ttype, unsigned int stype, std::string& func_name_regex_str, std::map<std::string,void*>& result)
++    {
++        // Create an elfio reader
++        ELFIO::elfio reader;
++        int count = 0;
++        regex_t   pathname_regex;
++        if(!m_init)
++        {
++            return -1;
++        }
++        regcomp(&pathname_regex, func_name_regex_str.c_str(), 0);
++        // Load ELF data
++        if(!reader.load(m_fullname.c_str()))
++        {
++            return -1;
++        }
++        ELFIO::Elf_Half sec_num = reader.sections.size();
++        for(int i = 0; i < sec_num; ++i)
++        {
++            ELFIO::section* psec = reader.sections[i];
++            // Check section type
++            if(psec->get_type() == ttype)
++            {
++                const ELFIO::symbol_section_accessor symbols( reader, psec );
++                for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < symbols.get_symbols_num(); ++j )
++                {
++                    std::string name;
++                    std::string name_mangle;
++                    ELFIO::Elf64_Addr value;
++                    ELFIO::Elf_Xword size;
++                    unsigned char bind;
++                    unsigned char type;
++                    ELFIO::Elf_Half section_index;
++                    unsigned char other;
++                    // Read symbol properties
++                    symbols.get_symbol( j, name, value, size, bind, type, section_index, other );
++                    if(type == STT_FUNC && bind == stype)
++                    {
++                        bool ret = demangle(name,name_mangle);
++                        if(ret == true)
++                        {
++                            if (0 == regexec(&pathname_regex, name_mangle.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0))
++                            {
++                                  result.insert ( std::pair<std::string,void *>(name_mangle,(void*)(value + m_baseaddr)));
++                                  count++;
++                            }
++                        }
++                        else
++                        {
++                            if (0 == regexec(&pathname_regex, name.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0))
++                            {
++                                  result.insert ( std::pair<std::string,void *>(name,(void*)(value + m_baseaddr)));
++                                  count++;
++                            }
++                        }
++                    }
++                }
++                break;
++            }
++        }
++        return count;
++    }
++    bool m_init;
++    std::string m_name;
++    std::string m_fullname;
++    unsigned long m_baseaddr;
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_pri.h b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_pri.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9174bb0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_pri.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
++#ifndef __ADDR_PRI_H__
++#define __ADDR_PRI_H__
++#include <utility>
++#include <type_traits>
++//base on C++11
++             access private function
++namespace std {
++  template <bool B, class T = void>
++  using enable_if_t = typename enable_if<B, T>::type;
++  template <class T>
++  using remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference<T>::type;
++} // std
++// Unnamed namespace is used to avoid duplicate symbols if the macros are used
++namespace {
++  namespace private_access_detail {
++    // @tparam TagType, used to declare different "get" funciton overloads for
++    // different members/statics
++    template <typename PtrType, PtrType PtrValue, typename TagType>
++    struct private_access {
++      // Normal lookup cannot find in-class defined (inline) friend functions.
++      friend PtrType get(TagType) { return PtrValue; }
++    };
++  } // namespace private_access_detail
++} // namespace
++// Used macro naming conventions:
++// The "namespace" of this macro library is PRIVATE_ACCESS, i.e. all
++// macro here has this prefix.
++// All implementation macro, which are not meant to be used directly have the
++// Some macros have the ABCD_IMPL form, which means they contain the
++// implementation details for the specific ABCD macro.
++#define PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(x, y)                                \
++// @param PtrTypeKind E.g if we have "class A", then it can be "A::*" in case of
++// members, or it can be "*" in case of statics.
++#define PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE(Tag, Class, Type, Name,           \
++                                             PtrTypeKind)                      \
++  namespace {                                                                  \
++    namespace private_access_detail {                                          \
++      /* Tag type, used to declare different get funcitons for different       \
++       * members                                                               \
++       */                                                                      \
++      struct Tag {};                                                           \
++      /* Explicit instantiation */                                             \
++      template struct private_access<decltype(&Class::Name), &Class::Name,     \
++                                     Tag>;                                     \
++      /* We can build the PtrType only with two aliases */                     \
++      /* E.g. using PtrType = int(int) *; would be illformed */                \
++      using PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(Alias_, Tag) = Type;             \
++      using PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(PtrType_, Tag) =                 \
++          PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(Alias_, Tag) PtrTypeKind;          \
++      /* Declare the friend function, now it is visible in namespace scope.    \
++       * Note,                                                                 \
++       * we could declare it inside the Tag type too, in that case ADL would   \
++       * find                                                                  \
++       * the declaration. By choosing to declare it here, the Tag type remains \
++       * a                                                                     \
++       * simple tag type, it has no other responsibilities. */                 \
++      PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(PtrType_, Tag) get(Tag);               \
++    }                                                                          \
++  }
++#define PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE_FIELD(Tag, Class, Type, Name)     \
++  PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE(Tag, Class, Type, Name, Class::*)       \
++  namespace {                                                                  \
++    namespace access_private_field {                                                  \
++      Type &Class##Name(Class &&t) { return t.*get(private_access_detail::Tag{}); }   \
++      Type &Class##Name(Class &t) { return t.*get(private_access_detail::Tag{}); }    \
++      /* The following usings are here to avoid duplicate const qualifier      \
++       * warnings                                                              \
++       */                                                                      \
++      using PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(X, Tag) = Type;                  \
++      using PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(Y, Tag) =                        \
++          const PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(X, Tag);                     \
++      PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_CONCATENATE(Y, Tag) & Class##Name(const Class &t) {\
++        return t.*get(private_access_detail::Tag{});                           \
++      }                                                                        \
++    }                                                                          \
++  }
++#define PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE_FUN(Tag, Class, Type, Name)       \
++  PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE(Tag, Class, Type, Name, Class::*)       \
++  namespace {                                                                  \
++    namespace call_private_fun {                                               \
++      /* We do perfect forwarding, but we want to restrict the overload set    \
++       * only for objects which have the type Class. */                        \
++      template <typename Obj,                                                  \
++                std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::remove_reference_t<Obj>,    \
++                                              Class>::value> * = nullptr,      \
++                typename... Args>                                              \
++      auto Class##Name(Obj &&o, Args &&... args) -> decltype(                  \
++          (std::forward<Obj>(o).*                                              \
++           get(private_access_detail::Tag{}))(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {  \
++        return (std::forward<Obj>(o).*get(private_access_detail::Tag{}))(      \
++            std::forward<Args>(args)...);                                      \
++      }                                                                        \
++    }                                                                          \
++    namespace get_private_fun {                                                \
++      auto Class##Name()  -> decltype(                                         \
++          get(private_access_detail::Tag{})) {                                 \
++        return (get(private_access_detail::Tag{}));                            \
++      }                                                                        \
++    }                                                                          \
++  }
++                                                          Name)                \
++  PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE(Tag, Class, Type, Name, *)              \
++  namespace {                                                                  \
++    namespace access_private_static_field {                                    \
++      namespace Class {                                                        \
++        Type &Class##Name() { return *get(private_access_detail::Tag{}); }     \
++      }                                                                        \
++    }                                                                          \
++  }
++                                                        Name)                  \
++  PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE(Tag, Class, Type, Name, *)              \
++  namespace {                                                                  \
++    namespace call_private_static_fun {                                        \
++      namespace Class {                                                        \
++        template <typename... Args>                                            \
++        auto Class##Name(Args &&... args) -> decltype(                         \
++            get(private_access_detail::Tag{})(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {  \
++          return get(private_access_detail::Tag{})(                            \
++              std::forward<Args>(args)...);                                    \
++        }                                                                      \
++      }                                                                        \
++    }                                                                          \
++    namespace get_private_static_fun {                                         \
++      namespace Class {                                                        \
++        auto Class##Name() -> decltype(get(private_access_detail::Tag{})) {    \
++          return get(private_access_detail::Tag{});                            \
++        }                                                                      \
++      }                                                                        \
++    }                                                                          \
++  }
++#define PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_UNIQUE_TAG                                       \
++#define ACCESS_PRIVATE_FIELD(Class, Type, Name)                                \
++                                             Class, Type, Name)
++#define ACCESS_PRIVATE_FUN(Class, Type, Name)                                  \
++                                           Class, Type, Name)
++#define ACCESS_PRIVATE_STATIC_FIELD(Class, Type, Name)                         \
++    Type Class::Name;                                                          \
++#define ACCESS_PRIVATE_STATIC_FUN(Class, Type, Name)                           \
++  PRIVATE_ACCESS_DETAIL_ACCESS_PRIVATE_STATIC_FUN(                             \
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/elfio.hpp b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/elfio.hpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..dd5c9ae
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/elfio.hpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,4888 @@
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_dump.hpp ***/
++#ifndef ELFIO_DUMP_HPP
++#define ELFIO_DUMP_HPP
++#include <algorithm>
++#include <string>
++#include <ostream>
++#include <sstream>
++#include <iomanip>
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio.hpp ***/
++#ifndef ELFIO_HPP
++#define ELFIO_HPP
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#pragma warning( push )
++#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
++#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )
++#pragma warning( disable : 4244 )
++#include <string>
++#include <iostream>
++#include <fstream>
++#include <functional>
++#include <algorithm>
++#include <vector>
++#include <deque>
++#include <iterator>
++/*** Start of inlined file: elf_types.hpp ***/
++#ifndef ELFTYPES_H
++#define ELFTYPES_H
++#if !defined( ELFIO_NO_CSTDINT ) && !defined( ELFIO_NO_INTTYPES )
++#include <stdint.h>
++typedef unsigned char    uint8_t;
++typedef signed char      int8_t;
++typedef unsigned short   uint16_t;
++typedef signed short     int16_t;
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
++typedef signed __int32   int32_t;
++typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
++typedef signed __int64   int64_t;
++typedef unsigned int       uint32_t;
++typedef signed int         int32_t;
++typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
++typedef signed long long   int64_t;
++#endif // _MSC_VER
++#endif // ELFIO_NO_CSTDINT
++#endif // ELFIO_NO_OWN_TYPES
++namespace ELFIO {
++// Attention! Platform depended definitions.
++typedef uint16_t Elf_Half;
++typedef uint32_t Elf_Word;
++typedef int32_t  Elf_Sword;
++typedef uint64_t Elf_Xword;
++typedef int64_t  Elf_Sxword;
++typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr;
++typedef uint32_t Elf32_Off;
++typedef uint64_t Elf64_Addr;
++typedef uint64_t Elf64_Off;
++#define Elf32_Half  Elf_Half
++#define Elf64_Half  Elf_Half
++#define Elf32_Word  Elf_Word
++#define Elf64_Word  Elf_Word
++#define Elf32_Sword Elf_Sword
++#define Elf64_Sword Elf_Sword
++// ELF Header Constants
++// File type
++#define ET_NONE   0
++#define ET_REL    1
++#define ET_EXEC   2
++#define ET_DYN    3
++#define ET_CORE   4
++#define ET_LOOS   0xFE00
++#define ET_HIOS   0xFEFF
++#define ET_LOPROC 0xFF00
++#define ET_HIPROC 0xFFFF
++#define EM_NONE  0 // No machine
++#define EM_M32   1 // AT&T WE 32100
++#define EM_SPARC 2 // SUN SPARC
++#define EM_386   3 // Intel 80386
++#define EM_68K   4 // Motorola m68k family
++#define EM_88K   5 // Motorola m88k family
++#define EM_486   6 // Intel 80486// Reserved for future use
++#define EM_860   7 // Intel 80860
++#define EM_MIPS  8 // MIPS R3000 (officially, big-endian only)
++#define EM_S370  9 // IBM System/370
++#define EM_MIPS_RS3_LE \
++	10 // MIPS R3000 little-endian (Oct 4 1999 Draft) Deprecated
++#define EM_res011      11 // Reserved
++#define EM_res012      12 // Reserved
++#define EM_res013      13 // Reserved
++#define EM_res014      14 // Reserved
++#define EM_PARISC      15 // HPPA
++#define EM_res016      16 // Reserved
++#define EM_VPP550      17 // Fujitsu VPP500
++#define EM_SPARC32PLUS 18 // Sun's "v8plus"
++#define EM_960         19 // Intel 80960
++#define EM_PPC         20 // PowerPC
++#define EM_PPC64       21 // 64-bit PowerPC
++#define EM_S390        22 // IBM S/390
++#define EM_SPU         23 // Sony/Toshiba/IBM SPU
++#define EM_res024      24 // Reserved
++#define EM_res025      25 // Reserved
++#define EM_res026      26 // Reserved
++#define EM_res027      27 // Reserved
++#define EM_res028      28 // Reserved
++#define EM_res029      29 // Reserved
++#define EM_res030      30 // Reserved
++#define EM_res031      31 // Reserved
++#define EM_res032      32 // Reserved
++#define EM_res033      33 // Reserved
++#define EM_res034      34 // Reserved
++#define EM_res035      35 // Reserved
++#define EM_V800        36 // NEC V800 series
++#define EM_FR20        37 // Fujitsu FR20
++#define EM_RH32        38 // TRW RH32
++#define EM_MCORE       39 // Motorola M*Core // May also be taken by Fujitsu MMA
++#define EM_RCE         39 // Old name for MCore
++#define EM_ARM         40 // ARM
++#define EM_OLD_ALPHA   41 // Digital Alpha
++#define EM_SH          42 // Renesas (formerly Hitachi) / SuperH SH
++#define EM_SPARCV9     43 // SPARC v9 64-bit
++#define EM_TRICORE     44 // Siemens Tricore embedded processor
++#define EM_ARC         45 // ARC Cores
++#define EM_H8_300      46 // Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8/300
++#define EM_H8_300H     47 // Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8/300H
++#define EM_H8S         48 // Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8S
++#define EM_H8_500      49 // Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8/500
++#define EM_IA_64       50 // Intel IA-64 Processor
++#define EM_MIPS_X      51 // Stanford MIPS-X
++#define EM_COLDFIRE    52 // Motorola Coldfire
++#define EM_68HC12      53 // Motorola M68HC12
++#define EM_MMA         54 // Fujitsu Multimedia Accelerator
++#define EM_PCP         55 // Siemens PCP
++#define EM_NCPU        56 // Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor
++#define EM_NDR1        57 // Denso NDR1 microprocesspr
++#define EM_STARCORE    58 // Motorola Star*Core processor
++#define EM_ME16        59 // Toyota ME16 processor
++#define EM_ST100       60 // STMicroelectronics ST100 processor
++#define EM_TINYJ       61 // Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor
++#define EM_X86_64      62 // Advanced Micro Devices X86-64 processor
++#define EM_PDSP        63 // Sony DSP Processor
++#define EM_PDP10       64 // Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-10
++#define EM_PDP11       65 // Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-11
++#define EM_FX66        66 // Siemens FX66 microcontroller
++#define EM_ST9PLUS     67 // STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 bit microcontroller
++#define EM_ST7         68 // STMicroelectronics ST7 8-bit microcontroller
++#define EM_68HC16      69 // Motorola MC68HC16 Microcontroller
++#define EM_68HC11      70 // Motorola MC68HC11 Microcontroller
++#define EM_68HC08      71 // Motorola MC68HC08 Microcontroller
++#define EM_68HC05      72 // Motorola MC68HC05 Microcontroller
++#define EM_SVX         73 // Silicon Graphics SVx
++#define EM_ST19        74 // STMicroelectronics ST19 8-bit cpu
++#define EM_VAX         75 // Digital VAX
++#define EM_CRIS        76 // Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor
++#define EM_JAVELIN     77 // Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded cpu
++#define EM_FIREPATH    78 // Element 14 64-bit DSP processor
++#define EM_ZSP         79 // LSI Logic's 16-bit DSP processor
++#define EM_MMIX        80 // Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor
++#define EM_HUANY       81 // Harvard's machine-independent format
++#define EM_PRISM       82 // SiTera Prism
++#define EM_AVR         83 // Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller
++#define EM_FR30        84 // Fujitsu FR30
++#define EM_D10V        85 // Mitsubishi D10V
++#define EM_D30V        86 // Mitsubishi D30V
++#define EM_V850        87 // NEC v850
++#define EM_M32R        88 // Renesas M32R (formerly Mitsubishi M32R)
++#define EM_MN10300     89 // Matsushita MN10300
++#define EM_MN10200     90 // Matsushita MN10200
++#define EM_PJ          91 // picoJava
++#define EM_OPENRISC    92 // OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor
++#define EM_ARC_A5      93 // ARC Cores Tangent-A5
++#define EM_XTENSA      94 // Tensilica Xtensa Architecture
++#define EM_VIDEOCORE   95 // Alphamosaic VideoCore processor
++#define EM_TMM_GPP     96 // Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor
++#define EM_NS32K       97 // National Semiconductor 32000 series
++#define EM_TPC         98 // Tenor Network TPC processor
++#define EM_SNP1K       99 // Trebia SNP 1000 processor
++#define EM_ST200       100 // STMicroelectronics ST200 microcontroller
++#define EM_IP2K        101 // Ubicom IP2022 micro controller
++#define EM_MAX         102 // MAX Processor
++#define EM_CR          103 // National Semiconductor CompactRISC
++#define EM_F2MC16      104 // Fujitsu F2MC16
++#define EM_MSP430      105 // TI msp430 micro controller
++#define EM_BLACKFIN    106 // ADI Blackfin
++#define EM_SE_C33      107 // S1C33 Family of Seiko Epson processors
++#define EM_SEP         108 // Sharp embedded microprocessor
++#define EM_ARCA        109 // Arca RISC Microprocessor
++#define EM_UNICORE \
++	110 // Microprocessor series from PKU-Unity Ltd. and MPRC of Peking University
++#define EM_EXCESS       111 // eXcess: 16/32/64-bit configurable embedded CPU
++#define EM_DXP          112 // Icera Semiconductor Inc. Deep Execution Processor
++#define EM_ALTERA_NIOS2 113 // Altera Nios II soft-core processor
++#define EM_CRX          114 // National Semiconductor CRX
++#define EM_XGATE        115 // Motorola XGATE embedded processor
++#define EM_C166         116 // Infineon C16x/XC16x processor
++#define EM_M16C         117 // Renesas M16C series microprocessors
++#define EM_DSPIC30F \
++	118 // Microchip Technology dsPIC30F Digital Signal Controller
++#define EM_CE            119 // Freescale Communication Engine RISC core
++#define EM_M32C          120 // Renesas M32C series microprocessors
++#define EM_res121        121 // Reserved
++#define EM_res122        122 // Reserved
++#define EM_res123        123 // Reserved
++#define EM_res124        124 // Reserved
++#define EM_res125        125 // Reserved
++#define EM_res126        126 // Reserved
++#define EM_res127        127 // Reserved
++#define EM_res128        128 // Reserved
++#define EM_res129        129 // Reserved
++#define EM_res130        130 // Reserved
++#define EM_TSK3000       131 // Altium TSK3000 core
++#define EM_RS08          132 // Freescale RS08 embedded processor
++#define EM_res133        133 // Reserved
++#define EM_ECOG2         134 // Cyan Technology eCOG2 microprocessor
++#define EM_SCORE         135 // Sunplus Score
++#define EM_SCORE7        135 // Sunplus S+core7 RISC processor
++#define EM_DSP24         136 // New Japan Radio (NJR) 24-bit DSP Processor
++#define EM_VIDEOCORE3    137 // Broadcom VideoCore III processor
++#define EM_LATTICEMICO32 138 // RISC processor for Lattice FPGA architecture
++#define EM_SE_C17        139 // Seiko Epson C17 family
++#define EM_TI_C6000      140 // Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 DSP family
++#define EM_TI_C2000      141 // Texas Instruments TMS320C2000 DSP family
++#define EM_TI_C5500      142 // Texas Instruments TMS320C55x DSP family
++#define EM_res143        143 // Reserved
++#define EM_res144        144 // Reserved
++#define EM_res145        145 // Reserved
++#define EM_res146        146 // Reserved
++#define EM_res147        147 // Reserved
++#define EM_res148        148 // Reserved
++#define EM_res149        149 // Reserved
++#define EM_res150        150 // Reserved
++#define EM_res151        151 // Reserved
++#define EM_res152        152 // Reserved
++#define EM_res153        153 // Reserved
++#define EM_res154        154 // Reserved
++#define EM_res155        155 // Reserved
++#define EM_res156        156 // Reserved
++#define EM_res157        157 // Reserved
++#define EM_res158        158 // Reserved
++#define EM_res159        159 // Reserved
++#define EM_MMDSP_PLUS    160 // STMicroelectronics 64bit VLIW Data Signal Processor
++#define EM_CYPRESS_M8C   161 // Cypress M8C microprocessor
++#define EM_R32C          162 // Renesas R32C series microprocessors
++#define EM_TRIMEDIA      163 // NXP Semiconductors TriMedia architecture family
++#define EM_QDSP6         164 // QUALCOMM DSP6 Processor
++#define EM_8051          165 // Intel 8051 and variants
++#define EM_STXP7X        166 // STMicroelectronics STxP7x family
++#define EM_NDS32 \
++	167 // Andes Technology compact code size embedded RISC processor family
++#define EM_ECOG1         168 // Cyan Technology eCOG1X family
++#define EM_ECOG1X        168 // Cyan Technology eCOG1X family
++#define EM_MAXQ30        169 // Dallas Semiconductor MAXQ30 Core Micro-controllers
++#define EM_XIMO16        170 // New Japan Radio (NJR) 16-bit DSP Processor
++#define EM_MANIK         171 // M2000 Reconfigurable RISC Microprocessor
++#define EM_CRAYNV2       172 // Cray Inc. NV2 vector architecture
++#define EM_RX            173 // Renesas RX family
++#define EM_METAG         174 // Imagination Technologies META processor architecture
++#define EM_MCST_ELBRUS   175 // MCST Elbrus general purpose hardware architecture
++#define EM_ECOG16        176 // Cyan Technology eCOG16 family
++#define EM_CR16          177 // National Semiconductor CompactRISC 16-bit processor
++#define EM_ETPU          178 // Freescale Extended Time Processing Unit
++#define EM_SLE9X         179 // Infineon Technologies SLE9X core
++#define EM_L1OM          180 // Intel L1OM
++#define EM_INTEL181      181 // Reserved by Intel
++#define EM_INTEL182      182 // Reserved by Intel
++#define EM_res183        183 // Reserved by ARM
++#define EM_res184        184 // Reserved by ARM
++#define EM_AVR32         185 // Atmel Corporation 32-bit microprocessor family
++#define EM_STM8          186 // STMicroeletronics STM8 8-bit microcontroller
++#define EM_TILE64        187 // Tilera TILE64 multicore architecture family
++#define EM_TILEPRO       188 // Tilera TILEPro multicore architecture family
++#define EM_MICROBLAZE    189 // Xilinx MicroBlaze 32-bit RISC soft processor core
++#define EM_CUDA          190 // NVIDIA CUDA architecture
++#define EM_TILEGX        191 // Tilera TILE-Gx multicore architecture family
++#define EM_CLOUDSHIELD   192 // CloudShield architecture family
++#define EM_COREA_1ST     193 // KIPO-KAIST Core-A 1st generation processor family
++#define EM_COREA_2ND     194 // KIPO-KAIST Core-A 2nd generation processor family
++#define EM_ARC_COMPACT2  195 // Synopsys ARCompact V2
++#define EM_OPEN8         196 // Open8 8-bit RISC soft processor core
++#define EM_RL78          197 // Renesas RL78 family
++#define EM_VIDEOCORE5    198 // Broadcom VideoCore V processor
++#define EM_78KOR         199 // Renesas 78KOR family
++#define EM_56800EX       200 // Freescale 56800EX Digital Signal Controller (DSC)
++#define EM_BA1           201 // Beyond BA1 CPU architecture
++#define EM_BA2           202 // Beyond BA2 CPU architecture
++#define EM_XCORE         203 // XMOS xCORE processor family
++#define EM_MCHP_PIC      204 // Microchip 8-bit PIC(r) family
++#define EM_INTEL205      205 // Reserved by Intel
++#define EM_INTEL206      206 // Reserved by Intel
++#define EM_INTEL207      207 // Reserved by Intel
++#define EM_INTEL208      208 // Reserved by Intel
++#define EM_INTEL209      209 // Reserved by Intel
++#define EM_KM32          210 // KM211 KM32 32-bit processor
++#define EM_KMX32         211 // KM211 KMX32 32-bit processor
++#define EM_KMX16         212 // KM211 KMX16 16-bit processor
++#define EM_KMX8          213 // KM211 KMX8 8-bit processor
++#define EM_KVARC         214 // KM211 KVARC processor
++#define EM_CDP           215 // Paneve CDP architecture family
++#define EM_COGE          216 // Cognitive Smart Memory Processor
++#define EM_COOL          217 // iCelero CoolEngine
++#define EM_NORC          218 // Nanoradio Optimized RISC
++#define EM_CSR_KALIMBA   219 // CSR Kalimba architecture family
++#define EM_Z80           220 // Zilog Z80
++#define EM_VISIUM        221 // Controls and Data Services VISIUMcore processor
++#define EM_FT32          222 // FTDI Chip FT32 high performance 32-bit RISC architecture
++#define EM_MOXIE         223 // Moxie processor family
++#define EM_AMDGPU        224 // AMD GPU architecture
++#define EM_RISCV         243 // RISC-V
++#define EM_LANAI         244 // Lanai processor
++#define EM_CEVA          245 // CEVA Processor Architecture Family
++#define EM_CEVA_X2       246 // CEVA X2 Processor Family
++#define EM_BPF           247 // Linux BPF – in-kernel virtual machine
++#define EM_GRAPHCORE_IPU 248 // Graphcore Intelligent Processing Unit
++#define EM_IMG1          249 // Imagination Technologies
++#define EM_NFP           250 // Netronome Flow Processor (P)
++#define EM_CSKY          252 // C-SKY processor family
++// File version
++#define EV_NONE    0
++#define EV_CURRENT 1
++// Identification index
++#define EI_MAG0       0
++#define EI_MAG1       1
++#define EI_MAG2       2
++#define EI_MAG3       3
++#define EI_CLASS      4
++#define EI_DATA       5
++#define EI_VERSION    6
++#define EI_OSABI      7
++#define EI_ABIVERSION 8
++#define EI_PAD        9
++#define EI_NIDENT     16
++// Magic number
++#define ELFMAG0 0x7F
++#define ELFMAG1 'E'
++#define ELFMAG2 'L'
++#define ELFMAG3 'F'
++// File class
++#define ELFCLASSNONE 0
++#define ELFCLASS32   1
++#define ELFCLASS64   2
++// Encoding
++#define ELFDATANONE 0
++#define ELFDATA2LSB 1
++#define ELFDATA2MSB 2
++// OS extensions
++#define ELFOSABI_NONE    0  // No extensions or unspecified
++#define ELFOSABI_HPUX    1  // Hewlett-Packard HP-UX
++#define ELFOSABI_NETBSD  2  // NetBSD
++#define ELFOSABI_LINUX   3  // Linux
++#define ELFOSABI_SOLARIS 6  // Sun Solaris
++#define ELFOSABI_AIX     7  // AIX
++#define ELFOSABI_IRIX    8  // IRIX
++#define ELFOSABI_FREEBSD 9  // FreeBSD
++#define ELFOSABI_TRU64   10 // Compaq TRU64 UNIX
++#define ELFOSABI_MODESTO 11 // Novell Modesto
++#define ELFOSABI_OPENBSD 12 // Open BSD
++#define ELFOSABI_OPENVMS 13 // Open VMS
++#define ELFOSABI_NSK     14 // Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel
++#define ELFOSABI_AROS    15 // Amiga Research OS
++#define ELFOSABI_FENIXOS 16 // The FenixOS highly scalable multi-core OS
++//                             64-255 Architecture-specific value range
++	64 // AMDGPU OS for HSA compatible compute 	// kernels.
++	65 // AMDGPU OS for AMD PAL compatible graphics  // shaders and compute kernels.
++	66 // AMDGPU OS for Mesa3D compatible graphics 	// shaders and compute kernels.
++// AMDGPU specific e_flags
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH 0x0ff // AMDGPU processor selection mask.
++#define EF_AMDGPU_XNACK \
++	0x100 // Indicates if the XNACK target feature is   // enabled for all code contained in the ELF.
++// AMDGPU processors
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_NONE                0x000 // Unspecified processor.
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_R600           0x001
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_R630           0x002
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RS880          0x003
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV670          0x004
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV710          0x005
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV730          0x006
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV770          0x007
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CEDAR          0x008
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CYPRESS        0x009
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_JUNIPER        0x00a
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_REDWOOD        0x00b
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_SUMO           0x00c
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_BARTS          0x00d
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CAICOS         0x00e
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CAYMAN         0x00f
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_TURKS          0x010
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RESERVED_LAST  0x01f
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_FIRST          EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_R600
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_LAST           EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_TURKS
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX600       0x020
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX601       0x021
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX700       0x022
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX701       0x023
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX702       0x024
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX703       0x025
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX704       0x026
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX801       0x028
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX802       0x029
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX803       0x02a
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX810       0x02b
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX900       0x02c
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX902       0x02d
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX904       0x02e
++#define EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX906       0x02f
++// Sections constants
++// Section indexes
++#define SHN_UNDEF     0
++#define SHN_LORESERVE 0xFF00
++#define SHN_LOPROC    0xFF00
++#define SHN_HIPROC    0xFF1F
++#define SHN_LOOS      0xFF20
++#define SHN_HIOS      0xFF3F
++#define SHN_ABS       0xFFF1
++#define SHN_COMMON    0xFFF2
++#define SHN_XINDEX    0xFFFF
++// Section types
++#define SHT_NULL          0
++#define SHT_PROGBITS      1
++#define SHT_SYMTAB        2
++#define SHT_STRTAB        3
++#define SHT_RELA          4
++#define SHT_HASH          5
++#define SHT_DYNAMIC       6
++#define SHT_NOTE          7
++#define SHT_NOBITS        8
++#define SHT_REL           9
++#define SHT_SHLIB         10
++#define SHT_DYNSYM        11
++#define SHT_INIT_ARRAY    14
++#define SHT_FINI_ARRAY    15
++#define SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY 16
++#define SHT_GROUP         17
++#define SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX  18
++#define SHT_LOOS          0x60000000
++#define SHT_HIOS          0x6fffffff
++#define SHT_LOPROC        0x70000000
++#define SHT_HIPROC        0x7FFFFFFF
++#define SHT_LOUSER        0x80000000
++#define SHT_HIUSER        0xFFFFFFFF
++// Section attribute flags
++#define SHF_WRITE            0x1
++#define SHF_ALLOC            0x2
++#define SHF_EXECINSTR        0x4
++#define SHF_MERGE            0x10
++#define SHF_STRINGS          0x20
++#define SHF_INFO_LINK        0x40
++#define SHF_LINK_ORDER       0x80
++#define SHF_OS_NONCONFORMING 0x100
++#define SHF_GROUP            0x200
++#define SHF_TLS              0x400
++#define SHF_MASKOS           0x0ff00000
++#define SHF_MASKPROC         0xF0000000
++// Section group flags
++#define GRP_COMDAT   0x1
++#define GRP_MASKOS   0x0ff00000
++#define GRP_MASKPROC 0xf0000000
++// Symbol binding
++#define STB_LOCAL    0
++#define STB_GLOBAL   1
++#define STB_WEAK     2
++#define STB_LOOS     10
++#define STB_HIOS     12
++#define STB_MULTIDEF 13
++#define STB_LOPROC   13
++#define STB_HIPROC   15
++// Note types
++#define NT_AMDGPU_METADATA         1
++#define NT_AMD_AMDGPU_ISA          11
++// Symbol types
++#define STT_NOTYPE            0
++#define STT_OBJECT            1
++#define STT_FUNC              2
++#define STT_SECTION           3
++#define STT_FILE              4
++#define STT_COMMON            5
++#define STT_TLS               6
++#define STT_LOOS              10
++#define STT_HIOS              12
++#define STT_LOPROC            13
++#define STT_HIPROC            15
++// Symbol visibility
++#define STV_DEFAULT   0
++#define STV_INTERNAL  1
++#define STV_HIDDEN    2
++#define STV_PROTECTED 3
++// Undefined name
++#define STN_UNDEF 0
++// Relocation types
++#define R_386_NONE               0
++#define R_X86_64_NONE            0
++#define R_AMDGPU_NONE            0
++#define R_386_32                 1
++#define R_X86_64_64              1
++#define R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO        1
++#define R_386_PC32               2
++#define R_X86_64_PC32            2
++#define R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI        2
++#define R_386_GOT32              3
++#define R_X86_64_GOT32           3
++#define R_AMDGPU_ABS64           3
++#define R_386_PLT32              4
++#define R_X86_64_PLT32           4
++#define R_AMDGPU_REL32           4
++#define R_386_COPY               5
++#define R_X86_64_COPY            5
++#define R_AMDGPU_REL64           5
++#define R_386_GLOB_DAT           6
++#define R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT        6
++#define R_AMDGPU_ABS32           6
++#define R_386_JMP_SLOT           7
++#define R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT       7
++#define R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL        7
++#define R_386_RELATIVE           8
++#define R_X86_64_RELATIVE        8
++#define R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_LO   8
++#define R_386_GOTOFF             9
++#define R_X86_64_GOTPCREL        9
++#define R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_HI   9
++#define R_386_GOTPC              10
++#define R_X86_64_32              10
++#define R_AMDGPU_REL32_LO        10
++#define R_386_32PLT              11
++#define R_X86_64_32S             11
++#define R_AMDGPU_REL32_HI        11
++#define R_X86_64_16              12
++#define R_X86_64_PC16            13
++#define R_AMDGPU_RELATIVE64      13
++#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF          14
++#define R_X86_64_8               14
++#define R_386_TLS_IE             15
++#define R_X86_64_PC8             15
++#define R_386_TLS_GOTIE          16
++#define R_X86_64_DTPMOD64        16
++#define R_386_TLS_LE             17
++#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF64        17
++#define R_386_TLS_GD             18
++#define R_X86_64_TPOFF64         18
++#define R_386_TLS_LDM            19
++#define R_X86_64_TLSGD           19
++#define R_386_16                 20
++#define R_X86_64_TLSLD           20
++#define R_386_PC16               21
++#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF32        21
++#define R_386_8                  22
++#define R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF        22
++#define R_386_PC8                23
++#define R_X86_64_TPOFF32         23
++#define R_386_TLS_GD_32          24
++#define R_X86_64_PC64            24
++#define R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH        25
++#define R_X86_64_GOTOFF64        25
++#define R_386_TLS_GD_CALL        26
++#define R_X86_64_GOTPC32         26
++#define R_386_TLS_GD_POP         27
++#define R_X86_64_GOT64           27
++#define R_386_TLS_LDM_32         28
++#define R_X86_64_GOTPCREL64      28
++#define R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH       29
++#define R_X86_64_GOTPC64         29
++#define R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL       30
++#define R_X86_64_GOTPLT64        30
++#define R_386_TLS_LDM_POP        31
++#define R_X86_64_PLTOFF64        31
++#define R_386_TLS_LDO_32         32
++#define R_386_TLS_IE_32          33
++#define R_386_TLS_LE_32          34
++#define R_X86_64_GOTPC32_TLSDESC 34
++#define R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32       35
++#define R_X86_64_TLSDESC_CALL    35
++#define R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32       36
++#define R_X86_64_TLSDESC         36
++#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF32        37
++#define R_X86_64_IRELATIVE       37
++#define R_386_SIZE32             38
++#define R_386_TLS_GOTDESC        39
++#define R_386_TLS_DESC_CALL      40
++#define R_386_TLS_DESC           41
++#define R_386_IRELATIVE          42
++#define R_386_GOT32X             43
++#define R_X86_64_GNU_VTINHERIT   250
++#define R_X86_64_GNU_VTENTRY     251
++// Segment types
++#define PT_NULL    0
++#define PT_LOAD    1
++#define PT_DYNAMIC 2
++#define PT_INTERP  3
++#define PT_NOTE    4
++#define PT_SHLIB   5
++#define PT_PHDR    6
++#define PT_TLS     7
++#define PT_LOOS    0x60000000
++#define PT_HIOS    0x6fffffff
++#define PT_LOPROC  0x70000000
++#define PT_HIPROC  0x7FFFFFFF
++// Segment flags
++#define PF_X        1          // Execute
++#define PF_W        2          // Write
++#define PF_R        4          // Read
++#define PF_MASKOS   0x0ff00000 // Unspecified
++#define PF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 // Unspecified
++// Dynamic Array Tags
++#define DT_NULL            0
++#define DT_NEEDED          1
++#define DT_PLTRELSZ        2
++#define DT_PLTGOT          3
++#define DT_HASH            4
++#define DT_STRTAB          5
++#define DT_SYMTAB          6
++#define DT_RELA            7
++#define DT_RELASZ          8
++#define DT_RELAENT         9
++#define DT_STRSZ           10
++#define DT_SYMENT          11
++#define DT_INIT            12
++#define DT_FINI            13
++#define DT_SONAME          14
++#define DT_RPATH           15
++#define DT_SYMBOLIC        16
++#define DT_REL             17
++#define DT_RELSZ           18
++#define DT_RELENT          19
++#define DT_PLTREL          20
++#define DT_DEBUG           21
++#define DT_TEXTREL         22
++#define DT_JMPREL          23
++#define DT_BIND_NOW        24
++#define DT_INIT_ARRAY      25
++#define DT_FINI_ARRAY      26
++#define DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ    27
++#define DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ    28
++#define DT_RUNPATH         29
++#define DT_FLAGS           30
++#define DT_ENCODING        32
++#define DT_PREINIT_ARRAY   32
++#define DT_MAXPOSTAGS      34
++#define DT_LOOS            0x6000000D
++#define DT_HIOS            0x6ffff000
++#define DT_LOPROC          0x70000000
++#define DT_HIPROC          0x7FFFFFFF
++// DT_FLAGS values
++#define DF_ORIGIN     0x1
++#define DF_SYMBOLIC   0x2
++#define DF_TEXTREL    0x4
++#define DF_BIND_NOW   0x8
++#define DF_STATIC_TLS 0x10
++// ELF file header
++struct Elf32_Ehdr
++	unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
++	Elf_Half      e_type;
++	Elf_Half      e_machine;
++	Elf_Word      e_version;
++	Elf32_Addr    e_entry;
++	Elf32_Off     e_phoff;
++	Elf32_Off     e_shoff;
++	Elf_Word      e_flags;
++	Elf_Half      e_ehsize;
++	Elf_Half      e_phentsize;
++	Elf_Half      e_phnum;
++	Elf_Half      e_shentsize;
++	Elf_Half      e_shnum;
++	Elf_Half      e_shstrndx;
++struct Elf64_Ehdr
++	unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
++	Elf_Half      e_type;
++	Elf_Half      e_machine;
++	Elf_Word      e_version;
++	Elf64_Addr    e_entry;
++	Elf64_Off     e_phoff;
++	Elf64_Off     e_shoff;
++	Elf_Word      e_flags;
++	Elf_Half      e_ehsize;
++	Elf_Half      e_phentsize;
++	Elf_Half      e_phnum;
++	Elf_Half      e_shentsize;
++	Elf_Half      e_shnum;
++	Elf_Half      e_shstrndx;
++// Section header
++struct Elf32_Shdr
++	Elf_Word   sh_name;
++	Elf_Word   sh_type;
++	Elf_Word   sh_flags;
++	Elf32_Addr sh_addr;
++	Elf32_Off  sh_offset;
++	Elf_Word   sh_size;
++	Elf_Word   sh_link;
++	Elf_Word   sh_info;
++	Elf_Word   sh_addralign;
++	Elf_Word   sh_entsize;
++struct Elf64_Shdr
++	Elf_Word   sh_name;
++	Elf_Word   sh_type;
++	Elf_Xword  sh_flags;
++	Elf64_Addr sh_addr;
++	Elf64_Off  sh_offset;
++	Elf_Xword  sh_size;
++	Elf_Word   sh_link;
++	Elf_Word   sh_info;
++	Elf_Xword  sh_addralign;
++	Elf_Xword  sh_entsize;
++// Segment header
++struct Elf32_Phdr
++	Elf_Word   p_type;
++	Elf32_Off  p_offset;
++	Elf32_Addr p_vaddr;
++	Elf32_Addr p_paddr;
++	Elf_Word   p_filesz;
++	Elf_Word   p_memsz;
++	Elf_Word   p_flags;
++	Elf_Word   p_align;
++struct Elf64_Phdr
++	Elf_Word   p_type;
++	Elf_Word   p_flags;
++	Elf64_Off  p_offset;
++	Elf64_Addr p_vaddr;
++	Elf64_Addr p_paddr;
++	Elf_Xword  p_filesz;
++	Elf_Xword  p_memsz;
++	Elf_Xword  p_align;
++// Symbol table entry
++struct Elf32_Sym
++	Elf_Word      st_name;
++	Elf32_Addr    st_value;
++	Elf_Word      st_size;
++	unsigned char st_info;
++	unsigned char st_other;
++	Elf_Half      st_shndx;
++struct Elf64_Sym
++	Elf_Word      st_name;
++	unsigned char st_info;
++	unsigned char st_other;
++	Elf_Half      st_shndx;
++	Elf64_Addr    st_value;
++	Elf_Xword     st_size;
++#define ELF_ST_BIND( i )    ( ( i ) >> 4 )
++#define ELF_ST_TYPE( i )    ( (i)&0xf )
++#define ELF_ST_INFO( b, t ) ( ( ( b ) << 4 ) + ( (t)&0xf ) )
++#define ELF_ST_VISIBILITY( o ) ( (o)&0x3 )
++// Relocation entries
++struct Elf32_Rel
++	Elf32_Addr r_offset;
++	Elf_Word   r_info;
++struct Elf32_Rela
++	Elf32_Addr r_offset;
++	Elf_Word   r_info;
++	Elf_Sword  r_addend;
++struct Elf64_Rel
++	Elf64_Addr r_offset;
++	Elf_Xword  r_info;
++struct Elf64_Rela
++	Elf64_Addr r_offset;
++	Elf_Xword  r_info;
++	Elf_Sxword r_addend;
++#define ELF32_R_SYM( i )     ( ( i ) >> 8 )
++#define ELF32_R_TYPE( i )    ( (unsigned char)( i ) )
++#define ELF32_R_INFO( s, t ) ( ( ( s ) << 8 ) + (unsigned char)( t ) )
++#define ELF64_R_SYM( i )  ( ( i ) >> 32 )
++#define ELF64_R_TYPE( i ) ( (i)&0xffffffffL )
++#define ELF64_R_INFO( s, t ) \
++	( ( ( ( int64_t )( s ) ) << 32 ) + ( (t)&0xffffffffL ) )
++// Dynamic structure
++struct Elf32_Dyn
++	Elf_Sword d_tag;
++	union {
++		Elf_Word   d_val;
++		Elf32_Addr d_ptr;
++	} d_un;
++struct Elf64_Dyn
++	Elf_Sxword d_tag;
++	union {
++		Elf_Xword  d_val;
++		Elf64_Addr d_ptr;
++	} d_un;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++#endif // ELFTYPES_H
++/*** End of inlined file: elf_types.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_version.hpp ***/
++#define ELFIO_VERSION "3.8"
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_version.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_utils.hpp ***/
++	TYPE get_##NAME() const { return ( *convertor )( FIELD ); }
++	void set_##NAME( TYPE value )             \
++	{                                         \
++		FIELD = value;                        \
++		FIELD = ( *convertor )( FIELD );      \
++	}
++#define ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( TYPE, NAME, FIELD )               \
++	TYPE get_##NAME() const { return ( *convertor )( FIELD ); } \
++	void set_##NAME( TYPE value )                               \
++	{                                                           \
++		FIELD = value;                                          \
++		FIELD = ( *convertor )( FIELD );                        \
++	}
++#define ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( TYPE, NAME ) virtual TYPE get_##NAME() const = 0
++	virtual void set_##NAME( TYPE value ) = 0
++	virtual TYPE get_##NAME() const       = 0;  \
++	virtual void set_##NAME( TYPE value ) = 0
++namespace ELFIO {
++class endianess_convertor
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	endianess_convertor() { need_conversion = false; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void setup( unsigned char elf_file_encoding )
++	{
++		need_conversion = ( elf_file_encoding != get_host_encoding() );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	uint64_t operator()( uint64_t value ) const
++	{
++		if ( !need_conversion ) {
++			return value;
++		}
++		value = ( ( value & 0x00000000000000FFull ) << 56 ) |
++				( ( value & 0x000000000000FF00ull ) << 40 ) |
++				( ( value & 0x0000000000FF0000ull ) << 24 ) |
++				( ( value & 0x00000000FF000000ull ) << 8 ) |
++				( ( value & 0x000000FF00000000ull ) >> 8 ) |
++				( ( value & 0x0000FF0000000000ull ) >> 24 ) |
++				( ( value & 0x00FF000000000000ull ) >> 40 ) |
++				( ( value & 0xFF00000000000000ull ) >> 56 );
++		return value;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	int64_t operator()( int64_t value ) const
++	{
++		if ( !need_conversion ) {
++			return value;
++		}
++		return ( int64_t )( *this )( (uint64_t)value );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	uint32_t operator()( uint32_t value ) const
++	{
++		if ( !need_conversion ) {
++			return value;
++		}
++		value =
++			( ( value & 0x000000FF ) << 24 ) | ( ( value & 0x0000FF00 ) << 8 ) |
++			( ( value & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 8 ) | ( ( value & 0xFF000000 ) >> 24 );
++		return value;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	int32_t operator()( int32_t value ) const
++	{
++		if ( !need_conversion ) {
++			return value;
++		}
++		return ( int32_t )( *this )( (uint32_t)value );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	uint16_t operator()( uint16_t value ) const
++	{
++		if ( !need_conversion ) {
++			return value;
++		}
++		value = ( ( value & 0x00FF ) << 8 ) | ( ( value & 0xFF00 ) >> 8 );
++		return value;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	int16_t operator()( int16_t value ) const
++	{
++		if ( !need_conversion ) {
++			return value;
++		}
++		return ( int16_t )( *this )( (uint16_t)value );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	int8_t operator()( int8_t value ) const { return value; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	uint8_t operator()( uint8_t value ) const { return value; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	unsigned char get_host_encoding() const
++	{
++		static const int tmp = 1;
++		if ( 1 == *(const char*)&tmp ) {
++			return ELFDATA2LSB;
++		}
++		else {
++			return ELFDATA2MSB;
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	bool need_conversion;
++inline uint32_t elf_hash( const unsigned char* name )
++	uint32_t h = 0, g;
++	while ( *name ) {
++		h = ( h << 4 ) + *name++;
++		g = h & 0xf0000000;
++		if ( g != 0 )
++			h ^= g >> 24;
++		h &= ~g;
++	}
++	return h;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++#endif // ELFIO_UTILS_HPP
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_utils.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_header.hpp ***/
++#ifndef ELF_HEADER_HPP
++#define ELF_HEADER_HPP
++#include <iostream>
++namespace ELFIO {
++class elf_header
++  public:
++	virtual ~elf_header(){};
++	virtual bool load( std::istream& stream )       = 0;
++	virtual bool save( std::ostream& stream ) const = 0;
++	// ELF header functions
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( unsigned char, class );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( unsigned char, elf_version );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( unsigned char, encoding );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, header_size );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, section_entry_size );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, segment_entry_size );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, version );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( unsigned char, os_abi );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( unsigned char, abi_version );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, type );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, machine );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, flags );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Addr, entry );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, sections_num );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Off, sections_offset );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, segments_num );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Off, segments_offset );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, section_name_str_index );
++template <class T> struct elf_header_impl_types;
++template <> struct elf_header_impl_types<Elf32_Ehdr>
++	typedef Elf32_Phdr         Phdr_type;
++	typedef Elf32_Shdr         Shdr_type;
++	static const unsigned char file_class = ELFCLASS32;
++template <> struct elf_header_impl_types<Elf64_Ehdr>
++	typedef Elf64_Phdr         Phdr_type;
++	typedef Elf64_Shdr         Shdr_type;
++	static const unsigned char file_class = ELFCLASS64;
++template <class T> class elf_header_impl : public elf_header
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	elf_header_impl( endianess_convertor* convertor_, unsigned char encoding )
++	{
++		convertor = convertor_;
++		std::fill_n( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &header ), sizeof( header ),
++					 '\0' );
++		header.e_ident[EI_MAG0]    = ELFMAG0;
++		header.e_ident[EI_MAG1]    = ELFMAG1;
++		header.e_ident[EI_MAG2]    = ELFMAG2;
++		header.e_ident[EI_MAG3]    = ELFMAG3;
++		header.e_ident[EI_CLASS]   = elf_header_impl_types<T>::file_class;
++		header.e_ident[EI_DATA]    = encoding;
++		header.e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT;
++		header.e_version           = ( *convertor )( (Elf_Word)EV_CURRENT );
++		header.e_ehsize            = ( sizeof( header ) );
++		header.e_ehsize            = ( *convertor )( header.e_ehsize );
++		header.e_shstrndx          = ( *convertor )( (Elf_Half)1 );
++		header.e_phentsize =
++			sizeof( typename elf_header_impl_types<T>::Phdr_type );
++		header.e_shentsize =
++			sizeof( typename elf_header_impl_types<T>::Shdr_type );
++		header.e_phentsize = ( *convertor )( header.e_phentsize );
++		header.e_shentsize = ( *convertor )( header.e_shentsize );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool load( std::istream& stream )
++	{
++		stream.seekg( 0 );
++		stream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &header ), sizeof( header ) );
++		return ( stream.gcount() == sizeof( header ) );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool save( std::ostream& stream ) const
++	{
++		stream.seekp( 0 );
++		stream.write( reinterpret_cast<const char*>( &header ),
++					  sizeof( header ) );
++		return stream.good();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	// ELF header functions
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( unsigned char, class, header.e_ident[EI_CLASS] );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( unsigned char, elf_version, header.e_ident[EI_VERSION] );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( unsigned char, encoding, header.e_ident[EI_DATA] );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, header_size, header.e_ehsize );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, section_entry_size, header.e_shentsize );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, segment_entry_size, header.e_phentsize );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, version, header.e_version );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( unsigned char, os_abi, header.e_ident[EI_OSABI] );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( unsigned char,
++						  abi_version,
++						  header.e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, type, header.e_type );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, machine, header.e_machine );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, flags, header.e_flags );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, section_name_str_index, header.e_shstrndx );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf64_Addr, entry, header.e_entry );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, sections_num, header.e_shnum );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf64_Off, sections_offset, header.e_shoff );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Half, segments_num, header.e_phnum );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf64_Off, segments_offset, header.e_phoff );
++  private:
++	T                    header;
++	endianess_convertor* convertor;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++#endif // ELF_HEADER_HPP
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_header.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_section.hpp ***/
++#include <string>
++#include <iostream>
++#include <new>
++namespace ELFIO {
++class section
++	friend class elfio;
++  public:
++	virtual ~section(){};
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, index );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( std::string, name );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, type );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Xword, flags );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, info );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, link );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Xword, addr_align );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Xword, entry_size );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Addr, address );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Xword, size );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, name_string_offset );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Off, offset );
++	virtual const char* get_data() const                                = 0;
++	virtual void        set_data( const char* pData, Elf_Word size )    = 0;
++	virtual void        set_data( const std::string& data )             = 0;
++	virtual void        append_data( const char* pData, Elf_Word size ) = 0;
++	virtual void        append_data( const std::string& data )          = 0;
++	virtual size_t      get_stream_size() const                         = 0;
++	virtual void        set_stream_size( size_t value )                 = 0;
++  protected:
++	ELFIO_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Off, offset );
++	ELFIO_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, index );
++	virtual void load( std::istream& stream, std::streampos header_offset ) = 0;
++	virtual void save( std::ostream&  stream,
++					   std::streampos header_offset,
++					   std::streampos data_offset )                         = 0;
++	virtual bool is_address_initialized() const                             = 0;
++template <class T> class section_impl : public section
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	section_impl( const endianess_convertor* convertor_ )
++		: convertor( convertor_ )
++	{
++		std::fill_n( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &header ), sizeof( header ),
++					 '\0' );
++		is_address_set = false;
++		data           = 0;
++		data_size      = 0;
++		index          = 0;
++		stream_size    = 0;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	~section_impl() { delete[] data; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	// Section info functions
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, type, header.sh_type );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Xword, flags, header.sh_flags );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Xword, size, header.sh_size );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, link, header.sh_link );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, info, header.sh_info );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Xword, addr_align, header.sh_addralign );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Xword, entry_size, header.sh_entsize );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, name_string_offset, header.sh_name );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( Elf64_Addr, address, header.sh_addr );
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_index() const { return index; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	std::string get_name() const { return name; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_name( std::string name_ ) { name = name_; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_address( Elf64_Addr value )
++	{
++		header.sh_addr = value;
++		header.sh_addr = ( *convertor )( header.sh_addr );
++		is_address_set = true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool is_address_initialized() const { return is_address_set; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	const char* get_data() const { return data; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_data( const char* raw_data, Elf_Word size )
++	{
++		if ( get_type() != SHT_NOBITS ) {
++			delete[] data;
++			data = new ( std::nothrow ) char[size];
++			if ( 0 != data && 0 != raw_data ) {
++				data_size = size;
++				std::copy( raw_data, raw_data + size, data );
++			}
++			else {
++				data_size = 0;
++			}
++		}
++		set_size( data_size );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_data( const std::string& str_data )
++	{
++		return set_data( str_data.c_str(), (Elf_Word)str_data.size() );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void append_data( const char* raw_data, Elf_Word size )
++	{
++		if ( get_type() != SHT_NOBITS ) {
++			if ( get_size() + size < data_size ) {
++				std::copy( raw_data, raw_data + size, data + get_size() );
++			}
++			else {
++				data_size      = 2 * ( data_size + size );
++				char* new_data = new ( std::nothrow ) char[data_size];
++				if ( 0 != new_data ) {
++					std::copy( data, data + get_size(), new_data );
++					std::copy( raw_data, raw_data + size,
++							   new_data + get_size() );
++					delete[] data;
++					data = new_data;
++				}
++				else {
++					size = 0;
++				}
++			}
++			set_size( get_size() + size );
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void append_data( const std::string& str_data )
++	{
++		return append_data( str_data.c_str(), (Elf_Word)str_data.size() );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  protected:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf64_Off, offset, header.sh_offset );
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_index( Elf_Half value ) { index = value; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void load( std::istream& stream, std::streampos header_offset )
++	{
++		std::fill_n( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &header ), sizeof( header ),
++					 '\0' );
++		stream.seekg( 0, stream.end );
++		set_stream_size( stream.tellg() );
++		stream.seekg( header_offset );
++		stream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &header ), sizeof( header ) );
++		Elf_Xword size = get_size();
++		if ( 0 == data && SHT_NULL != get_type() && SHT_NOBITS != get_type() &&
++			 size < get_stream_size() ) {
++			data = new ( std::nothrow ) char[size + 1];
++			if ( ( 0 != size ) && ( 0 != data ) ) {
++				stream.seekg( ( *convertor )( header.sh_offset ) );
++				stream.read( data, size );
++				data[size] = 0; // Ensure data is ended with 0 to avoid oob read
++				data_size  = size;
++			}
++			else {
++				data_size = 0;
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void save( std::ostream&  stream,
++			   std::streampos header_offset,
++			   std::streampos data_offset )
++	{
++		if ( 0 != get_index() ) {
++			header.sh_offset = data_offset;
++			header.sh_offset = ( *convertor )( header.sh_offset );
++		}
++		save_header( stream, header_offset );
++		if ( get_type() != SHT_NOBITS && get_type() != SHT_NULL &&
++			 get_size() != 0 && data != 0 ) {
++			save_data( stream, data_offset );
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void save_header( std::ostream& stream, std::streampos header_offset ) const
++	{
++		stream.seekp( header_offset );
++		stream.write( reinterpret_cast<const char*>( &header ),
++					  sizeof( header ) );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void save_data( std::ostream& stream, std::streampos data_offset ) const
++	{
++		stream.seekp( data_offset );
++		stream.write( get_data(), get_size() );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	size_t get_stream_size() const { return stream_size; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_stream_size( size_t value ) { stream_size = value; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	T                          header;
++	Elf_Half                   index;
++	std::string                name;
++	char*                      data;
++	Elf_Word                   data_size;
++	const endianess_convertor* convertor;
++	bool                       is_address_set;
++	size_t                     stream_size;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_section.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_segment.hpp ***/
++#include <iostream>
++#include <vector>
++#include <new>
++namespace ELFIO {
++class segment
++	friend class elfio;
++  public:
++	virtual ~segment(){};
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, index );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, type );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Word, flags );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Xword, align );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Addr, virtual_address );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Addr, physical_address );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Xword, file_size );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Xword, memory_size );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Off, offset );
++	virtual const char* get_data() const = 0;
++	virtual Elf_Half add_section_index( Elf_Half  index,
++										Elf_Xword addr_align )  = 0;
++	virtual Elf_Half get_sections_num() const                   = 0;
++	virtual Elf_Half get_section_index_at( Elf_Half num ) const = 0;
++	virtual bool     is_offset_initialized() const              = 0;
++  protected:
++	ELFIO_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf64_Off, offset );
++	ELFIO_SET_ACCESS_DECL( Elf_Half, index );
++	virtual const std::vector<Elf_Half>& get_sections() const               = 0;
++	virtual void load( std::istream& stream, std::streampos header_offset ) = 0;
++	virtual void save( std::ostream&  stream,
++					   std::streampos header_offset,
++					   std::streampos data_offset )                         = 0;
++template <class T> class segment_impl : public segment
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	segment_impl( endianess_convertor* convertor_ )
++		: stream_size( 0 ), index( 0 ), data( 0 ), convertor( convertor_ )
++	{
++		is_offset_set = false;
++		std::fill_n( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &ph ), sizeof( ph ), '\0' );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	virtual ~segment_impl() { delete[] data; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	// Section info functions
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, type, ph.p_type );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Word, flags, ph.p_flags );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Xword, align, ph.p_align );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf64_Addr, virtual_address, ph.p_vaddr );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf64_Addr, physical_address, ph.p_paddr );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Xword, file_size, ph.p_filesz );
++	ELFIO_GET_SET_ACCESS( Elf_Xword, memory_size, ph.p_memsz );
++	ELFIO_GET_ACCESS( Elf64_Off, offset, ph.p_offset );
++	size_t stream_size;
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	size_t get_stream_size() const { return stream_size; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_stream_size( size_t value ) { stream_size = value; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_index() const { return index; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	const char* get_data() const { return data; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half add_section_index( Elf_Half sec_index, Elf_Xword addr_align )
++	{
++		sections.push_back( sec_index );
++		if ( addr_align > get_align() ) {
++			set_align( addr_align );
++		}
++		return (Elf_Half)sections.size();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_sections_num() const { return (Elf_Half)sections.size(); }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_section_index_at( Elf_Half num ) const
++	{
++		if ( num < sections.size() ) {
++			return sections[num];
++		}
++		return Elf_Half( -1 );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  protected:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_offset( Elf64_Off value )
++	{
++		ph.p_offset   = value;
++		ph.p_offset   = ( *convertor )( ph.p_offset );
++		is_offset_set = true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool is_offset_initialized() const { return is_offset_set; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	const std::vector<Elf_Half>& get_sections() const { return sections; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void set_index( Elf_Half value ) { index = value; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void load( std::istream& stream, std::streampos header_offset )
++	{
++		stream.seekg( 0, stream.end );
++		set_stream_size( stream.tellg() );
++		stream.seekg( header_offset );
++		stream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &ph ), sizeof( ph ) );
++		is_offset_set = true;
++		if ( PT_NULL != get_type() && 0 != get_file_size() ) {
++			stream.seekg( ( *convertor )( ph.p_offset ) );
++			Elf_Xword size = get_file_size();
++			if ( size > get_stream_size() ) {
++				data = 0;
++			}
++			else {
++				data = new (std::nothrow) char[size + 1];
++				if ( 0 != data ) {
++					stream.read( data, size );
++					data[size] = 0;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void save( std::ostream&  stream,
++			   std::streampos header_offset,
++			   std::streampos data_offset )
++	{
++		ph.p_offset = data_offset;
++		ph.p_offset = ( *convertor )( ph.p_offset );
++		stream.seekp( header_offset );
++		stream.write( reinterpret_cast<const char*>( &ph ), sizeof( ph ) );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	T                     ph;
++	Elf_Half              index;
++	char*                 data;
++	std::vector<Elf_Half> sections;
++	endianess_convertor*  convertor;
++	bool                  is_offset_set;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_segment.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_strings.hpp ***/
++#include <cstdlib>
++#include <cstring>
++#include <string>
++namespace ELFIO {
++template <class S> class string_section_accessor_template
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	string_section_accessor_template( S* section_ ) : string_section( section_ )
++	{
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	const char* get_string( Elf_Word index ) const
++	{
++		if ( string_section ) {
++			if ( index < string_section->get_size() ) {
++				const char* data = string_section->get_data();
++				if ( 0 != data ) {
++					return data + index;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		return 0;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word add_string( const char* str )
++	{
++		Elf_Word current_position = 0;
++		if ( string_section ) {
++			// Strings are addeded to the end of the current section data
++			current_position = (Elf_Word)string_section->get_size();
++			if ( current_position == 0 ) {
++				char empty_string = '\0';
++				string_section->append_data( &empty_string, 1 );
++				current_position++;
++			}
++			string_section->append_data( str,
++										 (Elf_Word)std::strlen( str ) + 1 );
++		}
++		return current_position;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word add_string( const std::string& str )
++	{
++		return add_string( str.c_str() );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	S* string_section;
++using string_section_accessor = string_section_accessor_template<section>;
++using const_string_section_accessor =
++	string_section_accessor_template<const section>;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_strings.hpp ***/
++	TYPE get_##FNAME() const { return header ? ( header->get_##FNAME() ) : 0; }
++	TYPE get_##FNAME() const                           \
++	{                                                  \
++		return header ? ( header->get_##FNAME() ) : 0; \
++	}                                                  \
++	void set_##FNAME( TYPE val )                       \
++	{                                                  \
++		if ( header ) {                                \
++			header->set_##FNAME( val );                \
++		}                                              \
++	}
++namespace ELFIO {
++class elfio
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	elfio() : sections( this ), segments( this )
++	{
++		header           = 0;
++		current_file_pos = 0;
++		create( ELFCLASS32, ELFDATA2LSB );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	~elfio() { clean(); }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void create( unsigned char file_class, unsigned char encoding )
++	{
++		clean();
++		convertor.setup( encoding );
++		header = create_header( file_class, encoding );
++		create_mandatory_sections();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool load( const std::string& file_name )
++	{
++		std::ifstream stream;
++		stream.open( file_name.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );
++		if ( !stream ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		return load( stream );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool load( std::istream& stream )
++	{
++		clean();
++		unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
++		// Read ELF file signature
++		stream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &e_ident ), sizeof( e_ident ) );
++		// Is it ELF file?
++		if ( stream.gcount() != sizeof( e_ident ) ||
++			 e_ident[EI_MAG0] != ELFMAG0 || e_ident[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1 ||
++			 e_ident[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2 || e_ident[EI_MAG3] != ELFMAG3 ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		if ( ( e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS64 ) &&
++			 ( e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32 ) ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		convertor.setup( e_ident[EI_DATA] );
++		header = create_header( e_ident[EI_CLASS], e_ident[EI_DATA] );
++		if ( 0 == header ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		if ( !header->load( stream ) ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		load_sections( stream );
++		bool is_still_good = load_segments( stream );
++		return is_still_good;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool save( const std::string& file_name )
++	{
++		std::ofstream stream;
++		stream.open( file_name.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );
++		if ( !stream ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		return save( stream );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool save( std::ostream& stream )
++	{
++		if ( !stream || !header ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		bool is_still_good = true;
++		// Define layout specific header fields
++		// The position of the segment table is fixed after the header.
++		// The position of the section table is variable and needs to be fixed
++		// before saving.
++		header->set_segments_num( segments.size() );
++		header->set_segments_offset( segments.size() ? header->get_header_size()
++													 : 0 );
++		header->set_sections_num( sections.size() );
++		header->set_sections_offset( 0 );
++		// Layout the first section right after the segment table
++		current_file_pos = header->get_header_size() +
++						   header->get_segment_entry_size() *
++							   (Elf_Xword)header->get_segments_num();
++		calc_segment_alignment();
++		is_still_good = layout_segments_and_their_sections();
++		is_still_good = is_still_good && layout_sections_without_segments();
++		is_still_good = is_still_good && layout_section_table();
++		is_still_good = is_still_good && save_header( stream );
++		is_still_good = is_still_good && save_sections( stream );
++		is_still_good = is_still_good && save_segments( stream );
++		return is_still_good;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	// ELF header access functions
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET( unsigned char, class );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET( unsigned char, elf_version );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET( unsigned char, encoding );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET( Elf_Word, version );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET( Elf_Half, header_size );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET( Elf_Half, section_entry_size );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET( Elf_Half, segment_entry_size );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( unsigned char, os_abi );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( unsigned char, abi_version );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( Elf_Half, machine );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( Elf_Word, flags );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( Elf64_Addr, entry );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( Elf64_Off, sections_offset );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( Elf64_Off, segments_offset );
++	ELFIO_HEADER_ACCESS_GET_SET( Elf_Half, section_name_str_index );
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	const endianess_convertor& get_convertor() const { return convertor; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Xword get_default_entry_size( Elf_Word section_type ) const
++	{
++		switch ( section_type ) {
++		case SHT_RELA:
++			if ( header->get_class() == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++				return sizeof( Elf64_Rela );
++			}
++			else {
++				return sizeof( Elf32_Rela );
++			}
++		case SHT_REL:
++			if ( header->get_class() == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++				return sizeof( Elf64_Rel );
++			}
++			else {
++				return sizeof( Elf32_Rel );
++			}
++		case SHT_SYMTAB:
++			if ( header->get_class() == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++				return sizeof( Elf64_Sym );
++			}
++			else {
++				return sizeof( Elf32_Sym );
++			}
++		case SHT_DYNAMIC:
++			if ( header->get_class() == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++				return sizeof( Elf64_Dyn );
++			}
++			else {
++				return sizeof( Elf32_Dyn );
++			}
++		default:
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	bool is_offset_in_section( Elf64_Off offset, const section* sec ) const
++	{
++		return ( offset >= sec->get_offset() ) &&
++			   ( offset < ( sec->get_offset() + sec->get_size() ) );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  public:
++	//! returns an empty string if no problems are detected,
++	//! or a string containing an error message if problems are found
++	std::string validate() const
++	{
++		// check for overlapping sections in the file
++		for ( int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i ) {
++			for ( int j = i + 1; j < sections.size(); ++j ) {
++				const section* a = sections[i];
++				const section* b = sections[j];
++				if ( !( a->get_type() & SHT_NOBITS ) &&
++					 !( b->get_type() & SHT_NOBITS ) && ( a->get_size() > 0 ) &&
++					 ( b->get_size() > 0 ) && ( a->get_offset() > 0 ) &&
++					 ( b->get_offset() > 0 ) ) {
++					if ( is_offset_in_section( a->get_offset(), b ) ||
++						 is_offset_in_section(
++							 a->get_offset() + a->get_size() - 1, b ) ||
++						 is_offset_in_section( b->get_offset(), a ) ||
++						 is_offset_in_section(
++							 b->get_offset() + b->get_size() - 1, a ) ) {
++						return "Sections " + a->get_name() + " and " +
++							   b->get_name() + " overlap in file";
++					}
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		// more checks to be added here...
++		return "";
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void clean()
++	{
++		delete header;
++		header = 0;
++		std::vector<section*>::const_iterator it;
++		for ( it = sections_.begin(); it != sections_.end(); ++it ) {
++			delete *it;
++		}
++		sections_.clear();
++		std::vector<segment*>::const_iterator it1;
++		for ( it1 = segments_.begin(); it1 != segments_.end(); ++it1 ) {
++			delete *it1;
++		}
++		segments_.clear();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	elf_header* create_header( unsigned char file_class,
++							   unsigned char encoding )
++	{
++		elf_header* new_header = 0;
++		if ( file_class == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++			new_header =
++				new elf_header_impl<Elf64_Ehdr>( &convertor, encoding );
++		}
++		else if ( file_class == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			new_header =
++				new elf_header_impl<Elf32_Ehdr>( &convertor, encoding );
++		}
++		else {
++			return 0;
++		}
++		return new_header;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	section* create_section()
++	{
++		section*      new_section;
++		unsigned char file_class = get_class();
++		if ( file_class == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++			new_section = new section_impl<Elf64_Shdr>( &convertor );
++		}
++		else if ( file_class == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			new_section = new section_impl<Elf32_Shdr>( &convertor );
++		}
++		else {
++			return 0;
++		}
++		new_section->set_index( (Elf_Half)sections_.size() );
++		sections_.push_back( new_section );
++		return new_section;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	segment* create_segment()
++	{
++		segment*      new_segment;
++		unsigned char file_class = header->get_class();
++		if ( file_class == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++			new_segment = new segment_impl<Elf64_Phdr>( &convertor );
++		}
++		else if ( file_class == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			new_segment = new segment_impl<Elf32_Phdr>( &convertor );
++		}
++		else {
++			return 0;
++		}
++		new_segment->set_index( (Elf_Half)segments_.size() );
++		segments_.push_back( new_segment );
++		return new_segment;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void create_mandatory_sections()
++	{
++		// Create null section without calling to 'add_section' as no string
++		// section containing section names exists yet
++		section* sec0 = create_section();
++		sec0->set_index( 0 );
++		sec0->set_name( "" );
++		sec0->set_name_string_offset( 0 );
++		set_section_name_str_index( 1 );
++		section* shstrtab = sections.add( ".shstrtab" );
++		shstrtab->set_type( SHT_STRTAB );
++		shstrtab->set_addr_align( 1 );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half load_sections( std::istream& stream )
++	{
++		Elf_Half  entry_size = header->get_section_entry_size();
++		Elf_Half  num        = header->get_sections_num();
++		Elf64_Off offset     = header->get_sections_offset();
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
++			section* sec = create_section();
++			sec->load( stream, (std::streamoff)offset +
++								   (std::streampos)i * entry_size );
++			sec->set_index( i );
++			// To mark that the section is not permitted to reassign address
++			// during layout calculation
++			sec->set_address( sec->get_address() );
++		}
++		Elf_Half shstrndx = get_section_name_str_index();
++		if ( SHN_UNDEF != shstrndx ) {
++			string_section_accessor str_reader( sections[shstrndx] );
++			for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
++				Elf_Word section_offset = sections[i]->get_name_string_offset();
++				const char* p = str_reader.get_string( section_offset );
++				if ( p != 0 ) {
++					sections[i]->set_name( p );
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		return num;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	//! Checks whether the addresses of the section entirely fall within the given segment.
++	//! It doesn't matter if the addresses are memory addresses, or file offsets,
++	//!  they just need to be in the same address space
++	bool is_sect_in_seg( Elf64_Off sect_begin,
++						 Elf_Xword sect_size,
++						 Elf64_Off seg_begin,
++						 Elf64_Off seg_end )
++	{
++		return ( seg_begin <= sect_begin ) &&
++			   ( sect_begin + sect_size <= seg_end ) &&
++			   ( sect_begin <
++				 seg_end ); // this is important criteria when sect_size == 0
++		// Example:  seg_begin=10, seg_end=12 (-> covering the bytes 10 and 11)
++		//           sect_begin=12, sect_size=0  -> shall return false!
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool load_segments( std::istream& stream )
++	{
++		Elf_Half  entry_size = header->get_segment_entry_size();
++		Elf_Half  num        = header->get_segments_num();
++		Elf64_Off offset     = header->get_segments_offset();
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
++			segment*      seg;
++			unsigned char file_class = header->get_class();
++			if ( file_class == ELFCLASS64 ) {
++				seg = new segment_impl<Elf64_Phdr>( &convertor );
++			}
++			else if ( file_class == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++				seg = new segment_impl<Elf32_Phdr>( &convertor );
++			}
++			else {
++				return false;
++			}
++			seg->load( stream, (std::streamoff)offset +
++								   (std::streampos)i * entry_size );
++			seg->set_index( i );
++			// Add sections to the segments (similar to readelfs algorithm)
++			Elf64_Off segBaseOffset = seg->get_offset();
++			Elf64_Off segEndOffset  = segBaseOffset + seg->get_file_size();
++			Elf64_Off segVBaseAddr  = seg->get_virtual_address();
++			Elf64_Off segVEndAddr   = segVBaseAddr + seg->get_memory_size();
++			for ( Elf_Half j = 0; j < sections.size(); ++j ) {
++				const section* psec = sections[j];
++				// SHF_ALLOC sections are matched based on the virtual address
++				// otherwise the file offset is matched
++				if ( ( psec->get_flags() & SHF_ALLOC )
++						 ? is_sect_in_seg( psec->get_address(),
++										   psec->get_size(), segVBaseAddr,
++										   segVEndAddr )
++						 : is_sect_in_seg( psec->get_offset(), psec->get_size(),
++										   segBaseOffset, segEndOffset ) ) {
++					// Alignment of segment shall not be updated, to preserve original value
++					// It will be re-calculated on saving.
++					seg->add_section_index( psec->get_index(), 0 );
++				}
++			}
++			// Add section into the segments' container
++			segments_.push_back( seg );
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool save_header( std::ostream& stream ) { return header->save( stream ); }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool save_sections( std::ostream& stream )
++	{
++		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sections_.size(); ++i ) {
++			section* sec = sections_.at( i );
++			std::streampos headerPosition =
++				(std::streamoff)header->get_sections_offset() +
++				(std::streampos)header->get_section_entry_size() *
++					sec->get_index();
++			sec->save( stream, headerPosition, sec->get_offset() );
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool save_segments( std::ostream& stream )
++	{
++		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < segments_.size(); ++i ) {
++			segment* seg = segments_.at( i );
++			std::streampos headerPosition =
++				header->get_segments_offset() +
++				(std::streampos)header->get_segment_entry_size() *
++					seg->get_index();
++			seg->save( stream, headerPosition, seg->get_offset() );
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool is_section_without_segment( unsigned int section_index )
++	{
++		bool found = false;
++		for ( unsigned int j = 0; !found && ( j < segments.size() ); ++j ) {
++			for ( unsigned int k = 0;
++				  !found && ( k < segments[j]->get_sections_num() ); ++k ) {
++				found = segments[j]->get_section_index_at( k ) == section_index;
++			}
++		}
++		return !found;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool is_subsequence_of( segment* seg1, segment* seg2 )
++	{
++		// Return 'true' if sections of seg1 are a subset of sections in seg2
++		const std::vector<Elf_Half>& sections1 = seg1->get_sections();
++		const std::vector<Elf_Half>& sections2 = seg2->get_sections();
++		bool found = false;
++		if ( sections1.size() < sections2.size() ) {
++			found = std::includes( sections2.begin(), sections2.end(),
++								   sections1.begin(), sections1.end() );
++		}
++		return found;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	std::vector<segment*> get_ordered_segments()
++	{
++		std::vector<segment*> res;
++		std::deque<segment*>  worklist;
++		res.reserve( segments.size() );
++		std::copy( segments_.begin(), segments_.end(),
++				   std::back_inserter( worklist ) );
++		// Bring the segments which start at address 0 to the front
++		size_t nextSlot = 0;
++		for ( size_t i = 0; i < worklist.size(); ++i ) {
++			if ( i != nextSlot && worklist[i]->is_offset_initialized() &&
++				 worklist[i]->get_offset() == 0 ) {
++				if ( worklist[nextSlot]->get_offset() == 0 ) {
++					++nextSlot;
++				}
++				std::swap( worklist[i], worklist[nextSlot] );
++				++nextSlot;
++			}
++		}
++		while ( !worklist.empty() ) {
++			segment* seg = worklist.front();
++			worklist.pop_front();
++			size_t i = 0;
++			for ( ; i < worklist.size(); ++i ) {
++				if ( is_subsequence_of( seg, worklist[i] ) ) {
++					break;
++				}
++			}
++			if ( i < worklist.size() )
++				worklist.push_back( seg );
++			else
++				res.push_back( seg );
++		}
++		return res;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool layout_sections_without_segments()
++	{
++		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sections_.size(); ++i ) {
++			if ( is_section_without_segment( i ) ) {
++				section* sec = sections_[i];
++				Elf_Xword section_align = sec->get_addr_align();
++				if ( section_align > 1 &&
++					 current_file_pos % section_align != 0 ) {
++					current_file_pos +=
++						section_align - current_file_pos % section_align;
++				}
++				if ( 0 != sec->get_index() )
++					sec->set_offset( current_file_pos );
++				if ( SHT_NOBITS != sec->get_type() &&
++					 SHT_NULL != sec->get_type() ) {
++					current_file_pos += sec->get_size();
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void calc_segment_alignment()
++	{
++		for ( std::vector<segment*>::iterator s = segments_.begin();
++			  s != segments_.end(); ++s ) {
++			segment* seg = *s;
++			for ( int i = 0; i < seg->get_sections_num(); ++i ) {
++				section* sect = sections_[seg->get_section_index_at( i )];
++				if ( sect->get_addr_align() > seg->get_align() ) {
++					seg->set_align( sect->get_addr_align() );
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool layout_segments_and_their_sections()
++	{
++		std::vector<segment*> worklist;
++		std::vector<bool>     section_generated( sections.size(), false );
++		// Get segments in a order in where segments which contain a
++		// sub sequence of other segments are located at the end
++		worklist = get_ordered_segments();
++		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < worklist.size(); ++i ) {
++			Elf_Xword segment_memory   = 0;
++			Elf_Xword segment_filesize = 0;
++			Elf_Xword seg_start_pos    = current_file_pos;
++			segment*  seg              = worklist[i];
++			// Special case: PHDR segment
++			// This segment contains the program headers but no sections
++			if ( seg->get_type() == PT_PHDR && seg->get_sections_num() == 0 ) {
++				seg_start_pos  = header->get_segments_offset();
++				segment_memory = segment_filesize =
++					header->get_segment_entry_size() *
++					(Elf_Xword)header->get_segments_num();
++			}
++			// Special case:
++			else if ( seg->is_offset_initialized() && seg->get_offset() == 0 ) {
++				seg_start_pos = 0;
++				if ( seg->get_sections_num() ) {
++					segment_memory = segment_filesize = current_file_pos;
++				}
++			}
++			// New segments with not generated sections
++			// have to be aligned
++			else if ( seg->get_sections_num() &&
++					  !section_generated[seg->get_section_index_at( 0 )] ) {
++				Elf_Xword align = seg->get_align() > 0 ? seg->get_align() : 1;
++				Elf64_Off cur_page_alignment = current_file_pos % align;
++				Elf64_Off req_page_alignment =
++					seg->get_virtual_address() % align;
++				Elf64_Off error = req_page_alignment - cur_page_alignment;
++				current_file_pos += ( seg->get_align() + error ) % align;
++				seg_start_pos = current_file_pos;
++			}
++			else if ( seg->get_sections_num() ) {
++				seg_start_pos =
++					sections[seg->get_section_index_at( 0 )]->get_offset();
++			}
++			// Write segment's data
++			for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < seg->get_sections_num(); ++j ) {
++				Elf_Half index = seg->get_section_index_at( j );
++				section* sec = sections[index];
++				// The NULL section is always generated
++				if ( SHT_NULL == sec->get_type() ) {
++					section_generated[index] = true;
++					continue;
++				}
++				Elf_Xword secAlign = 0;
++				// Fix up the alignment
++				if ( !section_generated[index] &&
++					 sec->is_address_initialized() &&
++					 SHT_NOBITS != sec->get_type() &&
++					 SHT_NULL != sec->get_type() && 0 != sec->get_size() ) {
++					// Align the sections based on the virtual addresses
++					// when possible (this is what matters for execution)
++					Elf64_Off req_offset =
++						sec->get_address() - seg->get_virtual_address();
++					Elf64_Off cur_offset = current_file_pos - seg_start_pos;
++					if ( req_offset < cur_offset ) {
++						// something has gone awfully wrong, abort!
++						// secAlign would turn out negative, seeking backwards and overwriting previous data
++						return false;
++					}
++					secAlign = req_offset - cur_offset;
++				}
++				else if ( !section_generated[index] &&
++						  !sec->is_address_initialized() ) {
++					// If no address has been specified then only the section
++					// alignment constraint has to be matched
++					Elf_Xword align = sec->get_addr_align();
++					if ( align == 0 ) {
++						align = 1;
++					}
++					Elf64_Off error = current_file_pos % align;
++					secAlign        = ( align - error ) % align;
++				}
++				else if ( section_generated[index] ) {
++					// Alignment for already generated sections
++					secAlign =
++						sec->get_offset() - seg_start_pos - segment_filesize;
++				}
++				// Determine the segment file and memory sizes
++				// Special case .tbss section (NOBITS) in non TLS segment
++				if ( ( sec->get_flags() & SHF_ALLOC ) &&
++					 !( ( sec->get_flags() & SHF_TLS ) &&
++						( seg->get_type() != PT_TLS ) &&
++						( SHT_NOBITS == sec->get_type() ) ) )
++					segment_memory += sec->get_size() + secAlign;
++				if ( SHT_NOBITS != sec->get_type() )
++					segment_filesize += sec->get_size() + secAlign;
++				// Nothing to be done when generating nested segments
++				if ( section_generated[index] ) {
++					continue;
++				}
++				current_file_pos += secAlign;
++				// Set the section addresses when missing
++				if ( !sec->is_address_initialized() )
++					sec->set_address( seg->get_virtual_address() +
++									  current_file_pos - seg_start_pos );
++				if ( 0 != sec->get_index() )
++					sec->set_offset( current_file_pos );
++				if ( SHT_NOBITS != sec->get_type() )
++					current_file_pos += sec->get_size();
++				section_generated[index] = true;
++			}
++			seg->set_file_size( segment_filesize );
++			// If we already have a memory size from loading an elf file (value > 0),
++			// it must not shrink!
++			// Memory size may be bigger than file size and it is the loader's job to do something
++			// with the surplus bytes in memory, like initializing them with a defined value.
++			if ( seg->get_memory_size() < segment_memory ) {
++				seg->set_memory_size( segment_memory );
++			}
++			seg->set_offset( seg_start_pos );
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool layout_section_table()
++	{
++		// Simply place the section table at the end for now
++		Elf64_Off alignmentError = current_file_pos % 4;
++		current_file_pos += ( 4 - alignmentError ) % 4;
++		header->set_sections_offset( current_file_pos );
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  public:
++	friend class Sections;
++	class Sections
++	{
++	  public:
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		Sections( elfio* parent_ ) : parent( parent_ ) {}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		Elf_Half size() const { return (Elf_Half)parent->sections_.size(); }
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		section* operator[]( unsigned int index ) const
++		{
++			section* sec = 0;
++			if ( index < parent->sections_.size() ) {
++				sec = parent->sections_[index];
++			}
++			return sec;
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		section* operator[]( const std::string& name ) const
++		{
++			section* sec = 0;
++			std::vector<section*>::const_iterator it;
++			for ( it = parent->sections_.begin(); it != parent->sections_.end();
++				  ++it ) {
++				if ( ( *it )->get_name() == name ) {
++					sec = *it;
++					break;
++				}
++			}
++			return sec;
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		section* add( const std::string& name )
++		{
++			section* new_section = parent->create_section();
++			new_section->set_name( name );
++			Elf_Half str_index = parent->get_section_name_str_index();
++			section* string_table( parent->sections_[str_index] );
++			string_section_accessor str_writer( string_table );
++			Elf_Word                pos = str_writer.add_string( name );
++			new_section->set_name_string_offset( pos );
++			return new_section;
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<section*>::iterator begin()
++		{
++			return parent->sections_.begin();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<section*>::iterator end()
++		{
++			return parent->sections_.end();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<section*>::const_iterator begin() const
++		{
++			return parent->sections_.cbegin();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<section*>::const_iterator end() const
++		{
++			return parent->sections_.cend();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	  private:
++		elfio* parent;
++	} sections;
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  public:
++	friend class Segments;
++	class Segments
++	{
++	  public:
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		Segments( elfio* parent_ ) : parent( parent_ ) {}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		Elf_Half size() const { return (Elf_Half)parent->segments_.size(); }
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		segment* operator[]( unsigned int index ) const
++		{
++			return parent->segments_[index];
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		segment* add() { return parent->create_segment(); }
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<segment*>::iterator begin()
++		{
++			return parent->segments_.begin();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<segment*>::iterator end()
++		{
++			return parent->segments_.end();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<segment*>::const_iterator begin() const
++		{
++			return parent->segments_.cbegin();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++		std::vector<segment*>::const_iterator end() const
++		{
++			return parent->segments_.cend();
++		}
++		//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	  private:
++		elfio* parent;
++	} segments;
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	elf_header*           header;
++	std::vector<section*> sections_;
++	std::vector<segment*> segments_;
++	endianess_convertor   convertor;
++	Elf_Xword current_file_pos;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_symbols.hpp ***/
++namespace ELFIO {
++template <class S> class symbol_section_accessor_template
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	symbol_section_accessor_template( const elfio& elf_file_,
++									  S*           symbol_section_ )
++		: elf_file( elf_file_ ), symbol_section( symbol_section_ )
++	{
++		find_hash_section();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Xword get_symbols_num() const
++	{
++		Elf_Xword nRet = 0;
++		if ( 0 != symbol_section->get_entry_size() ) {
++			nRet =
++				symbol_section->get_size() / symbol_section->get_entry_size();
++		}
++		return nRet;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_symbol( Elf_Xword      index,
++					 std::string&   name,
++					 Elf64_Addr&    value,
++					 Elf_Xword&     size,
++					 unsigned char& bind,
++					 unsigned char& type,
++					 Elf_Half&      section_index,
++					 unsigned char& other ) const
++	{
++		bool ret = false;
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			ret = generic_get_symbol<Elf32_Sym>( index, name, value, size, bind,
++												 type, section_index, other );
++		}
++		else {
++			ret = generic_get_symbol<Elf64_Sym>( index, name, value, size, bind,
++												 type, section_index, other );
++		}
++		return ret;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_symbol( const std::string& name,
++					 Elf64_Addr&        value,
++					 Elf_Xword&         size,
++					 unsigned char&     bind,
++					 unsigned char&     type,
++					 Elf_Half&          section_index,
++					 unsigned char&     other ) const
++	{
++		bool ret = false;
++		if ( 0 != get_hash_table_index() ) {
++			Elf_Word    nbucket = *(const Elf_Word*)hash_section->get_data();
++			Elf_Word    nchain  = *(const Elf_Word*)( hash_section->get_data() +
++												  sizeof( Elf_Word ) );
++			Elf_Word    val = elf_hash( (const unsigned char*)name.c_str() );
++			Elf_Word    y   = *(const Elf_Word*)( hash_section->get_data() +
++											 ( 2 + val % nbucket ) *
++												 sizeof( Elf_Word ) );
++			std::string str;
++			get_symbol( y, str, value, size, bind, type, section_index, other );
++			while ( str != name && STN_UNDEF != y && y < nchain ) {
++				y = *(const Elf_Word*)( hash_section->get_data() +
++										( 2 + nbucket + y ) *
++											sizeof( Elf_Word ) );
++				get_symbol( y, str, value, size, bind, type, section_index,
++							other );
++			}
++			if ( str == name ) {
++				ret = true;
++			}
++		}
++		else {
++			for ( Elf_Xword i = 0; i < get_symbols_num() && !ret; i++ ) {
++				std::string symbol_name;
++				if ( get_symbol( i, symbol_name, value, size, bind, type,
++								 section_index, other ) ) {
++					if ( symbol_name == name ) {
++						ret = true;
++					}
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		return ret;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_symbol( const Elf64_Addr& value,
++					 std::string&      name,
++					 Elf_Xword&        size,
++					 unsigned char&    bind,
++					 unsigned char&    type,
++					 Elf_Half&         section_index,
++					 unsigned char&    other ) const
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		Elf_Xword  idx   = 0;
++		bool       match = false;
++		Elf64_Addr v     = 0;
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			match = generic_search_symbols<Elf32_Sym>(
++				[&]( const Elf32_Sym* sym ) {
++					return convertor( sym->st_value ) == value;
++				},
++				idx );
++		}
++		else {
++			match = generic_search_symbols<Elf64_Sym>(
++				[&]( const Elf64_Sym* sym ) {
++					return convertor( sym->st_value ) == value;
++				},
++				idx );
++		}
++		if ( match ) {
++			return get_symbol( idx, name, v, size, bind, type, section_index,
++							   other );
++		}
++		return false;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word add_symbol( Elf_Word      name,
++						 Elf64_Addr    value,
++						 Elf_Xword     size,
++						 unsigned char info,
++						 unsigned char other,
++						 Elf_Half      shndx )
++	{
++		Elf_Word nRet;
++		if ( symbol_section->get_size() == 0 ) {
++			if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++				nRet = generic_add_symbol<Elf32_Sym>( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
++			}
++			else {
++				nRet = generic_add_symbol<Elf64_Sym>( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
++			}
++		}
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			nRet = generic_add_symbol<Elf32_Sym>( name, value, size, info,
++												  other, shndx );
++		}
++		else {
++			nRet = generic_add_symbol<Elf64_Sym>( name, value, size, info,
++												  other, shndx );
++		}
++		return nRet;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word add_symbol( Elf_Word      name,
++						 Elf64_Addr    value,
++						 Elf_Xword     size,
++						 unsigned char bind,
++						 unsigned char type,
++						 unsigned char other,
++						 Elf_Half      shndx )
++	{
++		return add_symbol( name, value, size, ELF_ST_INFO( bind, type ), other,
++						   shndx );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word add_symbol( string_section_accessor& pStrWriter,
++						 const char*              str,
++						 Elf64_Addr               value,
++						 Elf_Xword                size,
++						 unsigned char            info,
++						 unsigned char            other,
++						 Elf_Half                 shndx )
++	{
++		Elf_Word index = pStrWriter.add_string( str );
++		return add_symbol( index, value, size, info, other, shndx );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word add_symbol( string_section_accessor& pStrWriter,
++						 const char*              str,
++						 Elf64_Addr               value,
++						 Elf_Xword                size,
++						 unsigned char            bind,
++						 unsigned char            type,
++						 unsigned char            other,
++						 Elf_Half                 shndx )
++	{
++		return add_symbol( pStrWriter, str, value, size,
++						   ELF_ST_INFO( bind, type ), other, shndx );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Xword arrange_local_symbols(
++		std::function<void( Elf_Xword first, Elf_Xword second )> func =
++			nullptr )
++	{
++		int nRet = 0;
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			nRet = generic_arrange_local_symbols<Elf32_Sym>( func );
++		}
++		else {
++			nRet = generic_arrange_local_symbols<Elf64_Sym>( func );
++		}
++		return nRet;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void find_hash_section()
++	{
++		hash_section       = 0;
++		hash_section_index = 0;
++		Elf_Half nSecNo    = elf_file.sections.size();
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < nSecNo && 0 == hash_section_index; ++i ) {
++			const section* sec = elf_file.sections[i];
++			if ( sec->get_link() == symbol_section->get_index() ) {
++				hash_section       = sec;
++				hash_section_index = i;
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_string_table_index() const
++	{
++		return (Elf_Half)symbol_section->get_link();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_hash_table_index() const { return hash_section_index; }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T> const T* generic_get_symbol_ptr( Elf_Xword index ) const
++	{
++		if ( 0 != symbol_section->get_data() && index < get_symbols_num() ) {
++			const T* pSym = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
++				symbol_section->get_data() +
++				index * symbol_section->get_entry_size() );
++			return pSym;
++		}
++		return nullptr;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	bool generic_search_symbols( std::function<bool( const T* )> match,
++								 Elf_Xword&                      idx ) const
++	{
++		for ( Elf_Xword i = 0; i < get_symbols_num(); i++ ) {
++			const T* symPtr = generic_get_symbol_ptr<T>( i );
++			if ( symPtr == nullptr )
++				return false;
++			if ( match( symPtr ) ) {
++				idx = i;
++				return true;
++			}
++		}
++		return false;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	bool generic_get_symbol( Elf_Xword      index,
++							 std::string&   name,
++							 Elf64_Addr&    value,
++							 Elf_Xword&     size,
++							 unsigned char& bind,
++							 unsigned char& type,
++							 Elf_Half&      section_index,
++							 unsigned char& other ) const
++	{
++		bool ret = false;
++		if ( 0 != symbol_section->get_data() && index < get_symbols_num() ) {
++			const T* pSym = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
++				symbol_section->get_data() +
++				index * symbol_section->get_entry_size() );
++			const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++			section* string_section =
++				elf_file.sections[get_string_table_index()];
++			string_section_accessor str_reader( string_section );
++			const char*             pStr =
++				str_reader.get_string( convertor( pSym->st_name ) );
++			if ( 0 != pStr ) {
++				name = pStr;
++			}
++			value         = convertor( pSym->st_value );
++			size          = convertor( pSym->st_size );
++			bind          = ELF_ST_BIND( pSym->st_info );
++			type          = ELF_ST_TYPE( pSym->st_info );
++			section_index = convertor( pSym->st_shndx );
++			other         = pSym->st_other;
++			ret = true;
++		}
++		return ret;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	Elf_Word generic_add_symbol( Elf_Word      name,
++								 Elf64_Addr    value,
++								 Elf_Xword     size,
++								 unsigned char info,
++								 unsigned char other,
++								 Elf_Half      shndx )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		T entry;
++		entry.st_name  = convertor( name );
++		entry.st_value = value;
++		entry.st_value = convertor( entry.st_value );
++		entry.st_size  = size;
++		entry.st_size  = convertor( entry.st_size );
++		entry.st_info  = convertor( info );
++		entry.st_other = convertor( other );
++		entry.st_shndx = convertor( shndx );
++		symbol_section->append_data( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &entry ),
++									 sizeof( entry ) );
++		Elf_Word nRet = symbol_section->get_size() / sizeof( entry ) - 1;
++		return nRet;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	Elf_Xword generic_arrange_local_symbols(
++		std::function<void( Elf_Xword first, Elf_Xword second )> func )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		const Elf_Xword            size      = symbol_section->get_entry_size();
++		Elf_Xword first_not_local =
++			1; // Skip the first entry. It is always NOTYPE
++		Elf_Xword current = 0;
++		Elf_Xword count   = get_symbols_num();
++		while ( true ) {
++			T* p1 = nullptr;
++			T* p2 = nullptr;
++			while ( first_not_local < count ) {
++				p1 = const_cast<T*>(
++					generic_get_symbol_ptr<T>( first_not_local ) );
++				if ( ELF_ST_BIND( convertor( p1->st_info ) ) != STB_LOCAL )
++					break;
++				++first_not_local;
++			}
++			current = first_not_local + 1;
++			while ( current < count ) {
++				p2 = const_cast<T*>( generic_get_symbol_ptr<T>( current ) );
++				if ( ELF_ST_BIND( convertor( p2->st_info ) ) == STB_LOCAL )
++					break;
++				++current;
++			}
++			if ( first_not_local < count && current < count ) {
++				if ( func )
++					func( first_not_local, current );
++				// Swap the symbols
++				T tmp;
++				std::copy( p1, p1 + 1, &tmp );
++				std::copy( p2, p2 + 1, p1 );
++				std::copy( &tmp, &tmp + 1, p2 );
++			}
++			else {
++				// Update 'info' field of the section
++				symbol_section->set_info( first_not_local );
++				break;
++			}
++		}
++		// Elf_Word nRet = symbol_section->get_size() / sizeof(entry) - 1;
++		return first_not_local;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	const elfio&   elf_file;
++	S*             symbol_section;
++	Elf_Half       hash_section_index;
++	const section* hash_section;
++using symbol_section_accessor = symbol_section_accessor_template<section>;
++using const_symbol_section_accessor =
++	symbol_section_accessor_template<const section>;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_symbols.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_note.hpp ***/
++#ifndef ELFIO_NOTE_HPP
++#define ELFIO_NOTE_HPP
++namespace ELFIO {
++// There are discrepancies in documentations. SCO documentation
++// (http://www.sco.com/developers/gabi/latest/ch5.pheader.html#note_section)
++// requires 8 byte entries alignment for 64-bit ELF file,
++// but Oracle's definition uses the same structure
++// for 32-bit and 64-bit formats.
++// (https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23824_01/html/819-0690/chapter6-18048.html)
++// It looks like EM_X86_64 Linux implementation is similar to Oracle's
++// definition. Therefore, the same alignment works for both formats
++template <class S> class note_section_accessor_template
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	note_section_accessor_template( const elfio& elf_file_, S* section_ )
++		: elf_file( elf_file_ ), note_section( section_ )
++	{
++		process_section();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word get_notes_num() const
++	{
++		return (Elf_Word)note_start_positions.size();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_note( Elf_Word     index,
++				   Elf_Word&    type,
++				   std::string& name,
++				   void*&       desc,
++				   Elf_Word&    descSize ) const
++	{
++		if ( index >= note_section->get_size() ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		const char* pData =
++			note_section->get_data() + note_start_positions[index];
++		int align = sizeof( Elf_Word );
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		type            = convertor( *(const Elf_Word*)( pData + 2 * align ) );
++		Elf_Word namesz = convertor( *(const Elf_Word*)( pData ) );
++		descSize = convertor( *(const Elf_Word*)( pData + sizeof( namesz ) ) );
++		Elf_Xword max_name_size =
++			note_section->get_size() - note_start_positions[index];
++		if ( namesz < 1 || namesz > max_name_size ||
++			 (Elf_Xword)namesz + descSize > max_name_size ) {
++			return false;
++		}
++		name.assign( pData + 3 * align, namesz - 1 );
++		if ( 0 == descSize ) {
++			desc = 0;
++		}
++		else {
++			desc =
++				const_cast<char*>( pData + 3 * align +
++								   ( ( namesz + align - 1 ) / align ) * align );
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_note( Elf_Word           type,
++				   const std::string& name,
++				   const void*        desc,
++				   Elf_Word           descSize )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		int         align       = sizeof( Elf_Word );
++		Elf_Word    nameLen     = (Elf_Word)name.size() + 1;
++		Elf_Word    nameLenConv = convertor( nameLen );
++		std::string buffer( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &nameLenConv ), align );
++		Elf_Word    descSizeConv = convertor( descSize );
++		buffer.append( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &descSizeConv ), align );
++		type = convertor( type );
++		buffer.append( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &type ), align );
++		buffer.append( name );
++		buffer.append( 1, '\x00' );
++		const char pad[] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' };
++		if ( nameLen % align != 0 ) {
++			buffer.append( pad, align - nameLen % align );
++		}
++		if ( desc != 0 && descSize != 0 ) {
++			buffer.append( reinterpret_cast<const char*>( desc ), descSize );
++			if ( descSize % align != 0 ) {
++				buffer.append( pad, align - descSize % align );
++			}
++		}
++		note_start_positions.push_back( note_section->get_size() );
++		note_section->append_data( buffer );
++	}
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void process_section()
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		const char*                data      = note_section->get_data();
++		Elf_Xword                  size      = note_section->get_size();
++		Elf_Xword                  current   = 0;
++		note_start_positions.clear();
++		// Is it empty?
++		if ( 0 == data || 0 == size ) {
++			return;
++		}
++		Elf_Word align = sizeof( Elf_Word );
++		while ( current + (Elf_Xword)3 * align <= size ) {
++			note_start_positions.push_back( current );
++			Elf_Word namesz = convertor( *(const Elf_Word*)( data + current ) );
++			Elf_Word descsz = convertor(
++				*(const Elf_Word*)( data + current + sizeof( namesz ) ) );
++			current += (Elf_Xword)3 * sizeof( Elf_Word ) +
++					   ( ( namesz + align - 1 ) / align ) * (Elf_Xword)align +
++					   ( ( descsz + align - 1 ) / align ) * (Elf_Xword)align;
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	const elfio&           elf_file;
++	S*                     note_section;
++	std::vector<Elf_Xword> note_start_positions;
++using note_section_accessor = note_section_accessor_template<section>;
++using const_note_section_accessor =
++	note_section_accessor_template<const section>;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++#endif // ELFIO_NOTE_HPP
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_note.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_relocation.hpp ***/
++namespace ELFIO {
++template <typename T> struct get_sym_and_type;
++template <> struct get_sym_and_type<Elf32_Rel>
++	static int get_r_sym( Elf_Xword info )
++	{
++		return ELF32_R_SYM( (Elf_Word)info );
++	}
++	static int get_r_type( Elf_Xword info )
++	{
++		return ELF32_R_TYPE( (Elf_Word)info );
++	}
++template <> struct get_sym_and_type<Elf32_Rela>
++	static int get_r_sym( Elf_Xword info )
++	{
++		return ELF32_R_SYM( (Elf_Word)info );
++	}
++	static int get_r_type( Elf_Xword info )
++	{
++		return ELF32_R_TYPE( (Elf_Word)info );
++	}
++template <> struct get_sym_and_type<Elf64_Rel>
++	static int get_r_sym( Elf_Xword info ) { return ELF64_R_SYM( info ); }
++	static int get_r_type( Elf_Xword info ) { return ELF64_R_TYPE( info ); }
++template <> struct get_sym_and_type<Elf64_Rela>
++	static int get_r_sym( Elf_Xword info ) { return ELF64_R_SYM( info ); }
++	static int get_r_type( Elf_Xword info ) { return ELF64_R_TYPE( info ); }
++template <class S> class relocation_section_accessor_template
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	relocation_section_accessor_template( const elfio& elf_file_, S* section_ )
++		: elf_file( elf_file_ ), relocation_section( section_ )
++	{
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Xword get_entries_num() const
++	{
++		Elf_Xword nRet = 0;
++		if ( 0 != relocation_section->get_entry_size() ) {
++			nRet = relocation_section->get_size() /
++				   relocation_section->get_entry_size();
++		}
++		return nRet;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_entry( Elf_Xword   index,
++					Elf64_Addr& offset,
++					Elf_Word&   symbol,
++					Elf_Word&   type,
++					Elf_Sxword& addend ) const
++	{
++		if ( index >= get_entries_num() ) { // Is index valid
++			return false;
++		}
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			if ( SHT_REL == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_get_entry_rel<Elf32_Rel>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++												  addend );
++			}
++			else if ( SHT_RELA == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_get_entry_rela<Elf32_Rela>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++													addend );
++			}
++		}
++		else {
++			if ( SHT_REL == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_get_entry_rel<Elf64_Rel>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++												  addend );
++			}
++			else if ( SHT_RELA == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_get_entry_rela<Elf64_Rela>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++													addend );
++			}
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_entry( Elf_Xword    index,
++					Elf64_Addr&  offset,
++					Elf64_Addr&  symbolValue,
++					std::string& symbolName,
++					Elf_Word&    type,
++					Elf_Sxword&  addend,
++					Elf_Sxword&  calcValue ) const
++	{
++		// Do regular job
++		Elf_Word symbol;
++		bool     ret = get_entry( index, offset, symbol, type, addend );
++		// Find the symbol
++		Elf_Xword     size;
++		unsigned char bind;
++		unsigned char symbolType;
++		Elf_Half      section;
++		unsigned char other;
++		symbol_section_accessor symbols(
++			elf_file, elf_file.sections[get_symbol_table_index()] );
++		ret = ret && symbols.get_symbol( symbol, symbolName, symbolValue, size,
++										 bind, symbolType, section, other );
++		if ( ret ) { // Was it successful?
++			switch ( type ) {
++			case R_386_NONE: // none
++				calcValue = 0;
++				break;
++			case R_386_32: // S + A
++				calcValue = symbolValue + addend;
++				break;
++			case R_386_PC32: // S + A - P
++				calcValue = symbolValue + addend - offset;
++				break;
++			case R_386_GOT32: // G + A - P
++				calcValue = 0;
++				break;
++			case R_386_PLT32: // L + A - P
++				calcValue = 0;
++				break;
++			case R_386_COPY: // none
++				calcValue = 0;
++				break;
++			case R_386_GLOB_DAT: // S
++			case R_386_JMP_SLOT: // S
++				calcValue = symbolValue;
++				break;
++			case R_386_RELATIVE: // B + A
++				calcValue = addend;
++				break;
++			case R_386_GOTOFF: // S + A - GOT
++				calcValue = 0;
++				break;
++			case R_386_GOTPC: // GOT + A - P
++				calcValue = 0;
++				break;
++			default: // Not recognized symbol!
++				calcValue = 0;
++				break;
++			}
++		}
++		return ret;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool set_entry( Elf_Xword  index,
++					Elf64_Addr offset,
++					Elf_Word   symbol,
++					Elf_Word   type,
++					Elf_Sxword addend )
++	{
++		if ( index >= get_entries_num() ) { // Is index valid
++			return false;
++		}
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			if ( SHT_REL == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_set_entry_rel<Elf32_Rel>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++												  addend );
++			}
++			else if ( SHT_RELA == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_set_entry_rela<Elf32_Rela>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++													addend );
++			}
++		}
++		else {
++			if ( SHT_REL == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_set_entry_rel<Elf64_Rel>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++												  addend );
++			}
++			else if ( SHT_RELA == relocation_section->get_type() ) {
++				generic_set_entry_rela<Elf64_Rela>( index, offset, symbol, type,
++													addend );
++			}
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_entry( Elf64_Addr offset, Elf_Xword info )
++	{
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			generic_add_entry<Elf32_Rel>( offset, info );
++		}
++		else {
++			generic_add_entry<Elf64_Rel>( offset, info );
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_entry( Elf64_Addr offset, Elf_Word symbol, unsigned char type )
++	{
++		Elf_Xword info;
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			info = ELF32_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		else {
++			info = ELF64_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		add_entry( offset, info );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_entry( Elf64_Addr offset, Elf_Xword info, Elf_Sxword addend )
++	{
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			generic_add_entry<Elf32_Rela>( offset, info, addend );
++		}
++		else {
++			generic_add_entry<Elf64_Rela>( offset, info, addend );
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_entry( Elf64_Addr    offset,
++					Elf_Word      symbol,
++					unsigned char type,
++					Elf_Sxword    addend )
++	{
++		Elf_Xword info;
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			info = ELF32_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		else {
++			info = ELF64_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		add_entry( offset, info, addend );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_entry( string_section_accessor str_writer,
++					const char*             str,
++					symbol_section_accessor sym_writer,
++					Elf64_Addr              value,
++					Elf_Word                size,
++					unsigned char           sym_info,
++					unsigned char           other,
++					Elf_Half                shndx,
++					Elf64_Addr              offset,
++					unsigned char           type )
++	{
++		Elf_Word str_index = str_writer.add_string( str );
++		Elf_Word sym_index = sym_writer.add_symbol( str_index, value, size,
++													sym_info, other, shndx );
++		add_entry( offset, sym_index, type );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void swap_symbols( Elf_Xword first, Elf_Xword second )
++	{
++		Elf64_Addr offset;
++		Elf_Word   symbol;
++		Elf_Word   rtype;
++		Elf_Sxword addend;
++		for ( Elf_Word i = 0; i < get_entries_num(); i++ ) {
++			get_entry( i, offset, symbol, rtype, addend );
++			if ( symbol == first ) {
++				set_entry( i, offset, (Elf_Word)second, rtype, addend );
++			}
++			if ( symbol == second ) {
++				set_entry( i, offset, (Elf_Word)first, rtype, addend );
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_symbol_table_index() const
++	{
++		return (Elf_Half)relocation_section->get_link();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	void generic_get_entry_rel( Elf_Xword   index,
++								Elf64_Addr& offset,
++								Elf_Word&   symbol,
++								Elf_Word&   type,
++								Elf_Sxword& addend ) const
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		const T* pEntry = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
++			relocation_section->get_data() +
++			index * relocation_section->get_entry_size() );
++		offset        = convertor( pEntry->r_offset );
++		Elf_Xword tmp = convertor( pEntry->r_info );
++		symbol        = get_sym_and_type<T>::get_r_sym( tmp );
++		type          = get_sym_and_type<T>::get_r_type( tmp );
++		addend        = 0;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	void generic_get_entry_rela( Elf_Xword   index,
++								 Elf64_Addr& offset,
++								 Elf_Word&   symbol,
++								 Elf_Word&   type,
++								 Elf_Sxword& addend ) const
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		const T* pEntry = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
++			relocation_section->get_data() +
++			index * relocation_section->get_entry_size() );
++		offset        = convertor( pEntry->r_offset );
++		Elf_Xword tmp = convertor( pEntry->r_info );
++		symbol        = get_sym_and_type<T>::get_r_sym( tmp );
++		type          = get_sym_and_type<T>::get_r_type( tmp );
++		addend        = convertor( pEntry->r_addend );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	void generic_set_entry_rel( Elf_Xword  index,
++								Elf64_Addr offset,
++								Elf_Word   symbol,
++								Elf_Word   type,
++								Elf_Sxword )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		T* pEntry = const_cast<T*>( reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
++			relocation_section->get_data() +
++			index * relocation_section->get_entry_size() ) );
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			pEntry->r_info = ELF32_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		else {
++			pEntry->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		pEntry->r_offset = offset;
++		pEntry->r_offset = convertor( pEntry->r_offset );
++		pEntry->r_info   = convertor( pEntry->r_info );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	void generic_set_entry_rela( Elf_Xword  index,
++								 Elf64_Addr offset,
++								 Elf_Word   symbol,
++								 Elf_Word   type,
++								 Elf_Sxword addend )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		T* pEntry = const_cast<T*>( reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
++			relocation_section->get_data() +
++			index * relocation_section->get_entry_size() ) );
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			pEntry->r_info = ELF32_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		else {
++			pEntry->r_info = ELF64_R_INFO( (Elf_Xword)symbol, type );
++		}
++		pEntry->r_offset = offset;
++		pEntry->r_addend = addend;
++		pEntry->r_offset = convertor( pEntry->r_offset );
++		pEntry->r_info   = convertor( pEntry->r_info );
++		pEntry->r_addend = convertor( pEntry->r_addend );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	void generic_add_entry( Elf64_Addr offset, Elf_Xword info )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		T entry;
++		entry.r_offset = offset;
++		entry.r_info   = info;
++		entry.r_offset = convertor( entry.r_offset );
++		entry.r_info   = convertor( entry.r_info );
++		relocation_section->append_data( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &entry ),
++										 sizeof( entry ) );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	void
++	generic_add_entry( Elf64_Addr offset, Elf_Xword info, Elf_Sxword addend )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		T entry;
++		entry.r_offset = offset;
++		entry.r_info   = info;
++		entry.r_addend = addend;
++		entry.r_offset = convertor( entry.r_offset );
++		entry.r_info   = convertor( entry.r_info );
++		entry.r_addend = convertor( entry.r_addend );
++		relocation_section->append_data( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &entry ),
++										 sizeof( entry ) );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	const elfio& elf_file;
++	S*           relocation_section;
++using relocation_section_accessor =
++	relocation_section_accessor_template<section>;
++using const_relocation_section_accessor =
++	relocation_section_accessor_template<const section>;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_relocation.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_dynamic.hpp ***/
++namespace ELFIO {
++template <class S> class dynamic_section_accessor_template
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	dynamic_section_accessor_template( const elfio& elf_file_, S* section_ )
++		: elf_file( elf_file_ ), dynamic_section( section_ )
++	{
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Xword get_entries_num() const
++	{
++		Elf_Xword nRet = 0;
++		if ( 0 != dynamic_section->get_entry_size() ) {
++			nRet =
++				dynamic_section->get_size() / dynamic_section->get_entry_size();
++		}
++		return nRet;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_entry( Elf_Xword    index,
++					Elf_Xword&   tag,
++					Elf_Xword&   value,
++					std::string& str ) const
++	{
++		if ( index >= get_entries_num() ) { // Is index valid
++			return false;
++		}
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			generic_get_entry_dyn<Elf32_Dyn>( index, tag, value );
++		}
++		else {
++			generic_get_entry_dyn<Elf64_Dyn>( index, tag, value );
++		}
++		// If the tag may have a string table reference, prepare the string
++		if ( tag == DT_NEEDED || tag == DT_SONAME || tag == DT_RPATH ||
++			 tag == DT_RUNPATH ) {
++			string_section_accessor strsec =
++				elf_file.sections[get_string_table_index()];
++			const char* result = strsec.get_string( value );
++			if ( 0 == result ) {
++				str.clear();
++				return false;
++			}
++			str = result;
++		}
++		else {
++			str.clear();
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_entry( Elf_Xword tag, Elf_Xword value )
++	{
++		if ( elf_file.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) {
++			generic_add_entry<Elf32_Dyn>( tag, value );
++		}
++		else {
++			generic_add_entry<Elf64_Dyn>( tag, value );
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	void add_entry( Elf_Xword tag, const std::string& str )
++	{
++		string_section_accessor strsec =
++			elf_file.sections[get_string_table_index()];
++		Elf_Xword value = strsec.add_string( str );
++		add_entry( tag, value );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Half get_string_table_index() const
++	{
++		return (Elf_Half)dynamic_section->get_link();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T>
++	void generic_get_entry_dyn( Elf_Xword  index,
++								Elf_Xword& tag,
++								Elf_Xword& value ) const
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		// Check unusual case when dynamic section has no data
++		if ( dynamic_section->get_data() == 0 ||
++			 ( index + 1 ) * dynamic_section->get_entry_size() >
++				 dynamic_section->get_size() ) {
++			tag   = DT_NULL;
++			value = 0;
++			return;
++		}
++		const T* pEntry = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(
++			dynamic_section->get_data() +
++			index * dynamic_section->get_entry_size() );
++		tag = convertor( pEntry->d_tag );
++		switch ( tag ) {
++		case DT_NULL:
++		case DT_SYMBOLIC:
++		case DT_TEXTREL:
++		case DT_BIND_NOW:
++			value = 0;
++			break;
++		case DT_NEEDED:
++		case DT_PLTRELSZ:
++		case DT_RELASZ:
++		case DT_RELAENT:
++		case DT_STRSZ:
++		case DT_SYMENT:
++		case DT_SONAME:
++		case DT_RPATH:
++		case DT_RELSZ:
++		case DT_RELENT:
++		case DT_PLTREL:
++		case DT_RUNPATH:
++		case DT_FLAGS:
++			value = convertor( pEntry->d_un.d_val );
++			break;
++		case DT_PLTGOT:
++		case DT_HASH:
++		case DT_STRTAB:
++		case DT_SYMTAB:
++		case DT_RELA:
++		case DT_INIT:
++		case DT_FINI:
++		case DT_REL:
++		case DT_DEBUG:
++		case DT_JMPREL:
++		case DT_INIT_ARRAY:
++		case DT_FINI_ARRAY:
++		default:
++			value = convertor( pEntry->d_un.d_ptr );
++			break;
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <class T> void generic_add_entry( Elf_Xword tag, Elf_Xword value )
++	{
++		const endianess_convertor& convertor = elf_file.get_convertor();
++		T entry;
++		switch ( tag ) {
++		case DT_NULL:
++		case DT_SYMBOLIC:
++		case DT_TEXTREL:
++		case DT_BIND_NOW:
++			value = 0;
++		case DT_NEEDED:
++		case DT_PLTRELSZ:
++		case DT_RELASZ:
++		case DT_RELAENT:
++		case DT_STRSZ:
++		case DT_SYMENT:
++		case DT_SONAME:
++		case DT_RPATH:
++		case DT_RELSZ:
++		case DT_RELENT:
++		case DT_PLTREL:
++		case DT_RUNPATH:
++		case DT_FLAGS:
++			entry.d_un.d_val = convertor( value );
++			break;
++		case DT_PLTGOT:
++		case DT_HASH:
++		case DT_STRTAB:
++		case DT_SYMTAB:
++		case DT_RELA:
++		case DT_INIT:
++		case DT_FINI:
++		case DT_REL:
++		case DT_DEBUG:
++		case DT_JMPREL:
++		case DT_INIT_ARRAY:
++		case DT_FINI_ARRAY:
++		default:
++			entry.d_un.d_ptr = convertor( value );
++			break;
++		}
++		entry.d_tag = convertor( tag );
++		dynamic_section->append_data( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &entry ),
++									  sizeof( entry ) );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	const elfio& elf_file;
++	S*           dynamic_section;
++using dynamic_section_accessor = dynamic_section_accessor_template<section>;
++using const_dynamic_section_accessor =
++	dynamic_section_accessor_template<const section>;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_dynamic.hpp ***/
++/*** Start of inlined file: elfio_modinfo.hpp ***/
++#include <string>
++#include <vector>
++namespace ELFIO {
++template <class S> class modinfo_section_accessor_template
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	modinfo_section_accessor_template( S* section_ )
++		: modinfo_section( section_ )
++	{
++		process_section();
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word get_attribute_num() const { return (Elf_Word)content.size(); }
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool
++	get_attribute( Elf_Word no, std::string& field, std::string& value ) const
++	{
++		if ( no < content.size() ) {
++			field = content[no].first;
++			value = content[no].second;
++			return true;
++		}
++		return false;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	bool get_attribute( std::string field_name, std::string& value ) const
++	{
++		for ( auto i = content.begin(); i != content.end(); i++ ) {
++			if ( field_name == i->first ) {
++				value = i->second;
++				return true;
++			}
++		}
++		return false;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	Elf_Word add_attribute( std::string field, std::string value )
++	{
++		Elf_Word current_position = 0;
++		if ( modinfo_section ) {
++			// Strings are addeded to the end of the current section data
++			current_position = (Elf_Word)modinfo_section->get_size();
++			std::string attribute = field + "=" + value;
++			modinfo_section->append_data( attribute + '\0' );
++			content.push_back(
++				std::pair<std::string, std::string>( field, value ) );
++		}
++		return current_position;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	void process_section()
++	{
++		const char* pdata = modinfo_section->get_data();
++		if ( pdata ) {
++			ELFIO::Elf_Xword i = 0;
++			while ( i < modinfo_section->get_size() ) {
++				while ( i < modinfo_section->get_size() && !pdata[i] )
++					i++;
++				if ( i < modinfo_section->get_size() ) {
++					std::string                         info = pdata + i;
++					size_t                              loc  = info.find( '=' );
++					std::pair<std::string, std::string> attribute(
++						info.substr( 0, loc ), info.substr( loc + 1 ) );
++					content.push_back( attribute );
++					i += info.length();
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++  private:
++	S*                                               modinfo_section;
++	std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> content;
++using modinfo_section_accessor = modinfo_section_accessor_template<section>;
++using const_modinfo_section_accessor =
++	modinfo_section_accessor_template<const section>;
++} // namespace ELFIO
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_modinfo.hpp ***/
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#pragma warning( pop )
++#endif // ELFIO_HPP
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio.hpp ***/
++namespace ELFIO {
++static struct class_table_t
++	const char  key;
++	const char* str;
++} class_table[] = {
++	{ ELFCLASS32, "ELF32" },
++	{ ELFCLASS64, "ELF64" },
++static struct endian_table_t
++	const char  key;
++	const char* str;
++} endian_table[] = {
++	{ ELFDATANONE, "None" },
++	{ ELFDATA2LSB, "Little endian" },
++	{ ELFDATA2MSB, "Big endian" },
++static struct version_table_t
++	const Elf64_Word key;
++	const char*      str;
++} version_table[] = {
++	{ EV_NONE, "None" },
++	{ EV_CURRENT, "Current" },
++static struct type_table_t
++	const Elf32_Half key;
++	const char*      str;
++} type_table[] = {
++	{ ET_NONE, "No file type" },    { ET_REL, "Relocatable file" },
++	{ ET_EXEC, "Executable file" }, { ET_DYN, "Shared object file" },
++	{ ET_CORE, "Core file" },
++static struct machine_table_t
++	const Elf64_Half key;
++	const char*      str;
++} machine_table[] = {
++	{ EM_NONE, "No machine" },
++	{ EM_M32, "AT&T WE 32100" },
++	{ EM_386, "Intel 80386" },
++	{ EM_68K, "Motorola m68k family" },
++	{ EM_88K, "Motorola m88k family" },
++	{ EM_486, "Intel 80486// Reserved for future use" },
++	{ EM_860, "Intel 80860" },
++	{ EM_MIPS, "MIPS R3000 (officially, big-endian only)" },
++	{ EM_S370, "IBM System/370" },
++	{ EM_MIPS_RS3_LE,
++	  "MIPS R3000 little-endian (Oct 4 1999 Draft) Deprecated" },
++	{ EM_res011, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res012, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res013, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res014, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_PARISC, "HPPA" },
++	{ EM_res016, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_VPP550, "Fujitsu VPP500" },
++	{ EM_SPARC32PLUS, "Sun's v8plus" },
++	{ EM_960, "Intel 80960" },
++	{ EM_PPC, "PowerPC" },
++	{ EM_PPC64, "64-bit PowerPC" },
++	{ EM_S390, "IBM S/390" },
++	{ EM_SPU, "Sony/Toshiba/IBM SPU" },
++	{ EM_res024, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res025, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res026, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res027, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res028, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res029, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res030, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res031, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res032, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res033, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res034, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res035, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_V800, "NEC V800 series" },
++	{ EM_FR20, "Fujitsu FR20" },
++	{ EM_RH32, "TRW RH32" },
++	{ EM_MCORE, "Motorola M*Core // May also be taken by Fujitsu MMA" },
++	{ EM_RCE, "Old name for MCore" },
++	{ EM_ARM, "ARM" },
++	{ EM_OLD_ALPHA, "Digital Alpha" },
++	{ EM_SH, "Renesas (formerly Hitachi) / SuperH SH" },
++	{ EM_SPARCV9, "SPARC v9 64-bit" },
++	{ EM_TRICORE, "Siemens Tricore embedded processor" },
++	{ EM_ARC, "ARC Cores" },
++	{ EM_H8_300, "Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8/300" },
++	{ EM_H8_300H, "Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8/300H" },
++	{ EM_H8S, "Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8S" },
++	{ EM_H8_500, "Renesas (formerly Hitachi) H8/500" },
++	{ EM_IA_64, "Intel IA-64 Processor" },
++	{ EM_MIPS_X, "Stanford MIPS-X" },
++	{ EM_COLDFIRE, "Motorola Coldfire" },
++	{ EM_68HC12, "Motorola M68HC12" },
++	{ EM_MMA, "Fujitsu Multimedia Accelerator" },
++	{ EM_PCP, "Siemens PCP" },
++	{ EM_NCPU, "Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor" },
++	{ EM_NDR1, "Denso NDR1 microprocesspr" },
++	{ EM_STARCORE, "Motorola Star*Core processor" },
++	{ EM_ME16, "Toyota ME16 processor" },
++	{ EM_ST100, "STMicroelectronics ST100 processor" },
++	{ EM_TINYJ, "Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor" },
++	{ EM_X86_64, "Advanced Micro Devices X86-64 processor" },
++	{ EM_PDSP, "Sony DSP Processor" },
++	{ EM_PDP10, "Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-10" },
++	{ EM_PDP11, "Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-11" },
++	{ EM_FX66, "Siemens FX66 microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_ST9PLUS, "STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 bit microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_ST7, "STMicroelectronics ST7 8-bit microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_68HC16, "Motorola MC68HC16 Microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_68HC11, "Motorola MC68HC11 Microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_68HC08, "Motorola MC68HC08 Microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_68HC05, "Motorola MC68HC05 Microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_SVX, "Silicon Graphics SVx" },
++	{ EM_ST19, "STMicroelectronics ST19 8-bit cpu" },
++	{ EM_VAX, "Digital VAX" },
++	{ EM_CRIS, "Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor" },
++	{ EM_JAVELIN, "Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded cpu" },
++	{ EM_FIREPATH, "Element 14 64-bit DSP processor" },
++	{ EM_ZSP, "LSI Logic's 16-bit DSP processor" },
++	{ EM_MMIX, "Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor" },
++	{ EM_HUANY, "Harvard's machine-independent format" },
++	{ EM_PRISM, "SiTera Prism" },
++	{ EM_AVR, "Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_FR30, "Fujitsu FR30" },
++	{ EM_D10V, "Mitsubishi D10V" },
++	{ EM_D30V, "Mitsubishi D30V" },
++	{ EM_V850, "NEC v850" },
++	{ EM_M32R, "Renesas M32R (formerly Mitsubishi M32R)" },
++	{ EM_MN10300, "Matsushita MN10300" },
++	{ EM_MN10200, "Matsushita MN10200" },
++	{ EM_PJ, "picoJava" },
++	{ EM_OPENRISC, "OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor" },
++	{ EM_ARC_A5, "ARC Cores Tangent-A5" },
++	{ EM_XTENSA, "Tensilica Xtensa Architecture" },
++	{ EM_VIDEOCORE, "Alphamosaic VideoCore processor" },
++	{ EM_TMM_GPP, "Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor" },
++	{ EM_NS32K, "National Semiconductor 32000 series" },
++	{ EM_TPC, "Tenor Network TPC processor" },
++	{ EM_SNP1K, "Trebia SNP 1000 processor" },
++	{ EM_ST200, "STMicroelectronics ST200 microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_IP2K, "Ubicom IP2022 micro controller" },
++	{ EM_MAX, "MAX Processor" },
++	{ EM_CR, "National Semiconductor CompactRISC" },
++	{ EM_F2MC16, "Fujitsu F2MC16" },
++	{ EM_MSP430, "TI msp430 micro controller" },
++	{ EM_BLACKFIN, "ADI Blackfin" },
++	{ EM_SE_C33, "S1C33 Family of Seiko Epson processors" },
++	{ EM_SEP, "Sharp embedded microprocessor" },
++	{ EM_ARCA, "Arca RISC Microprocessor" },
++	{ EM_UNICORE, "Microprocessor series from PKU-Unity Ltd. and MPRC of "
++				  "Peking University" },
++	{ EM_EXCESS, "eXcess: 16/32/64-bit configurable embedded CPU" },
++	{ EM_DXP, "Icera Semiconductor Inc. Deep Execution Processor" },
++	{ EM_ALTERA_NIOS2, "Altera Nios II soft-core processor" },
++	{ EM_CRX, "National Semiconductor CRX" },
++	{ EM_XGATE, "Motorola XGATE embedded processor" },
++	{ EM_C166, "Infineon C16x/XC16x processor" },
++	{ EM_M16C, "Renesas M16C series microprocessors" },
++	{ EM_DSPIC30F, "Microchip Technology dsPIC30F Digital Signal Controller" },
++	{ EM_CE, "Freescale Communication Engine RISC core" },
++	{ EM_M32C, "Renesas M32C series microprocessors" },
++	{ EM_res121, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res122, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res123, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res124, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res125, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res126, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res127, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res128, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res129, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res130, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_TSK3000, "Altium TSK3000 core" },
++	{ EM_RS08, "Freescale RS08 embedded processor" },
++	{ EM_res133, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_ECOG2, "Cyan Technology eCOG2 microprocessor" },
++	{ EM_SCORE, "Sunplus Score" },
++	{ EM_SCORE7, "Sunplus S+core7 RISC processor" },
++	{ EM_DSP24, "New Japan Radio (NJR) 24-bit DSP Processor" },
++	{ EM_VIDEOCORE3, "Broadcom VideoCore III processor" },
++	{ EM_LATTICEMICO32, "RISC processor for Lattice FPGA architecture" },
++	{ EM_SE_C17, "Seiko Epson C17 family" },
++	{ EM_TI_C6000, "Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 DSP family" },
++	{ EM_TI_C2000, "Texas Instruments TMS320C2000 DSP family" },
++	{ EM_TI_C5500, "Texas Instruments TMS320C55x DSP family" },
++	{ EM_res143, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res144, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res145, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res146, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res147, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res148, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res149, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res150, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res151, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res152, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res153, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res154, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res155, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res156, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res157, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res158, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_res159, "Reserved" },
++	{ EM_MMDSP_PLUS, "STMicroelectronics 64bit VLIW Data Signal Processor" },
++	{ EM_CYPRESS_M8C, "Cypress M8C microprocessor" },
++	{ EM_R32C, "Renesas R32C series microprocessors" },
++	{ EM_TRIMEDIA, "NXP Semiconductors TriMedia architecture family" },
++	{ EM_QDSP6, "QUALCOMM DSP6 Processor" },
++	{ EM_8051, "Intel 8051 and variants" },
++	{ EM_STXP7X, "STMicroelectronics STxP7x family" },
++	{ EM_NDS32,
++	  "Andes Technology compact code size embedded RISC processor family" },
++	{ EM_ECOG1, "Cyan Technology eCOG1X family" },
++	{ EM_ECOG1X, "Cyan Technology eCOG1X family" },
++	{ EM_MAXQ30, "Dallas Semiconductor MAXQ30 Core Micro-controllers" },
++	{ EM_XIMO16, "New Japan Radio (NJR) 16-bit DSP Processor" },
++	{ EM_MANIK, "M2000 Reconfigurable RISC Microprocessor" },
++	{ EM_CRAYNV2, "Cray Inc. NV2 vector architecture" },
++	{ EM_RX, "Renesas RX family" },
++	{ EM_METAG, "Imagination Technologies META processor architecture" },
++	{ EM_MCST_ELBRUS, "MCST Elbrus general purpose hardware architecture" },
++	{ EM_ECOG16, "Cyan Technology eCOG16 family" },
++	{ EM_CR16, "National Semiconductor CompactRISC 16-bit processor" },
++	{ EM_ETPU, "Freescale Extended Time Processing Unit" },
++	{ EM_SLE9X, "Infineon Technologies SLE9X core" },
++	{ EM_L1OM, "Intel L1OM" },
++	{ EM_INTEL181, "Reserved by Intel" },
++	{ EM_INTEL182, "Reserved by Intel" },
++	{ EM_res183, "Reserved by ARM" },
++	{ EM_res184, "Reserved by ARM" },
++	{ EM_AVR32, "Atmel Corporation 32-bit microprocessor family" },
++	{ EM_STM8, "STMicroeletronics STM8 8-bit microcontroller" },
++	{ EM_TILE64, "Tilera TILE64 multicore architecture family" },
++	{ EM_TILEPRO, "Tilera TILEPro multicore architecture family" },
++	{ EM_MICROBLAZE, "Xilinx MicroBlaze 32-bit RISC soft processor core" },
++	{ EM_CUDA, "NVIDIA CUDA architecture " },
++static struct section_type_table_t
++	const Elf64_Half key;
++	const char*      str;
++} section_type_table[] = {
++	{ SHT_NULL, "NULL" },
++	{ SHT_RELA, "RELA" },
++	{ SHT_HASH, "HASH" },
++	{ SHT_NOTE, "NOTE" },
++	{ SHT_REL, "REL" },
++	{ SHT_SHLIB, "SHLIB" },
++	{ SHT_GROUP, "GROUP" },
++static struct segment_type_table_t
++	const Elf_Word key;
++	const char*    str;
++} segment_type_table[] = {
++	{ PT_NULL, "NULL" },     { PT_LOAD, "LOAD" }, { PT_DYNAMIC, "DYNAMIC" },
++	{ PT_PHDR, "PHDR" },     { PT_TLS, "TLS" },
++static struct segment_flag_table_t
++	const Elf_Word key;
++	const char*    str;
++} segment_flag_table[] = {
++	{ 0, "" },  { 1, "X" },  { 2, "W" },  { 3, "WX" },
++	{ 4, "R" }, { 5, "RX" }, { 6, "RW" }, { 7, "RWX" },
++static struct symbol_bind_t
++	const Elf_Word key;
++	const char*    str;
++} symbol_bind_table[] = {
++	{ STB_WEAK, "WEAK" },     { STB_LOOS, "LOOS" },
++static struct symbol_type_t
++	const Elf_Word key;
++	const char*    str;
++} symbol_type_table[] = {
++	{ STT_FUNC, "FUNC" },     { STT_SECTION, "SECTION" },
++	{ STT_FILE, "FILE" },     { STT_COMMON, "COMMON" },
++	{ STT_TLS, "TLS" },       { STT_LOOS, "LOOS" },
++	{ STT_HIOS, "HIOS" },     { STT_LOPROC, "LOPROC" },
++static struct dynamic_tag_t
++	const Elf_Word key;
++	const char*    str;
++} dynamic_tag_table[] = {
++	{ DT_NULL, "NULL" },
++	{ DT_HASH, "HASH" },
++	{ DT_RELA, "RELA" },
++	{ DT_STRSZ, "STRSZ" },
++	{ DT_INIT, "INIT" },
++	{ DT_FINI, "FINI" },
++	{ DT_RPATH, "RPATH" },
++	{ DT_REL, "REL" },
++	{ DT_RELSZ, "RELSZ" },
++	{ DT_DEBUG, "DEBUG" },
++	{ DT_FLAGS, "FLAGS" },
++static const ELFIO::Elf_Xword MAX_DATA_ENTRIES = 64;
++class dump
++#define DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( width ) \
++	std::setw( width ) << std::setfill( ' ' ) << std::dec << std::right
++#define DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( width ) \
++	std::setw( width ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << std::hex << std::right
++#define DUMP_STR_FORMAT( width ) \
++	std::setw( width ) << std::setfill( ' ' ) << std::hex << std::left
++  public:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void header( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		if ( !reader.get_header_size() ) {
++			return;
++		}
++		out << "ELF Header" << std::endl
++			<< std::endl
++			<< "  Class:      " << str_class( reader.get_class() ) << std::endl
++			<< "  Encoding:   " << str_endian( reader.get_encoding() )
++			<< std::endl
++			<< "  ELFVersion: " << str_version( reader.get_elf_version() )
++			<< std::endl
++			<< "  Type:       " << str_type( reader.get_type() ) << std::endl
++			<< "  Machine:    " << str_machine( reader.get_machine() )
++			<< std::endl
++			<< "  Version:    " << str_version( reader.get_version() )
++			<< std::endl
++			<< "  Entry:      "
++			<< "0x" << std::hex << reader.get_entry() << std::endl
++			<< "  Flags:      "
++			<< "0x" << std::hex << reader.get_flags() << std::endl
++			<< std::endl;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void section_headers( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half n = reader.sections.size();
++		if ( n == 0 ) {
++			return;
++		}
++		out << "Section Headers:" << std::endl;
++		if ( reader.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) { // Output for 32-bit
++			out << "[  Nr ] Type              Addr     Size     ES Flg Lk Inf "
++				   "Al Name"
++				<< std::endl;
++		}
++		else { // Output for 64-bit
++			out << "[  Nr ] Type              Addr             Size            "
++				   " ES   Flg"
++				<< std::endl
++				<< "        Lk   Inf  Al      Name" << std::endl;
++		}
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { // For all sections
++			section* sec = reader.sections[i];
++			section_header( out, i, sec, reader.get_class() );
++		}
++		out << "Key to Flags: W (write), A (alloc), X (execute)\n\n"
++			<< std::endl;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void section_header( std::ostream&  out,
++								Elf_Half       no,
++								const section* sec,
++								unsigned char  elf_class )
++	{
++		std::ios_base::fmtflags original_flags = out.flags();
++		if ( elf_class == ELFCLASS32 ) { // Output for 32-bit
++			out << "[" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 ) << no << "] "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 17 ) << str_section_type( sec->get_type() )
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << sec->get_address() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << sec->get_size() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 2 ) << sec->get_entry_size() << " "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 3 ) << section_flags( sec->get_flags() )
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 2 ) << sec->get_link() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 3 ) << sec->get_info() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 2 ) << sec->get_addr_align() << " "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 17 ) << sec->get_name() << " " << std::endl;
++		}
++		else { // Output for 64-bit
++			out << "[" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 ) << no << "] "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 17 ) << str_section_type( sec->get_type() )
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 ) << sec->get_address() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 ) << sec->get_size() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 4 ) << sec->get_entry_size() << " "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 3 ) << section_flags( sec->get_flags() )
++				<< " " << std::endl
++				<< "        " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 4 ) << sec->get_link() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 4 ) << sec->get_info() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 4 ) << sec->get_addr_align() << "    "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 17 ) << sec->get_name() << " " << std::endl;
++		}
++		out.flags( original_flags );
++		return;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void segment_headers( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half n = reader.segments.size();
++		if ( n == 0 ) {
++			return;
++		}
++		out << "Segment headers:" << std::endl;
++		if ( reader.get_class() == ELFCLASS32 ) { // Output for 32-bit
++			out << "[  Nr ] Type           VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSize Mem.Size "
++				   "Flags    Align"
++				<< std::endl;
++		}
++		else { // Output for 64-bit
++			out << "[  Nr ] Type           VirtAddr         PhysAddr         "
++				   "Flags"
++				<< std::endl
++				<< "                       FileSize         Mem.Size         "
++				   "Align"
++				<< std::endl;
++		}
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
++			segment* seg = reader.segments[i];
++			segment_header( out, i, seg, reader.get_class() );
++		}
++		out << std::endl;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void segment_header( std::ostream&  out,
++								Elf_Half       no,
++								const segment* seg,
++								unsigned int   elf_class )
++	{
++		std::ios_base::fmtflags original_flags = out.flags();
++		if ( elf_class == ELFCLASS32 ) { // Output for 32-bit
++			out << "[" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 ) << no << "] "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 14 ) << str_segment_type( seg->get_type() )
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << seg->get_virtual_address()
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << seg->get_physical_address()
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << seg->get_file_size() << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << seg->get_memory_size() << " "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 8 ) << str_segment_flag( seg->get_flags() )
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << seg->get_align() << " "
++				<< std::endl;
++		}
++		else { // Output for 64-bit
++			out << "[" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 ) << no << "] "
++				<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 14 ) << str_segment_type( seg->get_type() )
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 ) << seg->get_virtual_address()
++				<< " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 ) << seg->get_physical_address()
++				<< " " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 16 )
++				<< str_segment_flag( seg->get_flags() ) << " " << std::endl
++				<< "                       " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 )
++				<< seg->get_file_size() << " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 )
++				<< seg->get_memory_size() << " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 )
++				<< seg->get_align() << " " << std::endl;
++		}
++		out.flags( original_flags );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void symbol_tables( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half n = reader.sections.size();
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { // For all sections
++			section* sec = reader.sections[i];
++			if ( SHT_SYMTAB == sec->get_type() ||
++				 SHT_DYNSYM == sec->get_type() ) {
++				symbol_section_accessor symbols( reader, sec );
++				Elf_Xword sym_no = symbols.get_symbols_num();
++				if ( sym_no > 0 ) {
++					out << "Symbol table (" << sec->get_name() << ")"
++						<< std::endl;
++					if ( reader.get_class() ==
++						 ELFCLASS32 ) { // Output for 32-bit
++						out << "[  Nr ] Value    Size     Type    Bind      "
++							   "Sect Name"
++							<< std::endl;
++					}
++					else { // Output for 64-bit
++						out << "[  Nr ] Value            Size             Type "
++							   "   Bind      Sect"
++							<< std::endl
++							<< "        Name" << std::endl;
++					}
++					for ( Elf_Xword i = 0; i < sym_no; ++i ) {
++						std::string   name;
++						Elf64_Addr    value   = 0;
++						Elf_Xword     size    = 0;
++						unsigned char bind    = 0;
++						unsigned char type    = 0;
++						Elf_Half      section = 0;
++						unsigned char other   = 0;
++						symbols.get_symbol( i, name, value, size, bind, type,
++											section, other );
++						symbol_table( out, i, name, value, size, bind, type,
++									  section, reader.get_class() );
++					}
++					out << std::endl;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void symbol_table( std::ostream& out,
++							  Elf_Xword     no,
++							  std::string&  name,
++							  Elf64_Addr    value,
++							  Elf_Xword     size,
++							  unsigned char bind,
++							  unsigned char type,
++							  Elf_Half      section,
++							  unsigned int  elf_class )
++	{
++		std::ios_base::fmtflags original_flags = out.flags();
++		if ( elf_class == ELFCLASS32 ) { // Output for 32-bit
++			out << "[" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 ) << no << "] "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << value << " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 )
++				<< size << " " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 7 )
++				<< str_symbol_type( type ) << " " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 8 )
++				<< str_symbol_bind( bind ) << " " << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 )
++				<< section << " " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 1 ) << name << " "
++				<< std::endl;
++		}
++		else { // Output for 64-bit
++			out << "[" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 ) << no << "] "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 ) << value << " "
++				<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 ) << size << " " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 7 )
++				<< str_symbol_type( type ) << " " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 8 )
++				<< str_symbol_bind( bind ) << " " << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 )
++				<< section << " " << std::endl
++				<< "        " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 1 ) << name << " "
++				<< std::endl;
++		}
++		out.flags( original_flags );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void notes( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half no = reader.sections.size();
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < no; ++i ) { // For all sections
++			section* sec = reader.sections[i];
++			if ( SHT_NOTE == sec->get_type() ) { // Look at notes
++				note_section_accessor notes( reader, sec );
++				Elf_Word              no_notes = notes.get_notes_num();
++				if ( no > 0 ) {
++					out << "Note section (" << sec->get_name() << ")"
++						<< std::endl
++						<< "    No Type     Name" << std::endl;
++					for ( Elf_Word j = 0; j < no_notes; ++j ) { // For all notes
++						Elf_Word    type;
++						std::string name;
++						void*       desc;
++						Elf_Word    descsz;
++						if ( notes.get_note( j, type, name, desc, descsz ) ) {
++							// 'name' usually contains \0 at the end. Try to fix it
++							name = name.c_str();
++							note( out, j, type, name );
++						}
++					}
++					out << std::endl;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void modinfo( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half no = reader.sections.size();
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < no; ++i ) { // For all sections
++			section* sec = reader.sections[i];
++			if ( ".modinfo" == sec->get_name() ) { // Look for the section
++				out << "Section .modinfo" << std::endl;
++				const_modinfo_section_accessor modinfo( sec );
++				for ( Elf_Word i = 0; i < modinfo.get_attribute_num(); i++ ) {
++					std::string field;
++					std::string value;
++					if ( modinfo.get_attribute( i, field, value ) ) {
++						out << "  " << std::setw( 20 ) << field
++							<< std::setw( 0 ) <<  " = " << value << std::endl;
++					}
++				}
++				out << std::endl;
++				break;
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void
++	note( std::ostream& out, int no, Elf_Word type, const std::string& name )
++	{
++		out << "  [" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 2 ) << no << "] "
++			<< DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << type << " " << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 1 )
++			<< name << std::endl;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void dynamic_tags( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half n = reader.sections.size();
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { // For all sections
++			section* sec = reader.sections[i];
++			if ( SHT_DYNAMIC == sec->get_type() ) {
++				dynamic_section_accessor dynamic( reader, sec );
++				Elf_Xword dyn_no = dynamic.get_entries_num();
++				if ( dyn_no > 0 ) {
++					out << "Dynamic section (" << sec->get_name() << ")"
++						<< std::endl;
++					out << "[  Nr ] Tag              Name/Value" << std::endl;
++					for ( Elf_Xword i = 0; i < dyn_no; ++i ) {
++						Elf_Xword   tag   = 0;
++						Elf_Xword   value = 0;
++						std::string str;
++						dynamic.get_entry( i, tag, value, str );
++						dynamic_tag( out, i, tag, value, str,
++									 reader.get_class() );
++						if ( DT_NULL == tag ) {
++							break;
++						}
++					}
++					out << std::endl;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void dynamic_tag( std::ostream& out,
++							 Elf_Xword     no,
++							 Elf_Xword     tag,
++							 Elf_Xword     value,
++							 std::string   str,
++							 unsigned int /*elf_class*/ )
++	{
++		out << "[" << DUMP_DEC_FORMAT( 5 ) << no << "] "
++			<< DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 16 ) << str_dynamic_tag( tag ) << " ";
++		if ( str.empty() ) {
++			out << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 16 ) << value << " ";
++		}
++		else {
++			out << DUMP_STR_FORMAT( 32 ) << str << " ";
++		}
++		out << std::endl;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void section_data( std::ostream& out, const section* sec )
++	{
++		std::ios_base::fmtflags original_flags = out.flags();
++		out << sec->get_name() << std::endl;
++		const char* pdata = sec->get_data();
++		if ( pdata ) {
++			ELFIO::Elf_Xword i;
++			for ( i = 0; i < std::min( sec->get_size(), MAX_DATA_ENTRIES );
++				  ++i ) {
++				if ( i % 16 == 0 ) {
++					out << "[" << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << i << "]";
++				}
++				out << " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 2 ) << ( pdata[i] & 0x000000FF );
++				if ( i % 16 == 15 ) {
++					out << std::endl;
++				}
++			}
++			if ( i % 16 != 0 ) {
++				out << std::endl;
++			}
++			out.flags( original_flags );
++		}
++		return;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void section_datas( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half n = reader.sections.size();
++		if ( n == 0 ) {
++			return;
++		}
++		out << "Section Data:" << std::endl;
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 1; i < n; ++i ) { // For all sections
++			section* sec = reader.sections[i];
++			if ( sec->get_type() == SHT_NOBITS ) {
++				continue;
++			}
++			section_data( out, sec );
++		}
++		out << std::endl;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void
++	segment_data( std::ostream& out, Elf_Half no, const segment* seg )
++	{
++		std::ios_base::fmtflags original_flags = out.flags();
++		out << "Segment # " << no << std::endl;
++		const char* pdata = seg->get_data();
++		if ( pdata ) {
++			ELFIO::Elf_Xword i;
++			for ( i = 0; i < std::min( seg->get_file_size(), MAX_DATA_ENTRIES );
++				  ++i ) {
++				if ( i % 16 == 0 ) {
++					out << "[" << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 8 ) << i << "]";
++				}
++				out << " " << DUMP_HEX_FORMAT( 2 ) << ( pdata[i] & 0x000000FF );
++				if ( i % 16 == 15 ) {
++					out << std::endl;
++				}
++			}
++			if ( i % 16 != 0 ) {
++				out << std::endl;
++			}
++			out.flags( original_flags );
++		}
++		return;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static void segment_datas( std::ostream& out, const elfio& reader )
++	{
++		Elf_Half n = reader.segments.size();
++		if ( n == 0 ) {
++			return;
++		}
++		out << "Segment Data:" << std::endl;
++		for ( Elf_Half i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { // For all sections
++			segment* seg = reader.segments[i];
++			segment_data( out, i, seg );
++		}
++		out << std::endl;
++	}
++  private:
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <typename T, typename K>
++	std::string static find_value_in_table( const T& table, const K& key )
++	{
++		std::string res = "?";
++		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( table ) / sizeof( table[0] );
++			  ++i ) {
++			if ( table[i].key == key ) {
++				res = table[i].str;
++				break;
++			}
++		}
++		return res;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <typename T, typename K>
++	static std::string format_assoc( const T& table, const K& key )
++	{
++		std::string str = find_value_in_table( table, key );
++		if ( str == "?" ) {
++			std::ostringstream oss;
++			oss << str << " (0x" << std::hex << key << ")";
++			str = oss.str();
++		}
++		return str;
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	template <typename T>
++	static std::string format_assoc( const T& table, const char key )
++	{
++		return format_assoc( table, (const int)key );
++	}
++	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++	static std::string section_flags( Elf_Xword flags )
++	{
++		std::string ret = "";
++		if ( flags & SHF_WRITE ) {
++			ret += "W";
++		}
++		if ( flags & SHF_ALLOC ) {
++			ret += "A";
++		}
++		if ( flags & SHF_EXECINSTR ) {
++			ret += "X";
++		}
++		return ret;
++	}
++#define STR_FUNC_TABLE( name )                                         \
++	template <typename T> static std::string str_##name( const T key ) \
++	{                                                                  \
++		return format_assoc( name##_table, key );                      \
++	}
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( class )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( endian )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( version )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( type )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( machine )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( section_type )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( segment_type )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( segment_flag )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( symbol_bind )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( symbol_type )
++	STR_FUNC_TABLE( dynamic_tag )
++}; // class dump
++}; // namespace ELFIO
++#endif // ELFIO_DUMP_HPP
++/*** End of inlined file: elfio_dump.hpp ***/
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c5f2f53
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
++#ifndef __STUB_H__
++#define __STUB_H__
++#ifdef _WIN32
++#include <windows.h>
++#include <processthreadsapi.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <bits/stdint-uintn.h>
++#include <sys/mman.h>
++#include <cstddef>
++#include <cstring>
++#include <map>
++                  replace function
++#ifdef _WIN32
++#define CACHEFLUSH(addr, size) FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), addr, size)
++#define CACHEFLUSH(addr, size) __builtin___clear_cache(addr, addr + size)
++#if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
++    #define CODESIZE 16U
++    #define CODESIZE_MIN 16U
++    // ldr x9, +8
++    // br x9
++    // addr
++    #define REPLACE_FAR(t, fn, fn_stub)\
++        ((uint32_t*)fn)[0] = 0x58000040 | 9;\
++        ((uint32_t*)fn)[1] = 0xd61f0120 | (9 << 5);\
++        *(long long *)(fn + 8) = (long long )fn_stub;\
++        CACHEFLUSH((char *)fn, CODESIZE);
++    #define REPLACE_NEAR(t, fn, fn_stub) REPLACE_FAR(t, fn, fn_stub)
++#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM)
++    #define CODESIZE 8U
++    #define CODESIZE_MIN 8U
++    // ldr pc, [pc, #-4]
++    #define REPLACE_FAR(t, fn, fn_stub)\
++        ((uint32_t*)fn)[0] = 0xe51ff004;\
++        ((uint32_t*)fn)[1] = (uint32_t)fn_stub;\
++        CACHEFLUSH((char *)fn, CODESIZE);
++    #define REPLACE_NEAR(t, fn, fn_stub) REPLACE_FAR(t, fn, fn_stub)
++#elif defined(__mips64)
++    #define CACHEFLUSH(addr, size) __builtin___clear_cache(addr, addr + size)
++    #define CODESIZE 80U
++    #define CODESIZE_MIN 80U
++    //mips没有PC指针,所以需要手动入栈出栈
++    //120000ce0:  67bdffe0    daddiu  sp, sp, -32  //入栈
++    //120000ce4:  ffbf0018    sd  ra, 24(sp)
++    //120000ce8:  ffbe0010    sd  s8, 16(sp)
++    //120000cec:  ffbc0008    sd  gp, 8(sp)
++    //120000cf0:  03a0f025    move    s8, sp
++    //120000d2c:  03c0e825    move    sp, s8  //出栈
++    //120000d30:  dfbf0018    ld  ra, 24(sp)
++    //120000d34:  dfbe0010    ld  s8, 16(sp)
++    //120000d38:  dfbc0008    ld  gp, 8(sp)
++    //120000d3c:  67bd0020    daddiu  sp, sp, 32
++    //120000d40:  03e00008    jr  ra
++    #define REPLACE_FAR(t, fn, fn_stub)\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[0] = 0x67bdffe0;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[1] = 0xffbf0018;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[2] = 0xffbe0010;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[3] = 0xffbc0008;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[4] = 0x03a0f025;\
++        *(uint16_t *)(fn + 20) = (long long)fn_stub >> 32;\
++        *(fn + 22) = 0x19;\
++        *(fn + 23) = 0x24;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[6] = 0x0019cc38;\
++        *(uint16_t *)(fn + 28) = (long long)fn_stub >> 16;\
++        *(fn + 30) = 0x39;\
++        *(fn + 31) = 0x37;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[8] = 0x0019cc38;\
++        *(uint16_t *)(fn + 36) = (long long)fn_stub;\
++        *(fn + 38) = 0x39;\
++        *(fn + 39) = 0x37;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[10] = 0x0320f809;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[11] = 0x00000000;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[12] = 0x00000000;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[13] = 0x03c0e825;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[14] = 0xdfbf0018;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[15] = 0xdfbe0010;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[16] = 0xdfbc0008;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[17] = 0x67bd0020;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[18] = 0x03e00008;\
++        ((uint32_t *)fn)[19] = 0x00000000;\
++        CACHEFLUSH((char *)fn, CODESIZE);
++    #define REPLACE_NEAR(t, fn, fn_stub) REPLACE_FAR(t, fn, fn_stub)
++#elif defined(__thumb__) || defined(_M_THUMB)
++    #error "Thumb is not supported"
++#else //__i386__ _x86_64__
++    #define CODESIZE 13U
++    #define CODESIZE_MIN 5U
++    //13 byte(jmp m16:64)
++    //movabs $0x102030405060708,%r11
++    //jmpq   *%r11
++    static void REPLACE_FAR(void *t, char *fn, char *fn_stub)
++    {
++        *fn = 0x49;
++        *(fn + 1) = 0xbb;
++        *(long long *)(fn + 2) = (long long)fn_stub;
++        *(fn + 10) = 0x41;
++        *(fn + 11) = 0xff;
++        *(fn + 12) = 0xe3;
++        CACHEFLUSH((char *)fn, CODESIZE);
++    }
++    //5 byte(jmp rel32)
++    #define REPLACE_NEAR(t, fn, fn_stub)\
++        *fn = 0xE9;\
++        *(int *)(fn + 1) = (int)(fn_stub - fn - CODESIZE_MIN);\
++        CACHEFLUSH((char *)fn, CODESIZE);
++struct func_stub
++    char *fn;
++    unsigned char code_buf[CODESIZE];
++    bool far_jmp;
++class Stub
++    Stub()
++    {
++#ifdef _WIN32
++        SYSTEM_INFO sys_info;
++        GetSystemInfo(&sys_info);
++        m_pagesize = sys_info.dwPageSize;
++        m_pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
++        if (m_pagesize < 0)
++        {
++            m_pagesize = 4096;
++        }
++    }
++    ~Stub()
++    {
++        clear();
++    }
++    virtual void clear()
++    {
++        std::map<char*,func_stub*>::iterator iter;
++        struct func_stub *pstub;
++        for(iter=m_result.begin(); iter != m_result.end(); iter++)
++        {
++            pstub = iter->second;
++#ifdef _WIN32
++            DWORD lpflOldProtect;
++            if(0 != VirtualProtect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &lpflOldProtect))
++            if (0 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC))
++            {
++                if(pstub->far_jmp)
++                {
++                    std::memcpy(pstub->fn, pstub->code_buf, CODESIZE_MAX);
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    std::memcpy(pstub->fn, pstub->code_buf, CODESIZE_MIN);
++                }
++#ifdef _WIN32
++                VirtualProtect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &lpflOldProtect);
++                CACHEFLUSH(pstub->fn,CODESIZE);
++                mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
++            }
++            iter->second  = NULL;
++            delete pstub;
++        }
++        m_result.clear();
++        return;
++    }
++    template<typename T,typename S>
++    bool set(T addr, S addr_stub)
++    {
++        char * fn;
++        char * fn_stub;
++        fn = addrof(addr);
++        fn_stub = addrof(addr_stub);
++        struct func_stub *pstub;
++        std::map<char*,func_stub*>::iterator iter = m_result.find(fn);
++        if (iter == m_result.end())
++        {
++            pstub = new func_stub;
++            //start
++            pstub->fn = fn;
++            if(distanceof(fn, fn_stub))
++            {
++                pstub->far_jmp = true;
++                std::memcpy(pstub->code_buf, fn, CODESIZE_MAX);
++            }
++            else
++            {
++                pstub->far_jmp = false;
++                std::memcpy(pstub->code_buf, fn, CODESIZE_MIN);
++            }
++        }
++        else {
++            pstub = iter->second;
++            pstub->far_jmp = distanceof(fn, fn_stub);
++        }
++#ifdef _WIN32
++        DWORD lpflOldProtect;
++        if(0 == VirtualProtect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &lpflOldProtect))
++        if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), static_cast<size_t>(m_pagesize * 2), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC))
++        {
++            throw("stub set memory protect to w+r+x faild");
++            return  false;
++        }
++        if(pstub->far_jmp)
++        {
++            REPLACE_FAR(this, fn, fn_stub);
++        }
++        else
++        {
++            REPLACE_NEAR(this, fn, fn_stub);
++        }
++#ifdef _WIN32
++        if(0 == VirtualProtect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &lpflOldProtect))
++        if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC))
++        {
++            throw("stub set memory protect to r+x failed");
++            return false;
++        }
++        m_result.insert(std::pair<char*,func_stub*>(fn,pstub));
++        return true;
++    }
++    template<typename T>
++    bool reset(T addr)
++    {
++        char * fn;
++        fn = addrof(addr);
++        std::map<char*,func_stub*>::iterator iter = m_result.find(fn);
++        if (iter == m_result.end())
++        {
++            return true;
++        }
++        struct func_stub *pstub;
++        pstub = iter->second;
++#ifdef _WIN32
++        DWORD lpflOldProtect;
++        if(0 == VirtualProtect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &lpflOldProtect))
++        if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC))
++        {
++            throw("stub reset memory protect to w+r+x faild");
++            return false;
++        }
++        if(pstub->far_jmp)
++        {
++            std::memcpy(pstub->fn, pstub->code_buf, CODESIZE_MAX);
++        }
++        else
++        {
++            std::memcpy(pstub->fn, pstub->code_buf, CODESIZE_MIN);
++        }
++#ifdef _WIN32
++        if(0 == VirtualProtect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &lpflOldProtect))
++        CACHEFLUSH(pstub->fn,CODESIZE);
++        if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC))
++        {
++            throw("stub reset memory protect to r+x failed");
++            return false;
++        }
++        m_result.erase(iter);
++        delete pstub;
++        return true;
++    }
++    char *pageof(char* addr)
++    {
++#ifdef _WIN32
++        return (char *)((unsigned long long)addr & ~(m_pagesize - 1));
++        return (char *)((unsigned long)addr & ~(m_pagesize - 1));
++    }
++    template<typename T>
++    char* addrof(T addr)
++    {
++        union
++        {
++          T _s;
++          char* _d;
++        }ut;
++        ut._s = addr;
++        return ut._d;
++    }
++    bool distanceof(char* addr, char* addr_stub)
++    {
++        std::ptrdiff_t diff = addr_stub >= addr ? addr_stub - addr : addr - addr_stub;
++        if((sizeof(addr) > 4) && (((diff >> 31) - 1) > 0))
++        {
++            return true;
++        }
++        return false;
++    }
++#ifdef _WIN32
++    //LLP64
++    long long m_pagesize;
++    //LP64
++    long m_pagesize;
++    std::map<char*, func_stub*> m_result;
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_account_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_account_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6ed7b7e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_account_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    unit_test_account_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++        ../../src/userinfo.h
++        ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_account_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_account_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_account_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_account_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_account_helper/unit_test_account_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_account_helper/unit_test_account_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d7a71b6
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_account_helper/unit_test_account_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class AccountsHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pAccountsHelperDbus = new AccountsHelper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pAccountsHelperDbus;
++        m_pAccountsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static AccountsHelper *m_pAccountsHelperDbus;
++AccountsHelper *AccountsHelperTest::m_pAccountsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(AccountsHelperTest, UserLanguageByName)
++    QString value = m_pAccountsHelperDbus->getUserLanguageByName(getenv("USER"));
++    std::string str = value.toStdString();
++    const char* cstr = str.data();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(cstr, "zh_CN");
++TEST_F(AccountsHelperTest, UserBackgroundByName)
++    QString value = m_pAccountsHelperDbus->getUserBackgroundByName(getenv("USER"));
++    std::string str = value.toStdString();
++    const char* cstr = str.data();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(cstr, "zh_CN");
++TEST_F(AccountsHelperTest, UserSessionByName)
++    QString value = m_pAccountsHelperDbus->getUserSessionByName(getenv("USER"));
++    std::string str = value.toStdString();
++    const char* cstr = str.data();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(cstr, "zh_CN");
++TEST_F(AccountsHelperTest, AccountBackground)
++    QString value = m_pAccountsHelperDbus->getAccountBackground(1000);
++    std::string str = value.toStdString();
++    const char* cstr = str.data();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(cstr, "zh_CN");
++TEST_F(AccountsHelperTest, UserList)
++    QStringList value = m_pAccountsHelperDbus->getUserList();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2cb1403
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus Test REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++pkg_check_modules(LIGHTDM-QT5-3 REQUIRED liblightdm-qt5-3)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 查找pam动态库全路径并缓存到PAM_LIBRARIES变量
++find_library(PAM_LIBRARIES pam)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.cpp
++    unit_test_auth_pam.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h
++        ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++        ../../src/userinfo.h
++        ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h
++        ../../src/common/configuration.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${Qt5Test_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_auth_pam ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::Test
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f88a413
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <memory>
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <security/pam_appl.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QCoreApplication>
++#include <QLightDM/Greeter>
++#include <QSocketNotifier>
++#include <QDebug>
++#include <QSignalSpy>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h"
++class AuthPamThreadTest : public ::testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pAuthPamThreadDbus = new AuthPamThread();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pAuthPamThreadDbus;
++        m_pAuthPamThreadDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static AuthPamThread *m_pAuthPamThreadDbus;
++    // 辅助函数,模拟文件描述符操作
++    int createMockPipe()
++    {
++        int fds[2];
++        if (pipe(fds) == -1) {
++            return -1;
++        }
++        return fds[0];
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟写入数据到文件描述符
++    void writeToFd(int fd, const char *data)
++    {
++        write(fd, data, strlen(data));
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,从文件描述符读取数据
++    std::string readFromFd(int fd)
++    {
++        char buffer[1024];
++        ssize_t bytesRead = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
++        if (bytesRead > 0) {
++            buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';
++            return buffer;
++        }
++        return "";
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 pam_start 的返回结果
++    int mockPamStart(pam_handle_t **pamh, const char *service, const char *user, const struct pam_conv *conv)
++    {
++        *pamh = reinterpret_cast<pam_handle_t *>(1);
++        return PAM_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 pam_authenticate 的返回结果
++    int mockPamAuthenticate(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags)
++    {
++        return PAM_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 pam_acct_mgmt 的返回结果
++    int mockPamAcctMgmt(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags)
++    {
++        return PAM_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 pam_get_item 的返回结果
++    int mockPamGetItem(pam_handle_t *pamh, int item_type, const void **item)
++    {
++        *item = nullptr;
++        return PAM_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 pam_strerror 的返回结果
++    const char *mockPamStrerror(pam_handle_t *pamh, int pam_err)
++    {
++        return "Mock Error";
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 pam_end 的行为
++    int mockPamEnd(pam_handle_t *pamh, int pam_status)
++    {
++        return PAM_SUCCESS;
++    }
++AuthPamThread *AuthPamThreadTest::m_pAuthPamThreadDbus = nullptr;
++// 测试 _authenticate 函数
++TEST_F(AuthPamThreadTest, Authenticate)
++    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->m_strUserName = getenv("USER");
++    qDebug() << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
++    // 模拟 pam 函数
++    auto originalPamStart = pam_start;
++    auto originalPamAuthenticate = pam_authenticate;
++    auto originalPamAcctMgmt = pam_acct_mgmt;
++    auto originalPamGetItem = pam_get_item;
++    auto originalPamStrerror = pam_strerror;
++    auto originalPamEnd = pam_end;
++    //    pam_start = mockPamStart;
++    //    pam_authenticate = mockPamAuthenticate;
++    //    pam_acct_mgmt = mockPamAcctMgmt;
++    //    pam_get_item = mockPamGetItem;
++    //    pam_strerror = mockPamStrerror;
++    //    pam_end = mockPamEnd;
++    qDebug() << "??????????????????????????????????????";
++    //    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->_authenticate(m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->m_strUserName.toLocal8Bit().data());
++    // 恢复原始函数
++    //    pam_start = originalPamStart;
++    //    pam_authenticate = originalPamAuthenticate;
++    //    pam_acct_mgmt = originalPamAcctMgmt;
++    //    pam_get_item = originalPamGetItem;
++    //    pam_strerror = originalPamStrerror;
++    //    pam_end = originalPamEnd;
++// 测试 startAuthPam 函数
++TEST_F(AuthPamThreadTest, StartAuthPam)
++    qDebug() << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
++    int fdRead = createMockPipe();
++    int fdWrite = createMockPipe();
++    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->startAuthPam(fdRead, fdWrite, getenv("USER"));
++    EXPECT_TRUE(m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->isRunning());
++    close(fdRead);
++    close(fdWrite);
++// 测试 run 函数
++TEST_F(AuthPamThreadTest, Run)
++    int fdRead = createMockPipe();
++    int fdWrite = createMockPipe();
++    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->m_fdRead = fdRead;
++    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->m_fdWrite = fdWrite;
++    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->m_strUserName = getenv("USER");
++    //    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->run();
++    close(fdRead);
++    close(fdWrite);
++// 测试 stopAuthPam 函数
++TEST_F(AuthPamThreadTest, StopAuthPam)
++    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->startAuthPam(0, 0, getenv("USER"));
++    m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->stopAuthPam();
++    EXPECT_FALSE(m_pAuthPamThreadDbus->isRunning());
++// 测试 PamAuthenticate 类
++class PamAuthenticateTest : public ::testing::Test
++    static AuthPamThread *m_pAuthPamThreadDbus;
++    QSharedPointer<LightDMHelper> lightDMHelper;
++    QSharedPointer<PamAuthenticate> pamAuthenticate;
++    void SetUp() override
++    {
++        lightDMHelper = QSharedPointer<LightDMHelper>(
++            new LightDMHelper(QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper>(new AccountsHelper(nullptr)), nullptr));
++        pamAuthenticate = QSharedPointer<PamAuthenticate>(new PamAuthenticate(lightDMHelper));
++    }
++    void TearDown() override
++    {
++        pamAuthenticate.reset();
++        lightDMHelper.reset();
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 QSocketNotifier 的 activated 信号
++    void simulateSocketNotifierActivated(QSocketNotifier *socketNotifier)
++    {
++        //        Q_EMIT socketNotifier->activated(socketNotifier->socket());
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟管道操作
++    int createMockPipe()
++    {
++        int fds[2];
++        if (pipe(fds) == -1) {
++            return -1;
++        }
++        return fds[0];
++    }
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 AuthPamThread 的行为
++    class MockAuthPamThread : public AuthPamThread
++    {
++    public:
++    };
++    // 辅助函数,模拟 LightDMHelper 的行为
++    class MockLightDMHelper : public LightDMHelper
++    {
++    public:
++        MockLightDMHelper()
++            : LightDMHelper(QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper>(new AccountsHelper(nullptr)), nullptr, nullptr)
++        {
++        }
++    };
++// 测试 PamAuthenticate 构造函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, Constructor)
++    // 检查信号和槽的连接
++    //    EXPECT_TRUE(QObject::connect(lightDMHelper.get(), SIGNAL(showMessage(QString,
++    //    QLightDM::Greeter::MessageType)),
++    //                pamAuthenticate.get(), SLOT(onLDMShowMessage(QString, QLightDM::Greeter::MessageType)));
++    //    EXPECT_TRUE(QObject::connect(lightDMHelper.get(), SIGNAL(showPrompt(QString, QLightDM::Greeter::PromptType)),
++    //                pamAuthenticate.get(), SLOT(onLDMShowPrompt(QString, QLightDM::Greeter::PromptType)));
++    //    EXPECT_TRUE(QObject::connect(lightDMHelper.get(), SIGNAL(authenticationComplete()),
++    //                pamAuthenticate.get(), SIGNAL(authenticationComplete()));
++// 测试 inAuthentication 函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, InAuthentication)
++    // 测试 m_isOtherUser 为 false 时的情况
++    EXPECT_FALSE(pamAuthenticate->inAuthentication());
++    // 测试 m_isOtherUser 为 true 时的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->m_isOtherUser = true;
++    EXPECT_FALSE(pamAuthenticate->inAuthentication());
++// 测试 isAuthenticated 函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, IsAuthenticated)
++    // 测试 m_isOtherUser 为 false 时的情况
++    EXPECT_FALSE(pamAuthenticate->isAuthenticated());
++    // 测试 m_isOtherUser 为 true 时的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->m_isOtherUser = true;
++    EXPECT_FALSE(pamAuthenticate->isAuthenticated());
++// 测试 authenticationUser 函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, AuthenticationUser)
++    // 测试 m_isOtherUser 为 false 时的情况
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->authenticationUser(), "");
++    // 测试 m_isOtherUser 为 true 时的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->m_isOtherUser = true;
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->authenticationUser(), "");
++// 测试 authenticate 函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, Authenticate)
++    // 测试普通用户的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->authenticate("testuser");
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_strUserName, "testuser");
++    EXPECT_NE(pamAuthenticate->m_threadAuthPam, nullptr);
++    EXPECT_NE(pamAuthenticate->m_socketNotifier, nullptr);
++    // 测试访客用户的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->authenticate("*guest");
++    // 测试 m_isOtherUser 为 true 的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->m_isOtherUser = true;
++    pamAuthenticate->authenticate("otheruser");
++// 测试 respond 函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, Respond)
++    // 测试正常响应的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->m_nPrompts = 1;
++    pamAuthenticate->respond("response");
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_responseList.size(), 1);
++    // 测试 m_nPrompts 为 0 的情况
++    pamAuthenticate->m_nPrompts = 0;
++    pamAuthenticate->m_isOtherUser = false;
++    pamAuthenticate->respond("response");
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_responseList.size(), 1);
++// 测试 cancelAuthentication 函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, CancelAuthentication)
++    // 模拟 AuthPamThread 和 QSocketNotifier
++    pamAuthenticate->m_threadAuthPam = new MockAuthPamThread();
++    pamAuthenticate->m_socketNotifier = new QSocketNotifier(0, QSocketNotifier::Read);
++    pamAuthenticate->m_isOtherUser = false;
++    pamAuthenticate->cancelAuthentication();
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_threadAuthPam, nullptr);
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_socketNotifier, nullptr);
++    EXPECT_FALSE(pamAuthenticate->m_isAuthenticated);
++    EXPECT_FALSE(pamAuthenticate->m_isInAuthentication);
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_messageList.size(), 0);
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_responseList.size(), 0);
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_nPrompts, 0);
++// 测试 onSockRead 函数
++TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, OnSockRead)
++    // 模拟管道
++    int fdToParent[2];
++    if (pipe(fdToParent) == -1) {
++        FAIL() << "Failed to create pipe";
++    }
++    pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0] = fdToParent[0];
++    // 测试认证完成的情况
++    int authComplete = 1;
++    int authRet = PAM_SUCCESS;
++    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], &authComplete, sizeof(authComplete));
++    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], &authRet, sizeof(authRet));
++    QSignalSpy authenticationCompleteSpy(pamAuthenticate.get(), SIGNAL(authenticationComplete()));
++    simulateSocketNotifierActivated(pamAuthenticate->m_socketNotifier);
++    EXPECT_EQ(pamAuthenticate->m_isAuthenticated, true);
++    EXPECT_EQ(authenticationCompleteSpy.count(), 1);
++    // 测试消息接收的情况
++    authComplete = 0;
++    int msgLength = 1;
++    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], &authComplete, sizeof(authComplete));
++    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], &msgLength, sizeof(msgLength));
++    struct pam_message message;
++    message.msg_style = PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF;
++    message.msg = "Enter password";
++    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], &message.msg_style, sizeof(message.msg_style));
++    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], message.msg, strlen(message.msg) + 1);
++    QSignalSpy showPromptSpy(pamAuthenticate.get(), SIGNAL(showPrompt(QString, PamAuth::PromptType)));
++    simulateSocketNotifierActivated(pamAuthenticate->m_socketNotifier);
++    EXPECT_EQ(showPromptSpy.count(), 1);
++    close(fdToParent[0]);
++    close(fdToParent[1]);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9a6be89
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/agreementinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    unit_test_backend_dbus.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
++    ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.h
++    ../../src/userinfo.h
++    ../../src/agreementinfo.h
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_backend_dbus ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/unit_test_backend_dbus.cpp b/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/unit_test_backend_dbus.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6e5d1a1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_backend_dbus/unit_test_backend_dbus.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/agreementinfo.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class BackendDbusHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        QString displayNum = QString(qgetenv("DISPLAY")).replace(":", "").replace(".", "_");
++        QString sessionDbus = QString("%1%2").arg(QString(SS_DBUS_SERVICE)).arg(displayNum);
++        m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus = new BackendDbusHelper(sessionDbus, SS_DBUS_PATH, QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
++        if (!m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->isValid()) {
++            delete m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus;
++            m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus = new BackendDbusHelper(SS_DBUS_SERVICE, SS_DBUS_PATH, QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
++        }
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus;
++        m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static BackendDbusHelper *m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus;
++BackendDbusHelper *BackendDbusHelperTest::m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getUsersInfo)
++    QList<UserInfoPtr> value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getUsersInfo();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getAgreementInfo)
++    AgreementInfoPtr value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getAgreementInfo();
++//    ASSERT_EQ(value, NULL);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getSessionsInfo)
++    QList<QString> value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getSessionsInfo();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getBatteryArgs)
++    QStringList value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getBatteryArgs();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getSleepLockcheck)
++    QStringList value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getSleepLockcheck();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, isSessionActive)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->isSessionActive();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, switchToUser)
++    int value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->switchToUser(getenv("USER"));
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setCurrentUser)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setCurrentUser(getenv("USER"));
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setPowerManager)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setPowerManager("LockScreen");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, sendPassword)
++    QByteArray decryptText;
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->sendPassword(getenv("USER"), decryptText);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getBatteryIconName)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getBatteryIconName();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getIsBattery)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getIsBattery();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getCurTabletMode)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getCurTabletMode();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, lockStateChanged)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->lockStateChanged(false, false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, pamIsInAuthentication)
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->startSession();
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->pamAuthenticate(getenv("USER"));
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioStartAuth(getuid(), 32);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioStopAuth();
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->pamRespond("");
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->pamAuthenticateCancel();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->pamIsInAuthentication();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, pamIsAuthenticated)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->pamIsAuthenticated();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, pamAuthenticateUser)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->pamAuthenticateUser();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, bioGetAvailableDevices)
++    QList<DeviceInfo> value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioGetAvailableDevices(101);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, bioGetDisabledDevices)
++    QList<int> value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioGetDisabledDevices(101);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, bioGetBioAuthState)
++    int value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioGetBioAuthState();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, bioGetCurBioInfo)
++    DeviceInfo bioValue1 = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioGetCurBioInfo();
++    DeviceInfo bioValue2 = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioFindDeviceById(getuid(), 101);
++    DeviceInfo bioValue3 = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioFindDeviceByName(getuid(), "uru4000");
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->bioGetDefaultDevice(getuid(), getenv("USER"));
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getCurrentSession)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getCurrentSession();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setCurrentSession)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setCurrentSession("testSession");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, onUpdateInformation)
++    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
++        QJsonObject retObj;
++        retObj["CmdId"] = list.at(i);
++        m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->onUpdateInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(retObj).toJson()));
++    }
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, usdExternalDoAction)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->usdExternalDoAction(VOLUME_DOWN_KEY);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->usdExternalDoAction(VOLUME_UP_KEY);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getDefaultAuthUser)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getDefaultAuthUser();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getCurrentUser)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getCurrentUser();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getScreenSaverConf)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getScreenSaverConf(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE).toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setScreenSaverConf)
++    bool oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getScreenSaverConf(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE).toBool();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setScreenSaverConf(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE, !oldvalue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setScreenSaverConf(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getLockScreenConf)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getLockScreenConf(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED).toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setLockScreenConf)
++    bool oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getLockScreenConf(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED).toBool();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setLockScreenConf(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED, !oldvalue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setLockScreenConf(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getShutdownLockcheck)
++    QStringList value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getShutdownLockcheck();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getSaverThemes)
++    QStringList value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getSaverThemes();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerConf)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_BLANKSCREEN).toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setPowerManagerConf)
++    bool oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_BLANKSCREEN).toBool();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_BLANKSCREEN, !oldvalue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_BLANKSCREEN, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getMateBgConf)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getMateBgConf(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME).toString();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setMateBgConf)
++    QString oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getMateBgConf(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME).toString();
++    return ;
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setMateBgConf("picture-filename", "sss");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setMateBgConf("picture-filename", oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getUkccPluginsConf)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getUkccPluginsConf(KEY_DATE).toString();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setUkccPluginsConf)
++    QString oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getUkccPluginsConf(KEY_DATE).toString();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setUkccPluginsConf(KEY_DATE, "sss");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setUkccPluginsConf(KEY_DATE, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getThemeStyleConf)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getThemeStyleConf(KEY_THEME_COLOR).toString();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setThemeStyleConf)
++    QString oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getThemeStyleConf(KEY_THEME_COLOR).toString();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setThemeStyleConf(KEY_THEME_COLOR, "sss");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setThemeStyleConf(KEY_THEME_COLOR, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getSessionConf)
++    int value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_IDLE).toInt();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 60);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setSessionConf)
++    int oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_IDLE).toInt();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_IDLE, 30);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_IDLE, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getKeyboardConf)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS).toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setKeyboardConf)
++    bool oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS).toBool();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS, !oldvalue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getUsdMediaStateKeys)
++    int value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE).toInt();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 60);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, setUsdMediaStateKeys)
++    int oldvalue = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE).toInt();
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE, 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->setUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE, oldvalue);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getUsdMediaKeys)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getUsdMediaKeys(KEY_WINDOW_SCREENSHOT).toString();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerCanSuspend)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerCanSuspend();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerCanReboot)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerCanReboot();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerCanPowerOff)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerCanPowerOff();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerCanSwitchUser)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerCanSwitchUser();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerCanHibernate)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerCanHibernate();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerCanLogout)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerCanLogout();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPowerManagerCanLockScreen)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPowerManagerCanLockScreen();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, checkSystemUpgrade)
++    bool value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->checkSystemUpgrade();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BackendDbusHelperTest, getPublicEncrypt)
++    QString value = m_pBackendDbusHelperDbus->getPublicEncrypt();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..76fb9ed
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.cpp
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.cpp
++    unit_test_biometric_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/common/biodefines.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_biometric_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/unit_test_biometric_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/unit_test_biometric_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4889d3d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_biometric_helper/unit_test_biometric_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include <QtDBus>
++#include <QDBusAbstractInterface>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class BiometricHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pABiometricHelperDbus = new BiometricHelper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pABiometricHelperDbus;
++        m_pABiometricHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static BiometricHelper *m_pABiometricHelperDbus;
++BiometricHelper *BiometricHelperTest::m_pABiometricHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, Identify)
++    get_server_gvariant_stdout(-1);
++    QDBusPendingCall value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->Identify(32, 1000, 0, -1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isValid(), false);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, UkeyIdentify)
++    QDBusPendingCall value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->UkeyIdentify(100, 2, 1000);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isValid(), false);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetHasUkeyFeature)
++    bool value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetHasUkeyFeature(1000, 0, -1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetFeatureCount)
++    bool value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetFeatureCount(1000, 0, -1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, SetExtraInfo)
++    int value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->SetExtraInfo("extra_info", "extra_info");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, StopOps)
++    int value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->StopOps(32, 3000);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetUserDevCount)
++    int value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetUserDevCount(1000);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetUserDevFeatureCount)
++    int value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetUserDevFeatureCount(1000, 32);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetDevList)
++    DeviceList value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetDevList();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetUserFeatures)
++    FeatureMap value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetUserFeatures(1000);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetDevCount)
++    int value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetDevCount();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetDevMesg)
++    QString value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetDevMesg(32);
++    std::string str = value.toStdString();
++    const char* cstr = str.data();
++    ASSERT_EQ(cstr, "");
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetNotifyMesg)
++    QString value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetNotifyMesg(32);
++    std::string str = value.toStdString();
++    const char* cstr = str.data();
++    ASSERT_EQ(cstr, "");
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, GetOpsMesg)
++    QString value = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->GetOpsMesg(32);
++    std::string str = value.toStdString();
++    const char* cstr = str.data();
++    ASSERT_EQ(cstr, "");
++TEST_F(BiometricHelperTest, UpdateStatus)
++    StatusReslut status = m_pABiometricHelperDbus->UpdateStatus(32);
++    ASSERT_EQ(status.result , 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(status.enable , 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(status.devNum , 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(status.devStatus , 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(status.opsStatus , 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(status.notifyMessageId , 0);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_common/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_common/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ed9241f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_common/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets X11Extras Svg DBus REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++find_package(X11 REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(GIOUNIX2 REQUIRED gio-unix-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.cpp
++    ../../src/common/commonfunc.cpp
++    ../../src/common/configuration.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../../src/common/rsac.cpp
++    ../../src/common/utils.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.cpp
++    unit_test_common.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.h
++    ../../src/common/commonfunc.h
++    ../../src/common/configuration.h
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++    ../../src/common/rsac.h
++    ../../src/common/utils.h
++    ../../src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.h
++    )
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${X11_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++        assets.qrc
++    )
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_common ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::Widgets
++    Qt5::Svg
++    Qt5::X11Extras
++    OpenSSL::Crypto
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
++    ${X11_LIBRARIES}
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_common/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_common/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_common/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_common/unit_test_common.cpp b/tests/unit_test_common/unit_test_common.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e92efeb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_common/unit_test_common.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/common/biodefines.h"
++#include "../../src/common/commonfunc.h"
++#include "../../src/common/configuration.h"
++#include "../../src/common/global_utils.h"
++#include "../../src/common/rsac.h"
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include <QIcon>
++#include <openssl/rsa.h>
++#include <openssl/pem.h>
++#include <openssl/err.h>
++#include <openssl/sha.h>
++#include <iostream>
++#include "../../src/common/rsac.h"
++#include "../../src/common/utils.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-dialog/languagesetting.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++// 辅助函数,用于初始化OpenSSL库
++void InitOpenSSL() {
++    OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
++    ERR_load_crypto_strings();
++// 辅助函数,用于清理OpenSSL库
++void CleanupOpenSSL() {
++    EVP_cleanup();
++    ERR_free_strings();
++class CommonTest : public testing::Test
++    void SetUp() override {
++        InitOpenSSL();
++    }
++    void TearDown() override {
++        CleanupOpenSSL();
++    }
++    RSAC rsac;
++TEST_F(CommonTest, scaledPixmap)
++    setCursorCenter();
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newPixmap = scaledPixmap(pixmap);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, PixmapToRound)
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newPixmap = PixmapToRound(pixmap, 4);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, PixmapToRound2)
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newPixmap = PixmapToRound(pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, loadSvg)
++    QPixmap iconPixmap = loadSvg(":/image/assets/show-password.png", "white", 16);
++    ASSERT_EQ(iconPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, drawSymbolicColoredPixmap)
++    QPixmap retryIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    ASSERT_EQ(drawSymbolicColoredPixmap(retryIcon, "white").isNull(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(getLoadingIcon(16).width(), 16);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, scaleBlurPixmap)
++    QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap(scaleBlurPixmap(16, 16, "/usr/share/background/house.png"));
++    ASSERT_EQ(pixmap->width(), 16);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, blurPixmap)
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newpixmap = blurPixmap(pixmap);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newpixmap.width(), 16);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getDeviceTypeTr)
++    getDeviceTypeTr(BioT_FingerVein);
++    getDeviceTypeTr(BioT_Iris);
++    getDeviceTypeTr(BioT_Face);
++    getDeviceTypeTr(BioT_VoicePrint);
++    getDeviceTypeTr(UniT_General_Ukey);
++    getDeviceTypeTr(UniT_Remote);
++    getDeviceTypeTr(-1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(getDeviceTypeTr(BioT_FingerPrint).isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getValue)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        QString color = Configuration::instance()->getValue("background-color").toString();
++        ASSERT_EQ(color.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getCurrentUser)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        Configuration::instance()->getCurrentUser(getenv("USER"));
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, setValue)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        QString color = Configuration::instance()->getValue("backgroundPath").toString();
++        QString oldvalue = Configuration::instance()->getUserConfig("backgroundPath").toString();
++        Configuration::instance()->setValue("backgroundPath", oldvalue);
++        ASSERT_EQ(oldvalue.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, hasValue)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        bool value = Configuration::instance()->hasValue("backgroundPath");
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getIs990)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        bool value = Configuration::instance()->getIs990();
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getLastNumLock)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        bool value = Configuration::instance()->getLastNumLock();
++        Configuration::instance()->saveLastNumLock(value);
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getRootBackgroundOption)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        int value = Configuration::instance()->getRootBackgroundOption(getenv("USER"));
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getDefaultBackgroundName)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        QString background = Configuration::instance()->getDefaultBackgroundName();
++        ASSERT_EQ(background.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, onLanguageChanged)
++    if (LanguageSetting::instance()) {
++        LanguageSetting::instance()->onLanguageChanged("zh_HK.UTF-8");
++        LanguageSetting::instance()->onLanguageChanged("zh_CN.UTF-8");
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, isCurUserSelf)
++    ASSERT_EQ(isCurUserSelf(getenv("USER")), true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(isCurUserSelf("lightdm"), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(isCurUserSelf("test"), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, checkCapsLockState)
++    checkIslivecd();
++    KillFocusOfKydroid();
++    ASSERT_EQ(checkCapsLockState(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getDefaultFontSize)
++    ASSERT_EQ(getDefaultFontSize(), 14.0);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getUserFontSize)
++    ASSERT_EQ(getUserFontSize(getenv("USER")), 14.0);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getUserThemeColor)
++    ASSERT_EQ(getUserThemeColor(getenv("USER")), "test");
++// 测试密钥生成并保存到文件
++TEST_F(CommonTest, GenerateKeyPairToFile) {
++    QString priKeyFile = "test_private.pem";
++    QString pubKeyFile = "test_public.pem";
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(priKeyFile, pubKeyFile, 1024);
++    // 这里可以添加额外的检查来验证文件是否成功生成且内容有效
++    // 例如,打开文件并读取内容,检查是否为有效的PEM格式密钥
++    // 但由于这是一个简单的测试示例,我们省略了这些步骤
++// 测试密钥生成并保存到QByteArray
++TEST_F(CommonTest, GenerateKeyPairToByteArray) {
++    QByteArray privateKey;
++    QByteArray publicKey;
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey, 1024);
++    // 检查生成的密钥是否非空
++    EXPECT_FALSE(privateKey.isEmpty());
++    EXPECT_FALSE(publicKey.isEmpty());
++    // 这里可以添加额外的检查来验证密钥的有效性
++    // 例如,使用OpenSSL函数解析生成的密钥并检查其属性
++    // 但由于这是一个简单的测试示例,我们省略了这些步骤
++// 测试加密和解密
++TEST_F(CommonTest, EncryptDecrypt) {
++    QByteArray privateKey;
++    QByteArray publicKey;
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey, 1024);
++    QByteArray plaintext = "Hello, RSA!";
++    QByteArray ciphertext;
++    QByteArray decryptedtext;
++    bool encryptResult = rsac.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext, publicKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(encryptResult);
++    bool decryptResult = rsac.decrypt(ciphertext, decryptedtext, privateKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(decryptResult);
++    EXPECT_EQ(plaintext, decryptedtext);
++// 测试签名和验签
++TEST_F(CommonTest, SignVerify) {
++    QByteArray privateKey;
++    QByteArray publicKey;
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey, 1024);
++    QByteArray message = "This is a test message.";
++    QByteArray signature;
++    bool signResult = rsac.sign(message, signature, privateKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(signResult);
++    bool verifyResult = rsac.verify(message, signature, publicKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult);
++    // 尝试使用错误的消息进行验签,应该失败
++    bool verifyWithWrongMessageResult = rsac.verify("Wrong message.", signature, publicKey);
++    EXPECT_FALSE(verifyWithWrongMessageResult);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ffc9e8c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus Network Test REQUIRED)
++find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(GIOUNIX2 REQUIRED gio-unix-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++pkg_check_modules(LIGHTDM-QT5-3 REQUIRED liblightdm-qt5-3)
++pkg_check_modules(LIBSYSTEMD REQUIRED libsystemd)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 查找pam动态库全路径并缓存到PAM_LIBRARIES变量
++find_library(PAM_LIBRARIES pam)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../../src/common/configuration.cpp
++    ../../src/common/rsac.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/device.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.cpp
++    ../../src/QtSingleApplication/qtlocalpeer.cpp
++    ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp
++    unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.h
++        ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++        ../../src/userinfo.h
++        ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++        ../../src/common/configuration.h
++        ../../src/common/rsac.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h
++        ../../src/common/configuration.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/device.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.h
++        ../../src/common/biodefines.h
++        ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h
++        ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h
++        ../../src/QtSingleApplication/qtlocalpeer.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${Qt5Test_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}../../src/QtSingleApplication/
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_dbus_interface ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::Test
++    Qt5::Network
++    OpenSSL::Crypto
++    -lukuiinputgatherclient
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3f4e5ec
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <memory>
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <security/pam_appl.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QCoreApplication>
++#include <QLightDM/Greeter>
++#include <QSocketNotifier>
++#include <QDebug>
++#include <QSignalSpy>
++#include <QJsonValue>
++#include <QJsonObject>
++#include <QJsonDocument>
++#include <QJsonArray>
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class DbusUpperInterfaceTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        StubExt st;
++        st.set_lamda(&LightDMHelper::connectToDaemonSync, []() { return true; });
++        st.set_lamda(&isGreeterMode, []() { return true; });
++        m_pAccountsHelperDbus = QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper>(new AccountsHelper());
++        m_pLightDMHelperDbus = new LightDMHelper(m_pAccountsHelperDbus, Configuration::instance());
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = new DbusUpperInterface();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus;
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = nullptr;
++        delete m_pLightDMHelperDbus;
++        m_pLightDMHelperDbus = nullptr;
++        m_pAccountsHelperDbus.reset();
++    }
++    static DbusUpperInterface *m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus;
++    static LightDMHelper *m_pLightDMHelperDbus;
++    static QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper> m_pAccountsHelperDbus;
++DbusUpperInterface *DbusUpperInterfaceTest::m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = nullptr;
++LightDMHelper *DbusUpperInterfaceTest::m_pLightDMHelperDbus = nullptr;
++QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper> DbusUpperInterfaceTest::m_pAccountsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetSlpState)
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onNameLost("test");
++    bool value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetSlpState();
++    m_pLightDMHelperDbus->getLoginUserCount();
++    m_pLightDMHelperDbus->findUserByUid(getuid());
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetBlankState)
++    bool value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetBlankState();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetLockState)
++    bool value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetLockState();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, CheckAppVersion)
++    bool value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->CheckAppVersion();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, checkScreenDialogRunning)
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->LockStartupMode();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SessionTools();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->Lock();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SwitchUser();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->AppBlockWindow("Suspend");
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->MultiUserBlockWindow("Restart");
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onShowBlankScreensaver();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->ShowScreensaver();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->LockScreensaver();
++    //    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->Suspend();
++    bool value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->checkScreenDialogRunning();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GenerateBatteryArgsList)
++    QJsonArray value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GenerateBatteryArgsList();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, getSleepLockCheck)
++    QJsonArray value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->getSleepLockCheck();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, getShutdownLockcheck)
++    QJsonArray value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->getShutdownLockcheck();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, getSaverTheme)
++    QJsonArray value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->getSaverTheme();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, getBatteryIconName)
++    QString value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->getBatteryIconName();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, getIsBattery)
++    bool value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->getIsBattery();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetDefaultAuthUser)
++    StubExt st;
++    st.set_lamda(&isGreeterMode, []() { return true; });
++    QString value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetDefaultAuthUser();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetCurrentSession)
++    QString value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetCurrentSession();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GenerateSessionInfoList)
++    QJsonArray value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GenerateSessionInfoList();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetCurrentUser)
++    QString value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetCurrentUser();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, getCurTabletMode)
++    bool value = m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->getCurTabletMode();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GenerateUserInfoList)
++    //    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GenerateUserInfoList();
++    //    qDebug() << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
++    //    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onUsersInfoChanged();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLogin1ReqLock();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLogin1ReqUnLock();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLogin1PrepareForSleep(true);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLogin1PrepareForSleep(false);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLogin1SessionActiveChanged(true);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onBlockInhibitedChanged("ShutDown");
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->delayLockScreen();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->stopDelayLockScreen();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onBatteryStatusChanged("test");
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onSessionIdleReceived();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onSessionIdleExit();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLockScreenTimeout();
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onBatteryChanged(QStringList());
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLidStateChanged(false);
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, SendUpdateInfoSig)
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError;
++    QJsonObject objRes;
++    QVariant varValue;
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_IDLE_DELAY;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_IDLE_DELAY);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IDLE_DELAY, varValue.toDouble());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc1 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc1.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME, varValue.toDouble());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc2 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc2.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onPowerManagerConfigChanged(KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC, varValue.toDouble());
++    //    getjsonCmd["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_GSETTINGS_GET_MATEBG_CONF;
++    //    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME;
++    //    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc3 =
++    //    QJsonDocument::fromJson(m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++    //    &jsonParseError); objRes = jsonDoc3.object(); varValue = objRes.value(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME);
++    //    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onMateBgConfigChanged(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME, varValue.toString());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc4 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc4.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onUkccPluginsConfigChanged(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM, varValue.toDouble());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc5 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc5.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onThemeStyleConfigChanged(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE, varValue.toDouble());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_SESSION_IDLE;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc6 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc6.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_SESSION_IDLE);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onSessionConfigChanged(KEY_SESSION_IDLE, varValue.toDouble());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc7 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc7.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onKeyboardConfigChanged(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS, varValue.toBool());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_AREA_SCREENSHOT;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc8 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc8.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_AREA_SCREENSHOT);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onUsdMediaKeysConfigChanged(KEY_AREA_SCREENSHOT, varValue.toString());
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_RFKILL_STATE;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc9 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    objRes = jsonDoc9.object();
++    varValue = objRes.value(KEY_RFKILL_STATE);
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onUsdMediaStateKeysConfigChanged(KEY_RFKILL_STATE, varValue.toDouble());
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetInformation)
++    //    QList<QVariant> argumentList;
++    //    argumentList << QVariant::fromValue(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd).toJson()));
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_GET_CURRENT_USER,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_GET_SESSIONS_LIST,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_GET_CURRENT_SESSION,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_LOGIN1_IS_SESSION_ACTIVE,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_GET_AGREEMENT,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_PAMAUTH_GET_AUTHUSER,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_SYSTEM_UPGRADE_CHECK,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_UPOWER_BATTERY_STATUS,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_UPOWER_IS_BATTERY,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_UPOWER_BATTERY,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_LOCK_SCREEN_GET_THEMES,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_BIOAUTH_GET_STATE,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_BIOAUTH_GET_CURDEVICE,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_BIOAUTH_FIND_DEVICE_BY_ID,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_GET_PUBLIC_KEY,
++                     LOCK_CMD_ID_TABLET_MODE,
++                     -1 };
++    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) {
++        QJsonObject jsonCmd;
++        jsonCmd["CmdId"] = list.at(i);
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd).toJson()));
++    }
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, SetInformation)
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd;
++    jsonCmd["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_SET_USER;
++    jsonCmd["Content"] = getenv("USER");
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd1;
++    jsonCmd1["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_SWITCH_TO_USER;
++    jsonCmd1["Content"] = getenv("USER");
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd1).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd2;
++    jsonCmd2["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_SET_SESSION;
++    jsonCmd2["Content"] = "testSession";
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd2).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd3;
++    jsonCmd3["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_START_SESSION;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd3).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd;
++    getjsonCmd["Key"] = KEY_IDLE_DELAY;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError);
++    QJsonObject objRes = jsonDoc.object();
++    QVariant varValue = objRes.value(KEY_IDLE_DELAY);
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd4;
++    jsonCmd4["Content"] = varValue.toDouble();
++    jsonCmd4["Key"] = KEY_IDLE_DELAY;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd4).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd5;
++    getjsonCmd5["Key"] = KEY_VIDEO_SIZE;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError5;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc5 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd5).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError5);
++    QJsonObject objRes5 = jsonDoc5.object();
++    QVariant varValue5 = objRes5.value(KEY_VIDEO_SIZE);
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd5;
++    jsonCmd5["Content"] = varValue5.toDouble();
++    jsonCmd5["Key"] = KEY_VIDEO_SIZE;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd5).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd6;
++    getjsonCmd6["Key"] = KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError6;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc6 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd6).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError6);
++    QJsonObject objRes6 = jsonDoc6.object();
++    QVariant varValue6 = objRes6.value(KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC);
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd6;
++    jsonCmd6["Content"] = varValue6.toDouble();
++    jsonCmd6["Key"] = KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd6).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd7;
++    getjsonCmd7["Key"] = KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError7;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc7 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd7).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError7);
++    QJsonObject objRes7 = jsonDoc7.object();
++    QVariant varValue7 = objRes7.value(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM);
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd7;
++    jsonCmd7["Content"] = varValue7.toDouble();
++    jsonCmd7["Key"] = KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd7).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd8;
++    getjsonCmd8["Key"] = KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError8;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc8 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd8).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError8);
++    QJsonObject objRes8 = jsonDoc8.object();
++    QVariant varValue8 = objRes8.value(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE);
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd8;
++    jsonCmd8["Content"] = varValue8.toDouble();
++    jsonCmd8["Key"] = KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd8).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd9;
++    getjsonCmd9["Key"] = KEY_SESSION_IDLE;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError9;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc9 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd9).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError9);
++    QJsonObject objRes9 = jsonDoc9.object();
++    QVariant varValue9 = objRes9.value(KEY_SESSION_IDLE);
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd9;
++    jsonCmd9["Content"] = varValue9.toDouble();
++    jsonCmd9["Key"] = KEY_SESSION_IDLE;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd9).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd10;
++    jsonCmd10["Content"] = getenv("USER");
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd10).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd11;
++    jsonCmd11["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_PAMAUTH_RESPOND;
++    jsonCmd11["Content"] = "test";
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd11).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd12;
++    //    jsonCmd12["Content"] = "test";
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd12).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd13;
++    jsonCmd13["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_USD_MEDIAKEYS;
++    jsonCmd13["Content"] = VOLUME_DOWN_KEY;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd13).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd14;
++    jsonCmd14["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_LOGIN1_SET_POWER_MANAGER;
++    jsonCmd14["Content"] = "LockScreen";
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd14).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd15;
++    jsonCmd15["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED;
++    jsonCmd15["Content"] = false;
++    jsonCmd15["SessionTools"] = false;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd15).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd16;
++    jsonCmd16["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_BIOAUTH_STARTAUTH;
++    jsonCmd16["UserId"] = 1000;
++    jsonCmd16["DevId"] = 101;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd16).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd17;
++    jsonCmd17["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_BIOAUTH_STOPAUTH;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd17).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd18;
++    jsonCmd18["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_KWIN_BLOCK_SHORTCUT;
++    jsonCmd18["Content"] = true;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd18).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd19;
++    jsonCmd19["CmdId"] = LOCK_CMD_ID_KWIN_BLOCK_SHORTCUT;
++    jsonCmd19["Content"] = false;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd19).toJson()).toUtf8());
++    QJsonObject getjsonCmd20;
++    getjsonCmd20["Key"] = KEY_RFKILL_STATE;
++    QJsonParseError jsonParseError20;
++    const QJsonDocument jsonDoc20 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->GetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(getjsonCmd20).toJson())).toUtf8(),
++        &jsonParseError20);
++    QJsonObject objRes20 = jsonDoc20.object();
++    QVariant varValue20 = objRes20.value(KEY_RFKILL_STATE);
++    QJsonObject jsonCmd20;
++    jsonCmd20["Content"] = varValue20.toDouble();
++    jsonCmd20["Key"] = KEY_RFKILL_STATE;
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->SetInformation(QString(QJsonDocument(jsonCmd20).toJson()).toUtf8());
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_display_service/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_display_service/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ef6b96f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_display_service/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/common/displayservice.cpp
++    unit_test_display_service.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/common/displayservice.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_display_service ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_display_service/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_display_service/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_display_service/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_display_service/unit_test_display_service.cpp b/tests/unit_test_display_service/unit_test_display_service.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..493f0f3
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_display_service/unit_test_display_service.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include "../../src/common/displayservice.h"
++class DisplayServiceTest : public testing::Test
++//    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++//    {
++//        m_pGSettingsHelperDbus = new GSettingsHelper();
++//    }
++//    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++//    {
++//        delete m_pGSettingsHelperDbus;
++//        m_pGSettingsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++//    }
++//    static GSettingsHelper *m_pGSettingsHelperDbus;
++//GSettingsHelper *DisplayServiceTest::m_pGSettingsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++// 测试 switchDisplayMode 函数
++TEST_F(DisplayServiceTest, SwitchDisplayMode) {
++    // 测试 DISPLAY_MODE_ORI
++    bool value = DisplayService::instance()->switchDisplayMode(DISPLAY_MODE_ORI);
++    EXPECT_EQ(value, false);
++    bool value1 = DisplayService::instance()->switchDisplayMode(DISPLAY_MODE_CLONE);
++    EXPECT_EQ(value1, false);
++    bool value2 = DisplayService::instance()->switchDisplayMode(DISPLAY_MODE_EXTEND);
++    EXPECT_EQ(value2, false);
++    bool value3 = DisplayService::instance()->switchDisplayMode(DISPLAY_MODE_ONLY_OUT);
++    EXPECT_EQ(value3, false);
++// 测试 setOneDisplayMode 函数
++TEST_F(DisplayServiceTest, SetOneDisplayMode) {
++    // 测试使用 xrandr
++    DisplayService::instance()->setOneDisplayMode();
++// 测试 setCurUserName 函数
++TEST_F(DisplayServiceTest, SetCurUserName) {
++    DisplayService::instance()->setCurUserName(getenv("USER"));
++// 测试 isSaveParamInUsed 函数
++TEST_F(DisplayServiceTest, IsSaveParamInUsed) {
++    EXPECT_TRUE(DisplayService::instance()->isSaveParamInUsed());
++    EXPECT_FALSE(DisplayService::instance()->isSaveParamInUsed());
++// 测试 isJJW7200 函数
++TEST_F(DisplayServiceTest, IsJJW7200) {
++    int value = DisplayService::instance()->isJJW7200();
++    EXPECT_EQ(value, 0);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_engine_device/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_engine_device/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c7b4631
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_engine_device/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus Test REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/device.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.cpp
++    unit_test_engine_device.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/device.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${Qt5Test_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_engine_device ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::Test
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_engine_device/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_engine_device/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_engine_device/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_engine_device/unit_test_engine_device.cpp b/tests/unit_test_engine_device/unit_test_engine_device.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e48810c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_engine_device/unit_test_engine_device.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/device.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h"
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QDBusMessage>
++#include <QDBusConnection>
++#include <QDBusInterface>
++#include <QDBusConnectionInterface>
++#include <QVariant>
++#include <QList>
++#include <QObject>
++#include <QStringList>
++#include <QGSettings>
++#include <QDebug>
++#include <QCoreApplication>
++#include <QSignalSpy>
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class EngineDeviceTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pEngineDeviceDbus = new EngineDevice();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pEngineDeviceDbus;
++        m_pEngineDeviceDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static EngineDevice *m_pEngineDeviceDbus;
++EngineDevice *EngineDeviceTest::m_pEngineDeviceDbus = nullptr;
++// 测试 power_device_get_devices 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, power_device_get_devices) {
++    // 首先,确保 QDBus 服务正常运行,这里假设 QDBus 服务可以正常返回一些测试数据
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->power_device_get_devices();
++    // 检查 devices 列表是否不为空
++    EXPECT_GT(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->devices.size(), 0);
++    // 可以进一步检查 devices 列表中元素的属性,例如:
++    if (!m_pEngineDeviceDbus->devices.isEmpty()) {
++        DEVICE *device = m_pEngineDeviceDbus->devices.first();
++        EXPECT_FALSE(device->m_dev.path.isEmpty());
++    }
++// 测试 getProperty 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, getProperty) {
++    DEV dev;
++    QString testPath = "/test/path";
++    // 这里假设 QDBus 服务会正常响应
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->getProperty(testPath, dev);
++    // 检查返回的属性是否符合预期
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.kind, UP_DEVICE_KIND_UNKNOWN);  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.Type, "");  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.Model, "");  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_FALSE(dev.IsPresent);  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.PowerSupply, "");  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.Percentage, 0.0);  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.Online, "");  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.State, UP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN);  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.TimeToEmpty, 0);  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++    EXPECT_EQ(dev.TimeToFull, 0);  // 根据实际情况修改期望的结果
++// 测试 boolToString 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, boolToString) {
++    EXPECT_EQ(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->boolToString(true), "yes");
++    EXPECT_EQ(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->boolToString(false), "no");
++// 测试 putAttributes 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, putAttributes) {
++    QMap<QString, QVariant> map;
++    map["TimeToFull"] = QVariant(200);
++    map["TimeToEmpty"] = QVariant(100);
++    map["State"] = QVariant(2);
++    map["Percentage"] = QVariant(50.0);
++    map["PowerSupply"] = QVariant(true);
++    map["IsPresent"] = QVariant(true);
++    DEV btrDetailData;
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->putAttributes(map, btrDetailData);
++    EXPECT_EQ(btrDetailData.TimeToFull, 200);
++    EXPECT_EQ(btrDetailData.TimeToEmpty, 100);
++    EXPECT_EQ(btrDetailData.State, 2);
++    EXPECT_EQ(btrDetailData.Percentage, 5.0);
++    EXPECT_EQ(btrDetailData.PowerSupply, "Yes");
++    EXPECT_EQ(btrDetailData.IsPresent, true);
++// 测试 power_device_change_callback 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, power_device_change_callback) {
++//    DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++//    device->m_dev.path = "/test/path";
++//    engineDevice->devices.append(device);
++//    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(DBUS_SERVICE, "/test/path", DBUS_INTERFACE_PRO, "PropertiesChanged");
++//    msg.setArguments({ QVariant("interface"), QVariant::fromValue(QDBusArgument::fromVariantMap({
++//        { "TimeToFull", QVariant(300) }
++//    })) });
++//    engineDevice->power_device_change_callback(msg, "/test/path");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(device->m_dev.TimeToFull, 300);
++//    delete device;
++// 测试 power_device_recalculate_state 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, power_device_recalculate_state) {
++    // 准备一些测试数据
++    DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++    device->m_dev.IsPresent = true;
++    device->m_dev.kind = UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY;
++    device->m_dev.State = UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING;
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->devices.append(device);
++    // 使用 QSignalSpy 监听信号
++//    QSignalSpy summarySpy(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->get(), SIGNAL(engine_signal_summary_change(QString)));
++//    QSignalSpy stateSpy(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->get(), SIGNAL(engine_signal_Battery_State(QStringList)));
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->power_device_recalculate_state();
++    // 检查信号是否触发
++//    EXPECT_EQ(summarySpy.count(), 1);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(stateSpy.count(), 1);
++    delete device;
++// 测试 engine_recalculate_summary 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, engine_recalculate_summary) {
++    // 准备一些测试数据
++    DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++    device->m_dev.IsPresent = true;
++    device->m_dev.kind = UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY;
++    device->m_dev.State = UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING;
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->devices.append(device);
++    // 使用 QSignalSpy 监听信号
++//    QSignalSpy summarySpy(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->get(), SIGNAL(engine_signal_summary_change(QString)));
++//    QSignalSpy stateSpy(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->get(), SIGNAL(engine_signal_Battery_State(QStringList)));
++    bool result = m_pEngineDeviceDbus->engine_recalculate_summary();
++    // 检查函数返回值和信号触发情况
++    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(summarySpy.count(), 1);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(stateSpy.count(), 1);
++    delete device;
++// 测试 engine_get_state 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, engine_get_state) {
++    // 准备一些测试数据
++    DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++    device->m_dev.IsPresent = true;
++    device->m_dev.kind = UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY;
++    device->m_dev.State = UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING;
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->devices.append(device);
++    QStringList stateList = m_pEngineDeviceDbus->engine_get_state();
++    // 检查返回的状态列表是否符合预期
++    EXPECT_FALSE(stateList.isEmpty());
++    delete device;
++// 测试 engine_get_Battery_State 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, engine_get_Battery_State) {
++    DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++    device->m_dev.IsPresent = true;
++    device->m_dev.kind = UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY;
++    device->m_dev.State = UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING;
++    device->m_dev.Percentage = 50.0;
++    device->m_dev.TimeToEmpty = 100;
++    QStringList stateList = m_pEngineDeviceDbus->engine_get_Battery_State(device);
++    // 检查返回的状态列表元素是否符合预期
++    EXPECT_EQ(stateList.size(), 3);
++    EXPECT_EQ(stateList[0], "50");
++    EXPECT_EQ(stateList[1], QString::number(UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING));
++    EXPECT_EQ(stateList[2], "100");
++    delete device;
++// 测试 engine_get_summary 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, engine_get_summary) {
++    // 准备一些测试数据
++    DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++    device->m_dev.IsPresent = true;
++    device->m_dev.kind = UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY;
++    device->m_dev.State = UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING;
++    device->m_dev.Percentage = 50.0;
++    device->m_dev.TimeToEmpty = 100;
++    m_pEngineDeviceDbus->devices.append(device);
++    QString summary = m_pEngineDeviceDbus->engine_get_summary();
++    // 检查返回的摘要是否符合预期
++    EXPECT_FALSE(summary.isEmpty());
++    delete device;
++// 测试 engine_get_device_summary 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, engine_get_device_summary) {
++    // 准备一些测试数据
++    DEVICE *device = new DEVICE;
++    device->m_dev.IsPresent = true;
++    device->m_dev.kind = UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY;
++    device->m_dev.State = UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING;
++    device->m_dev.Percentage = 50.0;
++    device->m_dev.TimeToEmpty = 100;
++    QString summary = m_pEngineDeviceDbus->engine_get_device_summary(device);
++    // 检查返回的摘要是否符合预期
++    EXPECT_FALSE(summary.isEmpty());
++    delete device;
++// 测试 engine_kind_to_localised_text 函数
++TEST_F(EngineDeviceTest, engine_kind_to_localised_text) {
++    EXPECT_EQ(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->engine_kind_to_localised_text(UP_DEVICE_KIND_LINE_POWER, 0), "AC adapter");
++    EXPECT_EQ(m_pEngineDeviceDbus->engine_kind_to_localised_text(UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY, 0), "Laptop battery");
++    // 测试其他枚举值
++const static QString upowerService = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.UPower");
++const static QString upowerPath = QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/UPower");
++const static QString upowerInterface = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.UPower");
++const static QString propertiesInterface = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties");
++const static QString upowerDisplayPath = QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/DisplayDevice");
++const static QString upowerDeviceInterface = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.UPower.Device");
++// 测试 UpowerHelper 类
++class UpowerHelperTest : public ::testing::Test {
++    std::unique_ptr<UpowerHelper> upowerHelper;
++    std::unique_ptr<EngineDevice> engineDevice;
++    void SetUp() override {
++        engineDevice = std::make_unique<EngineDevice>();
++        upowerHelper = std::make_unique<UpowerHelper>(nullptr);
++        upowerHelper->m_engineDevice = engineDevice.get();
++    }
++    void TearDown() override {
++        upowerHelper.reset();
++        engineDevice.reset();
++    }
++// 测试 UpowerHelper 构造函数中的 DBus 连接和属性初始化
++TEST_F(UpowerHelperTest, UpowerHelperConstructor) {
++    // 检查 m_upowerService 是否有效
++    EXPECT_TRUE(upowerHelper->m_upowerService->isValid());
++    // 检查 m_upowerInterface 是否有效
++    EXPECT_TRUE(upowerHelper->m_upowerInterface->isValid());
++    // 检查是否正确连接了信号
++//    QDBusConnectionInterface *connectionInterface = QDBusConnection::systemBus().interface();
++//    bool isConnected = connectionInterface->isConnected(upowerService, upowerPath, propertiesInterface, "PropertiesChanged", upowerHelper.get());
++//    EXPECT_TRUE(isConnected);
++    // 检查 m_isBattery 的初始化
++    QDBusReply<QVariant> interfaceReply = upowerHelper->m_upowerInterface->call("Get", "org.freedesktop.UPower", "LidIsPresent");
++    bool expectedIsBattery = interfaceReply.isValid()? interfaceReply.value().toBool() : false;
++    EXPECT_EQ(upowerHelper->m_isBattery, expectedIsBattery);
++    // 检查是否正确连接了电池设备的信号
++//    if (!upowerHelper->m_batInterface.isNull()) {
++//        isConnected = connectionInterface->isConnected(upowerService, upowerHelper->m_batInterface->path(), propertiesInterface, "PropertiesChanged", upowerHelper.get());
++//        EXPECT_TRUE(isConnected);
++//    }
++    // 检查是否正确连接了 EngineDevice 的信号
++    bool isSignalConnected = QObject::connect(engineDevice.get(), &EngineDevice::engine_signal_Battery_State, upowerHelper.get(), &UpowerHelper::onBatteryChanged);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(isSignalConnected);
++// 测试 getBatteryIconName 函数
++TEST_F(UpowerHelperTest, GetBatteryIconName) {
++    // 模拟电池状态和百分比
++    upowerHelper->m_upowerInterface->setProperty("OnBattery", QVariant(true));
++    upowerHelper->m_batInterface->setProperty("Percentage", QVariant(50.0));
++    QString iconName = upowerHelper->getBatteryIconName();
++    EXPECT_EQ(iconName, "battery-level-50-symbolic");
++    upowerHelper->m_upowerInterface->setProperty("OnBattery", QVariant(false));
++    iconName = upowerHelper->getBatteryIconName();
++    EXPECT_EQ(iconName, "battery-level-50-charging-symbolic");
++    // 测试异常情况,如百分比为负数
++    upowerHelper->m_batInterface->setProperty("Percentage", QVariant(-10.0));
++    iconName = upowerHelper->getBatteryIconName();
++    EXPECT_EQ(iconName, "battery-level--10-symbolic");
++    // 测试无效的 DBus 接口
++//    upowerHelper->m_upowerService->setValid(false);
++    iconName = upowerHelper->getBatteryIconName();
++    EXPECT_EQ(iconName, QString());
++// 测试 getBatteryArgs 函数
++TEST_F(UpowerHelperTest, GetBatteryArgs) {
++    // 模拟 engineDevice 的状态
++    DEVICE device;
++    device.m_dev.IsPresent = true;
++    device.m_dev.kind = UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY;
++    device.m_dev.State = UP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING;
++    engineDevice->devices.append(&device);
++    QStringList args = upowerHelper->getBatteryArgs();
++    // 检查是否调用了 engine_get_state 并得到了正确的结果
++    EXPECT_FALSE(args.isEmpty());
++    // 测试 engineDevice 为空的情况
++    upowerHelper->m_engineDevice = nullptr;
++    args = upowerHelper->getBatteryArgs();
++    EXPECT_TRUE(args.isEmpty());
++// 测试 onBatteryChanged 函数
++TEST_F(UpowerHelperTest, OnBatteryChanged) {
++    QStringList args = {"arg1", "arg2"};
++    // 使用 QSignalSpy 监听 batteryChanged 信号
++    QSignalSpy spy(upowerHelper.get(), SIGNAL(batteryChanged(QStringList)));
++    upowerHelper->onBatteryChanged(args);
++//     检查信号是否正确触发
++    EXPECT_EQ(spy.count(), 1);
++    EXPECT_EQ(spy[0][0].toStringList(), args);
++// 测试 dealMessage 函数
++TEST_F(UpowerHelperTest, DealMessage) {
++    // 使用 QSignalSpy 监听 batteryStatusChanged 信号
++    QSignalSpy spy(upowerHelper.get(), SIGNAL(batteryStatusChanged(QString)));
++    QDBusMessage message;
++    upowerHelper->dealMessage(message);
++//    // 检查信号是否正确触发
++    EXPECT_EQ(spy.count(), 1);
++    // 测试信号传递的参数
++    upowerHelper->m_upowerService->setProperty("OnBattery", QVariant(true));
++    upowerHelper->m_batInterface->setProperty("Percentage", QVariant(30.0));
++    upowerHelper->dealMessage(message);
++    EXPECT_EQ(spy[1][0].toString(), "battery-level-30-symbolic");
++// 测试 onLidWatcherMessage 函数
++TEST_F(UpowerHelperTest, OnLidWatcherMessage) {
++    // 使用 QSignalSpy 监听 lidStateChanged 信号
++    QSignalSpy spy(upowerHelper.get(), SIGNAL(lidStateChanged(bool)));
++    QDBusMessage message;
++    upowerHelper->onLidWatcherMessage();
++    // 检查信号是否正确触发
++    EXPECT_EQ(spy.count(), 1);
++    // 测试信号传递的参数
++    QDBusInterface iface(upowerService, upowerPath, propertiesInterface, QDBusConnection::systemBus());
++    iface.setProperty("LidIsClosed", QVariant(true));
++    upowerHelper->onLidWatcherMessage();
++    EXPECT_EQ(spy[1][0].toBool(), true);
++    iface.setProperty("LidIsClosed", QVariant(false));
++    upowerHelper->onLidWatcherMessage();
++    EXPECT_EQ(spy[2][0].toBool(), false);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2ad8965
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.cpp
++    unit_test_freedesktop_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_freedesktop_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/unit_test_freedesktop_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/unit_test_freedesktop_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d355a17
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_freedesktop_helper/unit_test_freedesktop_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class FreedesktopHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pFreedesktopHelperDbus = new FreedesktopHelper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pFreedesktopHelperDbus;
++        m_pFreedesktopHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static FreedesktopHelper *m_pFreedesktopHelperDbus;
++FreedesktopHelper *FreedesktopHelperTest::m_pFreedesktopHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(FreedesktopHelperTest, NameHasOwner)
++    bool value = m_pFreedesktopHelperDbus->NameHasOwner("org.ukui.Biometric");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(FreedesktopHelperTest, isServiceActivable)
++    bool value = m_pFreedesktopHelperDbus->isServiceActivable("org.ukui.UniauthBackend");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0c8fcfa
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
++    unit_test_gsettings_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_gsettings_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/unit_test_gsettings_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/unit_test_gsettings_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ed02904
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_gsettings_helper/unit_test_gsettings_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class GSettingsHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pGSettingsHelperDbus = new GSettingsHelper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pGSettingsHelperDbus;
++        m_pGSettingsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static GSettingsHelper *m_pGSettingsHelperDbus;
++GSettingsHelper *GSettingsHelperTest::m_pGSettingsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetScreenSaverConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME);
++    bool value1 = result1.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_CUSTOM_REST_TIME);
++    bool value2 = result2.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_SHOW_CUSTOM_REST_TIME);
++    QVariant result3 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_UKUI_REST_TIME);
++    bool value3 = result3.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_SHOW_UKUI_REST_TIME);
++    QVariant result4 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_CYCLE_TIME);
++    int value4 = result4.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_CYCLE_TIME);
++    QVariant result5 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE);
++    bool value5 = result5.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_ENABLE);
++    QVariant result6 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_BACKGROUND_PATH);
++    QString value6 = result6.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_BACKGROUND_PATH);
++    QVariant result7 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_MYTEXT);
++    QString value7 = result7.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_MYTEXT);
++    QVariant result8 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_TEXT_IS_CENTER);
++    bool value8 = result8.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_TEXT_IS_CENTER);
++    QVariant result9 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_MESSAGE_ENABLED);
++    bool value9 = result9.toBool();
++    QVariant result10 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_MESSAGE_NUMBER);
++    int value10 = result10.toInt();
++    QVariant result11 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_VIDEO_FORMAT);
++    QString value11 = result11.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_VIDEO_FORMAT);
++    QVariant result12 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_VIDEO_PATH);
++    QString value12 = result12.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_VIDEO_PATH);
++    QVariant result13 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_VIDEO_SIZE);
++    int value13 = result13.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_VIDEO_SIZE);
++    QVariant result14 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH);
++    int value14 = result14.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH);
++    QVariant result15 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT);
++    int value15 = result15.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onScreenSaverConfigChanged(KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value4, 300);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value5, false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value6.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value7.isEmpty(), true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value8, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value9, false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value10, 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value11.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value12.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value13, 100);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value14, 1920);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value15, 1080);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetScreenSaverConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME);
++    bool oldValue = result.toBool();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME, true);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetScreenSaverConf(KEY_SHOW_REST_TIME, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetLockScreenConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_DELAY);
++    int value1 = result1.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IDLE_DELAY);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    int value2 = result2.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    QVariant result3 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    bool value3 = result3.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    QVariant result4 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    bool value4 = result4.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    QVariant result5 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    int value5 = result5.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    QVariant result6 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    bool value6 = result6.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IDLE_LOCK);
++    QVariant result7 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_SLEEP_ACTIVATION_ENABLED);
++    bool value7 = result7.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_SLEEP_ACTIVATION_ENABLED);
++    QVariant result8 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED);
++    bool value8 = result8.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_LOCK_ENABLED);
++    QVariant result9 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_BACKGROUND);
++    QString value9 = result9.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_BACKGROUND);
++    QVariant result10 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_MODE);
++    QString value10 = result10.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_MODE);
++    QVariant result11 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_THEMES);
++    QStringList value11 = result11.toStringList();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_THEMES);
++    QVariant result12 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IMAGE_TRANSITION_EFFECT);
++    int value12 = result12.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IMAGE_TRANSITION_EFFECT);
++    QVariant result13 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IMAGE_SWITCH_INTERVAL);
++    int value13 = result13.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onLockScreenConfigChanged(KEY_IMAGE_SWITCH_INTERVAL);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, 5);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2, -1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value4, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value5, 10);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value6, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value7, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value8, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value9.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value10.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value11.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value12, 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value13, 60);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetLockScreenConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_DELAY);
++    int oldValue = result.toInt();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_DELAY, 1);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetLockScreenConf(KEY_IDLE_DELAY, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetPowerManagerConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_SUSPEND);
++    bool value1 = result1.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onPowerManagerConfigChanged(KEY_LOCK_SUSPEND);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_HIBERNATE);
++    bool value2 = result2.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onPowerManagerConfigChanged(KEY_LOCK_HIBERNATE);
++    QVariant result3 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_BLANKSCREEN);
++    bool value3 = result3.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onPowerManagerConfigChanged(KEY_LOCK_BLANKSCREEN);
++    QVariant result4 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetPowerManagerConf(KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC);
++    int value4 = result4.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onPowerManagerConfigChanged(KEY_SLEEP_COMPUTER_AC);
++    QVariant result5 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetPowerManagerConf(KEY_SLEEP_DISPLAY_AC);
++    int value5 = result5.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onPowerManagerConfigChanged(KEY_SLEEP_DISPLAY_AC);
++    QVariant result6 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetPowerManagerConf(KEY_BUTTON_LID_AC);
++    int value6 = result6.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onPowerManagerConfigChanged(KEY_BUTTON_LID_AC);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2, false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value4, -1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value5, -1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value6, 0);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetPowerManagerConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_SUSPEND);
++    bool oldValue = result.toBool();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_SUSPEND, false);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetPowerManagerConf(KEY_LOCK_SUSPEND, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetMateBgConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetMateBgConf(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME);
++    QString value1 = result1.toString();
++//    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onMateBgConfigChanged(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetMateBgConf(KEY_PICTURE_OPTIONS);
++    QString value2 = result2.toString();
++//    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onMateBgConfigChanged(KEY_PICTURE_OPTIONS);
++    QVariant result3 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetMateBgConf(KEY_PRIMARY_COLOR);
++    QString value3 = result3.toString();
++//    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onMateBgConfigChanged(KEY_PRIMARY_COLOR);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetMateBgConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetMateBgConf(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME);
++    QString oldValue = result.toString();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetMateBgConf(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME, "ssss");
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetMateBgConf(KEY_PICTURE_FILENAME, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetUkccPluginsConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUkccPluginsConf(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM);
++    int value1 = result1.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUkccPluginsConfigChanged(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUkccPluginsConf(KEY_DATE);
++    QString value2 = result2.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUkccPluginsConfigChanged(KEY_DATE);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, 24);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetUkccPluginsConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUkccPluginsConf(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM);
++    int oldValue = result.toInt();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetUkccPluginsConf(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM, 100);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetUkccPluginsConf(KEY_HOUR_SYSTEM, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetThemeStyleConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE);
++    double value1 = result1.toDouble();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onThemeStyleConfigChanged(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_THEME_COLOR);
++    QString value2 = result2.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onThemeStyleConfigChanged(KEY_THEME_COLOR);
++    QVariant result3 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_MENU_TRANSPARENCY);
++    int value3 = result3.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onThemeStyleConfigChanged(KEY_MENU_TRANSPARENCY);
++    QVariant result4 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_STYLE_NAME);
++    QString value4 = result4.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onThemeStyleConfigChanged(KEY_STYLE_NAME);
++    QVariant result5 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT);
++    QString value5 = result5.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onThemeStyleConfigChanged(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, 11);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3, 35);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value4.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value5.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetThemeStyleConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetThemeStyleConf(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE);
++    int oldValue = result.toInt();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetThemeStyleConf(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE, 14);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetThemeStyleConf(KEY_SYSTEM_FONT_SIZE, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetSessionConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_IDLE);
++    int value1 = result1.toInt();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onSessionConfigChanged(KEY_SESSION_IDLE);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_LOGOUT_MUSIC);
++    bool value2 = result2.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onSessionConfigChanged(KEY_SESSION_LOGOUT_MUSIC);
++    QVariant result3 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_POWEROFF_MUSIC);
++    bool value3 = result3.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onSessionConfigChanged(KEY_SESSION_POWEROFF_MUSIC);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, 1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2, false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3, false);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetSessionConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_LOGOUT_MUSIC);
++    bool oldValue = result.toBool();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_LOGOUT_MUSIC, false);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetSessionConf(KEY_SESSION_LOGOUT_MUSIC, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetKeyboardConf)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS);
++    bool value1 = result1.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onKeyboardConfigChanged(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, false);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetKeyboardConf)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS);
++    bool oldValue = result.toBool();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS, false);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetKeyboardConf(KEY_CAPSLOCK_STATUS, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetUsdMediaKeys)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUsdMediaKeys(KEY_AREA_SCREENSHOT);
++    QString value1 = result1.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUsdMediaKeysConfigChanged(KEY_AREA_SCREENSHOT);
++    QVariant result2 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUsdMediaKeys(KEY_AREA_SCREENSHOT2);
++    QString value2 = result2.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUsdMediaKeysConfigChanged(KEY_AREA_SCREENSHOT2);
++    QVariant result3 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUsdMediaKeys(KEY_SCREEN_SHOT);
++    QString value3 = result3.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUsdMediaKeysConfigChanged(KEY_SCREEN_SHOT);
++    QVariant result4 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUsdMediaKeys(KEY_SCREEN_SHOT2);
++    QString value4 = result4.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUsdMediaKeysConfigChanged(KEY_SCREEN_SHOT2);
++    QVariant result5 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUsdMediaKeys(KEY_WINDOW_SCREENSHOT);
++    QString value5 = result5.toString();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUsdMediaKeysConfigChanged(KEY_WINDOW_SCREENSHOT);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value4.isEmpty(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value5.isEmpty(), false);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, GetUsdMediaStateKeys)
++    QVariant result1 = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE);
++    bool value1 = result1.toBool();
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->onUsdMediaStateKeysConfigChanged(KEY_RFKILL_STATE);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, false);
++TEST_F(GSettingsHelperTest, SetUsdMediaStateKeys)
++    QVariant result = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->GetUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE);
++    bool oldValue = result.toBool();
++    bool value = m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE, false);
++    m_pGSettingsHelperDbus->SetUsdMediaStateKeys(KEY_RFKILL_STATE, oldValue);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d0da1cf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.cpp
++    unit_test_inputswitch_event.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_inputswitch_event ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++    -lukuiinputgatherclient
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/unit_test_inputswitch_event.cpp b/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/unit_test_inputswitch_event.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5d4fbba
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_inputswitch_event/unit_test_inputswitch_event.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QCoreApplication>
++#include <QString>
++#include <memory>
++#include <iostream>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.h"
++// 辅助函数,模拟文件读取内容
++QString simulateFileRead(const QString &filePath) {
++    if (filePath == "/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor") {
++        return "Vendor";
++    } else if (filePath == "/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name") {
++        return "Product";
++    } else if (filePath == "/sys/class/dmi/id/product_family") {
++        return "Family";
++    }
++    return "";
++// 测试 MachineModel 类
++class MachineModelTest : public ::testing::Test {
++    std::shared_ptr<MachineModel> machineModel;
++    void SetUp() override {
++        machineModel = MachineModel::getMachineModelInstance();
++    }
++    void TearDown() override {
++        machineModel.reset();
++    }
++// 测试 getSysVendor 函数
++TEST_F(MachineModelTest, getSysVendor) {
++    QString vendor = machineModel->getSysVendor();
++    EXPECT_EQ(vendor, "Vendor");
++// 测试 getProductName 函数
++TEST_F(MachineModelTest, getProductName) {
++    QString productName = machineModel->getProductName();
++    EXPECT_EQ(productName, "Product");
++// 测试 getProductFamily 函数
++TEST_F(MachineModelTest, getProductFamily) {
++    QString productFamily = machineModel->getProductFamily();
++    EXPECT_EQ(productFamily, "Family");
++// 测试 initMachineType 函数
++TEST_F(MachineModelTest, initMachineType) {
++    machineModel->initMachineType();
++    QString machineType = machineModel->getTheMachineType();
++    EXPECT_EQ(machineType, "");  // 这里根据实际的配置文件设置进行调整
++// 测试 LibinputSwitchEvent 类
++class LibinputSwitchEventTest : public ::testing::Test {
++    std::unique_ptr<LibinputSwitchEvent> libinputSwitchEvent;
++    void SetUp() override {
++        // 使用模拟的 QProcess
++        qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "minimal");
++        qRegisterMetaType<Event *>("Event*");
++        libinputSwitchEvent = std::make_unique<LibinputSwitchEvent>(nullptr);
++    }
++    void TearDown() override {
++        libinputSwitchEvent.reset();
++    }
++// 测试 geInitDevicesStatus 函数
++TEST_F(LibinputSwitchEventTest, geInitDevicesStatus) {
++    // 测试不同的机器类型
++    libinputSwitchEvent->m_machineType = "SLATE";
++    EXPECT_TRUE(libinputSwitchEvent->geInitDevicesStatus());
++    libinputSwitchEvent->m_machineType = "LAPTOP";
++    // EXPECT_TRUE(libinputSwitchEvent->geInitDevicesStatus());
++    libinputSwitchEvent->m_machineType = "ALLINONE";
++    EXPECT_FALSE(libinputSwitchEvent->geInitDevicesStatus());
++    libinputSwitchEvent->m_machineType = "OTHER";
++    EXPECT_FALSE(libinputSwitchEvent->geInitDevicesStatus());
++// 测试 dealEvent 函数
++TEST_F(LibinputSwitchEventTest, dealEvent) {
++    Event event;
++    event.event.switchEventDate.switchType = LIBINPUT_SWITCH_TABLET_MODE;
++    // 测试切换到平板模式
++//    event.event.switchEventDate.switchState = LIBINPUT_SWITCH_STATE_ON;
++//    QSignalSpy spy(libinputSwitchEvent.get(), SIGNAL(tabletModeStatusChanged(int)));
++//    libinputSwitchEvent->dealEvent(&event);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(spy.count(), 1);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(spy[0][0].value<int>(), 1);
++//    // 测试切换出平板模式
++//    event.event.switchEventDate.switchState = LIBINPUT_SWITCH_STATE_OFF;
++//    spy.clear();
++//    libinputSwitchEvent->dealEvent(&event);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(spy.count(), 1);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(spy[0][0].value<int>(), 0);
++    // 测试其他事件类型
++//    event.type = LIBINPUT_EVENT_NONE;
++//    spy.clear();
++//    libinputSwitchEvent->dealEvent(&event);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(spy.count(), 0);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8c28b68
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp
++    unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..11def17
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper/unit_test_kglobalaccel_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class KglobalAccelHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pKglobalAccelHelperDbus = new KglobalAccelHelper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pKglobalAccelHelperDbus;
++        m_pKglobalAccelHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static KglobalAccelHelper *m_pKglobalAccelHelperDbus;
++KglobalAccelHelper *KglobalAccelHelperTest::m_pKglobalAccelHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(KglobalAccelHelperTest, blockShortcut)
++    bool oldValue = m_pKglobalAccelHelperDbus->blockShortcut(true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(oldValue, true);
++    bool newValue = m_pKglobalAccelHelperDbus->blockShortcut(false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, true);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..db1fa6d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Widgets X11Extras Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++find_package(X11 REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(GIOUNIX2 REQUIRED gio-unix-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(XCB REQUIRED xcb)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/agreementinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../..//src/widgets/screensavermode.cpp
++    ../../src/common/utils.cpp
++    unit_test_lock_dialog_model.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
++    ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.h
++    ../../src/userinfo.h
++    ../../src/agreementinfo.h
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++    ../..//src/widgets/screensavermode.h
++    ../../src/common/utils.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${X11_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_lock_dialog_model ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::Widgets
++    Qt5::X11Extras
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
++    ${X11_LIBRARIES}
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/unit_test_lock_dialog_model.cpp b/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/unit_test_lock_dialog_model.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..32db3a1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_lock_dialog_model/unit_test_lock_dialog_model.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include <QCommandLineParser>
++#include <QDebug>
++#include "../../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h"
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/agreementinfo.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++// 测试夹具类,用于初始化和清理测试环境
++class LockDialogModelTest : public ::testing::Test {
++    LockDialogModel* model;
++    virtual void SetUp() {
++        model = new LockDialogModel(nullptr);
++    }
++    virtual void TearDown() {
++        delete model;
++    }
++TEST_F(LockDialogModelTest, ParseCmdArguments) {
++    QStringList args;
++    LockDialogModel::CommandLineArgs cmdArgs;
++    // 天翼云情况测试(模拟天翼云平台)
++    args << "--lock-startup";
++    setenv("HostCloundPlatform", "ctyun", 1);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(model->parseCmdArguments(args, cmdArgs));
++    unsetenv("HostCloundPlatform");
++    // 非天翼云且参数不全情况测试
++    args.clear();
++//    EXPECT_FALSE(model->parseCmdArguments(args, cmdArgs));
++    // 完整参数设置测试
++    args << "--lock";
++    EXPECT_TRUE(model->parseCmdArguments(args, cmdArgs));
++    EXPECT_TRUE(cmdArgs.isLock);
++TEST_F(LockDialogModelTest, FindUserByName) {
++    // 查找已存在的用户
++    UserInfoPtr result = model->findUserByName("testuser");
++    EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
++    // 查找不存在的用户
++    result = model->findUserByName("nonexistentuser");
++    EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
++TEST_F(LockDialogModelTest, GetScreensaver) {
++    ScreenSaver* saver = model->getScreensaver();
++    EXPECT_EQ(saver->mode, SAVER_RANDOM);
++    delete saver;
++    saver = model->getScreensaver();
++    EXPECT_EQ(saver->mode, SAVER_IMAGE);
++    delete saver;
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4263e43
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
++    unit_test_login1_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_login1_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/unit_test_login1_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/unit_test_login1_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..469bbd1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_login1_helper/unit_test_login1_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class Login1HelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pLogin1HelperDbus = new Login1Helper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pLogin1HelperDbus;
++        m_pLogin1HelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static Login1Helper *m_pLogin1HelperDbus;
++Login1Helper *Login1HelperTest::m_pLogin1HelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, isSessionActive)
++    bool value = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->isSessionActive();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, onPrepareForSleep)
++    bool oldSleep = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->m_isSleeping;
++    m_pLogin1HelperDbus->onPrepareForSleep(true);
++    m_pLogin1HelperDbus->onHibitedWatcherMessage();
++    m_pLogin1HelperDbus->onPrepareForSleep(oldSleep);
++    ASSERT_EQ(m_pLogin1HelperDbus->m_isSleeping, true);
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, setPowerManager)
++    m_pLogin1HelperDbus->setPowerManager("test");
++    m_pLogin1HelperDbus->Unlock();
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, getCanPowerManager)
++    bool value = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->getCanPowerManager("CanReboot");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, isCanHibernate)
++    bool value = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->isCanHibernate();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, isCanSuspend)
++    bool value = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->isCanSuspend();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, isCanReboot)
++    bool value = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->isCanReboot();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, isCanPowerOff)
++    bool value = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->isCanPowerOff();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(Login1HelperTest, canAction)
++    bool value = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->canAction(PowerHibernate);
++    bool value1 = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->canAction(PowerSuspend);
++    bool value2 = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->canAction(PowerMonitorOff);
++    bool value3 = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->canAction(PowerLogout);
++    bool value4 = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->canAction(PowerReboot);
++    bool value5 = m_pLogin1HelperDbus->canAction(PowerShutdown);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value4, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value5, true);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_personal_data/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a20411e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(LIGHTDM-QT5-3 REQUIRED liblightdm-qt5-3)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.cpp
++    unit_test_personal_data.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.h
++    )
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_personal_data ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_personal_data/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_common.cpp b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_common.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b350754
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_common.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
++#include "../../src/common/definetypes.h"
++#include "../../src/common/biodefines.h"
++#include "../../src/common/commonfunc.h"
++#include "../../src/common/configuration.h"
++#include "../../src/common/global_utils.h"
++#include "../../src/common/rsac.h"
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include <QIcon>
++#include <openssl/rsa.h>
++#include <openssl/pem.h>
++#include <openssl/err.h>
++#include <openssl/sha.h>
++#include <iostream>
++#include "../../src/common/rsac.h"
++#include "../../src/common/utils.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++// 辅助函数,用于初始化OpenSSL库
++void InitOpenSSL() {
++    OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
++    ERR_load_crypto_strings();
++// 辅助函数,用于清理OpenSSL库
++void CleanupOpenSSL() {
++    EVP_cleanup();
++    ERR_free_strings();
++class CommonTest : public testing::Test
++    void SetUp() override {
++        InitOpenSSL();
++    }
++    void TearDown() override {
++        CleanupOpenSSL();
++    }
++    RSAC rsac;
++TEST_F(CommonTest, scaledPixmap)
++    setCursorCenter();
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newPixmap = scaledPixmap(pixmap);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, PixmapToRound)
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newPixmap = PixmapToRound(pixmap, 4);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, PixmapToRound2)
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newPixmap = PixmapToRound(pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, loadSvg)
++    QPixmap iconPixmap = loadSvg(":/image/assets/show-password.png", "white", 16);
++    ASSERT_EQ(iconPixmap.isNull(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, drawSymbolicColoredPixmap)
++    QPixmap retryIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    ASSERT_EQ(drawSymbolicColoredPixmap(retryIcon, "white").isNull(), false);
++    ASSERT_EQ(getLoadingIcon(16).width(), 16);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, scaleBlurPixmap)
++    QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap(scaleBlurPixmap(16, 16, "/usr/share/background/house.png"));
++    ASSERT_EQ(pixmap->width(), 16);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, blurPixmap)
++    QPixmap pixmap = QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh-symbolic").pixmap(48, 48);
++    QPixmap newpixmap = blurPixmap(pixmap);
++    ASSERT_EQ(newpixmap.width(), 16);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getValue)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        QString color = Configuration::instance()->getValue("background-color").toString();
++        ASSERT_EQ(color.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getCurrentUser)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        Configuration::instance()->getCurrentUser(getenv("USER"));
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, setValue)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        QString color = Configuration::instance()->getValue("backgroundPath").toString();
++        QString oldvalue = Configuration::instance()->getUserConfig("backgroundPath").toString();
++        Configuration::instance()->setValue("backgroundPath", oldvalue);
++        ASSERT_EQ(oldvalue.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, hasValue)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        bool value = Configuration::instance()->hasValue("backgroundPath");
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getIs990)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        bool value = Configuration::instance()->getIs990();
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getLastNumLock)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        bool value = Configuration::instance()->getLastNumLock();
++        Configuration::instance()->saveLastNumLock(value);
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getRootBackgroundOption)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        int value = Configuration::instance()->getRootBackgroundOption(getenv("USER"));
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getDefaultBackgroundName)
++    if (Configuration::instance()) {
++        QString background = Configuration::instance()->getDefaultBackgroundName();
++        ASSERT_EQ(background.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(CommonTest, checkCapsLockState)
++    checkIslivecd();
++    KillFocusOfKydroid();
++    ASSERT_EQ(checkCapsLockState(), false);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getDefaultFontSize)
++    ASSERT_EQ(getDefaultFontSize(), 14.0);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getUserFontSize)
++    ASSERT_EQ(getUserFontSize(getenv("USER")), 14.0);
++TEST_F(CommonTest, getUserThemeColor)
++    ASSERT_EQ(getUserThemeColor(getenv("USER")), "test");
++// 测试密钥生成并保存到文件
++TEST_F(CommonTest, GenerateKeyPairToFile) {
++    QString priKeyFile = "test_private.pem";
++    QString pubKeyFile = "test_public.pem";
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(priKeyFile, pubKeyFile, 1024);
++    // 这里可以添加额外的检查来验证文件是否成功生成且内容有效
++    // 例如,打开文件并读取内容,检查是否为有效的PEM格式密钥
++    // 但由于这是一个简单的测试示例,我们省略了这些步骤
++    // 清理生成的文件
++    QFile::remove(priKeyFile);
++    QFile::remove(pubKeyFile);
++// 测试密钥生成并保存到QByteArray
++TEST_F(CommonTest, GenerateKeyPairToByteArray) {
++    QByteArray privateKey;
++    QByteArray publicKey;
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey, 1024);
++    // 检查生成的密钥是否非空
++    EXPECT_FALSE(privateKey.isEmpty());
++    EXPECT_FALSE(publicKey.isEmpty());
++    // 这里可以添加额外的检查来验证密钥的有效性
++    // 例如,使用OpenSSL函数解析生成的密钥并检查其属性
++    // 但由于这是一个简单的测试示例,我们省略了这些步骤
++// 测试加密和解密
++TEST_F(CommonTest, EncryptDecrypt) {
++    QByteArray privateKey;
++    QByteArray publicKey;
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey, 1024);
++    QByteArray plaintext = "Hello, RSA!";
++    QByteArray ciphertext;
++    QByteArray decryptedtext;
++    bool encryptResult = rsac.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext, publicKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(encryptResult);
++    bool decryptResult = rsac.decrypt(ciphertext, decryptedtext, privateKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(decryptResult);
++    EXPECT_EQ(plaintext, decryptedtext);
++// 测试签名和验签
++TEST_F(CommonTest, SignVerify) {
++    QByteArray privateKey;
++    QByteArray publicKey;
++    rsac.generateKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey, 1024);
++    QByteArray message = "This is a test message.";
++    QByteArray signature;
++    bool signResult = rsac.sign(message, signature, privateKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(signResult);
++    bool verifyResult = rsac.verify(message, signature, publicKey);
++    EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult);
++    // 尝试使用错误的消息进行验签,应该失败
++    bool verifyWithWrongMessageResult = rsac.verify("Wrong message.", signature, publicKey);
++    EXPECT_FALSE(verifyWithWrongMessageResult);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_personal_data.cpp b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_personal_data.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6415f4a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_personal_data/unit_test_personal_data.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.h"
++#include "gtest/gtest.h"
++#include <QJsonObject>
++#include <QJsonDocument>
++#include <QJsonArray>
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++// 测试夹具类,用于初始化和清理测试环境
++class PersonalizedDataTest : public ::testing::Test {
++    PersonalizedData* personalizedData;
++//    PersonalizedDataMng* personalizedDataMng;
++    virtual void SetUp() override {
++        personalizedData = new PersonalizedData("testUser");
++//        personalizedDataMng = new PersonalizedDataMng();
++    }
++    virtual void TearDown() override {
++        delete personalizedData;
++//        delete personalizedDataMng;
++    }
++// 测试 PersonalizedData 类的构造函数和析构函数
++TEST_F(PersonalizedDataTest, PersonalizedDataConstructorAndDestructor) {
++    // 构造函数应该正确设置用户
++    KYLINUSERDATAMNG::getInstance()->GetUserPtr(getenv("USER"));
++    KYLINUSERDATAMNG::getInstance()->GetConfInformation(getenv("USER"));
++//    KYLINUSERDATAMNG::getInstance()->__getUserInfomation();
++//    EXPECT_EQ(personalizedData->m_user, "testUser");
++// 测试 PersonalizedData::getJsonData 函数
++TEST_F(PersonalizedDataTest, PersonalizedDataGetJsonData) {
++    QJsonObject json;
++    personalizedData->getJsonData(json);
++    // 检查生成的 JSON 对象是否包含正确的信息
++    EXPECT_EQ(json["user"].toString(), "testUser");
++    EXPECT_EQ(json["dateType"].toString(), "testDateType");
++    EXPECT_EQ(json["fontSize"].toInt(), 12);
++    EXPECT_EQ(json["timeType"].toInt(), 24);
++    EXPECT_EQ(json["backgroundPath"].toString(), "/path/to/background");
++    EXPECT_EQ(json["color"].toString(), "red");
++// 测试 PersonalizedData::setJson 函数
++TEST_F(PersonalizedDataTest, PersonalizedDataSetJson) {
++    QJsonObject json;
++    json["user"] = "testUser";
++    json["dateType"] = "newDateType";
++    json["fontSize"] = 14;
++    json["timeType"] = 12;
++    json["backgroundPath"] = "/new/path/to/background";
++    json["color"] = "blue";
++    personalizedData->setJson(json);
++    // 检查属性是否被正确设置
++//    EXPECT_EQ(personalizedData->m_dateType, "newDateType");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(personalizedData->m_fontSize, 14);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(personalizedData->m_timeType, 12);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(personalizedData->m_backgroundPath, "/new/path/to/background");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(personalizedData->m_color, "blue");
++//// 测试 PersonalizedDataMng::GetConfInformation 函数
++//TEST_F(PersonalizedDataTest, PersonalizedDataMngGetConfInformation) {
++//    // 先添加一些用户信息
++//    personalizedDataMng->m_userPersonalizedData["testUser"] = KylinUserDatePtr(new PersonalizedData("testUser"));
++//    personalizedDataMng->m_userPersonalizedData["testUser"]->m_dateType = "testDateType";
++//    personalizedDataMng->m_userPersonalizedData["testUser"]->m_fontSize = 12;
++//    personalizedDataMng->m_userPersonalizedData["testUser"]->m_timeType = 24;
++//    personalizedDataMng->m_userPersonalizedData["testUser"]->m_backgroundPath = "/path/to/background";
++//    personalizedDataMng->m_userPersonalizedData["testUser"]->m_color = "red";
++//    QString jsonStr = personalizedDataMng->GetConfInformation("testUser");
++//    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonStr.toUtf8());
++//    QJsonObject json = doc.object();
++//    QJsonObject userJson = json["testUser"].toObject();
++//    // 检查生成的 JSON 对象是否包含正确的信息
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userJson["greeter"]["dateType"].toString(), "testDateType");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userJson["greeter"]["fontSize"].toInt(), 12);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userJson["greeter"]["timeType"].toInt(), 24);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userJson["greeter"]["backgroundPath"].toString(), "/path/to/background");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userJson["greeter"]["color"].toString(), "red");
++//// 测试 PersonalizedDataMng::GetUserPtr 函数
++//TEST_F(PersonalizedDataTest, PersonalizedDataMngGetUserPtr) {
++//    personalizedDataMng->m_userPersonalizedData["testUser"] = KylinUserDatePtr(new PersonalizedData("testUser"));
++//    KylinUserDatePtr userPtr = personalizedDataMng->GetUserPtr("testUser");
++//    // 检查是否能正确获取用户指针
++//    EXPECT_NE(userPtr, nullptr);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_user, "testUser");
++//// 测试 PersonalizedDataMng::updateUserInformation 函数
++//TEST_F(PersonalizedDataTest, PersonalizedDataMngUpdateUserInformation) {
++//    QString jsonString = "{\"user\":\"testUser\",\"operation\":0,\"greeter\":{\"dateType\":\"newDateType\",\"fontSize\":14,\"timeType\":12,\"backgroundPath\":\"/new/path/to/background\",\"color\":\"blue\"}}";
++//    personalizedDataMng->updateUserInformation(jsonString);
++//    KylinUserDatePtr userPtr = personalizedDataMng->GetUserPtr("testUser");
++//    // 检查用户信息是否被正确更新
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_dateType, "newDateType");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_fontSize, 14);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_timeType, 12);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_backgroundPath, "/new/path/to/background");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_color, "blue");
++//// 测试 PersonalizedDataMng::__getUserInfomation 函数
++//TEST_F(PersonalizedDataTest, PersonalizedDataMngGetUserInfomation) {
++//    // 模拟从 DBus 获取的用户信息
++//    QString jsonString = "{\"testUser\":{\"greeter\":{\"dateType\":\"newDateType\",\"fontSize\":14,\"timeType\":12,\"backgroundPath\":\"/new/path/to/background\",\"color\":\"blue\"}}";
++//    QDBusInterface iface(
++//        static_dbus_service_name, static_dbus_path, static_dbus_interface, QDBusConnection::systemBus());
++//    QDBusPendingCall pcall;
++//    QDBusPendingReply<QString> reply(jsonString);
++//    QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(pcall, personalizedDataMng);
++//    personalizedDataMng->wait_for_finish(watcher);
++//    personalizedDataMng->__getUserInfomation();
++//    KylinUserDatePtr userPtr = personalizedDataMng->GetUserPtr("testUser");
++//    // 检查用户信息是否被正确设置
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_dateType, "newDateType");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_fontSize, 14);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_timeType, 12);
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_backgroundPath, "/new/path/to/background");
++//    EXPECT_EQ(userPtr->m_color, "blue");
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_screenlock/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_screenlock/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3e91d01
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_screenlock/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core DBus Network Test REQUIRED)
++find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(GIOUNIX2 REQUIRED gio-unix-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++pkg_check_modules(LIGHTDM-QT5-3 REQUIRED liblightdm-qt5-3)
++pkg_check_modules(LIBSYSTEMD REQUIRED libsystemd)
++# 查找pam动态库全路径并缓存到PAM_LIBRARIES变量
++find_library(PAM_LIBRARIES pam)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../../src/common/configuration.cpp
++    ../../src/common/rsac.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/device.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.cpp
++    ../../src/QtSingleApplication/qtlocalpeer.cpp
++    ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp
++    ../../src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.cpp
++    unit_test_screenlock.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.h
++    ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++    ../../src/userinfo.h
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++    ../../src/common/configuration.h
++    ../../src/common/rsac.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h
++    ../../src/common/configuration.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/device.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.h
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.h
++    ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h
++    ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h
++    ../../src/QtSingleApplication/qtlocalpeer.h
++    ../../src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${Qt5Test_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}../../src/QtSingleApplication/
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_screenlock ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::Test
++    Qt5::Network
++    OpenSSL::Crypto
++    -lukuiinputgatherclient
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_screenlock/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_screenlock/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9250f9b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_screenlock/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_screenlock/unit_test_screenlock.cpp b/tests/unit_test_screenlock/unit_test_screenlock.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bdbe630
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_screenlock/unit_test_screenlock.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2024 KylinSoft  Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screenlockinterface.h"
++#include <qgsettings.h>
++class ScreenlockInterfaceTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = new DbusUpperInterface();
++        m_pScreenlockInterface = new ScreenlockInterface(m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus, m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus);
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        if (m_pScreenlockInterface) {
++            delete m_pScreenlockInterface;
++            m_pScreenlockInterface = nullptr;
++        }
++        delete m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus;
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static ScreenlockInterface *m_pScreenlockInterface;
++    static DbusUpperInterface *m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus;
++DbusUpperInterface *ScreenlockInterfaceTest::m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = nullptr;
++ScreenlockInterface *ScreenlockInterfaceTest::m_pScreenlockInterface = nullptr;
++TEST_F(ScreenlockInterfaceTest, setShowOnLogin)
++    bool oldValue = m_pScreenlockInterface->property("showOnLogin").toBool();
++    m_pScreenlockInterface->setShowOnLogin(false);
++    bool newValue = m_pScreenlockInterface->property("showOnLogin").toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, false);
++    m_pScreenlockInterface->setShowOnLogin(oldValue);
++TEST_F(ScreenlockInterfaceTest, setWallpaper)
++    QGSettings gset("org.ukui.screensaver");
++    std::string oldValue = gset.get("background").toString().toStdString();
++    m_pScreenlockInterface->setWallpaper("/usr/share/backgrounds/city.jpg");
++    std::string newValue = gset.get("background").toString().toStdString();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(newValue.c_str(), "/usr/share/backgrounds/city.jpg");
++    m_pScreenlockInterface->setWallpaper(oldValue.c_str());
++TEST_F(ScreenlockInterfaceTest, resetDefault)
++    QGSettings gset("org.ukui.screensaver");
++    std::string oldValue = gset.get("background").toString().toStdString();
++    m_pScreenlockInterface->resetDefault();
++    std::string newValue = gset.get("background").toString().toStdString();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(newValue.c_str(), "/usr/share/backgrounds/1-openkylin.jpg");
++    m_pScreenlockInterface->setWallpaper(oldValue.c_str());
++TEST_F(ScreenlockInterfaceTest, getPreviewWallpapers)
++    int size = m_pScreenlockInterface->getPreviewWallpapers().size();
++    ASSERT_GE(size, 0);
++TEST_F(ScreenlockInterfaceTest, getSourceWallpapers)
++    int size = m_pScreenlockInterface->getSourceWallpapers().size();
++    ASSERT_GE(size, 0);
++TEST_F(ScreenlockInterfaceTest, getWallpaper)
++    int size = m_pScreenlockInterface->getWallpaper().size();
++    ASSERT_GE(size, 0);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_screensaver/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..aced7aa
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_screensaver/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core DBus Network Test REQUIRED)
++find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(GIOUNIX2 REQUIRED gio-unix-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++pkg_check_modules(LIGHTDM-QT5-3 REQUIRED liblightdm-qt5-3)
++pkg_check_modules(LIBSYSTEMD REQUIRED libsystemd)
++# 查找pam动态库全路径并缓存到PAM_LIBRARIES变量
++find_library(PAM_LIBRARIES pam)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../../src/common/configuration.cpp
++    ../../src/common/rsac.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/device.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.cpp
++    ../../src/QtSingleApplication/qtlocalpeer.cpp
++    ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.cpp
++    ../../src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.cpp
++    unit_test_screensaver.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/authpamthread.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/dbusupperinterface.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/bioauthenticate.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.h
++    ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++    ../../src/userinfo.h
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++    ../../src/common/configuration.h
++    ../../src/common/rsac.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/giodbus.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/accountshelper.h
++    ../../src/common/configuration.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/securityuser.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/upowerhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/kglobalaccelhelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.h
++    ../../src/lock-backend/personalizeddata.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/biometrichelper.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/device.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/machinemodel.h
++    ../../src/common/biodefines.h
++    ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stubext.h
++    ../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext/stub-shadow.h
++    ../../src/QtSingleApplication/qtlocalpeer.h
++    ../../src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${Qt5Test_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}../../src/QtSingleApplication/
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_screensaver ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::Test
++    Qt5::Network
++    OpenSSL::Crypto
++    -lukuiinputgatherclient
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_screensaver/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_screensaver/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9250f9b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_screensaver/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_screensaver/unit_test_screensaver.cpp b/tests/unit_test_screensaver/unit_test_screensaver.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2c27798
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_screensaver/unit_test_screensaver.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
++/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2024 KylinSoft  Co., Ltd.
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/ukccplugins/sessiondbus/screensaverinterface.h"
++#include <qgsettings.h>
++class ScreensaverInterfaceTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = new DbusUpperInterface();
++        m_pScreenSaverInterface = new ScreensaverInterface(m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus, m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus);
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        if (m_pScreenSaverInterface) {
++            delete m_pScreenSaverInterface;
++            m_pScreenSaverInterface = nullptr;
++        }
++        delete m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus;
++        m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static ScreensaverInterface *m_pScreenSaverInterface;
++    static DbusUpperInterface *m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus;
++DbusUpperInterface *ScreensaverInterfaceTest::m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = nullptr;
++ScreensaverInterface *ScreensaverInterfaceTest::m_pScreenSaverInterface = nullptr;
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setPreentryTime)
++    int oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("preentryTime").toInt();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setPreentryTime(10);
++    int newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("preentryTime").toInt();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, 10);
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setPreentryTime(oldValue);
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setScreensaverType)
++    QGSettings gsetting("org.ukui.screensaver");
++    std::string oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("screensaverType").toString().toStdString();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setScreensaverType("ukui");
++    std::string newValue = gsetting.get("mode").toString().toStdString();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(newValue.c_str(), "default-ukui");
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setScreensaverType(oldValue.c_str());
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setShowBreakTimeUkuiCustom)
++    bool oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("showBreakTimeCustom").toBool();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setShowBreakTimeCustom(true);
++    bool newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("showBreakTimeCustom").toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, true);
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setShowBreakTimeCustom(oldValue);
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setShowBreakTimeUkui)
++    bool oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("showBreakTimeUkui").toBool();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setShowBreakTimeUkui(false);
++    bool newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("showBreakTimeUkui").toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, false);
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setShowBreakTimeUkui(oldValue);
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setScreenLockEnabled)
++    bool oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("screenLockEnabled").toBool();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setScreenLockEnabled(false);
++    bool newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("screenLockEnabled").toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, false);
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setScreenLockEnabled(oldValue);
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setCustomPath)
++    std::string oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("customPath").toString().toStdString();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCustomPath("/test/path");
++    std::string newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("customPath").toString().toStdString();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(newValue.c_str(), "/test/path");
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCustomPath(oldValue.c_str());
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setSwitchRandom)
++    bool oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("switchRandom").toBool();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setSwitchRandom(false);
++    bool newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("switchRandom").toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, false);
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setSwitchRandom(oldValue);
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setCycleTime)
++    int oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("cycleTime").toInt();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCycleTime(60);
++    int newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("cycleTime").toInt();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, 60);
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCycleTime(oldValue);
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setCustomText)
++    std::string oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("customText").toString().toStdString();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCustomText("test custom text");
++    std::string newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("customText").toString().toStdString();
++    ASSERT_STREQ(newValue.c_str(), "test custom text");
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCustomText(oldValue.c_str());
++TEST_F(ScreensaverInterfaceTest, setCustomTextCentered)
++    bool oldValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("customTextCentered").toBool();
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCustomTextCentered(false);
++    bool newValue = m_pScreenSaverInterface->property("customTextCentered").toBool();
++    ASSERT_EQ(newValue, false);
++    m_pScreenSaverInterface->setCustomTextCentered(oldValue);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_session_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_session_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..48b6590
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_session_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control -fno-exceptions")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.cpp
++    ../../src/userinfo.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
++    unit_test_session_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++        ../../src/userinfo.h
++        ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
++        ../../src/dbusifs/dbusservermanager.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_session_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_session_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_session_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_session_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_session_helper/unit_test_session_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_session_helper/unit_test_session_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0abfdc5
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_session_helper/unit_test_session_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/sessionhelper.h"
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/login1helper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class SessionHelperTest : public testing::Test, public QObject
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_login1Helper = QSharedPointer<Login1Helper>(new Login1Helper(nullptr));
++        m_pSessionHelperDbus = new SessionHelper(m_login1Helper);
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pSessionHelperDbus;
++        m_pSessionHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static SessionHelper *m_pSessionHelperDbus;
++    static QSharedPointer<Login1Helper> m_login1Helper;
++SessionHelper *SessionHelperTest::m_pSessionHelperDbus = nullptr;
++QSharedPointer<Login1Helper> SessionHelperTest::m_login1Helper = nullptr;
++TEST_F(SessionHelperTest, canAction)
++    bool value = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(PowerHibernate);
++    bool value1 = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(PowerSuspend);
++    bool value2 = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(PowerMonitorOff);
++    bool value3 = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(PowerLogout);
++    bool value4 = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(PowerReboot);
++    bool value5 = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(PowerShutdown);
++    bool value6 = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(PowerSwitchUser);
++    //    bool value7 = m_pSessionHelperDbus->canAction(TestAction);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value1, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value2, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value3, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value4, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value5, true);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value6, true);
++TEST_F(SessionHelperTest, doAction)
++    bool value = m_pSessionHelperDbus->doAction("Suspend");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
++TEST_F(SessionHelperTest, getLockCheckStatus)
++    QStringList value = m_pSessionHelperDbus->getLockCheckStatus("shutdown");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value.isEmpty(), true);
++TEST_F(SessionHelperTest, playShutdownMusic)
++    bool value = m_pSessionHelperDbus->playShutdownMusic("Logout");
++    m_pSessionHelperDbus->playShutdownMusic("Reboot");
++    m_pSessionHelperDbus->playShutdownMusic("SwitchUser");
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, true);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4c5ad7d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus X11Extras REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(QGS REQUIRED gsettings-qt)
++pkg_check_modules(GIOUNIX2 REQUIRED gio-unix-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++find_package(X11 REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.cpp
++    ../../src/common/utils.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.cpp
++    unit_test_session_watcher.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++        ../../src/common/utils.h
++        ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h
++        ../../src/lock-backend/gsettingshelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++    ${X11_INCLUDE_DIRS}
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_session_watcher ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++    Qt5::X11Extras
++    ${X11_LIBRARIES}
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/unit_test_session_watcher.cpp b/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/unit_test_session_watcher.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1b12ca6
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_session_watcher/unit_test_session_watcher.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/sessionwatcher.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class SessionWatcherTest : public testing::Test
++    QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper> m_pGSettingsHelperDbus;
++    QSharedPointer<SessionWatcher> m_pSessionWatcherDbus;
++    void SetUp() override
++    {
++        m_pGSettingsHelperDbus = QSharedPointer<GSettingsHelper>(new GSettingsHelper());
++        m_pSessionWatcherDbus = QSharedPointer<SessionWatcher>(new SessionWatcher(m_pGSettingsHelperDbus));
++    }
++    void TearDown() override
++    {
++        m_pSessionWatcherDbus.reset();
++        m_pGSettingsHelperDbus.reset();
++    }
++TEST_F(SessionWatcherTest, GetCurUserName)
++    m_pSessionWatcherDbus->onStatusChanged(0);
++    m_pSessionWatcherDbus->onStatusChanged(1);
++    m_pSessionWatcherDbus->onStatusChanged(2);
++    m_pSessionWatcherDbus->onStatusChanged(3);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_switch_user/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_switch_user/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..65e67e4
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_switch_user/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 gio-2.0)
++pkg_check_modules(LIBSYSTEMD REQUIRED libsystemd)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.cpp
++    ../../src/common/global_utils.cpp
++    unit_test_switch_user.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.h
++        ../../src/common/global_utils.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_switch_user ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_switch_user/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_switch_user/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_switch_user/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_switch_user/unit_test_switch_user.cpp b/tests/unit_test_switch_user/unit_test_switch_user.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3a677fd
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_switch_user/unit_test_switch_user.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/common/global_utils.h"
++#include "../../src/lock-backend/switchuserutils.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class SwitchUserUtilsTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus = new SwitchUserUtils();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus;
++        m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static SwitchUserUtils *m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus;
++SwitchUserUtils *SwitchUserUtilsTest::m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus = nullptr;
++// 测试 GetCurUserName 函数
++TEST_F(SwitchUserUtilsTest, GetCurUserName) {
++    QString userName = m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus->GetCurUserName();
++    EXPECT_EQ(userName, "testuser");
++// 测试 GetUidByName 函数
++TEST_F(SwitchUserUtilsTest, GetUidByName) {
++    int uid = m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus->GetUidByName(getenv("USER"));
++    EXPECT_EQ(uid, 1000);
++// 测试 GetUserUDII 函数
++TEST_F(SwitchUserUtilsTest, GetUserUDII) {
++    UserDisplayIfInfo userDisplayIfInfo = m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus->GetUserUDII(getenv("USER"));
++    EXPECT_EQ(userDisplayIfInfo.strSeatPath, "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat1");
++    EXPECT_EQ(userDisplayIfInfo.strUserName, "testuser");
++    EXPECT_EQ(userDisplayIfInfo.strSessionPath, "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session1");
++// 测试 SwitchToUserSession 函数
++TEST_F(SwitchUserUtilsTest, SwitchToUserSession) {
++    UserDisplayIfInfo userDisplayIfInfo;
++    userDisplayIfInfo.strSeatPath = "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat1";
++    userDisplayIfInfo.strUserName = "testuser";
++    userDisplayIfInfo.strSessionPath = "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session1";
++    int result = m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus->SwitchToUserSession("/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat1", userDisplayIfInfo);
++    EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);
++// 测试 SwitchToUserLock 函数
++TEST_F(SwitchUserUtilsTest, SwitchToUserLock) {
++    bool result = m_pSwitchUserUtilsDbus->SwitchToUserLock();
++    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7171972
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.cpp
++    unit_test_systemupgrade_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_systemupgrade_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b839471
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper/unit_test_systemupgrade_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/systemupgradehelper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class SystemUpgradeHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus = new SystemUpgradeHelper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus;
++        m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static SystemUpgradeHelper *m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus;
++SystemUpgradeHelper *SystemUpgradeHelperTest::m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(SystemUpgradeHelperTest, checkSystemUpgrade)
++    bool value = m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus->checkSystemUpgrade();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(SystemUpgradeHelperTest, doUpgradeThenRboot)
++    bool value = m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus->doUpgradeThenRboot();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++TEST_F(SystemUpgradeHelperTest, doUpgradeThenShutdown)
++    bool value = m_pSystemUpgradeHelperDbus->doUpgradeThenShutdown();
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b71fffa
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.cpp
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.cpp
++    unit_test_uniauth_service.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++    ../../src/common/definetypes.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h
++    ../../src/dbusifs/freedesktophelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_uniauth_service ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..314ea99
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/unit_test_uniauth_service.cpp b/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/unit_test_uniauth_service.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..104af35
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_uniauth_service/unit_test_uniauth_service.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/uniauthservice.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class UniAuthServiceTest : public testing::Test
++//    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++//    {
++//        m_pUniAuthServiceDbus = new UniAuthService();
++//    }
++//    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++//    {
++//        delete m_pUniAuthServiceDbus;
++//        m_pUniAuthServiceDbus = nullptr;
++//    }
++//    static UniAuthService *m_pUniAuthServiceDbus;
++//UniAuthService *UniAuthServiceTest::m_pUniAuthServiceDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, DefaultDevice)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        QString oldValue = UniAuthService::instance()->getDefaultDevice(getenv("USER"), 0);
++        UniAuthService::instance()->setDefaultDevice(0, "testValue");
++        QString newValue = UniAuthService::instance()->getDefaultDevice(getenv("USER"), 0);
++        std::string str = newValue.toStdString();
++        const char* cstr = str.data();
++        ASSERT_STREQ(cstr, "testValue");
++        UniAuthService::instance()->setDefaultDevice(0, oldValue);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, BioAuthStatus)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool oldValue = UniAuthService::instance()->getBioAuthStatus(getenv("USER"), 0);
++        UniAuthService::instance()->setBioAuthStatus(0, !oldValue);
++        bool newValue = UniAuthService::instance()->getBioAuthStatus(getenv("USER"), 0);
++        ASSERT_EQ(newValue, !oldValue);
++        UniAuthService::instance()->setBioAuthStatus(0, oldValue);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, AllDefaultDevice)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        QStringList defaultDeviceList = UniAuthService::instance()->getAllDefaultDevice(getenv("USER"));
++        ASSERT_EQ(defaultDeviceList.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, MaxFailedTimes)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        int maxFailedTimes = UniAuthService::instance()->getMaxFailedTimes();
++        ASSERT_EQ(maxFailedTimes, 5);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, QRCodeEnable)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool qRCodeEnable = UniAuthService::instance()->getQRCodeEnable();
++        ASSERT_EQ(qRCodeEnable, true);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, DoubleAuth)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool doubleAuth = UniAuthService::instance()->getDoubleAuth();
++        ASSERT_EQ(doubleAuth, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, UserBind)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool userBind = UniAuthService::instance()->getUserBind();
++        ASSERT_EQ(userBind, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, IsShownInControlCenter)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool isShownInControlCenter = UniAuthService::instance()->getIsShownInControlCenter();
++        ASSERT_EQ(isShownInControlCenter, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, HiddenSwitchButton)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool hiddenSwitchButton = UniAuthService::instance()->getHiddenSwitchButton();
++        ASSERT_EQ(hiddenSwitchButton, false);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, getFTimeoutTimes)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        int hiddenSwitchButton = UniAuthService::instance()->getFTimeoutTimes();
++        ASSERT_EQ(hiddenSwitchButton, 5);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, isActivatable)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool hiddenSwitchButton = UniAuthService::instance()->isActivatable();
++        ASSERT_EQ(hiddenSwitchButton, true);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, isUserNameValid)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool hiddenSwitchButton = UniAuthService::instance()->isUserNameValid(getenv("USER"));
++        ASSERT_EQ(hiddenSwitchButton, true);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, GetLastLoginUser)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        QString hiddenSwitchButton = UniAuthService::instance()->GetLastLoginUser();
++        ASSERT_EQ(hiddenSwitchButton.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, GetQuickLoginUser)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        QString hiddenSwitchButton = UniAuthService::instance()->GetQuickLoginUser();
++        ASSERT_EQ(hiddenSwitchButton.isEmpty(), false);
++    }
++TEST_F(UniAuthServiceTest, getUseFirstDevice)
++    if (UniAuthService::instance()) {
++        bool value = UniAuthService::instance()->getUseFirstDevice();
++        UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToUser(getenv("USER"));
++        UniAuthService::instance()->SwitchToGreeterUser(getenv("USER"));
++        UniAuthService::instance()->getWillSwitchUser();
++        UniAuthService::instance()->SaveLastLoginUser(UniAuthService::instance()->GetLastLoginUser());
++        UniAuthService::instance()->SaveQuickLoginUser(UniAuthService::instance()->GetQuickLoginUser());
++        ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
++    }
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..fbf768a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++# CMake 最低版本要求
++cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
++find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui DBus REQUIRED)
++# 包含 GTest 库和 pthread 库
++find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
++find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
++# 设置 C++ 标准
++# 开启代码覆盖率相关编译选项(对应QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_CXXFLAGS中代码覆盖率相关设置)
++set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -fno-inline -fno-access-control")
++set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
++# 定义源文件列表,对应原来的SOURCES变量
++    ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.cpp
++    unit_test_usd_helper.cpp
++    main.cpp
++# 定义头文件列表,对应原来的HEADERS变量
++        ../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.h
++# 包含头文件的路径设置,对应原来的INCLUDEPATH变量
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub
++    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../kt-test-utils/cpp-stub-ext
++# 使用qt5_wrap_cpp生成元对象代码相关的源文件
++qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SOURCES ${HEADERS})
++# 添加可执行文件或库目标,将元对象代码源文件一起添加进去
++add_executable(unit_test_usd_helper ${SOURCES} ${MOC_SOURCES})
++# 链接Qt相关的库
++    Qt5::Core
++    Qt5::Gui
++    Qt5::DBus
++# 链接 GTest 库
++    GTest::GTest
++    GTest::Main
++    Threads::Threads
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/main.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..37b3fbf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/main.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <QGuiApplication>
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);
++    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
++    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/unit_test_usd_helper.cpp b/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/unit_test_usd_helper.cpp
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f9c90a0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unit_test_usd_helper/unit_test_usd_helper.cpp
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include <gtest/gtest-death-test.h>
++#include "../../src/dbusifs/usdhelper.h"
++#include "stubext.h"
++using namespace stub_ext;
++class UsdHelperTest : public testing::Test
++    static void SetUpTestSuite()
++    {
++        m_pUsdHelperDbus = new UsdHelper();
++    }
++    static void TearDownTestSuite()
++    {
++        delete m_pUsdHelperDbus;
++        m_pUsdHelperDbus = nullptr;
++    }
++    static UsdHelper *m_pUsdHelperDbus;
++UsdHelper *UsdHelperTest::m_pUsdHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(UsdHelperTest, usdExternalDoAction)
++    bool value = m_pUsdHelperDbus->usdExternalDoAction(-1);
++    ASSERT_EQ(value, false);
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/CMakeLists.txt b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4eecf02
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++file(GLOB ts_files *.ts)
++qt5_add_translation(qm_files ${ts_files})
++	DEPENDS ${qm_files}
++	SOURCES ${ts_files}
++	)
++install(FILES ${ts_files} DESTINATION /usr/share/ukui-screensaver/ukccplugins/i18n/)
++install(FILES ${qm_files} DESTINATION /usr/share/ukui-screensaver/ukccplugins/i18n_qm/)
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..dbf80dc
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo_CN.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo_CN.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d0a0386
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/bo_CN.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="bo_CN">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་སྒོ་བརྒྱབ་པ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་འབྲེལ་མཐུད།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock Interface</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཟྭ་ངོས་སུ་ཆ་འཕྲིན་མངོན་པར་བྱས་ཡོད།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་སྟེང་གི་བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་པར་རིས་འགྲེམས་སྟོན་བྱས།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">འབྲེལ་ལྡན་སྒྲིག་འགོད་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">སྒོ་རྒྱག་འཆར་ཆས་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཉི་ནུབ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཡོལ་སྲུང་སྐྱོབ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་ལྷམ་ཡུ་རིང་གི་དུས་སུ་བརྙན་ཤེལ་ལ་ཟྭ་རྒྱག</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་དུས་ཚོད་འགོར་འགྱངས</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">དྲ་ཐོག་པར་རིས།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1hour</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2hour</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3hour</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">གཏན་ནས་བྱེད་མི་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>Wallpaper files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>ཡུལ་སྲོལ་གོམས་གཤིས་ཀྱི་གྱང་ཤོག་ཡིག་ཆ་བདམས་པ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>བདམས་ཐོན་བྱུང་བ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>གོ་གནས་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ཡིག་ཆའི་མིང་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>ཡིག་ཆའི་རིགས་དབྱིབས་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ཕྱིར་འཐེན།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཤེལ་སྟེང་གི་བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་པར་རིས་འགྲེམས་སྟོན་བྱས།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation>ཟྭ་དང་བྲལ་ནས་(ལག་ཁྱེར་ཁ་པར་མེད་པར་གྱུར་རྗེས་མ་ལག་ལ་སྒོ་བརྒྱབ་ནས་གཏན་ཁེལ་བྱེད་ངེས་ )</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation>སྒྲིག་ཆས་དམིགས་འཛུགས་བྱ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation>ལག་ཁྱེར་ཁ་པར་ཆ་འགྲིག་མེད། &quot;སོ་སྔོན་པོ་&quot;རུ་བསྒྱུར་ནས་སྡེབ་སྒྲིག་བྱེད་རོགས།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་སྒོ་བརྒྱབ་པ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation>ས་གནས་ཀྱི་རི་མོ།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation>དྲ་ཐོག་པར་རིས།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation>བསྐྱར་དུ་ཁ་ཆད་དང་འགལ་བའི་གནས་</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation>སོ་སྔོན་པོ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation>སོ་སྔོན་པོའི་སྡེབ་སྦྱོར་ཡོ་བྱད་ལ་ཞིབ་དཔྱད་ཚད་ལེན་མ་བྱས་ན། བཀོད་སྤྱོད་བྱེད་ཐབས་མེད།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation>སྒོ་རྒྱག་འཆར་ཆས་</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཡོལ་སྲུང་སྐྱོབ་</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation>འབྲེལ་ལྡན་སྒྲིག་འགོད་</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation>ཉི་ནུབ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation>སྒྲིག་ཆས་གདམ་ག་གནང་རོགས།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་བརྙན་ཤེལ་འཕྲུལ་ཆས།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">སྒྱིད་ལུག་གི་དུས་ཚོད།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་ལ་སྐུལ་སློང་བྱེད་སྐབས་བརྙན་ཤེལ་ལ་ཟྭ་རྒྱག་པ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་འཆར་གཞི།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ལྟ་ཚུལ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Blank_Only</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>ཡུལ་སྲོལ་གོམས་གཤིས་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5སྐར་མ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10སྐར་མ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15སྐར་མ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30སྐར་མ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1ཆུ་ཚོད།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>གཏན་ནས་བྱེད་མི་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་འབྱུང་ཁུངས།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བདམས་ཐོན་བྱུང་བ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Wallpaper files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཡུལ་སྲོལ་གོམས་གཤིས་ཀྱི་བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྲོན་ཆུང་བྱེད་མཁན་བདམས་པ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">གོ་གནས་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཡིག་ཆའི་མིང་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཡིག་ཆའི་རིགས་དབྱིབས་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཕྱིར་འཐེན།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྗེ་རེས་བྱེད་པའི་དུས་ཚོད།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1སྐར་མ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">སྲོལ་ཡིག</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">སྐབས་བསྟུན་རང་བཞིན།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">སྐབས་བསྟུན་གྱིས་བརྗེ་རེས་བྱེད་པ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཡི་གེ(ཆེས་མང་ན་ཡི་གེ་30ཡོད་པ་གཤམ་གསལ། )</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ངལ་གསོའི་དུས་ཚོད་མངོན་པ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་ལྷམ་ཡུ་རིང་གི་དུས་སུ་བརྙན་ཤེལ་ལ་ཟྭ་རྒྱག</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ཡི་གེའི་གོ་གནས།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ལྟེ་བར་འཛིན་པ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ལན་ཏུའོ་(ལྦུ་བ་ཅན་གྱི་ཡི་གེ)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཡོལ་སྲུང་སྐྱོབ་</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation>སྒྱིད་ལུག་གི་དུས་ཚོད།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་འཆར་གཞི།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་འབྱུང་ཁུངས།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>བདམས་ཐོན་བྱུང་བ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation>སྲོལ་ཡིག</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation>སྐབས་བསྟུན་རང་བཞིན།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation>སྐབས་བསྟུན་གྱིས་བརྗེ་རེས་བྱེད་པ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation>བརྗེ་རེས་བྱེད་པའི་དུས་ཚོད།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation>ཡི་གེ(ཆེས་མང་ན་ཡི་གེ་30ཡོད་པ་གཤམ་གསལ། )</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation>ཡི་གེའི་གོ་གནས།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation>ལྟེ་བར་འཛིན་པ།</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation>ལན་ཏུའོ་(ལྦུ་བ་ཅན་གྱི་ཡི་གེ)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation>ངལ་གསོའི་དུས་ཚོད་མངོན་པ།</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation>བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྱི་ལྷམ་ཡུ་རིང་གི་དུས་སུ་བརྙན་ཤེལ་ལ་ཟྭ་རྒྱག</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation>Wallpaper files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation>ཡུལ་སྲོལ་གོམས་གཤིས་ཀྱི་བརྙན་ཤེལ་གྲོན་ཆུང་བྱེད་མཁན་བདམས་པ་</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>གོ་གནས་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ཡིག་ཆའི་མིང་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>ཡིག་ཆའི་རིགས་དབྱིབས་ནི། </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ཕྱིར་འཐེན།</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/de.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/de.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..fdcd337
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/de.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="de">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>Bildschirmsperre</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏界面</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Nachricht auf dem Sperrbildschirm anzeigen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">线上图片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Lokale Bilder</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Online-Bilder</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Auf Standard zurücksetzen</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Verwandte Einstellungen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Verzögerung des Sperrbildschirms</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Bild der Bildschirmsperre beim Screenlogin anzeigen</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Nie</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>Hintergrunddateien (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 Minuten</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 Minuten</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 Stunde</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2 Stunden</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 Stunden</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>Wählen Sie eine benutzerdefinierte Hintergrundbilddatei aus</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>Auswählen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>Position: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>Dateiname: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>Dateityp: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Monitor aus</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Bildschirmschoner</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Garnitur</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Bild der Bildschirmsperre beim Screenlogin anzeigen</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Bildschirmsperre</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Lokale Bilder</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Online-Bilder</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Auf Standard zurücksetzen</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">蓝牙</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Monitor aus</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Bildschirmschoner</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Verwandte Einstellungen</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Garnitur</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>Bildschirmschoner</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Stillstandszeit</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Sperrbildschirm beim Aktivieren des Bildschirmschoners</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Bildschirmschoner-Programm</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Sperrbildschirm beim Starten des Bildschirmschoners</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ansehen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Text (bis zu 30 Zeichen):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ruhezeit anzeigen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Blank_Only</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>Anpassen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 Minuten</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30 Minuten</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1 Stunde</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Quelle des Bildschirmschoners</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Auswählen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Hintergrundbilder (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Benutzerdefiniertes Bildschirmschoner-Verzeichnis auswählen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Position: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Dateiname: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Dateityp: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Abbrechen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Schaltzeit</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ordinale</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Zufällige Umschaltung</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Position des Textes</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Zentriert</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Randow(Sprechblasentext)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Zufällig</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>Nie</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Bildschirmschoner</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Stillstandszeit</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Bildschirmschoner-Programm</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Quelle des Bildschirmschoners</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Auswählen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ordinale</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Zufällig</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Zufällige Umschaltung</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Schaltzeit</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Text (bis zu 30 Zeichen):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Position des Textes</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Zentriert</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Randow(Sprechblasentext)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ruhezeit anzeigen</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Hintergrundbilder (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Benutzerdefiniertes Bildschirmschoner-Verzeichnis auswählen</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Position: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Dateiname: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Dateityp: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Abbrechen</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ff0fe44
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en_US.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en_US.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ff0fe44
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/en_US.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/es.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/es.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d6376cc
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/es.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="es">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>Bloqueo de pantalla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏界面</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Mostrar mensaje en la pantalla de bloqueo</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">线上图片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Fotos locales</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Imágenes en línea</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Restablecer a los valores predeterminados</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ajustes relacionados</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Retraso de la pantalla de bloqueo</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Mostrar imagen de bloqueo de pantalla en el inicio de sesión en pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Nunca</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>Archivos de fondos de pantalla(*.jpg * .jpeg * .bmp * .dib * .png * .jfif *.jpe * .gif * .tif * .tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 minuto</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 minutos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 minutos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 minutos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 hora</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2 horas</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 horas</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>Seleccionar archivo de fondo de pantalla personalizado</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>Escoger</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>Posición: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>Nombre: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>Tipo de archivo: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>Cancelar</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Monitor apagado</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Protector de pantalla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Poner</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Mostrar imagen de bloqueo de pantalla en el inicio de sesión en pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Bloqueo de pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Fotos locales</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Imágenes en línea</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Restablecer a los valores predeterminados</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">蓝牙</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Monitor apagado</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Protector de pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ajustes relacionados</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Poner</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>Protector de pantalla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Tiempo de inactividad</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Pantalla de bloqueo al activar el protector de pantalla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Programa protector de pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Pantalla de bloqueo al arrancar el protector de pantalla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Vista</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Texto (hasta 30 caracteres):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Mostrar tiempo de descanso</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Blank_Only</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>Personalizar</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5 minutos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10 minutos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 minutos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30 minutos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1 hora</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Fuente del protector de pantalla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Escoger</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Archivos de fondos de pantalla(*.jpg * .jpeg * .bmp * .dib * .png * .jfif *.jfpe * .gif * .tif * .tiff *.wdp * .svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Seleccione el directorio del protector de pantalla personalizado</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Posición: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Nombre: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Tipo de archivo: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Cancelar</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Tiempo de conmutación</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1 minuto</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ordinal</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Conmutación aleatoria</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Posición del texto</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Centrado</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Randow(Texto de burbuja)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Aleatorio</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>Nunca</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Protector de pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Tiempo de inactividad</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Programa protector de pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Fuente del protector de pantalla</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Escoger</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ordinal</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Aleatorio</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Conmutación aleatoria</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Tiempo de conmutación</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Texto (hasta 30 caracteres):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Posición del texto</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Centrado</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Randow(Texto de burbuja)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Mostrar tiempo de descanso</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Archivos de fondos de pantalla(*.jpg * .jpeg * .bmp * .dib * .png * .jfif *.jfpe * .gif * .tif * .tiff *.wdp * .svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Seleccione el directorio del protector de pantalla personalizado</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Posición: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Nombre: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Tipo de archivo: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Cancelar</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fa.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fa.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b37581e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fa.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="fa">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fr.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fr.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bdf9d5f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/fr.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="fr">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>Verrouillage de l’écran</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏界面</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Afficher le message sur l’écran de verrouillage</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">线上图片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Photos locales</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Photos en ligne</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Réinitialiser les paramètres par défaut</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Paramètres associés</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Délai de verrouillage de l’écran</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Afficher l’image du verrouillage de l’écran lors de la connexion à l’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Jamais</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>Fichiers de fond d’écran(* .jpg * .jpeg * .bmp * .dib * .png * .jfif *.jpe * .gif * .tif * .tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 minutes</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 minutes</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 minutes</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 heure</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2 heures</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 heures</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>Sélectionnez le fichier de fond d’écran personnalisé</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>Choisir</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>Position: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>Fichier: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>Type de fichier : </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>Annuler</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Moniteur éteint</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Économiseur d’écran</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Poser</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Afficher l’image du verrouillage de l’écran lors de la connexion à l’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Verrouillage de l’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Photos locales</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Photos en ligne</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Réinitialiser les paramètres par défaut</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">蓝牙</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Moniteur éteint</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Économiseur d’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Paramètres associés</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Poser</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>Économiseur d’écran</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Temps d’inactivité</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Verrouiller l’écran lors de l’activation de l’économiseur d’écran</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Programme d’économiseur d’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Écran de verrouillage lors du démarrage de l’économiseur d’écran</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Vue</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Texte (jusqu’à 30 caractères) :</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Afficher le temps de repos</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI (en anglais seulement)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Blank_Only</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>Personnaliser</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5 minutes</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10 minutes</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30 minutes</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1 heure</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Source de l’économiseur d’écran</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Choisir</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Fichiers de fond d’écran(* .jpg * .jpeg * .bmp * .dib * .png * .jfif *.jpe * .gif * .tif * .tiff * .wdp * .svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Sélectionnez le répertoire de l’économiseur d’écran personnalisé</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Position: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Fichier: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Type de fichier : </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Annuler</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Temps de commutation</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1 min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ordinal</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Commutation aléatoire</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Position du texte</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Centré</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Randow(Texte à bulles)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Aléatoire</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>Jamais</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Économiseur d’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Temps d’inactivité</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Programme d’économiseur d’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Source de l’économiseur d’écran</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Choisir</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ordinal</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Aléatoire</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Commutation aléatoire</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Temps de commutation</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Texte (jusqu’à 30 caractères) :</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Position du texte</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Centré</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Randow(Texte à bulles)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Afficher le temps de repos</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Fichiers de fond d’écran(* .jpg * .jpeg * .bmp * .dib * .png * .jfif *.jpe * .gif * .tif * .tiff * .wdp * .svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Sélectionnez le répertoire de l’économiseur d’écran personnalisé</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Position: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Fichier: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Type de fichier : </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Annuler</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/kk.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/kk.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ccae244
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/kk.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="kk">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸران قۇلىبى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Screenlock интерфейсі</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Құлыптау экранында хабарды көрсету</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Шолу</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Онлайн сурет</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Әдепкіге ысыру</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>TextLabel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">TextLabel</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Скриншотты жүктеу кезінде экранды құлыптау</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экранның кідіруі</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Скриншот суретін скриншотта көрсету</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ешқашан</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>تام قاعازى حۇجاتتارى(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1 мин</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">5 мин</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1 мин {10m?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">30 мин</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1 мин {45m?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1 нөсер</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1 нөсер {2h?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1 нөсер {3h?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>ەرەكشە تام قاعازى حۇجاتىن تالداۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>تالداۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>ورنى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>حۇجات مى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>:حۇجات تۇرى </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>كۇشىنەن قالدىرۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation>كورسەتۋ ەكرانداعى تام قاعازى كىرۋ كورىنبە بەتىندە</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation>قۇلىبىن قالدىرىپ قويۋ (بٸر جۇپ تەلەفون جوعالىپ كەتكەندە سەستيما قۇلىپتالادى)</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation>بەلگٸلەنگەن اسباب</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation>جۇپ تەلەفون جوق &apos;كۆكچىش&apos; نى قوشۇۋېلىپ قوس.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸران قۇلىبى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation>جەرلىك راسىمدەر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation>تورداعٸ راسىمدەر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation>سۈكۈتكە قايتاي</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation>كۆكچىش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation>كۆكچىش ۇيلەستىرۋ بايقالمادٸ، Leave Lock نى ٸستەتكەلٸ بولمايدى.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation>قاداعالاۋ ٴوشىرۋ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸران قورعاۋ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation>قاتىناستىق تەڭشەۋلەر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation>بەلگٸلەۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation>اسبابٸن تالدا</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸران قورعاۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Бос уақыт</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экран қорғаушыны белсендіргенде экранды құлыптау</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Скриншотшы бағдарламасы</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Көрініс</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Мәтін (30 таңбаға дейін):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Демалыс уақытын көрсету</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Blank_Only</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>دارالاندىرۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>بەس مينۋت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>ون مينۋت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 مينۋت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>وتىز مينۋت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>بٸر ساعات</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Скриншот көзі</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Таңдау</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Тұсқағаз файлдары(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">реттелетін скриншот дирін таңдаңыз</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Лауазымы: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Файл атауы: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">РаÐ1/2аÐ1/2а </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Болдырмау</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ауыстырып қосу уақыты</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>بٸر مينۋت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ординал</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Кездейсоқ ауыстырып қосу</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Мәтін орны</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Орталықтандырылған</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Randow(Көпіршікті мәтін)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Кездейсоқ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>ماڭگى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸران قورعاۋ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation>بوس ۋاقىتى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸران قورعاۋ پىروگىرامماسى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸران بەتى قاينارى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>تالداۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation>داستۇرلٸ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation>ەركىن</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation>قالاعانىڭىزشا سايكەستىرۋ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation>سايكەستىرۋ ۋاقىتى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation>تەكىسىت(ەڭ كوپ بولعاندا 30 ٴارىپ):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation>تەكىسىت ورنى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation>ورتالىق ورىندالعان</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation>ەرٸكتٸ(كوبىكشە تەكىسىت)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation>دەمالٸس الۋ ۋاقىتىن كورسەتۋ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation>ەكٸرانٸ كوز بەك سارالاۋعا ەكٸرانٸ قۇلپىلاۋ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation>تام قاعازى حۇجاتتارى(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation>ەرەكشە ەكٸران باقىلاۋدى تالداۋ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>ورنى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>حۇجات مى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>:حۇجات تۇرى </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>كۇشىنەن قالدىرۋ</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ky.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ky.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8a20040
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ky.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="ky">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ەكىران قۇلۇپى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экран кулпулоо интерфейси</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Билдирүүлөрдү кулпулоо экранында көрсөтүү</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Браузер</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Онлайн сүрөт</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Дефолтко калыбына келтирүү</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>TextLabel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">ТекстЛабель</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экранды которуу учурунда экранды кулпулоо</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экранды кечиктирүү</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экранлогдо сценарийдин сүрөтүн көрсөтүү</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Эч качан</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45м</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1х</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2х</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>تام قاعازى  ۅجۅتتۅرۉ(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1мин</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">5мин</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1мин {10m?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">30мин</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1мин {45m?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1хур</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1хур {2h?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1хур {3h?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>قاسىيەت تام قاعازى  ۅجۅتۉن  تانداش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>تانداش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>وردۇ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ۅجۅت ناامى : </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>:ۅجۅت تۉرۉ </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ارعادان  قالتىرىش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation>كۅرسۅتۉۉ  ئېكرانىدىكى تام قاعازى كىرۉۉ   كۅرۉنمۅ بەتىندە</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation>قۇلۇپنى قالتىرىپ قويۇش  (بىر  جۇپ ەسەپتەمەك  جوعولۇپ كەتكەندە ساامالىق  قۇلۇپلىنىدۇ)</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation>بەلگىلەنگەن شايمان</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation>جۇپ تەلەفون جوق &apos;كۆكچىش&apos; نى قوشۇۋېلىپ   قوشۇڭ.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ەكىران قۇلۇپى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation>جەردىك سۉرۅتتۅر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation>توردوعۇ سۉرۅتتۅر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation>سۈكۈتكە قايتاي</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation>كۆكچىش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation>كۆكچىش شايكەشتىرگىچ بايقالبادى، Leave Lock نى ىشتەتكەلى  بولبويت .</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation>كۉزۅتكۉچتۉ ۅچۉرۉۉ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ەكىران قورعوو</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation>بايلانىشتۇۇ   تەڭشەكتەر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation>بەلگىلۅۅ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation>اسپاپتى تانداڭ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ەكىران قورعوو</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Бош убакыт</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экран сактагычты активдештирүүдө экранды кулпулоо</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экрандар программасы</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Көрүү</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Текст (30 тамгага чейин):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Эс алуу убактысын көрсөтүү</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Blank_Only</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>قاسىيەتتەشتىرۉۉ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>بەش مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>ون مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>ئوتتۇز مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>بىر  ساات</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Экрандар булагы</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Тандоо</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Wallpaper файлдары (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">колдонуучунун экранды тандап алуу</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Позиция: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Файл Аты: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">FileType: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Жокко чыгаруу</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Убакытты алмаштыруу</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>بىر  مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ординал</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Кокусунан которуу</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Тексттик позиция</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Борбордоштурулган</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Рандоу (Көпірчүк тексти)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Кокусунан</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>تۉبۅلۉك</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ەكىران قورعوو</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation>بەكەر  ۇباقتى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation>ەكىران قورعوو  پراگرامماسى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation>ەكىران بەتى قاينارى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>تانداش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation>جۅرۅلگۅلۉ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation>ۅز ەركىنچە</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation>قاالاعانچا الماشتىرۇۇ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation>الماشتىرۇۇ ۇباقتى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation>تەكىست(ەڭ كۅپ بولعوندو  30 تامعا):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation>تەكىست وردۇ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation>بوربور  اتقارىلعان</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation>ۅزەركى مەنەن(كۆپۈكچە تەكىست)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation>ەس الۇۇ الۇۇ  ۇباقتىن كۅرسۅتۉۉ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation>ەكراندى كۅزۅنۅك  جابۇۇدا ەكراندى قۇلۇپتوو</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation>تام قاعازى  ۅجۅتتۅرۉ(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation>قاسىيەت ەكىران كۅرگۉچتۉ تانداش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>وردۇ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ۅجۅت ناامى : </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>:ۅجۅت تۉرۉ </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ارعادان  قالتىرىش</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/lzh.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/lzh.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0396ee5
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/lzh.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="lzh">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="26"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="80"/>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="205"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="177"/>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="416"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="133"/>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="423"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="135"/>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="455"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="144"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="332"/>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.ui" line="262"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="131"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="162"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="476"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="162"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="162"/>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="162"/>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="518"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="519"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="520"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="521"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="522"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="523"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.ui" line="59"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="98"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.ui" line="201"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="199"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.ui" line="475"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.ui" line="297"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="197"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="905"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="185"/>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="862"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="896"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="238"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="246"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="765"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="246"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="766"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="246"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="246"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="767"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="246"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="667"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="673"/>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="723"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="681"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="722"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="724"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="725"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="726"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="727"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="760"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="764"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="812"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="821"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="936"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="944"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="945"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="813"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../../../plugins/personalized/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="247"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/mn.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/mn.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..db84aa0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/mn.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="mn">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠴᠣᠣᠵᠢᠯᠠᠬᠤ ᠦᠶᠡᠰ ᠵᠠᠩᠭᠢ ᠢᠯᠡᠷᠡᠭᠦᠯᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠦᠵᠡ ᠃</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠰᠦᠯᠵᠢᠶᠡᠨ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠷᠡᠬᠢ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠲᠤᠰ ᠭᠠᠵᠠᠷ᠎ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠰᠦᠯᠵᠢᠶᠡᠨ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠷᠡᠬᠢ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠠᠶᠠᠳᠠᠯ ᠢ᠋ ᠰᠡᠷᠬᠦᠬᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠬᠠᠮᠢᠶ᠎ᠠ ᠪᠦᠬᠦᠢ ᠳᠤᠬᠢᠷᠠᠭᠤᠯᠭ᠎ᠠ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠲᠤᠰ ᠴᠠᠭ᠎ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠬᠡᠰᠡᠭ᠎ᠦ᠋ᠨ ᠠᠷᠤ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠭᠰᠠᠨ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠨᠠᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ ᠨᠡᠪᠳᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦ ᠵᠠᠭᠠᠭ ᠭᠠᠳᠠᠷᠭᠤ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠷ᠎ᠡ ᠢᠯᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠶᠡᠷᠦ ᠡᠴᠡ ᠥᠬᠡᠢ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠹᠠᠢᠯ (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 ᠴᠠᠭ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2 ᠴᠠᠭ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 ᠴᠠᠭ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>ᠦᠪᠡᠷᠳᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠳᠤᠭᠳᠠᠭᠠᠬᠤ ᠬᠠᠨᠠᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠹᠠᠢᠯ ᠢ᠋ ᠰᠣᠩᠭᠣᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>ᠰᠣᠩᠭᠣᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>ᠪᠠᠢᠷᠢ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ᠹᠠᠢᠯ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠨᠡᠷ᠎ᠡ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>ᠹᠠᠢᠯ ᠳᠦᠷᠦᠯ ᠵᠦᠢᠯ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ᠦᠬᠡᠢᠰᠬᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠦᠵᠡᠬᠦᠷ ᠢ᠋ ᠬᠠᠭᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠣᠴᠢᠵᠤ ᠳᠤᠬᠢᠷᠠᠭᠤᠯᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation>ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠭᠰᠠᠨ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠨᠠᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ ᠨᠡᠪᠳᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦ ᠵᠠᠭᠠᠭ ᠭᠠᠳᠠᠷᠭᠤ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠷ᠎ᠡ ᠢᠯᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation>ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠯ ᠠᠴᠠ ᠰᠠᠯᠬᠤ ( ᠭᠠᠷ ᠤᠲᠠᠰᠤ ᠠᠷᠢᠯᠤᠭᠰᠠᠨ ᠤ ᠳᠠᠷᠠᠭᠠᠬᠢ ᠰᠢᠰᠲ᠋ᠧᠮ ᠢ ᠲᠣᠭᠲᠠᠭᠠᠨ᠎ᠠ )</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation>ᠲᠥᠬᠥᠭᠡᠷᠦᠮᠵᠢ ᠶᠢ ᠵᠢᠭᠠᠨ ᠲᠣᠭᠲᠠᠭᠠᠨ᠎ᠠ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation>ᠲᠣᠬᠢᠷᠠᠯᠴᠠᠭᠰᠠᠨ ᠭᠠᠷ ᠤᠲᠠᠰᠤ ᠪᠠᠢ᠌ᠬᠤ ᠦᠭᠡᠢ “ ᠬᠥᠬᠡ ᠰᠢᠳᠦ “ᠳᠦ ᠰᠢᠯᠵᠢᠭᠦᠯᠦᠨ ᠲᠣᠬᠢᠷᠠᠭᠤᠯᠤᠭᠠᠷᠠᠢ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation>ᠲᠤᠰ ᠭᠠᠵᠠᠷ᠎ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation>ᠱᠤᠭᠤᠮ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠷᠡᠬᠢ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation>ᠠᠶᠠᠳᠠᠯ ᠢ᠋ ᠰᠡᠷᠬᠦᠬᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation>ᠬᠥᠬᠡ ᠰᠢᠳᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation>ᠬᠥᠬᠡ ᠰᠢᠳᠦᠨ ᠦ ᠲᠣᠬᠢᠷᠠᠬᠤ ᠪᠠᠭᠠᠵᠢ ᠶᠢ ᠪᠠᠶᠢᠴᠠᠭᠠᠨ ᠰᠢᠯᠭᠠᠭᠰᠠᠨ ᠦᠭᠡᠶ ᠪᠣᠯ Leave Lock ᠶᠢ ᠬᠡᠷᠡᠭᠯᠡᠬᠦ ᠶᠢᠨ ᠠᠷᠭ᠎ᠠ ᠦᠭᠡᠶ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation>ᠦᠵᠡᠬᠦᠷ ᠢ᠋ ᠬᠠᠭᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation>ᠬᠠᠮᠢᠶ᠎ᠠ ᠪᠦᠬᠦᠢ ᠳᠤᠬᠢᠷᠠᠭᠤᠯᠭ᠎ᠠ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation>ᠰᠢᠰᠲ᠋ᠧᠮ᠎ᠦ᠋ᠨ ᠳᠤᠬᠢᠷᠠᠭᠤᠯᠭ᠎ᠠ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation>ᠲᠥᠬᠥᠭᠡᠷᠦᠮᠵᠢ ᠶᠢ ᠰᠣᠩᠭᠣᠭᠠᠷᠠᠢ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠲᠤᠰ ᠴᠠᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠬᠡᠰᠡᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠳᠠᠷᠠᠭ᠎ᠠ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯᠳᠠ ᠵᠢ ᠡᠬᠢᠯᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ᠎ᠶ᠋ᠢ ᠢᠳᠡᠪᠬᠢᠵᠢᠭᠦᠯᠬᠦ᠎ᠳ᠋ᠦ᠍ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ᠎ᠶ᠋ᠢ ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ ᠫᠷᠣᠭ᠌ᠷᠠᠮ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯᠳᠠ ᠵᠢ ᠡᠬᠢᠯᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ ᠦᠶ᠎ᠡ ᠳ᠋ᠤ᠌ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠵᠢ ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠪᠠᠢᠴᠠᠭᠠᠵᠤ ᠦᠵᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ ᠲᠸᠺᠰᠲ ( ᠬᠠᠮᠤᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠣᠯᠠᠨ ᠳ᠋ᠤ᠌ ᠪᠡᠨ 30 ᠦᠰᠦᠭ):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠠᠮᠠᠷᠠᠬᠤ ᠴᠠᠭ ᠢ᠋ ᠢᠯᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠬᠠᠷ᠎ᠠ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>ᠦᠪᠡᠷᠳᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠳᠤᠭᠳᠠᠭᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1 ᠴᠠᠭ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ ᠢᠷᠡᠯᠳᠡ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠰᠤᠩᠭᠤᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠬᠠᠨᠠᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠹᠠᠢᠯ (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠦᠪᠡᠷᠳᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠳᠤᠭᠳᠠᠭᠠᠬᠤ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯᠳᠠ ᠵᠢᠨ ᠵᠢᠮ ᠢ᠋ ᠰᠣᠩᠭᠣᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠪᠠᠢᠷᠢ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠹᠠᠢᠯ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠨᠡᠷ᠎ᠡ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠹᠠᠢᠯ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠳᠦᠷᠦᠯ ᠵᠦᠢᠯ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠦᠬᠡᠢᠰᠬᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠠᠪᠳᠠᠮᠵᠢ ᠵᠢ ᠰᠣᠯᠢᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ᠋ᠲ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠠᠷᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯ ᠵᠢᠡᠷ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠠᠰᠢᠷᠠᠮ ᠵᠢᠡᠷ ᠰᠣᠯᠢᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠲᠸᠺᠰᠲ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠪᠠᠢᠷᠢ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠦᠪᠯᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠠᠰᠢᠷᠠᠮ ( ᠬᠦᠬᠡᠰᠦ ᠲᠸᠺᠰᠲ)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ᠳᠠᠰᠢᠷᠠᠮ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>ᠶᠡᠷᠦ ᠡᠴᠡ ᠥᠬᠡᠢ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation>ᠲᠤᠰ ᠴᠠᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠬᠡᠰᠡᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠳᠠᠷᠠᠭ᠎ᠠ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯᠳᠠ ᠵᠢ ᠡᠬᠢᠯᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ ᠫᠷᠣᠭ᠌ᠷᠠᠮ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ ᠢᠷᠡᠯᠳᠡ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>ᠰᠣᠩᠭᠣᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠠᠷᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯ ᠵᠢᠡᠷ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠠᠰᠢᠷᠠᠮ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠠᠰᠢᠷᠠᠮ ᠵᠢᠡᠷ ᠰᠣᠯᠢᠬᠤ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠠᠪᠳᠠᠮᠵᠢ ᠵᠢ ᠰᠣᠯᠢᠬᠤ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠬᠤ ᠲᠸᠺᠰᠲ ( ᠬᠠᠮᠤᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠣᠯᠠᠨ ᠳ᠋ᠤ᠌ ᠪᠡᠨ 30 ᠦᠰᠦᠭ):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation>ᠲᠸᠺᠰᠲ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠪᠠᠢᠷᠢ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠦᠪᠯᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠠᠰᠢᠷᠠᠮ ( ᠬᠦᠬᠡᠰᠦ ᠲᠸᠺᠰᠲ)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation>ᠠᠮᠠᠷᠠᠬᠤ ᠴᠠᠭ ᠢ᠋ ᠢᠯᠡᠷᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation>ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯᠳᠠ ᠵᠢ ᠡᠬᠢᠯᠡᠬᠦᠯᠬᠦ ᠦᠶ᠎ᠡ ᠳ᠋ᠤ᠌ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡ ᠵᠢ ᠣᠨᠢᠰᠤᠯᠠᠬᠤ</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation>ᠬᠠᠨᠠᠨ ᠵᠢᠷᠤᠭ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠹᠠᠢᠯ (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation>ᠦᠪᠡᠷᠳᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠳᠤᠭᠳᠠᠭᠠᠬᠤ ᠳᠡᠯᠭᠡᠴᠡᠨ ᠤ᠋ ᠬᠠᠮᠠᠭᠠᠯᠠᠯᠳᠠ ᠵᠢᠨ ᠵᠢᠮ ᠢ᠋ ᠰᠣᠩᠭᠣᠬᠤ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>ᠪᠠᠢᠷᠢ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ᠹᠠᠢᠯ ᠤ᠋ᠨ ᠨᠡᠷ᠎ᠡ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>ᠹᠠᠢᠯ ᠳᠦᠷᠦᠯ ᠵᠦᠢᠯ: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ᠦᠬᠡᠢᠰᠬᠡᠬᠦ</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/tr.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/tr.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c6b82fb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/tr.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="tr_TR">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>Ekran kilidi</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran Kilidi Arayüzü</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran Kilidi Ayarı</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran koruyucu açıldığında ekranı kilitle</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran kilidi gecikmesi</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Kilit Ekranı Arkaplanını Seç</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">İnternetten Al</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Bilgisayardan Ekle</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran girişinde ekran kilidinin resmini göster</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran kilidi aktif</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Aç</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran kilidi</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Resim</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Asla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 sa</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5 sa</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 sa</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">3 sa {2h?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Duvarkağıdı Dosyaları(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Tüm Dosyalar(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Özel duvar kağıdı dosyasını seç</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Konum: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Dosya Adı: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">İptal</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Ayarla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ekran girişinde ekran kilidinin resmini göster</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ekran kilidi</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ekran Koruyucu</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ayarla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>Ekran Koruyucu</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran Koruyucu Aktif</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/screensaver/Enable screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran Koruyucu Programı</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Bekleme Süresi</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/screensaver/idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran koruyucu açıldığında ekranı kilitle</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ekran Koruyucu</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Ukui Varsayılanı</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Sadece Kalın</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Konum: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Dosya Adı: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">İptal</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Rasgele</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>Asla</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 dk</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 sa</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5 sa</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 sa</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ekran Koruyucu</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ekran Koruyucu Programı</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Rasgele</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Ekran koruyucu açıldığında ekranı kilitle</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Konum: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">Dosya Adı: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">İptal</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ug.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ug.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3cc5910
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/ug.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="ug">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ئېكران قۇلۇپى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئېكران قۇلۇپى ئارايۈز</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">قۇلۇپ ئېكرانىدا ئۇچۇر كۆرسىتىش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">كۆرۈش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">توردا رەسىم</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">سۈكۈتكە قايتاي</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>TextLabel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">TextLabel</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئېكراننى كۆزنەك تاقاشتا ئېكراننى قۇلۇپلاش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">قۇلۇپ ئېكرانى كېچىكتۈرۈش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">screenlogin دا ئېكران قۇلۇپىنىڭ سۈرىتىنى كۆرسىتىش پروگراممىسى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">مەڭگۈ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1م</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5م</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10م</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30م</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45م</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1ھ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3ھ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2ھ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>تام قەغىزى ھۆججەتلىرى(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">5min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">10min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">30min</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1min {45m?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1ھۇدا</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1ھۇدا {2h?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">1ھۇدا {3h?}</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>خاس تام قەغىزى ھۆججىتىنى تاللاش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>تاللاش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>ئورنى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ھۆججەت نامى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>:ھۆججەت تۈرى </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ئەمەلدىن قالدۇرۇش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation>كۆرسىتىش ئېكرانىدىكى تام قەغىزى كىرىش كۆرۈنمە يۈزىدە</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation>قۇلۇپنى قالدۇرۇپ قويۇش (بىر جۈپ يانفون يوقاپ كەتكەندە سىستېما قۇلۇپلىنىدۇ)</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation>بەلگىلەنگەن ئۈسكۈنە</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation>جۈپ تېلېفون يوق &apos;كۆكچىش&apos; نى قوشۇۋېلىپ قوشۇڭ.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>ئېكران قۇلۇپى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation>يەرلىك رەسىملەر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation>توردىكى رەسىملەر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation>سۈكۈتكە قايتاي</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation>كۆكچىش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation>كۆكچىش ماسلاشتۇرغۇچ بايقالمىدى، Leave Lock نى ئىشلەتكىلى بولمايدۇ.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation>كۆزەتكۈچنى ئۆچۈرۈش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ئېكران قوغداش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation>مۇناسىۋەتلىك تەڭشەكلەر</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation>بەلگىلەش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation>ئۈسكۈنىنى تاللاڭ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ئېكران قوغداش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">بىكار ۋاقتى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئېكران ئېكرانىنى قوزغىتىپ تۇرغاندا ئېكراننى قۇلۇپلاش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئېكران ئېكرانى پروگراممىسى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">كۆرۈش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">تېكىست(ئەڭ كۆپ بولغاندا 30 ھەرپ):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئارام ئېلىش ۋاقتىنى كۆرسىتىش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Blank_Only</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>خاسلاشتۇرۇش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>بەش مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>ئون مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>ئوتتۇز مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>بىر سائەت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئېكران يۈزى مەنبەسى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">تاللاش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">تام قەغىزى ھۆججەتلىرى(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">خاس ئېكران كۆرگۈچ dir نى تاللاش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئورنى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ھۆججەت نامى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">FileType: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئەمەلدىن قالدۇرۇش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئالماشتۇرۇش ۋاقتى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>بىر مىنۇت</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئوردىدا</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">خالىغانچە ئالماشتۇرۇش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">تېكىست ئورنى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">مەركەز قىلىنغان</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">رانۋېر (كۆپۈكچە تېكىست)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">ئىختىيارىي</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>مەڭگۈ</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>ئېكران قوغداش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation>بىكار ۋاقتى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation>ئېكران قوغداش پىروگراممىسى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation>ئېكران يۈزى مەنبەسى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>تاللاش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation>ئەنئەنىۋى</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation>ئىختىيارىي</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation>خالىغانچە ئالماشتۇرۇش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation>ئالماشتۇرۇش ۋاقتى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation>تېكىست(ئەڭ كۆپ بولغاندا 30 ھەرپ):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation>تېكىست ئورنى</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation>مەركەز قىلىنغان</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation>ئىختىيارى(كۆپۈكچە تېكىست)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation>ئارام ئېلىش ۋاقتىنى كۆرسىتىش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation>ئېكراننى كۆزنەك تاقاشتا ئېكراننى قۇلۇپلاش</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation>تام قەغىزى ھۆججەتلىرى(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation>خاس ئېكران كۆرگۈچنى تاللاش</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>ئورنى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>ھۆججەت نامى: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>:ھۆججەت تۈرى </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>ئەمەلدىن قالدۇرۇش</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_CN.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_CN.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d4f26b8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_CN.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="zh_CN">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏界面</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock Interface</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏时显示消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">相关设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">此时间段后锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示锁屏壁纸在登录界面</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">从不</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>图片文件(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1小时</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2小时</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3小时</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>选择自定义壁纸文件</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>选择</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>位置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>文件名: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>文件类型: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关闭显示器</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏幕保护</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">去设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation>显示锁屏壁纸在登录界面</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation>动态锁 (系统将在已配对的蓝牙手机离开时自动锁定屏幕)</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation>指定设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation>无配对手机,请转到 &quot;蓝牙&quot; 以连接手机。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>锁屏</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation>本地图片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation>线上图片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation>恢复默认</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation>蓝牙设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation>未检测到蓝牙适配器,无法使用动态锁功能。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation>关闭显示器</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>屏幕保护</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation>相关设置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation>去设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation>请选择指定设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">此时间段后开启屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁住屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏幕保护程序</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">预览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保文本(最多30个字):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示休息时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">黑屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>自定义</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5 分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10 分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30 分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1 小时</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保来源</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">壁纸文件(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择自定义屏保路径</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">位置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">文件名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">文件类型:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切换频率</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">按顺序</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">随机切换</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">文本位置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">居中</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">随机(气泡文本)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">随机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>从不</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation>此时间段后开启屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation>屏幕保护程序</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation>屏保来源</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>选择</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation>按顺序</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation>随机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation>随机切换</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation>切换频率</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation>屏保文本(最多 30 个字):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation>文本位置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation>居中</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation>随机(气泡文本)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation>显示休息时间</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation>激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation>壁纸文件(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation>选择自定义屏保路径</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>位置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>文件名: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>文件类型: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>取消</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_HK.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_HK.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..651da4a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_HK.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="zh_HK">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>鎖屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏界面</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">鎖屏時顯示消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">本地圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">線上圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">恢復預設</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">相關設置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">此時間段后鎖屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">顯示鎖屏壁紙在登錄介面</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">從不</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>圖片檔(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>選擇自訂壁紙檔</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>選擇</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>位置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>檔案名稱: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>檔案類型: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">關閉顯示器</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏幕保護</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">去設置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation>顯示鎖屏壁紙在登錄介面</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation>動態鎖(系統將在已配對的藍牙手機離開時自動鎖定屏幕)</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation>無配對手機,請轉到“藍牙”以鏈接手機</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>鎖屏</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation>本地圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation>線上圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation>恢復預設</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation>蓝牙設置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation>無藍牙適配器,不能使用動態鎖</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation>關閉顯示器</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation>相關設置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation>設置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation>請選擇設備</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">此時間段后開啟屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">啟動屏保時鎖住螢幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏幕保護程式</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">啟動屏保時鎖定螢幕</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">預覽</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保文本(最多 30 個字):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">顯示休息時間</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">黑屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>自訂</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保來源</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">選擇</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">壁紙檔(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">選擇自訂屏保路徑</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">位置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">檔案名稱: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">檔案類型: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切換頻率</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">按順序</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隨機切換</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">文本位置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">居中</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隨機(氣泡文字)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隨機</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>從不</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation>此時間段后開啟屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation>屏幕保護程式</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation>屏保來源</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>選擇</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation>按順序</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation>隨機</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation>隨機切換</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation>切換頻率</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation>屏保文本(最多 30 個字):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation>文本位置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation>居中</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation>隨機(氣泡文字)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation>顯示休息時間</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation>開啓屏保時鎖定屏幕</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation>壁紙檔(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation>選擇自訂屏保路徑</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>位置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>文件名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>文件類型:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>取消</translation>
++    </message>
+diff --git a/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_Hant.ts b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_Hant.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..52d3b7f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ukccplugins_i18n_ts/zh_Hant.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="zh">
++    <name>Screenlock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation>鎖屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Interface</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏界面</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show message on lock screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">鎖屏時顯示消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browse</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Browse</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Picture</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">线上图片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Picture</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">本地圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">線上圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">恢復預設</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">相關設置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screenlock Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">激活屏保时锁定屏幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen delay</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">此時間段后鎖屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select screenlock background</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">选择锁屏背景</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser online wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览线上壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Browser local wp</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">浏览本地壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">顯示鎖屏壁紙在登錄介面</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">浏览</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>picture</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">图片</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">從不</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="180"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</source>
++        <translation>圖片檔(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>allFiles(*.*)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">所有文件(*.*)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>2hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">2 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3hour</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="222"/>
++        <source>select custom wallpaper file</source>
++        <translation>選擇自訂壁紙檔</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="223"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation>選擇</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation>位置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation>檔案名稱: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="226"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation>檔案類型: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp" line="227"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation>取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">關閉顯示器</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏幕保護</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">去設置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreenlockUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="42"/>
++        <source>Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">顯示鎖屏壁紙在登錄介面</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Show picture of screenlock on screenlogin</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="45"/>
++        <source>Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Leave lock (System will be locked when the paired phone gone)</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <source>Specified device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>No paired phone. Please turn to &apos;Bluetooth&apos; to pair.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>Screenlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">鎖屏</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screenlock</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="97"/>
++        <source>Local Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">本地圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Local Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="99"/>
++        <source>Online Pictures</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">線上圖片</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Online Pictures</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>Reset To Default</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">恢復預設</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Reset To Default</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="113"/>
++        <source>Bluetooth</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">蓝牙</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <source>No bluetooth adapter detected, can not use Leave Lock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="138"/>
++        <source>Monitor Off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">關閉顯示器</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Monitor Off</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="143"/>
++        <source>Related Settings</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">相關設置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screenlock/Related Settings</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="149"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="150"/>
++        <source>Set</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">去設置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="165"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlockui.cpp" line="532"/>
++        <source>Please select device</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="37"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation>屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">此時間段后開啟屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when activating screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">啟動屏保時鎖住螢幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enable screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开启屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏幕保護程式</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>idle time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">等待时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Min</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">分钟</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">啟動屏保時鎖定螢幕</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Default_ukui</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认屏保</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">預覽</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保文本(最多 30 個字):</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">顯示休息時間</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>UKUI</source>
++        <translation>UKUI</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Blank_Only</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">黑屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <source>Customize</source>
++        <translation>自訂</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>5min</source>
++        <translation>5 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>10min</source>
++        <translation>10 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>15min</source>
++        <translation>15 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>30min</source>
++        <translation>30 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>1hour</source>
++        <translation>1 小時</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">屏保來源</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">選擇</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">壁紙檔(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">選擇自定義屏保路徑</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">位置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">檔案名稱: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">檔案類型: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切換頻率</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="169"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="182"/>
++        <source>1min</source>
++        <translation>1 分鐘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">按順序</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隨機切換</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Display text</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示文本</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter text, up to 30 characters</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入文本,最多30个字符</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">文本位置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">居中</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隨機(氣泡文字)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>5m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">5m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>10m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">10m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>30m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">30m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>45m</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">45m</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1.5h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1.5h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>3h</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">3h</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隨機</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="163"/>
++        <source>Never</source>
++        <translation>從不</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ScreensaverUi</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="41"/>
++        <source>Screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>Idle time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">此時間段后開啟屏保</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Idle time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Screensaver program</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">屏幕保護程式</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver program</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="88"/>
++        <source>Screensaver source</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">屏保來源</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Screensaver source</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="93"/>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <source>Select</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">選擇</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <source>Ordinal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">按順序</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <source>Random</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">隨機</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="122"/>
++        <source>Random switching</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">隨機切換</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Random switching</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Switching time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">切換頻率</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Switching time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>Text(up to 30 characters):</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">屏保文本(最多 30 個字):</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text(up to 30 characters):</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="184"/>
++        <source>Text position</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">文本位置</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Text position</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="192"/>
++        <source>Centered</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">居中</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>Randow(Bubble text)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">隨機(氣泡文字)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Show rest time</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">顯示休息時間</translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Show rest time</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="225"/>
++        <source>Lock screen when screensaver boot</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <extra-contents_path>/Screensaver/Lock screen when screensaver boot</extra-contents_path>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="414"/>
++        <source>Wallpaper files(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">壁紙檔(*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.dib *.png *.jfif *.jpe *.gif *.tif *.tiff *.wdp *.svg)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="455"/>
++        <source>select custom screensaver dir</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">選擇自定義屏保路徑</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="457"/>
++        <source>Position: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">位置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>FileName: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">檔案名稱: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="459"/>
++        <source>FileType: </source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">檔案類型: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/ukccplugins/screensaver/screensaverui.cpp" line="460"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,2935 @@
+From: KevinDuan <duankaiwen@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 09:36:15 +0800
+Subject: Added translation using Weblate (Arabic)
+ i18n_ts/ar.ts | 2920 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 2920 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 i18n_ts/ar.ts
+diff --git a/i18n_ts/ar.ts b/i18n_ts/ar.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..346a2fa
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/i18n_ts/ar.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,2920 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="ar">
++    <name>AgreementWindow</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>I know</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>AuthDialog</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>More Devices</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">选择其他设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Biometric</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">使用生物识别认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">使用密码认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1171"/>
++        <source>Retry</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>UnLock</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Slide to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">向上滑动解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have %1 unread message</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您有%1条未读消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LoggedIn</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Account locked %1 minutes due to %2 fail attempts</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">账户锁定%1分钟由于%2次错误尝试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1242"/>
++        <source>Please try again in %1 minutes.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1249"/>
++        <source>Please try again in %1 seconds.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1256"/>
++        <source>Account locked permanently.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="652"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="680"/>
++        <source>Verify face recognition or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="655"/>
++        <source>Press fingerprint or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="658"/>
++        <source>Verify voiceprint or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="661"/>
++        <source>Verify finger vein or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="664"/>
++        <source>Verify iris or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="932"/>
++        <source>Password:</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="935"/>
++        <source>Input Password</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="940"/>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1010"/>
++        <source>User name input error!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1089"/>
++        <source>login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1473"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1623"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1767"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1948"/>
++        <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1476"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1626"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1772"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1775"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1951"/>
++        <source>Unable to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1804"/>
++        <source>Abnormal network</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1812"/>
++        <source>Face recognition waiting time out, please click refresh or enter the password to unlock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2075"/>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2077"/>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2079"/>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2081"/>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2083"/>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2085"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2107"/>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2087"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2109"/>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2097"/>
++        <source>fingerprint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2099"/>
++        <source>fingervein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2101"/>
++        <source>iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2103"/>
++        <source>face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2105"/>
++        <source>voiceprint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to log in</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">使用绑定的微信扫码或输入密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="791"/>
++        <source>Password cannot be empty</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证%1失败,请输入密码.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Unable to verify %1, please enter password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无法验证%1,请输入密码.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1789"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1793"/>
++        <source>Failed to verify %1, you still have %2 verification opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Biometric/code scan authentication failed too many times, please enter the password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">生物/扫码验证失败达最大次数,请使用密码解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Bioauth/code scan authentication failed, you still have %1 verification opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">生物/扫码验证失败,您还有%1次尝试机会</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>NET Exception</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络异常</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password Incorrect, Please try again</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码错误,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication failure,there are still %1 remaining opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">认证失败,还剩%1次尝试机会</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please enter your password or enroll your fingerprint </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请输入密码或者录入指纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1013"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1017"/>
++        <source>Authentication failure, Please try again</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="667"/>
++        <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter the ukey password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入安全密钥密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Insert the ukey into the USB port</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请将安全密钥插入USB端口</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码 </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1163"/>
++        <source>Login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Biometric Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">生物识别认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Other Devices</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Too many unsuccessful attempts,please enter password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指纹验证失败达最大次数,请使用密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Fingerprint authentication failed, you still have %1 verification opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指纹验证失败,您还有%1次尝试机会</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BatteryWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="112"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Charging...</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="144"/>
++        <source>fully charged</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="148"/>
++        <source>PowerMode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="121"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="151"/>
++        <source>BatteryMode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BioDevices</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">指纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">指静脉</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">虹膜</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">人脸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">声纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BioDevicesWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please select other biometric devices</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">请选择其他生物识别设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device Type:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">设备类型:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device Name:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">设备名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BiometricAuthWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Current device: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">当前设备:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Identify failed, Please retry.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">识别失败,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BiometricDevicesWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please select the biometric device</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请选择生物设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device type:</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设备类型:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device name:</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设备型号:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>OK</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BlockWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="60"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="239"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="64"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="141"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="240"/>
++        <source>Confrim</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="147"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="166"/>
++        <source>If you do not perform any operation, the system will automatically %1 after %2 seconds.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="181"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent restarting, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="185"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent the shutdown, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="190"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent suspend, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent hibernation, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="197"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent you from logging out, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close them.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="247"/>
++        <source>shut down</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="250"/>
++        <source>restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>CharsMoreWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp" line="183"/>
++        <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>CharsWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="273"/>
++        <source>More</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="129"/>
++        <source>ABC</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>123</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ConfForm</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>edit network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络属性</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LAN name: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Method: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">编辑IP设置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Address: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">IP地址: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Netmask: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">子网掩码: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Gateway: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认网关: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>DNS 1: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">首选DNS: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>DNS 2: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">备选DNS: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Edit Conn</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Auto(DHCP)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动(DHCP)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Manual</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">手动</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Save</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ok</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Can not create new wired network for without wired card</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">缺少有线网卡 无法新建网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New network already created</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已创建新的有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New network settings already finished</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新的网络配置已经完成</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Edit Network</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络属性</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add Wired Network</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>create wired network successfully</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已创建新的有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>change configuration of wired network successfully</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新的设置已经生效</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New settings already effective</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">新的设置已经生效</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>There is a same named LAN exsits.</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已有同名连接存在</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DeviceType</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指静脉</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">虹膜</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">人脸识别</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">声纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">安全密钥</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">二维码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DigitalAuthDialog</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>LoginByUEdu</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请输入锁屏密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>now is authing, wait a moment</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">认证中,请稍后</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password Incorrect, Please try again</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码错误,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>ResetPWD?</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">忘记密码?</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>SetNewUEduPWD</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置新锁屏密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>ConfirmNewUEduPWD</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确认新锁屏密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The two password entries are inconsistent, please reset</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">两次密码输入不一致,请重设</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password entered incorrectly, please try again</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码输入错误,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>clear</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">清空</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifi</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add Hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiLeap</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecFast</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous identity</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">匿名身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Allow automatic PAC pro_visioning</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动PAC配置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>PAC file</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">PAC文件:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inner authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">内部认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">匿名</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authenticated</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Both</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">两者兼用</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecLeap</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecPeap</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous identity</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">匿名身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Domain</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">域名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">CA 证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">CA 证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No CA certificate is required</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">不需要CA证书</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>PEAP version</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">PEAP版本:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inner authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">内部认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Choose from file</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">从文件选择...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Automatic</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Version 0</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">版本 0</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Version 1</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">版本 1</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecPwd</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecTls</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Identity</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Domain</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">域名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No CA certificate is required</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">不需要CA证书</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User certificate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User private key</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户私钥:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User key password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户密钥密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Choose from file</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">从文件选择...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecTunnelTLS</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous identity</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">匿名身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Domain</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">域名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No CA certificate is required</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">不需要CA证书</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inner authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">内部认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Choose from file</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">从文件选择...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiWep</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Key</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密钥</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP index</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WEP 检索</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1(default)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1(默认)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open System</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开放式系统</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Shared Key</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">共享密钥</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiWpa</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add Hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgHotspotCreate</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Create Hotspot</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">创建个人热点</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ok</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>EngineDevice</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>yes</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>no</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
++        <source>Yes</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
++        <source>No</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="284"/>
++        <source>%1% available, charged</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="290"/>
++        <source>Left %1h %2m (%3%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="295"/>
++        <source>%1% available</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="301"/>
++        <source>Left %1h %2m to full</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="303"/>
++        <source>charging (%1%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="309"/>
++        <source>%1 waiting to discharge (%2%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="314"/>
++        <source>%1 waiting to charge (%2%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="334"/>
++        <source>AC adapter</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="338"/>
++        <source>Laptop battery</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="342"/>
++        <source>UPS</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="346"/>
++        <source>Monitor</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="350"/>
++        <source>Mouse</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="354"/>
++        <source>Keyboard</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="358"/>
++        <source>PDA</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="362"/>
++        <source>Cell phone</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="366"/>
++        <source>Media player</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="370"/>
++        <source>Tablet</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="374"/>
++        <source>Computer</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="378"/>
++        <source>unrecognised</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>IconEdit</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>OK</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">提交</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>InputInfos</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Service exception...</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">服务异常,重试中...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Invaild parameters...</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">参数异常,重试中...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Unknown fault:%1</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未知错误:%1</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Recapture(60s)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重新获取(60s)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Recapture(%1s)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重新获取(%1s)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Get code</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">获取验证码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>KBTitle</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="83"/>
++        <source>Suspended state</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="57"/>
++        <source>Close</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="86"/>
++        <source>Welt status</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>KylinDBus</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>kylin network applet desktop message</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">麒麟网络工具信息提示</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>KylinNM</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>kylin-nm</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络工具</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel LAN List</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">其他有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WiFi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel WiFi List</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">其他无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New WiFi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入其他网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Advanced</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ethernet</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect Hide Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">加入网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wifi</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabled</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已开启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disabled</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已关闭</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>HotSpot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">个人热点</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FlyMode</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">飞行模式</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show MainWindow</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示网络连接界面</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inactivated LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inactivated WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Other WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无线局域网</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No wireless card detected</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未检测到无线网卡</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Activated LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Activated WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Not connected</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未连接任何网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disconnected</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No Other Wired Network Scheme</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">列表中无其他有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Edit</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">编辑</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Done</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">完成</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No wifi connected.</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未连接任何网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No Other Wireless Network Scheme</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未检测到其他无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wired net is disconnected</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">断开有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi is disconnected</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">断开无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Confirm your Wi-Fi password or usable of wireless card</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">请确认Wi-Fi密码或无线设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ethernet Networks</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New LAN</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Hide WiFi</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">加入网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No usable network in the list</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">列表暂无可连接网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>NetOn,</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已连接,</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wifi Networks</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>keep wired network switch is on before turning on wireless switch</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">打开无线网开关前保持有线网开关打开</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>please insert the wireless network adapter</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请先插入无线网卡</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Abnormal connection exist, program will delete it</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">正在断开异常连接的网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>update Wi-Fi list now, click again</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">正在更新 Wi-Fi列表 请再次点击</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>update Wi-Fi list now</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">正在更新 Wi-Fi列表</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Ethernet Success</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接有线网络成功</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Ethernet Fail</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接有线网络失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Wifi Success</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接无线网络成功</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LettersWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="172"/>
++        <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="186"/>
++        <source>123</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LightDMHelper</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="121"/>
++        <source>failed to start session.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LockWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Date</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">日期</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">游客</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>SwitchUser</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切换用户</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Power</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">电源</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>VirtualKeyboard</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">虚拟键盘</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to reboot this system?</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">同时有多个用户登录系统,您确定要退出系统吗?</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无线局域网</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="603"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1706"/>
++        <source>system-monitor</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1232"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1238"/>
++        <source>%1 may cause users who have logged in to this computer to lose content that has not yet been stored,To still perform please click &quot;Confirm&quot;.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1234"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1269"/>
++        <source>Restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1268"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1273"/>
++        <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to %1 this system?</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reboot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>PowerOff</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1240"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1274"/>
++        <source>Shut Down</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LoginOptionsWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="81"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="104"/>
++        <source>Login Options</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="288"/>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="314"/>
++        <source>Other</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1028"/>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1030"/>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1032"/>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1034"/>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1036"/>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1038"/>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1040"/>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="697"/>
++        <source>Identify device removed!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>MPRISWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="214"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="228"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="237"/>
++        <source>Unknown</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>MyLineEdit</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification code</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">短信验证码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>MyNetworkWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="52"/>
++        <source>LAN</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>NumbersWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="310"/>
++        <source>Return</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>OneConnForm</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Form</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">--</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Automatically join the network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动加入该网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Input password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Config</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disconnect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">断开连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Input Password...</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">输入密码...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Signal:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">信号强度:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Public</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开放</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Safe</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">安全</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Rate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">速率</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WiFi Security:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WiFi安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>MAC:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">物理地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Wifi Failed</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接无线网络失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>OneLancForm</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Form</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">--</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Config</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disconnect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">断开连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No Configuration</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未配置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>IPv4:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">IPv4地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>IPv6:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">IPv6地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>BandWidth:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">带宽:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>MAC:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">物理地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Auto</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">自动</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>PhoneAuthWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification by phoneNum</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">手机号验证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>「 Use SMS to verification 」</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">「 请使用绑定该账户手机号验证 」</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>commit</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">提交</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network not connected~</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">系统未联网,请检查网络连接~</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network unavailable~</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络状态差,请检查网络连接~</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification Code invalid!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证码失效</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification Code incorrect.Please retry!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证码错误!请填写正确的验证码!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Failed time over limit!Retry after 1 hour!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证码错误次数超过10次,1小时后再试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>verifaction failed!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">手机验证失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>PowerListWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="271"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="109"/>
++        <source>Hibernate</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="272"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="110"/>
++        <source>Turn off your computer, but the app stays open. When the computer is turned on, it can be restored to the state you left</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="275"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="122"/>
++        <source>Suspend</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="276"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="123"/>
++        <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power. The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="279"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="172"/>
++        <source>Restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="280"/>
++        <source>Close all apps, and then restart your computer</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="282"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="196"/>
++        <source>Shut Down</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="287"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="149"/>
++        <source>The current user logs out of the system, terminates the session, and returns to the login page</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="297"/>
++        <source>Logout</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Power Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="283"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="197"/>
++        <source>Close all apps, and then shut down your computer</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="289"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="97"/>
++        <source>SwitchUser</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="291"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="135"/>
++        <source>LockScreen</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="285"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="147"/>
++        <source>Log Out</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="293"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="160"/>
++        <source>UpgradeThenRestart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="173"/>
++        <source>Close all apps, turn off your computer, and then turn your computer back on</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="295"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="184"/>
++        <source>UpgradeThenShutdown</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>PowerManager</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>lock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>SwitchUser</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切换用户</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>logout</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">注销</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>reboot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>shutdown</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock Screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switch User</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切换用户</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Log Out</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">注销</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Restart</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Power Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Close all apps, turn off your computer, and then turn your computer back on</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关闭所有应用,关闭电脑,然后重新打开电脑。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Close all apps, and then shut down your computer</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关闭所有应用,然后关闭电脑。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Shut Down</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Turn off your computer, but the app stays open. When the computer is turned on, it can be restored to the state you left</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关闭电脑,但是应用会一直保持打开状态。当打开电脑时,可以恢复到你离开的状态。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Hibernate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">休眠</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power. The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">电脑保持开机状态,但耗电较少。应用会一直保持打开状态,可快速唤醒电脑并恢复到你离开的状态。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Suspend</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">睡眠</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Sleep</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">休眠</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>QObject</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="108"/>
++        <source>The screensaver is active.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="110"/>
++        <source>The screensaver is inactive.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="28"/>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="30"/>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="34"/>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="36"/>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="38"/>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="40"/>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>S:</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="308"/>
++        <source></source>
++        <comment>tablet device</comment>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>exit(Esc)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">退出(Esc)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>exit</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">退出</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="136"/>
++        <source>Picture does not exist</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set as desktop wallpaper</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置为桌面壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Automatic switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动切换</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have %1 unread message</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">您有%1条未读消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have new notification</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您有新的消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="139"/>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SleepTime</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have rested:</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您已休息:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/sleeptime.cpp" line="68"/>
++        <source>You have rested</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SureWindow</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Form</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">--</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Confirm</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确认</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to reboot this system?</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">同时有多个用户登录系统,您确定要退出系统吗?</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from suspend!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统进入睡眠!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from hibernate!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统进入休眠!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from shutting down!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统关机!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from reboot!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统重启!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SwitchButton</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>login by password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>login by qr code</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SwitchButtonGroup</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>uEduPWD</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>TabletLockWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have %1 unread message</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您有%1条未读消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Slide to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">向上滑动解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New password is the same as old</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">新密码与原密码相同</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset password error:%1</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重置密码失败:%1</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please scan by correct WeChat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请使用正确的微信扫码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Back</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Skip</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">跳过</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>UserListWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="121"/>
++        <source>Login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="69"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="123"/>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Utils</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>kylin network applet desktop message</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">麒麟网络工具信息提示</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>VerificationWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please scan by bound WeChat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请使用已绑定的微信扫码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>VerticalVerificationWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please scan by bound WeChat</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">请使用已绑定的微信扫码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>WeChatAuthDialog</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Login by wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification by wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信验证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>「 Use registered WeChat account to login 」</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">「 使用已注册的微信号登录 」</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>「 Use bound WeChat account to verification 」</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">「 请使用绑定该账号的微信验证 」</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network not connected~</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">系统未联网,请检查网络连接~</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Scan code successfully</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">扫码成功</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Timeout!Try again!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">超时!请重新扫码!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Login failed</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">登录失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Widget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../examples/LoadCustomPlugin/widget.ui" line="14"/>
++        <source>Widget</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../examples/LoadCustomPlugin/widget.ui" line="26"/>
++        <source>LoadPlugin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>action</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="76"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="81"/>
++        <source>which block type</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="69"/>
++        <source>which block type,param:Suspend/Hibernate/Restart/Shutdown/Logout</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="74"/>
++        <source>which block type,param:Shutdown/Restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>delay</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="62"/>
++        <source>how long to show lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>has-lock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>if show lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>main</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="44"/>
++        <source>Start command for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="49"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="48"/>
++        <source>lock the screen immediately</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="52"/>
++        <source>query the status of the screen saver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="55"/>
++        <source>unlock the screen saver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="57"/>
++        <source>show the screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="60"/>
++        <source>show blank and delay to lock,param:idle/lid/lowpower</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="63"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="70"/>
++        <source>show the session tools</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="65"/>
++        <source>show the switchuser window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="68"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="75"/>
++        <source>show the app block window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="73"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="80"/>
++        <source>show the multiUsers block window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Backend for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="62"/>
++        <source>lock the screen by startup</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="40"/>
++        <source>Dialog for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="50"/>
++        <source>activated by session idle signal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="53"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="58"/>
++        <source>lock the screen and show screensaver immediately</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="55"/>
++        <source>show screensaver immediately</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="61"/>
++        <source>show blank screensaver immediately and delay time to show lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="66"/>
++        <source>show blank screensaver immediately and if lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="72"/>
++        <source>show switch user window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="63"/>
++        <source>Screensaver for ukui-screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>show on root window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="69"/>
++        <source>show on window.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="70"/>
++        <source>window id</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,2958 @@
+From: KevinDuan <duankaiwen@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 15:01:49 +0800
+Subject: Added translation using Weblate (Vietnamese)
+ i18n_ts/vi.ts | 2943 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 2943 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 i18n_ts/vi.ts
+diff --git a/i18n_ts/vi.ts b/i18n_ts/vi.ts
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..33b3047
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/i18n_ts/vi.ts
+@@ -0,0 +1,2943 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
++<TS version="2.1" language="vi">
++    <name>AgreementWindow</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp" line="47"/>
++        <source>I know</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>AuthDialog</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>More Devices</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">选择其他设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Biometric</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">使用生物识别认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">使用密码认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1173"/>
++        <source>Retry</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>UnLock</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Slide to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">向上滑动解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have %1 unread message</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您有%1条未读消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LoggedIn</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Account locked %1 minutes due to %2 fail attempts</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">账户锁定%1分钟由于%2次错误尝试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1244"/>
++        <source>Please try again in %1 minutes.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1251"/>
++        <source>Please try again in %1 seconds.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1258"/>
++        <source>Account locked permanently.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="652"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="680"/>
++        <source>Verify face recognition or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="458"/>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="655"/>
++        <source>Press fingerprint or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="658"/>
++        <source>Verify voiceprint or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="661"/>
++        <source>Verify finger vein or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="664"/>
++        <source>Verify iris or enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="934"/>
++        <source>Password:</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="937"/>
++        <source>Input Password</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="942"/>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1012"/>
++        <source>User name input error!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1091"/>
++        <source>login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1477"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1627"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1771"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1952"/>
++        <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1480"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1630"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1776"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1779"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1955"/>
++        <source>Unable to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1808"/>
++        <source>Abnormal network</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1816"/>
++        <source>Face recognition waiting time out, please click refresh or enter the password to unlock.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2079"/>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2081"/>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2083"/>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2085"/>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2087"/>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2089"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2111"/>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2091"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2113"/>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2101"/>
++        <source>fingerprint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2103"/>
++        <source>fingervein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2105"/>
++        <source>iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2107"/>
++        <source>face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2109"/>
++        <source>voiceprint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to log in</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">使用绑定的微信扫码或输入密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="791"/>
++        <source>Password cannot be empty</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证%1失败,请输入密码.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Unable to verify %1, please enter password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无法验证%1,请输入密码.</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1793"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1797"/>
++        <source>Failed to verify %1, you still have %2 verification opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Biometric/code scan authentication failed too many times, please enter the password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">生物/扫码验证失败达最大次数,请使用密码解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Bioauth/code scan authentication failed, you still have %1 verification opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">生物/扫码验证失败,您还有%1次尝试机会</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>NET Exception</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络异常</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password Incorrect, Please try again</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码错误,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication failure,there are still %1 remaining opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">认证失败,还剩%1次尝试机会</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please enter your password or enroll your fingerprint </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请输入密码或者录入指纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1015"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1019"/>
++        <source>Authentication failure, Please try again</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="667"/>
++        <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enter the ukey password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入安全密钥密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Insert the ukey into the USB port</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请将安全密钥插入USB端口</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码 </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="456"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1165"/>
++        <source>Login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Biometric Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">生物识别认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Other Devices</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Too many unsuccessful attempts,please enter password.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指纹验证失败达最大次数,请使用密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Fingerprint authentication failed, you still have %1 verification opportunities</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指纹验证失败,您还有%1次尝试机会</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BatteryWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="112"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>Charging...</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="114"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="144"/>
++        <source>fully charged</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="118"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="148"/>
++        <source>PowerMode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="121"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="151"/>
++        <source>BatteryMode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BioDevices</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">指纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">指静脉</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">虹膜</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">人脸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">声纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BioDevicesWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please select other biometric devices</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">请选择其他生物识别设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device Type:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">设备类型:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device Name:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">设备名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BiometricAuthWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Current device: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">当前设备:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Identify failed, Please retry.</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">识别失败,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BiometricDevicesWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please select the biometric device</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请选择生物设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device type:</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设备类型:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Device name:</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设备型号:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>OK</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>BlockWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="60"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="140"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="239"/>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="64"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="141"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="240"/>
++        <source>Confrim</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="147"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="166"/>
++        <source>If you do not perform any operation, the system will automatically %1 after %2 seconds.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="181"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent restarting, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="185"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent the shutdown, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="190"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent suspend, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="193"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent hibernation, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="197"/>
++        <source>The following programs prevent you from logging out, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close them.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="247"/>
++        <source>shut down</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="250"/>
++        <source>restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>CharsMoreWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp" line="183"/>
++        <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>CharsWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="115"/>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="273"/>
++        <source>More</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="129"/>
++        <source>ABC</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="142"/>
++        <source>123</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>ConfForm</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>edit network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络属性</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LAN name: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Method: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">编辑IP设置: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Address: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">IP地址: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Netmask: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">子网掩码: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Gateway: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">默认网关: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>DNS 1: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">首选DNS: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>DNS 2: </source>
++        <translation type="vanished">备选DNS: </translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Edit Conn</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Auto(DHCP)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动(DHCP)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Manual</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">手动</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Save</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ok</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Can not create new wired network for without wired card</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">缺少有线网卡 无法新建网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New network already created</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已创建新的有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New network settings already finished</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新的网络配置已经完成</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Edit Network</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络属性</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add Wired Network</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>create wired network successfully</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已创建新的有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>change configuration of wired network successfully</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新的设置已经生效</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New settings already effective</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">新的设置已经生效</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>There is a same named LAN exsits.</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">已有同名连接存在</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DeviceType</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">指静脉</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">虹膜</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">人脸识别</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">声纹</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">安全密钥</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">二维码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DigitalAuthDialog</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>LoginByUEdu</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请输入锁屏密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>now is authing, wait a moment</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">认证中,请稍后</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password Incorrect, Please try again</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码错误,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>ResetPWD?</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">忘记密码?</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>SetNewUEduPWD</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置新锁屏密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>ConfirmNewUEduPWD</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确认新锁屏密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The two password entries are inconsistent, please reset</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">两次密码输入不一致,请重设</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password entered incorrectly, please try again</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码输入错误,请重试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>clear</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">清空</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifi</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add Hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiLeap</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecFast</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous identity</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">匿名身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Allow automatic PAC pro_visioning</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动PAC配置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>PAC file</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">PAC文件:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inner authentication</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">内部认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">匿名</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authenticated</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已认证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Both</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">两者兼用</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecLeap</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecPeap</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous identity</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">匿名身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Domain</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">域名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">CA 证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">CA 证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No CA certificate is required</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">不需要CA证书</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>PEAP version</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">PEAP版本:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inner authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">内部认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Choose from file</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">从文件选择...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Automatic</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Version 0</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">版本 0</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Version 1</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">版本 1</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecPwd</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecTls</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Identity</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Domain</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">域名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No CA certificate is required</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">不需要CA证书</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User certificate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User private key</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户私钥:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>User key password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">用户密钥密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Choose from file</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">从文件选择...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiSecTunnelTLS</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Anonymous identity</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">匿名身份:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Domain</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">域名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>CA certificate password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">CA 证书密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No CA certificate is required</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">不需要CA证书</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inner authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">内部认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Username</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">用户名:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Tunneled TLS</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">隧道 TLS</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Protected EAP (PEAP)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">受保护的 EAP</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Choose from file</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">从文件选择...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiWep</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Key</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密钥</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP index</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">WEP 检索</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Authentication</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">认证:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>1(default)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">1(默认)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Open System</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开放式系统</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Shared Key</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">共享密钥</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgConnHidWifiWpa</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Add Hidden Wi-Fi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connection</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接设置:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>C_reate…</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 40/128 位密钥(十六进制或ASCII)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WEP 128-bit Passphrase</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WEP 128 位密码句</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Dynamic WEP (802.1X)</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">动态 WEP (802.1x)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Enterprise</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 企业</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>DlgHotspotCreate</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Create Hotspot</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">创建个人热点</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network name</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">网络名称:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi security</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Wi-Fi 安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">密码:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ok</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">确定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WPA &amp; WPA2 Personal</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WPA 及 WPA2 个人</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>EngineDevice</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>yes</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
++        <source>no</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
++        <source>Yes</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
++        <source>No</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="284"/>
++        <source>%1% available, charged</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="290"/>
++        <source>Left %1h %2m (%3%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="295"/>
++        <source>%1% available</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="301"/>
++        <source>Left %1h %2m to full</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="303"/>
++        <source>charging (%1%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="309"/>
++        <source>%1 waiting to discharge (%2%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="314"/>
++        <source>%1 waiting to charge (%2%)</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="334"/>
++        <source>AC adapter</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="338"/>
++        <source>Laptop battery</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="342"/>
++        <source>UPS</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="346"/>
++        <source>Monitor</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="350"/>
++        <source>Mouse</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="354"/>
++        <source>Keyboard</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="358"/>
++        <source>PDA</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="362"/>
++        <source>Cell phone</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="366"/>
++        <source>Media player</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="370"/>
++        <source>Tablet</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="374"/>
++        <source>Computer</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="378"/>
++        <source>unrecognised</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>IconEdit</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/iconedit.cpp" line="92"/>
++        <source>OK</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>InputInfos</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Service exception...</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">服务异常,重试中...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Invaild parameters...</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">参数异常,重试中...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Unknown fault:%1</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未知错误:%1</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Recapture(60s)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重新获取(60s)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Recapture(%1s)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重新获取(%1s)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Get code</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">获取验证码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>KBTitle</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="83"/>
++        <source>Suspended state</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="57"/>
++        <source>Close</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="86"/>
++        <source>Welt status</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>KylinDBus</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>kylin network applet desktop message</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">麒麟网络工具信息提示</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>KylinNM</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>kylin-nm</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络工具</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel LAN List</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">其他有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WiFi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabel WiFi List</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">其他无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New WiFi</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">加入其他网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Advanced</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ethernet</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect Hide Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">加入网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wifi</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Enabled</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已开启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disabled</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已关闭</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>HotSpot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">个人热点</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>FlyMode</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">飞行模式</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Show MainWindow</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">显示网络连接界面</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inactivated LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Inactivated WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Other WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无线局域网</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No wireless card detected</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未检测到无线网卡</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Activated LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Activated WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已激活</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Not connected</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未连接任何网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disconnected</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">未连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No Other Wired Network Scheme</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">列表中无其他有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Edit</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">编辑</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Done</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">完成</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No wifi connected.</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未连接任何网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No Other Wireless Network Scheme</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未检测到其他无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wired net is disconnected</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">断开有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wi-Fi is disconnected</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">断开无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Confirm your Wi-Fi password or usable of wireless card</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">请确认Wi-Fi密码或无线设备</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Ethernet Networks</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New LAN</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">新建有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Hide WiFi</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">加入网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No usable network in the list</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">列表暂无可连接网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>NetOn,</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">已连接,</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wifi Networks</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">其他无线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>keep wired network switch is on before turning on wireless switch</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">打开无线网开关前保持有线网开关打开</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>please insert the wireless network adapter</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请先插入无线网卡</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Abnormal connection exist, program will delete it</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">正在断开异常连接的网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>update Wi-Fi list now, click again</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">正在更新 Wi-Fi列表 请再次点击</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>update Wi-Fi list now</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">正在更新 Wi-Fi列表</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Ethernet Success</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接有线网络成功</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Ethernet Fail</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接有线网络失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Wifi Success</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接无线网络成功</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LettersWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="172"/>
++        <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="186"/>
++        <source>123</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LightDMHelper</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="121"/>
++        <source>failed to start session.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <source>Login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="224"/>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LockWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Date</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">日期</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Time</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">时间</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">游客</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="514"/>
++        <source>SwitchUser</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="581"/>
++        <source>Power</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="568"/>
++        <source>VirtualKeyboard</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to reboot this system?</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">同时有多个用户登录系统,您确定要退出系统吗?</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>LAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">有线网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">无线局域网</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="483"/>
++        <source>SwitchSession</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="501"/>
++        <source>Power Information</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="544"/>
++        <source>Network</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="625"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1727"/>
++        <source>system-monitor</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1253"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1259"/>
++        <source>%1 may cause users who have logged in to this computer to lose content that has not yet been stored,To still perform please click &quot;Confirm&quot;.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1255"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1290"/>
++        <source>Restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1289"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1294"/>
++        <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to %1 this system?</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reboot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>PowerOff</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1261"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1295"/>
++        <source>Shut Down</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>LoginOptionsWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="82"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="105"/>
++        <source>Login Options</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="289"/>
++        <source>Password</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="315"/>
++        <source>Other</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1034"/>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1036"/>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1038"/>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1040"/>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1042"/>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1044"/>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1046"/>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="703"/>
++        <source>Identify device removed!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>MPRISWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="214"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="215"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="228"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="237"/>
++        <source>Unknown</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>MyLineEdit</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification code</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">短信验证码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>MyNetworkWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="52"/>
++        <source>LAN</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="54"/>
++        <source>WLAN</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>NumbersWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="161"/>
++        <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="175"/>
++        <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="310"/>
++        <source>Return</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>OneConnForm</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Form</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">--</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Automatically join the network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动加入该网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Input password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">输入密码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Config</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disconnect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">断开连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Input Password...</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">输入密码...</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接到隐藏 Wi-Fi 网络</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Signal:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">信号强度:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Public</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">开放</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Safe</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">安全</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Rate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">速率</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>None</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">无</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>WiFi Security:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">WiFi安全性:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>MAC:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">物理地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Conn Wifi Failed</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接无线网络失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>OneLancForm</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Form</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">--</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Config</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Connect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Disconnect</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">断开连接</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>No Configuration</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">未配置</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>IPv4:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">IPv4地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>IPv6:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">IPv6地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>BandWidth:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">带宽:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>MAC:</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">物理地址:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Auto</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">自动</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>PhoneAuthWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification by phoneNum</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">手机号验证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>「 Use SMS to verification 」</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">「 请使用绑定该账户手机号验证 」</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>commit</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">提交</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network not connected~</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">系统未联网,请检查网络连接~</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network unavailable~</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">网络状态差,请检查网络连接~</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification Code invalid!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证码失效</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification Code incorrect.Please retry!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证码错误!请填写正确的验证码!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Failed time over limit!Retry after 1 hour!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">验证码错误次数超过10次,1小时后再试</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>verifaction failed!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">手机验证失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>PowerListWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="299"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="109"/>
++        <source>Hibernate</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="300"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="110"/>
++        <source>Turn off your computer, but the app stays open, When the computer is turned on, it can be restored to the state you left</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="303"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="122"/>
++        <source>Suspend</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power. The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">电脑保持开机状态,但耗电较少。应用会一直保持打开状态,可快速唤醒电脑并恢复到你离开的状态。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="307"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="172"/>
++        <source>Restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="308"/>
++        <source>Close all apps, and then restart your computer</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="310"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="196"/>
++        <source>Shut Down</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="315"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="149"/>
++        <source>The current user logs out of the system, terminates the session, and returns to the login page</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="325"/>
++        <source>Logout</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Power Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="311"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="197"/>
++        <source>Close all apps, and then shut down your computer</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="317"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="97"/>
++        <source>SwitchUser</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="319"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="135"/>
++        <source>LockScreen</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="313"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="147"/>
++        <source>Log Out</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="304"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="123"/>
++        <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power, The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="321"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="160"/>
++        <source>UpgradeThenRestart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="173"/>
++        <source>Close all apps, turn off your computer, and then turn your computer back on</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="323"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="184"/>
++        <source>UpgradeThenShutdown</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>PowerManager</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>lock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁定</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>SwitchUser</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切换用户</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>logout</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">注销</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>reboot</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>shutdown</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Lock Screen</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">锁屏</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Switch User</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">切换用户</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Log Out</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">注销</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Restart</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重启</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Power Off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Close all apps, turn off your computer, and then turn your computer back on</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关闭所有应用,关闭电脑,然后重新打开电脑。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Close all apps, and then shut down your computer</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关闭所有应用,然后关闭电脑。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Shut Down</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关机</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Turn off your computer, but the app stays open, When the computer is turned on, it can be restored to the state you left</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">关闭电脑,但是应用会一直保持打开状态。当打开电脑时,可以恢复到你离开的状态。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Hibernate</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">休眠</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power. The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">电脑保持开机状态,但耗电较少。应用会一直保持打开状态,可快速唤醒电脑并恢复到你离开的状态。</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Suspend</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">睡眠</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Sleep</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">休眠</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>QObject</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="108"/>
++        <source>The screensaver is active.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="110"/>
++        <source>The screensaver is inactive.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="28"/>
++        <source>FingerPrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="30"/>
++        <source>FingerVein</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="32"/>
++        <source>Iris</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="34"/>
++        <source>Face</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="36"/>
++        <source>VoicePrint</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="38"/>
++        <source>Ukey</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="40"/>
++        <source>QRCode</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>S:</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="308"/>
++        <source></source>
++        <comment>tablet device</comment>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Screensaver</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>exit(Esc)</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">退出(Esc)</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>exit</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">退出</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="136"/>
++        <source>Picture does not exist</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Set as desktop wallpaper</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">设置为桌面壁纸</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Automatic switching</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">自动切换</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have %1 unread message</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">您有%1条未读消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have new notification</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您有新的消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="139"/>
++        <source>View</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SleepTime</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have rested:</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您已休息:</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/sleeptime.cpp" line="75"/>
++        <source>You have rested</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SureWindow</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Form</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">--</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Confirm</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">确认</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to reboot this system?</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">同时有多个用户登录系统,您确定要退出系统吗?</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from suspend!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统进入睡眠!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from hibernate!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统进入休眠!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from shutting down!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统关机!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>The following program is running to prevent the system from reboot!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">以下程序正在运行,阻止系统重启!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SwitchButton</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>login by password</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>login by qr code</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>SwitchButtonGroup</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>uEduPWD</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">密码登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>TabletLockWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>You have %1 unread message</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">您有%1条未读消息</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Slide to unlock</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">向上滑动解锁</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>New password is the same as old</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">新密码与原密码相同</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Reset password error:%1</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">重置密码失败:%1</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please scan by correct WeChat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请使用正确的微信扫码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Cancel</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">取消</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Back</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">返回</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Skip</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">跳过</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>UserListWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="121"/>
++        <source>Login</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="69"/>
++        <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="123"/>
++        <source>Guest</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Utils</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>kylin network applet desktop message</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">麒麟网络工具信息提示</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>VerificationWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please scan by bound WeChat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">请使用已绑定的微信扫码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>VerticalVerificationWidget</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Please scan by bound WeChat</source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">请使用已绑定的微信扫码</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>WeChatAuthDialog</name>
++    <message>
++        <source>Login by wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信登录</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Verification by wechat</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">微信验证</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>「 Use registered WeChat account to login 」</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">「 使用已注册的微信号登录 」</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>「 Use bound WeChat account to verification 」</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">「 请使用绑定该账号的微信验证 」</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Network not connected~</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">系统未联网,请检查网络连接~</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Scan code successfully</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">扫码成功</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Timeout!Try again!</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">超时!请重新扫码!</translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <source>Login failed</source>
++        <translation type="vanished">登录失败</translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>Widget</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../examples/LoadCustomPlugin/widget.ui" line="14"/>
++        <source>Widget</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../examples/LoadCustomPlugin/widget.ui" line="26"/>
++        <source>LoadPlugin</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>action</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="76"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="81"/>
++        <source>which block type</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="69"/>
++        <source>which block type,param:Suspend/Hibernate/Restart/Shutdown/Logout</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="74"/>
++        <source>which block type,param:Shutdown/Restart</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>delay</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="62"/>
++        <source>how long to show lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>has-lock</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>if show lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <name>main</name>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="44"/>
++        <source>Start command for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="49"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="46"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="48"/>
++        <source>lock the screen immediately</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="52"/>
++        <source>query the status of the screen saver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="55"/>
++        <source>unlock the screen saver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="57"/>
++        <source>show the screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="60"/>
++        <source>show blank and delay to lock,param:idle/lid/lowpower</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="63"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="70"/>
++        <source>show the session tools</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="65"/>
++        <source>show the switchuser window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="68"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="75"/>
++        <source>show the app block window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="73"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="80"/>
++        <source>show the multiUsers block window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="56"/>
++        <source>Backend for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
++        <translation></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="62"/>
++        <source>lock the screen by startup</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="40"/>
++        <source>Dialog for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="50"/>
++        <source>activated by session idle signal</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="53"/>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="58"/>
++        <source>lock the screen and show screensaver immediately</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="55"/>
++        <source>show screensaver immediately</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="61"/>
++        <source>show blank screensaver immediately and delay time to show lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="66"/>
++        <source>show blank screensaver immediately and if lock</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="72"/>
++        <source>show switch user window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="63"/>
++        <source>Screensaver for ukui-screensaver</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="67"/>
++        <source>show on root window</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="69"/>
++        <source>show on window.</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
++    <message>
++        <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="70"/>
++        <source>window id</source>
++        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++    </message>
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,2120 @@
+From: KevinDuan <duankaiwen@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 02:42:05 +0000
+Subject: Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
+Currently translated at 100.0% (174 of 174 strings)
+Translation: openkylin-nile-new/ukui-screensaver
+Translate-URL: http://weblate.openkylin.top/projects/openkylin-nile-new/ukui-screensaver/vi/
+ i18n_ts/ar.ts | 294 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
+ i18n_ts/vi.ts | 308 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 301 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/i18n_ts/ar.ts b/i18n_ts/ar.ts
+index 346a2fa..da6c0d7 100644
+--- a/i18n_ts/ar.ts
++++ b/i18n_ts/ar.ts
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp" line="47"/>
+         <source>I know</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أعرف</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1171"/>
+         <source>Retry</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>اعاده المحاوله</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>UnLock</source>
+@@ -55,73 +55,73 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1242"/>
+         <source>Please try again in %1 minutes.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى في ٪1 دقيقة.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1249"/>
+         <source>Please try again in %1 seconds.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى في ٪1 ثانية.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1256"/>
+         <source>Account locked permanently.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الحساب مغلق بشكل دائم.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="652"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="680"/>
+         <source>Verify face recognition or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تحقق من التعرف على الوجه أو أدخل كلمة المرور لفتح القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="458"/>
+         <source>Guest</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>ضيف</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="655"/>
+         <source>Press fingerprint or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>اضغط على بصمة الإصبع أو أدخل كلمة المرور لفتح القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="658"/>
+         <source>Verify voiceprint or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تحقق من البصمة الصوتية أو أدخل كلمة المرور لفتح القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="661"/>
+         <source>Verify finger vein or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تحقق من وريد الإصبع أو أدخل كلمة المرور لفتح القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="664"/>
+         <source>Verify iris or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تحقق من قزحية العين أو أدخل كلمة المرور لفتح القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="932"/>
+         <source>Password:</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شعار:</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="935"/>
+         <source>Input Password</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إدخال كلمة المرور</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="940"/>
+         <source>Username</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>اسم المستخدم</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1010"/>
+         <source>User name input error!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>خطأ في إدخال اسم المستخدم!</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1089"/>
+         <source>login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تسجيل الدخول</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1473"/>
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1767"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1948"/>
+         <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>فشل التحقق من ٪1 ، الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور لإلغاء القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1476"/>
+@@ -138,79 +138,79 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1775"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1951"/>
+         <source>Unable to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تعذر التحقق من ٪1 ، يرجى إدخال كلمة المرور لإلغاء القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1804"/>
+         <source>Abnormal network</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شبكة غير طبيعية</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1812"/>
+         <source>Face recognition waiting time out, please click refresh or enter the password to unlock.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>انتهى وقت انتظار التعرف على الوجوه ، يرجى النقر فوق تحديث أو إدخال كلمة المرور لإلغاء القفل.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2075"/>
+         <source>FingerPrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>بصمة الإصبع</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2077"/>
+         <source>FingerVein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الوريد العمد</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2079"/>
+         <source>Iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>زنبق</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2081"/>
+         <source>Face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>وجه</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2083"/>
+         <source>VoicePrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الطباعة الصوتية</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2085"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2107"/>
+         <source>Ukey</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أوكي</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2087"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2109"/>
+         <source>QRCode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>QRCode</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2097"/>
+         <source>fingerprint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>بصمة الإصبع</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2099"/>
+         <source>fingervein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الوريد</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2101"/>
+         <source>iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>زنبق</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2103"/>
+         <source>face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>وجه</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2105"/>
+         <source>voiceprint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>بصمة صوتية</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to log in</source>
+@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="791"/>
+         <source>Password cannot be empty</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>لا يمكن أن تكون كلمة المرور فارغة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password.</source>
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1789"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1793"/>
+         <source>Failed to verify %1, you still have %2 verification opportunities</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تعذر إثبات ملكية ٪1، لا يزال لديك ٪2 فرص إثبات ملكية</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Biometric/code scan authentication failed too many times, please enter the password.</source>
+@@ -263,12 +263,12 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1013"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1017"/>
+         <source>Authentication failure, Please try again</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>فشل المصادقة، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="667"/>
+         <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>استخدم رمز مسح wechat المرتبط أو أدخل كلمة المرور لإلغاء القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Enter the ukey password</source>
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="456"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1163"/>
+         <source>Login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تسجيل الدخول</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Biometric Authentication</source>
+@@ -315,25 +315,25 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="112"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="142"/>
+         <source>Charging...</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شحن...</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="114"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="144"/>
+         <source>fully charged</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>مشحونة بالكامل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="118"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="148"/>
+         <source>PowerMode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>وضع الطاقة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="121"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="151"/>
+         <source>BatteryMode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>وضع البطارية</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -411,55 +411,55 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="140"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="239"/>
+         <source>Cancel</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إلغاء الأمر</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="64"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="141"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="240"/>
+         <source>Confrim</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>كونفريم</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="147"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="166"/>
+         <source>If you do not perform any operation, the system will automatically %1 after %2 seconds.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إذا لم تقم بأي عملية ، فسيقوم النظام تلقائيا ٪1 بعد ٪2 ثانية.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="181"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent restarting, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تمنع البرامج التالية إعادة التشغيل ، يمكنك النقر فوق &quot;إلغاء&quot; ثم إغلاق هذه البرامج.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="185"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent the shutdown, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تمنع البرامج التالية إيقاف التشغيل ، يمكنك النقر فوق &quot;إلغاء&quot; ثم إغلاق هذه البرامج.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="190"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent suspend, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>البرامج التالية تمنع التعليق ، يمكنك النقر فوق &quot;إلغاء&quot; ثم إغلاق هذه البرامج.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="193"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent hibernation, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تمنع البرامج التالية الإسبات ، يمكنك النقر فوق &quot;إلغاء&quot; ثم إغلاق هذه البرامج.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="197"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent you from logging out, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close them.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تمنعك البرامج التالية من تسجيل الخروج ، يمكنك النقر فوق &quot;إلغاء&quot; ثم إغلاقها.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="247"/>
+         <source>shut down</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إيقاف التشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="250"/>
+         <source>restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>اعاده تشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp" line="183"/>
+         <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>&amp;&amp;?!</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -476,17 +476,17 @@
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="115"/>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="273"/>
+         <source>More</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أكثر</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="129"/>
+         <source>ABC</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>ABC</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="142"/>
+         <source>123</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>123</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1568,27 +1568,27 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
+         <source>yes</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>نعم</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
+         <source>no</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>لا</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
+         <source>Yes</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>نعم</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
+         <source>No</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>لا</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="284"/>
+         <source>%1% available, charged</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>٪1٪ متوفرة، مشحونة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="290"/>
+@@ -1721,17 +1721,17 @@
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="46"/>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="83"/>
+         <source>Suspended state</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>حالة معلقة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="57"/>
+         <source>Close</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>غلق</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="86"/>
+         <source>Welt status</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>حالة Welt</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1941,12 +1941,12 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="172"/>
+         <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>&amp;&amp;?!</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="186"/>
+         <source>123</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>123</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1954,17 +1954,17 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="121"/>
+         <source>failed to start session.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>فشل في بدء الجلسة.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="215"/>
+         <source>Login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تسجيل الدخول</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="224"/>
+         <source>Guest</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>ضيف</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2009,25 +2009,25 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="603"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1706"/>
+         <source>system-monitor</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>مراقب النظام</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1232"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1238"/>
+         <source>%1 may cause users who have logged in to this computer to lose content that has not yet been stored,To still perform please click &quot;Confirm&quot;.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>٪1 قد يتسبب في فقدان المستخدمين الذين قاموا بتسجيل الدخول إلى هذا الكمبيوتر للمحتوى الذي لم يتم تخزينه بعد ، للاستمرار في الأداء ، يرجى النقر فوق &quot;تأكيد&quot;.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1234"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1269"/>
+         <source>Restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>اعاده تشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1268"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1273"/>
+         <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to %1 this system?</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>يتم تسجيل دخول عدة مستخدمين في نفس الوقت. هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد ٪1 هذا النظام؟</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Reboot</source>
+@@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1240"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1274"/>
+         <source>Shut Down</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إيقاف التشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2050,52 +2050,52 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="81"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="104"/>
+         <source>Login Options</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>خيارات تسجيل الدخول</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="288"/>
+         <source>Password</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شعار</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="314"/>
+         <source>Other</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>آخر</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1028"/>
+         <source>FingerPrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>بصمة الإصبع</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1030"/>
+         <source>FingerVein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الوريد العمد</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1032"/>
+         <source>Iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>زنبق</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1034"/>
+         <source>Face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>وجه</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1036"/>
+         <source>VoicePrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الطباعة الصوتية</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1038"/>
+         <source>Ukey</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أوكي</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1040"/>
+         <source>QRCode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>QRCode</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Wechat</source>
+@@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="697"/>
+         <source>Identify device removed!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تحديد الجهاز الذي تمت إزالته!</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2115,7 +2115,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="228"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="237"/>
+         <source>Unknown</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>مجهول</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2130,12 +2130,12 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="52"/>
+         <source>LAN</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شبكة LAN</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="54"/>
+         <source>WLAN</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شبكة WLAN</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2143,13 +2143,13 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="161"/>
+         <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>&amp;&amp;?!</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="175"/>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="310"/>
+         <source>Return</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أعاد</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2307,53 +2307,53 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="271"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="109"/>
+         <source>Hibernate</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>السبات</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="272"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="110"/>
+         <source>Turn off your computer, but the app stays open. When the computer is turned on, it can be restored to the state you left</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>قم بإيقاف تشغيل الكمبيوتر، ولكن يظل التطبيق مفتوحا. عند تشغيل الكمبيوتر، يمكن استعادته إلى الحالة التي غادرتها</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="275"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="122"/>
+         <source>Suspend</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تعليق</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="276"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="123"/>
+         <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power. The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>يظل الكمبيوتر قيد التشغيل ، لكنه يستهلك طاقة أقل. يظل التطبيق مفتوحا ويمكنه الاستيقاظ بسرعة والعودة إلى حيث توقفت</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="279"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="172"/>
+         <source>Restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>اعاده تشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="280"/>
+         <source>Close all apps, and then restart your computer</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أغلق جميع التطبيقات، ثم أعد تشغيل الكمبيوتر</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="282"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="196"/>
+         <source>Shut Down</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إيقاف التشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="287"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="149"/>
+         <source>The current user logs out of the system, terminates the session, and returns to the login page</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>يقوم المستخدم الحالي بتسجيل الخروج من النظام وإنهاء الجلسة والعودة إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="297"/>
+         <source>Logout</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الخروج</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Power Off</source>
+@@ -2363,42 +2363,42 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="283"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="197"/>
+         <source>Close all apps, and then shut down your computer</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أغلق جميع التطبيقات، ثم قم بإيقاف تشغيل الكمبيوتر</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="289"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="97"/>
+         <source>SwitchUser</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>SwitchUser</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="291"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="135"/>
+         <source>LockScreen</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>قفل الشاشة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="285"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="147"/>
+         <source>Log Out</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تسجيل الخروج</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="293"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="160"/>
+         <source>UpgradeThenRestart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الترقية من ثم إعادة التشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="173"/>
+         <source>Close all apps, turn off your computer, and then turn your computer back on</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أغلق جميع التطبيقات، وقم بإيقاف تشغيل الكمبيوتر، ثم أعد تشغيل الكمبيوتر</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="295"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="184"/>
+         <source>UpgradeThenShutdown</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>UpgradeThenShutdown</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2481,47 +2481,47 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="108"/>
+         <source>The screensaver is active.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شاشة التوقف نشطة.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="110"/>
+         <source>The screensaver is inactive.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شاشة التوقف غير نشطة.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="28"/>
+         <source>FingerPrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>بصمة الإصبع</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="30"/>
+         <source>FingerVein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الوريد العمد</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="32"/>
+         <source>Iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>زنبق</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="34"/>
+         <source>Face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>وجه</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="36"/>
+         <source>VoicePrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الطباعة الصوتية</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="38"/>
+         <source>Ukey</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أوكي</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="40"/>
+         <source>QRCode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>QRCode</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2546,7 +2546,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="136"/>
+         <source>Picture does not exist</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الصورة غير موجودة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Set as desktop wallpaper</source>
+@@ -2567,7 +2567,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="139"/>
+         <source>View</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>منظر</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2579,7 +2579,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/sleeptime.cpp" line="68"/>
+         <source>You have rested</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>لقد استراحت</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2680,13 +2680,13 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="67"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="121"/>
+         <source>Login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تسجيل الدخول</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="69"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="123"/>
+         <source>Guest</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>ضيف</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2755,7 +2755,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../examples/LoadCustomPlugin/widget.ui" line="26"/>
+         <source>LoadPlugin</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تحميل البرنامج المساعد</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2764,17 +2764,17 @@
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="76"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="81"/>
+         <source>which block type</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أي نوع كتلة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="69"/>
+         <source>which block type,param:Suspend/Hibernate/Restart/Shutdown/Logout</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أي نوع كتلة ، معلمة: تعليق / سبات / إعادة تشغيل / إيقاف تشغيل / تسجيل الخروج</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="74"/>
+         <source>which block type,param:Shutdown/Restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>أي نوع كتلة ، معلمة: إيقاف التشغيل / إعادة التشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2782,7 +2782,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="62"/>
+         <source>how long to show lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>كم من الوقت لإظهار القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2790,7 +2790,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="67"/>
+         <source>if show lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إذا عرض القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2798,57 +2798,57 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="44"/>
+         <source>Start command for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الأمر Start ل ukui ScreenSaver.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="49"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="46"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="48"/>
+         <source>lock the screen immediately</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>قفل الشاشة على الفور</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="52"/>
+         <source>query the status of the screen saver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>الاستعلام عن حالة شاشة التوقف</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="55"/>
+         <source>unlock the screen saver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>افتح شاشة التوقف</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="57"/>
+         <source>show the screensaver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار شاشة التوقف</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="60"/>
+         <source>show blank and delay to lock,param:idle/lid/lowpower</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار فارغة وتأخير للقفل ، param: الخمول / الغطاء / lowpower</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="63"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="70"/>
+         <source>show the session tools</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار أدوات الجلسة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="65"/>
+         <source>show the switchuser window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار نافذة SwitchUser</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="68"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="75"/>
+         <source>show the app block window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار نافذة &quot;مكون التطبيقات&quot;</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="80"/>
+         <source>show the multiUsers block window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار نافذة كتلة المستخدمين المتعددين</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="56"/>
+@@ -2858,63 +2858,63 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="62"/>
+         <source>lock the screen by startup</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>قفل الشاشة عن طريق بدء التشغيل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="40"/>
+         <source>Dialog for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>مربع حوار ل ukui ScreenSaver.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="50"/>
+         <source>activated by session idle signal</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>يتم تنشيطه بواسطة إشارة خمول الجلسة</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="53"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="58"/>
+         <source>lock the screen and show screensaver immediately</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>قفل الشاشة وإظهار شاشة التوقف على الفور</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="55"/>
+         <source>show screensaver immediately</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار شاشة التوقف على الفور</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="61"/>
+         <source>show blank screensaver immediately and delay time to show lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار شاشة التوقف الفارغة على الفور وتأخير الوقت لإظهار القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="66"/>
+         <source>show blank screensaver immediately and if lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار شاشة التوقف الفارغة على الفور وإذا كان القفل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="72"/>
+         <source>show switch user window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار نافذة مستخدم التبديل</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="63"/>
+         <source>Screensaver for ukui-screensaver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>شاشة التوقف ل ukui-screensaver</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="67"/>
+         <source>show on root window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>إظهار على نافذة الجذر</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="69"/>
+         <source>show on window.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>تظهر على النافذة.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="70"/>
+         <source>window id</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>معرف النافذة</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ </TS>
+diff --git a/i18n_ts/vi.ts b/i18n_ts/vi.ts
+index 33b3047..9058b59 100644
+--- a/i18n_ts/vi.ts
++++ b/i18n_ts/vi.ts
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp" line="47"/>
+         <source>I know</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tôi biết</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1173"/>
+         <source>Retry</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Thử lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>UnLock</source>
+@@ -55,73 +55,73 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1244"/>
+         <source>Please try again in %1 minutes.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Vui lòng thử lại sau %1 phút.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1251"/>
+         <source>Please try again in %1 seconds.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Vui lòng thử lại sau%1 giây.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1258"/>
+         <source>Account locked permanently.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tài khoản bị khóa vĩnh viễn.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="652"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="680"/>
+         <source>Verify face recognition or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Xác minh nhận dạng khuôn mặt hoặc nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="458"/>
+         <source>Guest</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khách</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="655"/>
+         <source>Press fingerprint or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nhấn dấu vân tay hoặc nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="658"/>
+         <source>Verify voiceprint or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Xác minh dấu thoại hoặc nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="661"/>
+         <source>Verify finger vein or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Xác minh tĩnh mạch ngón tay hoặc nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="664"/>
+         <source>Verify iris or enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Xác minh mống mắt hoặc nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="934"/>
+         <source>Password:</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mật khẩu:</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="937"/>
+         <source>Input Password</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nhập mật khẩu</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="942"/>
+         <source>Username</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tên người dùng</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1012"/>
+         <source>User name input error!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Lỗi nhập tên người dùng!</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1091"/>
+         <source>login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đăng nhập</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1477"/>
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1771"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1952"/>
+         <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Không xác minh được %1, vui lòng nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1480"/>
+@@ -138,79 +138,79 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1779"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1955"/>
+         <source>Unable to verify %1, please enter password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Không thể xác minh%1, vui lòng nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1808"/>
+         <source>Abnormal network</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mạng bất thường</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1816"/>
+         <source>Face recognition waiting time out, please click refresh or enter the password to unlock.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nhận dạng khuôn mặt chờ hết thời gian, vui lòng nhấp vào làm mới hoặc nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2079"/>
+         <source>FingerPrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dấu vân tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2081"/>
+         <source>FingerVein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tĩnh mạch ngón tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2083"/>
+         <source>Iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mống mắt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2085"/>
+         <source>Face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mặt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2087"/>
+         <source>VoicePrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Bản in giọng nói</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2089"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2111"/>
+         <source>Ukey</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Ukey</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2091"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2113"/>
+         <source>QRCode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>QRCode</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2101"/>
+         <source>fingerprint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dấu vân tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2103"/>
+         <source>fingervein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>tĩnh mạch ngón tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2105"/>
+         <source>iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>mống mắt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2107"/>
+         <source>face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>mặt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="2109"/>
+         <source>voiceprint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dấu vân giọng</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to log in</source>
+@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="791"/>
+         <source>Password cannot be empty</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mật khẩu không được trống</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Failed to verify %1, please enter password.</source>
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1793"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1797"/>
+         <source>Failed to verify %1, you still have %2 verification opportunities</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Không xác minh được %1, bạn vẫn có %2 cơ hội xác minh</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Biometric/code scan authentication failed too many times, please enter the password.</source>
+@@ -263,12 +263,12 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1015"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1019"/>
+         <source>Authentication failure, Please try again</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Xác thực không thành công, Vui lòng thử lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="667"/>
+         <source>Use the bound wechat scanning code or enter the password to unlock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Sử dụng mã quét wechat liên kết hoặc nhập mật khẩu để mở khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Enter the ukey password</source>
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="456"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/authdialog.cpp" line="1165"/>
+         <source>Login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đăng nhập</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Biometric Authentication</source>
+@@ -315,25 +315,25 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="112"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="142"/>
+         <source>Charging...</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Sạc...</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="114"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="144"/>
+         <source>fully charged</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đã sạc đầy</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="118"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="148"/>
+         <source>PowerMode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Chế độ sức mạnh</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="121"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/batterywidget.cpp" line="151"/>
+         <source>BatteryMode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Chế độ pin</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -411,55 +411,55 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="140"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="239"/>
+         <source>Cancel</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hủy</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="64"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="141"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="240"/>
+         <source>Confrim</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Confrim</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="147"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="166"/>
+         <source>If you do not perform any operation, the system will automatically %1 after %2 seconds.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nếu bạn không thực hiện bất kỳ thao tác nào, hệ thống sẽ tự động %1 sau %2 giây.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="181"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent restarting, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Các chương trình sau ngăn khởi động lại, bạn có thể nhấp vào &quot;Hủy&quot; và sau đó đóng các chương trình này.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="185"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent the shutdown, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Các chương trình sau ngăn chặn việc tắt máy, bạn có thể nhấp vào &quot;Hủy&quot; và sau đó đóng các chương trình này.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="190"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent suspend, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Các chương trình sau đây ngăn chặn việc tạm ngưng, bạn có thể nhấp vào &quot;Hủy&quot; và sau đó đóng các chương trình này.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="193"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent hibernation, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close these programs.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Các chương trình sau đây ngăn chặn trạng thái ngủ đông, bạn có thể nhấp vào &quot;Hủy&quot; và sau đó đóng các chương trình này.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="197"/>
+         <source>The following programs prevent you from logging out, you can click &quot;Cancel&quot; and then close them.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Các chương trình sau đây ngăn bạn đăng xuất, bạn có thể nhấp vào &quot;Hủy&quot; và sau đó đóng chúng.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="247"/>
+         <source>shut down</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dừng lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/blockwidget.cpp" line="250"/>
+         <source>restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khởi động lại</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp" line="183"/>
+         <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>&amp;&amp;?!</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -476,17 +476,17 @@
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="115"/>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="273"/>
+         <source>More</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nhiều hơn</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="129"/>
+         <source>ABC</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>ABC</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp" line="142"/>
+         <source>123</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>123</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1568,27 +1568,27 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
+         <source>yes</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Có</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="101"/>
+         <source>no</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Không</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
+         <source>Yes</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Có</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="120"/>
+         <source>No</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Không</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="284"/>
+         <source>%1% available, charged</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>%1% khả dụng, tính phí</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/dbusifs/enginedevice.cpp" line="290"/>
+@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/iconedit.cpp" line="92"/>
+         <source>OK</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>OK</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1722,17 +1722,17 @@
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="46"/>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="83"/>
+         <source>Suspended state</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Trạng thái tạm ngưng</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="57"/>
+         <source>Close</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đóng</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp" line="86"/>
+         <source>Welt status</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Trạng thái Welt</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1942,12 +1942,12 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="172"/>
+         <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>&amp;&amp;?!</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp" line="186"/>
+         <source>123</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>123</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1955,17 +1955,17 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="121"/>
+         <source>failed to start session.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>không thể bắt đầu phiên.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="215"/>
+         <source>Login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đăng nhập</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/lightdmhelper.cpp" line="224"/>
+         <source>Guest</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khách</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -1985,17 +1985,17 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="514"/>
+         <source>SwitchUser</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Người dùng chuyển đổi</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="581"/>
+         <source>Power</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Sức mạnh</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="568"/>
+         <source>VirtualKeyboard</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Bàn phím ảo</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to reboot this system?</source>
+@@ -2012,41 +2012,41 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="483"/>
+         <source>SwitchSession</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Phiên chuyển đổi</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="501"/>
+         <source>Power Information</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Thông tin nguồn điện</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="544"/>
+         <source>Network</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mạng lưới</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="625"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1727"/>
+         <source>system-monitor</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>giám sát hệ thống</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1253"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1259"/>
+         <source>%1 may cause users who have logged in to this computer to lose content that has not yet been stored,To still perform please click &quot;Confirm&quot;.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>%1 có thể khiến người dùng đã đăng nhập vào máy tính này bị mất nội dung chưa được lưu trữ,Để vẫn thực hiện, vui lòng nhấp vào &quot;Xác nhận&quot;.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1255"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1290"/>
+         <source>Restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khởi động lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1289"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1294"/>
+         <source>Multiple users are logged in at the same time.Are you sure you want to %1 this system?</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nhiều người dùng được đăng nhập cùng một lúc. Bạn có chắc chắn muốn %1 hệ thống này không?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Reboot</source>
+@@ -2060,7 +2060,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1261"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp" line="1295"/>
+         <source>Shut Down</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dừng lại</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2069,52 +2069,52 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="82"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="105"/>
+         <source>Login Options</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tùy chọn đăng nhập</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="289"/>
+         <source>Password</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mật khẩu</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="315"/>
+         <source>Other</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khác</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1034"/>
+         <source>FingerPrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dấu vân tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1036"/>
+         <source>FingerVein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tĩnh mạch ngón tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1038"/>
+         <source>Iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mống mắt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1040"/>
+         <source>Face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mặt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1042"/>
+         <source>VoicePrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Bản in giọng nói</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1044"/>
+         <source>Ukey</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Ukey</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="1046"/>
+         <source>QRCode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>QRCode</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Wechat</source>
+@@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/loginoptionswidget.cpp" line="703"/>
+         <source>Identify device removed!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Xác định thiết bị đã bị xóa!</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2134,7 +2134,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="228"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mpriswidget.cpp" line="237"/>
+         <source>Unknown</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Không biết</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2149,12 +2149,12 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="52"/>
+         <source>LAN</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>LAN</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/mynetworkwidget.cpp" line="54"/>
+         <source>WLAN</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mạng WLAN</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2162,13 +2162,13 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="161"/>
+         <source>&amp;&amp;?!</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>&amp;&amp;?!</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="175"/>
+         <location filename="../src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp" line="310"/>
+         <source>Return</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Về</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2326,19 +2326,19 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="299"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="109"/>
+         <source>Hibernate</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Ngủ đông</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="300"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="110"/>
+         <source>Turn off your computer, but the app stays open, When the computer is turned on, it can be restored to the state you left</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tắt máy tính của bạn, nhưng ứng dụng vẫn mở, Khi máy tính được bật, nó có thể được khôi phục về trạng thái bạn đã rời</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="303"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="122"/>
+         <source>Suspend</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đình chỉ</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power. The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
+@@ -2348,29 +2348,29 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="307"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="172"/>
+         <source>Restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khởi động lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="308"/>
+         <source>Close all apps, and then restart your computer</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đóng tất cả các ứng dụng, sau đó khởi động lại máy tính của bạn</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="310"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="196"/>
+         <source>Shut Down</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dừng lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="315"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="149"/>
+         <source>The current user logs out of the system, terminates the session, and returns to the login page</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Người dùng hiện tại đăng xuất khỏi hệ thống, kết thúc phiên và quay lại trang đăng nhập</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="325"/>
+         <source>Logout</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đăng xuất</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Power Off</source>
+@@ -2380,48 +2380,48 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="311"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="197"/>
+         <source>Close all apps, and then shut down your computer</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đóng tất cả các ứng dụng, sau đó tắt máy tính của bạn</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="317"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="97"/>
+         <source>SwitchUser</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Người dùng chuyển đổi</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="319"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="135"/>
+         <source>LockScreen</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Màn hình khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="313"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="147"/>
+         <source>Log Out</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đăng xuất</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="304"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="123"/>
+         <source>The computer stays on, but consumes less power, The app stays open and can quickly wake up and revert to where you left off</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Máy tính vẫn bật, nhưng tiêu thụ ít điện năng hơn, Ứng dụng vẫn mở và có thể nhanh chóng đánh thức và hoàn nguyên về nơi bạn đã dừng lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="321"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="160"/>
+         <source>UpgradeThenRestart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nâng cấp sau đó khởi động lại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="173"/>
+         <source>Close all apps, turn off your computer, and then turn your computer back on</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đóng tất cả các ứng dụng, tắt máy tính, sau đó bật lại máy tính</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp" line="323"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/powerlistwidget.h" line="184"/>
+         <source>UpgradeThenShutdown</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nâng cấpSau đóTắt máy</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2504,47 +2504,47 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="108"/>
+         <source>The screensaver is active.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Trình bảo vệ màn hình đang hoạt động.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="110"/>
+         <source>The screensaver is inactive.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Trình bảo vệ màn hình không hoạt động.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="28"/>
+         <source>FingerPrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Dấu vân tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="30"/>
+         <source>FingerVein</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tĩnh mạch ngón tay</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="32"/>
+         <source>Iris</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mống mắt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="34"/>
+         <source>Face</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mặt</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="36"/>
+         <source>VoicePrint</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Bản in giọng nói</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="38"/>
+         <source>Ukey</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Ukey</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/common/biodefines.cpp" line="40"/>
+         <source>QRCode</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>QRCode</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2569,7 +2569,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="136"/>
+         <source>Picture does not exist</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hình ảnh không tồn tại</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Set as desktop wallpaper</source>
+@@ -2590,7 +2590,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/screensaver.cpp" line="139"/>
+         <source>View</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Cảnh</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2602,7 +2602,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/sleeptime.cpp" line="75"/>
+         <source>You have rested</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Bạn đã nghỉ ngơi</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2703,13 +2703,13 @@
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="67"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="121"/>
+         <source>Login</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Đăng nhập</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="69"/>
+         <location filename="../src/widgets/userlistwidget.cpp" line="123"/>
+         <source>Guest</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khách</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2778,7 +2778,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../examples/LoadCustomPlugin/widget.ui" line="26"/>
+         <source>LoadPlugin</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Tải Plugin</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2787,17 +2787,17 @@
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="76"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="81"/>
+         <source>which block type</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>loại khối nào</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="69"/>
+         <source>which block type,param:Suspend/Hibernate/Restart/Shutdown/Logout</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>loại khối nào, tham số: Tạm ngưng / Ngủ đông / Khởi động lại / Tắt máy / Đăng xuất</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="74"/>
+         <source>which block type,param:Shutdown/Restart</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>loại khối nào, tham số: Tắt máy / Khởi động lại</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="62"/>
+         <source>how long to show lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị khóa trong bao lâu</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2813,7 +2813,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="67"/>
+         <source>if show lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Nếu hiển thị khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ <context>
+@@ -2821,57 +2821,57 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="44"/>
+         <source>Start command for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Bắt đầu lệnh cho ukui ScreenSaver.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="49"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="46"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="48"/>
+         <source>lock the screen immediately</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>khóa màn hình ngay lập tức</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="52"/>
+         <source>query the status of the screen saver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Truy vấn trạng thái của trình bảo vệ màn hình</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="55"/>
+         <source>unlock the screen saver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Mở khóa trình bảo vệ màn hình</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="57"/>
+         <source>show the screensaver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị trình bảo vệ màn hình</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="60"/>
+         <source>show blank and delay to lock,param:idle/lid/lowpower</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>hiển thị trống và trì hoãn để khóa, tham số: nhàn rỗi / nắp / công suất thấp</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="63"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="70"/>
+         <source>show the session tools</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị các công cụ phiên</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="65"/>
+         <source>show the switchuser window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị cửa sổ SwitchUser</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="68"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="75"/>
+         <source>show the app block window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị cửa sổ chặn ứng dụng</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-command/main.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="80"/>
+         <source>show the multiUsers block window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>hiển thị cửa sổ khối multiUsers</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="56"/>
+@@ -2881,63 +2881,63 @@
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-backend/main.cpp" line="62"/>
+         <source>lock the screen by startup</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Khóa màn hình bằng cách khởi động</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="40"/>
+         <source>Dialog for the ukui ScreenSaver.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hộp thoại cho ukui ScreenSaver.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="50"/>
+         <source>activated by session idle signal</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Được kích hoạt bởi tín hiệu nhàn rỗi phiên</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="53"/>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="58"/>
+         <source>lock the screen and show screensaver immediately</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>khóa màn hình và hiển thị trình bảo vệ màn hình ngay lập tức</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="55"/>
+         <source>show screensaver immediately</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị trình bảo vệ màn hình ngay lập tức</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="61"/>
+         <source>show blank screensaver immediately and delay time to show lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>hiển thị trình bảo vệ màn hình trống ngay lập tức và trì hoãn thời gian để hiển thị khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="66"/>
+         <source>show blank screensaver immediately and if lock</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>hiển thị trình bảo vệ màn hình trống ngay lập tức và nếu khóa</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp" line="72"/>
+         <source>show switch user window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị cửa sổ người dùng Switch</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="63"/>
+         <source>Screensaver for ukui-screensaver</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Screensaver for ukui-screensaver</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="67"/>
+         <source>show on root window</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>Hiển thị trên cửa sổ gốc</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="69"/>
+         <source>show on window.</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>hiển thị trên cửa sổ.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/screensaver/main.cpp" line="70"/>
+         <source>window id</source>
+-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
++        <translation>ID cửa sổ</translation>
+     </message>
+ </context>
+ </TS>
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1397 @@
+From: yangmin100 <yangmin@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:24:40 +0800
+Subject: update changelog
+ src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp        |  2 +-
+ src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp            |  2 +-
+ src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp                |  2 +-
+ src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp          |  2 +-
+ src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp          |  2 +-
+ src/VirtualKeyboard/src/x11keyboard.cpp            |  8 +-
+ src/common/displayservice.cpp                      |  2 +-
+ src/common/global_utils.cpp                        | 60 ++++++++++-----
+ src/common/rsac.cpp                                |  4 +-
+ src/common/utils.cpp                               |  2 +-
+ src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp                |  1 +
+ src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp                       | 31 ++++----
+ src/dbusifs/login1helper.h                         |  4 -
+ src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp                 |  2 +-
+ src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp               |  2 +-
+ src/lock-checkpasswd/main.cpp                      |  8 +-
+ src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h                | 22 +++---
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp                | 47 ------------
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h                  | 89 ++++++++++------------
+ src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp            | 58 ++++++++++++--
+ src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c                        | 28 ++++---
+ src/screensaver/chinesedate.cpp                    |  8 +-
+ src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp          |  8 +-
+ src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp                    |  5 +-
+ src/widgets/authdialog.cpp                         |  2 +-
+ src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp                         | 78 ++++++++++++++-----
+ src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp                    | 33 ++++----
+ src/widgets/screensavermode.cpp                    |  2 +-
+ src/widgets/timewidget.cpp                         |  8 +-
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h            |  4 +-
+ tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h                |  8 +-
+ tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp    |  4 +-
+ .../unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp                   | 10 ++-
+ 33 files changed, 310 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp
+index 495916a..d7a5afa 100644
+--- a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp
++++ b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charsmorewidget.cpp
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void CharsMoreWidget::onBtnClicked(QChar charId)
+     KBButton *btn = static_cast<KBButton*>(obj);
+     QString objName = btn->objectName();
+     int lastUnderline = objName.lastIndexOf('_');
+-    int start = strlen("btn_");
++    int start = strnlen("btn_", 1024);
+     int keyLength = lastUnderline - start;
+     QString keyName = objName.mid(start, keyLength);
+     if (keyName == BTN_RETURN) {
+diff --git a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp
+index 804be53..a7507da 100644
+--- a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp
++++ b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/charswidget.cpp
+@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ void CharsWidget::onBtnClicked(QChar charId)
+     KBButton *btn = static_cast<KBButton*>(obj);
+     QString objName = btn->objectName();
+     int lastUnderline = objName.lastIndexOf('_');
+-    int start = strlen("btn_");
++    int start = strnlen("btn_", 1024);
+     int keyLength = lastUnderline - start;
+     QString keyName = objName.mid(start, keyLength);
+     if (keyName == BTN_RETURN) {
+diff --git a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp
+index ac30430..cdf222c 100644
+--- a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp
++++ b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/kbtitle.cpp
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void KBTitle::onBtnClicked()
+     QPushButton *btn = static_cast<QPushButton *>(obj);
+     QString objName = btn->objectName();
+     int lastUnderline = objName.lastIndexOf('_');
+-    int start = strlen("btn_");
++    int start = strnlen("btn_", 1024);
+     int keyLength = lastUnderline - start;
+     QString keyName = objName.mid(start, keyLength);
+     if (keyName == BTN_FLOAT) {
+diff --git a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp
+index b040d22..71b9e30 100644
+--- a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp
++++ b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/letterswidget.cpp
+@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ void LettersWidget::onBtnClicked(QChar charId)
+     KBButton *btn = static_cast<KBButton*>(obj);
+     QString objName = btn->objectName();
+     int lastUnderline = objName.lastIndexOf('_');
+-    int start = strlen("btn_");
++    int start = strnlen("btn_", 1024);
+     int keyLength = lastUnderline - start;
+     QString keyName = objName.mid(start, keyLength);
+diff --git a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp
+index 52ed7eb..21283d4 100644
+--- a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp
++++ b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/numberswidget.cpp
+@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ void NumbersWidget::onBtnClicked(QChar charId)
+     KBButton *btn = static_cast<KBButton*>(obj);
+     QString objName = btn->objectName();
+     int lastUnderline = objName.lastIndexOf('_');
+-    int start = strlen("btn_");
++    int start = strnlen("btn_", 1024);
+     int keyLength = lastUnderline - start;
+     QString keyName = objName.mid(start, keyLength);
+     qDebug() << "keyName: " << keyName;
+diff --git a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/x11keyboard.cpp b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/x11keyboard.cpp
+index 8d7be04..2560036 100644
+--- a/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/x11keyboard.cpp
++++ b/src/VirtualKeyboard/src/x11keyboard.cpp
+@@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ void X11Keyboard::onKeyPressed(QChar c)
+ void X11Keyboard::onKeyPressed(FuncKey::FUNCKEY key)
+ {
+-    KeyCode keyCode;
++    KeyCode keyCode = NoSymbol;
+     KeySym keysym = funckeyMap[key];
+-    if(keysym != NoSymbol)
++    if(keysym != NoSymbol) {
+         keyCode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, keysym);
+-    sendKey(keyCode);
++        sendKey(keyCode);
++    }
+ }
+ void X11Keyboard::sendKey(unsigned int keyCode)
+diff --git a/src/common/displayservice.cpp b/src/common/displayservice.cpp
+index 8b61ad5..0dacca8 100644
+--- a/src/common/displayservice.cpp
++++ b/src/common/displayservice.cpp
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ int DisplayService::isJJW7200()
+     pPipe = popen("lspci | grep -i VGA |grep 7200", "r");
+     if (pPipe) {
+         pAck = fgets(CmdAck, sizeof(CmdAck) - 1, pPipe);
+-        if (strlen(CmdAck) > 3) {
++        if (strnlen(CmdAck, 1024) > 3) {
+             ret = 1;
+         } else {
+             ret = 0;
+diff --git a/src/common/global_utils.cpp b/src/common/global_utils.cpp
+index 57d78a2..1b8041a 100644
+--- a/src/common/global_utils.cpp
++++ b/src/common/global_utils.cpp
+@@ -63,22 +63,32 @@ bool isCurUserSelf(QString strUserName)
+  */
+ static void strstripspace(char *str)
+ {
+-    if (strlen(str) == 0)
+-        return;
++    if (str == NULL)
++        return;  // 增加对空指针的检查
++    size_t len = strnlen(str, 1024);
++    if (len == 0) return;
+     char *startPos = str;
+-    while (*startPos != '\0' && isspace(*startPos))
++    while (*startPos != '\0' && isspace(*startPos)) {
+         startPos++;
++    }
+     if (*startPos == '\0') {
+-        str[0] = 0;
++        str[0] = '\0';
+         return;
+     }
+-    char *endPos = str + strlen(str) - 1;
+-    while (endPos != str && isspace(*endPos))
++    char *endPos = str + len - 1;
++    while (endPos != str && isspace(*endPos)) {
+         endPos--;
++    }
+-    memmove(str, startPos, endPos - startPos + 1);
+-    *(str + (endPos - startPos) + 1) = 0;
++    size_t newLen = endPos - startPos + 1;
++    if (newLen > len) {
++        // 理论上不会出现这种情况,但为了安全起见添加检查
++        newLen = len;
++    }
++    memmove(str, startPos, newLen);
++    str[newLen] = '\0';
+ }
+ static char *kdk_system_get_hostCloudPlatform()
+@@ -98,7 +108,8 @@ static char *kdk_system_get_hostCloudPlatform()
+             strstripspace(buf);
+             if (strcmp(buf, "Huawei Inc.") == 0) // 华为云
+             {
+-                strcpy(cloudplat, "huawei");
++//                strncpy(cloudplat, "huawei", sizeof(cloudplat) - 1);
++                snprintf(cloudplat, sizeof(cloudplat), "huawei");
+                 res_flag = true;
+             }
+             pclose(pipeLine);
+@@ -110,7 +121,8 @@ static char *kdk_system_get_hostCloudPlatform()
+                 strstripspace(buf);
+                 if (strcmp(buf, "HUAWEICLOUD") == 0) // 华为云
+                 {
+-                    strcpy(cloudplat, "huawei");
++//                    strncpy(cloudplat, "huawei", sizeof(cloudplat) - 1);
++                    snprintf(cloudplat, sizeof(cloudplat), "huawei");
+                 }
+                 pclose(pipeLine);
+             }
+@@ -123,7 +135,8 @@ static char *kdk_system_get_hostCloudPlatform()
+             strstripspace(buf);
+             if (strcmp(buf, "Huawei Inc.") == 0) // 华为云
+             {
+-                strcpy(cloudplat, "huawei");
++//                strncpy(cloudplat, "huawei", sizeof(cloudplat) - 1);
++                snprintf(cloudplat, sizeof(cloudplat), "huawei");
+                 res_flag = true;
+             }
+             fclose(fp);
+@@ -135,15 +148,18 @@ static char *kdk_system_get_hostCloudPlatform()
+                 strstripspace(buf);
+                 if (strcmp(buf, "HUAWEICLOUD") == 0) // 华为云
+                 {
+-                    strcpy(cloudplat, "huawei");
++//                    strncpy(cloudplat, "huawei", sizeof(cloudplat) - 1);
++                    snprintf(cloudplat, sizeof(cloudplat), "huawei");
+                 }
+                 fclose(fp);
+             }
+         }
+     }
+-    if (strlen(cloudplat) == 0)
+-        strcpy(cloudplat, "none");
++    if (strnlen(cloudplat, 1024) == 0) {
++//        strncpy(cloudplat, "huawei", sizeof(cloudplat) - 1);
++        snprintf(cloudplat, sizeof(cloudplat), "huawei");
++    }
+ #endif
+     return cloudplat;
+ }
+@@ -199,7 +215,7 @@ bool isCommunity()
+ static inline void strstrip(char *str, char ch)
+ {
+-    if (strlen(str) == 0)
++    if (strnlen(str, 1024)  == 0)
+         return;
+     char *startPos = str;
+     while (*startPos != '\0' && *startPos == ch)
+@@ -210,7 +226,7 @@ static inline void strstrip(char *str, char ch)
+         return;
+     }
+-    char *endPos = str + strlen(str) - 1;
++    char *endPos = str + strnlen(str, 1024) - 1;
+     while (endPos != str && *endPos == ch)
+         endPos --;
+@@ -231,9 +247,9 @@ char *kdk_system_get_systemName()
+     char buf[1024] = {0};
+     while (fgets(buf, 1024, fp))
+     {
+-        if (strncmp(buf, "NAME", strlen("NAME")) == 0)
++        if (strncmp(buf, "NAME", strnlen("NAME", 1024)) == 0)
+         {
+-            sysname = strdup((char *)buf + strlen("NAME") + 1);
++            sysname = strdup((char *)buf + strnlen("NAME", 1024) + 1);
+             break;
+         }
+     }
+@@ -252,7 +268,13 @@ char *kdk_system_get_systemName()
+ bool isOpenkylin()
+ {
+-    QString systemName = QString(QLatin1String(kdk_system_get_systemName()));
++    QString systemName = "";
++    const char* systemNamePtr = kdk_system_get_systemName();
++    if (systemNamePtr) {
++        systemName = QString::fromLatin1(systemNamePtr);
++        free(systemNamePtr);
++        systemNamePtr = NULL;
++    }
+     if (systemName.compare("openkylin", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
+         return true;
+     }
+diff --git a/src/common/rsac.cpp b/src/common/rsac.cpp
+index 8e5bb32..2cd998a 100644
+--- a/src/common/rsac.cpp
++++ b/src/common/rsac.cpp
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ bool RSAC::encrypt(const QByteArray &in, QByteArray &out, const QByteArray &pubK
+     int readLen = 0;
+     do {
+         int select = (keySize - 11) > dataLen ? dataLen : (keySize - 11);
+-        RSA_public_encrypt(select, (from + readLen), (unsigned char *)to.data(), rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
++        RSA_public_encrypt(select, (from + readLen), (unsigned char *)to.data(), rsa, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
+         dataLen -= select;
+         readLen += select;
+         out.append(to);
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ bool RSAC::decrypt(const QByteArray &in, QByteArray &out, const QByteArray &priK
+     QByteArray to(keySize, 0);
+     int readLen = 0;
+     do {
+-        int size = RSA_private_decrypt(keySize, (from + readLen), (unsigned char *)to.data(), rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
++        int size = RSA_private_decrypt(keySize, (from + readLen), (unsigned char *)to.data(), rsa, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
+         dataLen -= keySize;
+         readLen += keySize;
+         out.append(to.data(), size);
+diff --git a/src/common/utils.cpp b/src/common/utils.cpp
+index c7641c7..50fda39 100644
+--- a/src/common/utils.cpp
++++ b/src/common/utils.cpp
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void checkIslivecd()
+     char str[1024];
+     FILE *fp = NULL;
+-    int n = sprintf(cmd, "cat /proc/cmdline");
++    int n = snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cat /proc/cmdline");
+     Q_UNUSED(n)
+     fp = popen(cmd, "r");
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp b/src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
+index 8c10ccd..1cd3949 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/libinputswitchevent.cpp
+@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ bool LibinputSwitchEvent::geInitDevicesStatus()
+         //        else
+         return false;
+     }
++    return false;
+ }
+ void LibinputSwitchEvent::dealEvent(Event *e)
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
+index 075779c..bbbbf72 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
++++ b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.cpp
+@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ const static QString login1SessionInterface = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.lo
+ Login1Helper::Login1Helper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+ {
+-    m_login1Interface = new QDBusInterface(login1Service, login1Path, login1ManagerInterface, QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
++    m_login1Interface
++        = new QDBusInterface(login1Service, login1Path, login1ManagerInterface, QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
+     // 监听manager的睡眠、唤醒信号
+     connect(m_login1Interface, SIGNAL(PrepareForSleep(bool)), this, SLOT(onPrepareForSleep(bool)));
+@@ -83,11 +84,6 @@ Login1Helper::Login1Helper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+             this,
+             SLOT(onHibitedWatcherMessage(void)));
+     }
+-    m_isCanHibernate = getCanPowerManager("CanHibernate");
+-    m_isCanSuspend = getCanPowerManager("CanSuspend");
+-    m_isCanReboot = getCanPowerManager("CanReboot");
+-    m_isCanPowerOff = getCanPowerManager("CanPowerOff");
+ }
+ Login1Helper::~Login1Helper() {}
+@@ -145,11 +141,12 @@ void Login1Helper::setPowerManager(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ bool Login1Helper::getCanPowerManager(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ {
+-    qDebug() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << "===========";
++    qDebug() << "getCanPowerManager:" << powerManagerfunc;
+     if (m_login1Interface) {
+         bool canFlag = true;
+-        QDBusReply<QString> stateReplySuspend = m_login1Interface->call(powerManagerfunc);
+-        if (stateReplySuspend.isValid() && stateReplySuspend.value() == "yes") {
++        QDBusReply<QString> stateReply = m_login1Interface->call(powerManagerfunc);
++        qDebug() << "reply:" << stateReply;
++        if (stateReply.isValid() && (stateReply.value() == "yes" || stateReply.value() == "challenge")) {
+             canFlag = true;
+         } else {
+             canFlag = false;
+@@ -162,39 +159,39 @@ bool Login1Helper::getCanPowerManager(const QString &powerManagerfunc)
+ bool Login1Helper::isCanHibernate()
+ {
+-    return m_isCanHibernate;
++    return getCanPowerManager("CanHibernate");
+ }
+ bool Login1Helper::isCanSuspend()
+ {
+-    return m_isCanSuspend;
++    return getCanPowerManager("CanSuspend");
+ }
+ bool Login1Helper::isCanReboot()
+ {
+-    return m_isCanReboot;
++    return getCanPowerManager("CanReboot");
+ }
+ bool Login1Helper::isCanPowerOff()
+ {
+-    return m_isCanPowerOff;
++    return getCanPowerManager("CanPowerOff");
+ }
+ bool Login1Helper::canAction(Action action)
+ {
+     switch (action) {
+         case PowerHibernate:
+-            return m_isCanHibernate;
++            return getCanPowerManager("CanHibernate");
+         case PowerSuspend:
+-            return m_isCanSuspend;
++            return getCanPowerManager("CanSuspend");
+         case PowerMonitorOff:
+             return m_isCanLockScreen;
+         case PowerLogout:
+             return m_isCanLogout;
+         case PowerReboot:
+-            return m_isCanReboot;
++            return getCanPowerManager("CanReboot");
+         case PowerShutdown:
+-            return m_isCanPowerOff;
++            return getCanPowerManager("CanPowerOff");
+         default:
+             return false;
+     }
+diff --git a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
+index 94067a6..c2ceca7 100644
+--- a/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
++++ b/src/dbusifs/login1helper.h
+@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@ private:
+     bool m_isSessionActive = false; /**< 是否处于活跃状态 */
+     bool m_isSleeping = false;      /**< 是否处于休眠状态 */
+-    bool m_isCanHibernate = true;
+-    bool m_isCanSuspend = true;
+-    bool m_isCanReboot = true;
+-    bool m_isCanPowerOff = true;
+     bool m_isCanLockScreen = true;
+     bool m_isCanLogout = true;
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp b/src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp
+index 7994b54..7e85bee 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/authpamthread.cpp
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void AuthPamThread::writeData(int fd, const void *buf, ssize_t count)
+ void AuthPamThread::writeString(int fd, const char *data)
+ {
+-    int length = data ? strlen(data) : -1;
++    int length = data ? strnlen(data, 1024) : -1;
+     writeData(fd, &length, sizeof(length));
+     if (data)
+         writeData(fd, data, sizeof(char) * length);
+diff --git a/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp b/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
+index a0da99f..22caef7 100644
+--- a/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-backend/pamauthenticate.cpp
+@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ static void writeData(int fd, const void *buf, ssize_t count)
+ static void writeString(int fd, const char *data)
+ {
+-    int length = data ? strlen(data) : -1;
++    int length = data ? strnlen(data, 1024) : -1;
+     writeData(fd, &length, sizeof(length));
+     if (data)
+         writeData(fd, data, sizeof(char) * length);
+diff --git a/src/lock-checkpasswd/main.cpp b/src/lock-checkpasswd/main.cpp
+index b34bcae..4bcea98 100644
+--- a/src/lock-checkpasswd/main.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-checkpasswd/main.cpp
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ writeData(int fd, const void *buf, ssize_t count)
+ static void
+ writeString(int fd, const char *data)
+ {
+-    int length = data ? strlen(data) : -1;
++    int length = data ? strnlen(data, 1024) : -1;
+     writeData(fd, &length, sizeof(length));
+     if(data)
+         writeData(fd, data, sizeof(char) * length);
+@@ -120,13 +120,16 @@ _authenticate(const char *userName)
+     authRet = pam_authenticate(pamh, 0);
++    if (pam_acct_mgmt(pamh, 0) != PAM_SUCCESS) {
++        _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
+     ret = pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_USER, (const void **)&newUser);
+     if(ret != PAM_SUCCESS)
+     {
+         pam_end(pamh, 0);
+         printf("failed to get username\n");
+         _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+-        return ;
+     }
+     if(authRet == PAM_SUCCESS)
+         authRet = pam_acct_mgmt(pamh, 0);
+@@ -150,7 +153,6 @@ _authenticate(const char *userName)
+     {
+         pam_end(pamh, 0);
+         _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+-        return ;
+     }
+     pam_end(pamh, 0);
+     pamh = NULL;
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
+index 5b98836..62dd810 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/backenddbushelper.h
+@@ -116,15 +116,6 @@ public:
+      */
+     bool usdExternalDoAction(int actionType);
+-    bool getPowerManagerCanSwitchUser();
+-    bool getPowerManagerCanHibernate();
+-    bool getPowerManagerCanPowerOff();
+-    bool getPowerManagerCanReboot();
+-    bool getPowerManagerCanSuspend();
+-    bool getPowerManagerCanLockScreen();
+-    bool getPowerManagerCanLogout();
+-    bool checkSystemUpgrade();
+     QStringList getBatteryArgs();
+     QString getBatteryIconName();
+@@ -158,6 +149,19 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
+     bool pamIsAuthenticated();
+     QString pamAuthenticateUser();
+     bool setPowerManager(QString strFuncName);
++    bool getPowerManagerCanSwitchUser();
++    bool getPowerManagerCanHibernate();
++    bool getPowerManagerCanPowerOff();
++    bool getPowerManagerCanReboot();
++    bool getPowerManagerCanSuspend();
++    bool getPowerManagerCanLockScreen();
++    bool getPowerManagerCanLogout();
++    /**
++     * @brief checkSystemUpgrade 系统是否有更新
++     * @return true 有,false 无
++     */
++    bool checkSystemUpgrade();
+     QString getPublicEncrypt();
+     bool sendPassword(const QString username, QByteArray password);
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp
+index e3e558e..9a542aa 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.cpp
+@@ -589,53 +589,6 @@ void LockDialogModel::updateScreensaverImageSwitchInterval(int value)
+     m_imageSwitchInterval = value;
+ }
+-void LockDialogModel::updateCanHibernate(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_CanHibernate = canflag;
+-void LockDialogModel::updateCanReboot(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_CanReboot = canflag;
+-void LockDialogModel::updateCanPowerOff(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_CanPowerOff = canflag;
+-void LockDialogModel::updateCanSuspend(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_CanSuspend = canflag;
+-void LockDialogModel::updateCanLockScreen(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_CanLockScreen = canflag;
+-void LockDialogModel::updateCanSwitchUser(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_CanSwitchUser = canflag;
+-void LockDialogModel::updateCanLogout(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_CanLogout = canflag;
+-void LockDialogModel::updataCheckSystemUpgrade(bool canflag)
+-    qWarning() << __LINE__ << __FUNCTION__ << canflag;
+-    m_sysUpgradeStatus = canflag;
+ void LockDialogModel::updateBatteryArgs(QStringList batteryArgs)
+ {
+     m_batteryArgs = batteryArgs;
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
+index a44175c..e9cce24 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogmodel.h
+@@ -266,46 +266,6 @@ public:
+     //    inline QString getSaverTheme() { return m_saverTheme; }
+     ScreenSaver *getScreensaver();
+-    inline bool getCanHibernate()
+-    {
+-        return m_CanHibernate;
+-    }
+-    inline bool getCanSuspend()
+-    {
+-        return m_CanSuspend;
+-    }
+-    inline bool getCanReboot()
+-    {
+-        return m_CanReboot;
+-    }
+-    inline bool getCanPowerOff()
+-    {
+-        return m_CanPowerOff;
+-    }
+-    inline bool getCanLockScreen()
+-    {
+-        return m_CanLockScreen;
+-    }
+-    inline bool getCanSwitchUser()
+-    {
+-        return m_CanSwitchUser;
+-    }
+-    inline bool getCanLogout()
+-    {
+-        return m_CanLogout;
+-    }
+-    inline bool checkSystemUpgrade()
+-    {
+-        return m_sysUpgradeStatus;
+-    }
+-    void updateCanHibernate(bool);
+-    void updateCanReboot(bool);
+-    void updateCanPowerOff(bool);
+-    void updateCanSuspend(bool);
+-    void updateCanLockScreen(bool);
+-    void updateCanSwitchUser(bool);
+-    void updateCanLogout(bool);
+     void updataCheckSystemUpgrade(bool);
+     inline QStringList getBatteryArgs()
+@@ -577,6 +537,46 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
+     void setUserThemeColor(QString keyStr, QVariant themeColor);
+     void setRfkillState(QString value, int rfkillState);
++    /**
++     * @brief getCanHibernate 是否支持休眠
++     * @return true 支持,false 不支持
++     */
++    bool getCanHibernate();
++    /**
++     * @brief getCanSuspend 是否支持睡眠
++     * @return true 支持,false 不支持
++     */
++    bool getCanSuspend();
++    /**
++     * @brief getCanReboot 是否支持重启
++     * @return true 支持,false 不支持
++     */
++    bool getCanReboot();
++    /**
++     * @brief getCanPowerOff 是否支持关机
++     * @return true 支持,false 不支持
++     */
++    bool getCanPowerOff();
++    /**
++     * @brief getCanLockScreen 是否支持锁屏
++     * @return true 支持,false 不支持
++     */
++    bool getCanLockScreen();
++    /**
++     * @brief getCanSwitchUser 是否支持切换用户
++     * @return true 支持,false 不支持
++     */
++    bool getCanSwitchUser();
++    /**
++     * @brief getCanLogout 是否支持注销
++     * @return true 支持,false 不支持
++     */
++    bool getCanLogout();
++    /**
++     * @brief checkSystemUpgrade 系统是否有更新
++     * @return true 有,false 无
++     */
++    bool checkSystemUpgrade();
+ private:
+     QString getXScreensaverPath(const QString &theme);
+@@ -605,15 +605,6 @@ private:
+     int m_imageTSEffect;
+     int m_imageSwitchInterval;
+-    bool m_CanHibernate;
+-    bool m_CanReboot;
+-    bool m_CanPowerOff;
+-    bool m_CanSuspend;
+-    bool m_CanLockScreen;
+-    bool m_CanSwitchUser;
+-    bool m_CanLogout;
+-    bool m_sysUpgradeStatus;
+     QStringList m_batteryArgs;
+     QString m_batteryIconName;
+     bool m_isBattery = false;
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp
+index e254f0d..a7a727b 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/lockdialogperformer.cpp
+@@ -180,6 +180,56 @@ void LockDialogPerformer::initConnections()
+     connect(m_modelLockDialog, &LockDialogModel::sendPassword, m_bdHelper, &BackendDbusHelper::sendPassword);
+     connect(m_modelLockDialog, &LockDialogModel::setUserThemeColor, m_bdHelper, &BackendDbusHelper::setThemeStyleConf);
+     connect(m_modelLockDialog, &LockDialogModel::setRfkillState, m_bdHelper, &BackendDbusHelper::setUsdMediaStateKeys);
++    /*电源管理*/
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::getCanHibernate,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::getPowerManagerCanHibernate,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::getCanSuspend,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::getPowerManagerCanSuspend,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::getCanReboot,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::getPowerManagerCanReboot,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::getCanPowerOff,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::getPowerManagerCanPowerOff,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::getCanLockScreen,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::getPowerManagerCanLockScreen,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::getCanSwitchUser,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::getPowerManagerCanSwitchUser,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::getCanLogout,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::getPowerManagerCanLogout,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
++    connect(
++        m_modelLockDialog,
++        &LockDialogModel::checkSystemUpgrade,
++        m_bdHelper,
++        &BackendDbusHelper::checkSystemUpgrade,
++        Qt::DirectConnection);
+ }
+ void LockDialogPerformer::initData()
+@@ -210,14 +260,6 @@ void LockDialogPerformer::initData()
+         m_bdHelper->getLockScreenConf(KEY_IMAGE_TRANSITION_EFFECT).toInt());
+     m_modelLockDialog->updateScreensaverImageSwitchInterval(
+         m_bdHelper->getLockScreenConf(KEY_IMAGE_SWITCH_INTERVAL).toInt());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updateCanSwitchUser(m_bdHelper->getPowerManagerCanSwitchUser());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updateCanHibernate(m_bdHelper->getPowerManagerCanHibernate());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updateCanReboot(m_bdHelper->getPowerManagerCanReboot());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updateCanPowerOff(m_bdHelper->getPowerManagerCanPowerOff());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updateCanSuspend(m_bdHelper->getPowerManagerCanSuspend());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updateCanLockScreen(m_bdHelper->getPowerManagerCanLockScreen());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updateCanLogout(m_bdHelper->getPowerManagerCanLogout());
+-    m_modelLockDialog->updataCheckSystemUpgrade(m_bdHelper->checkSystemUpgrade());
+     m_modelLockDialog->updateBatteryArgs(m_bdHelper->getBatteryArgs());
+     m_modelLockDialog->updateBatteryIconName(m_bdHelper->getBatteryIconName());
+     m_modelLockDialog->updateIsBattery(m_bdHelper->getIsBattery());
+diff --git a/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c b/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c
+index f02d9f6..ec70906 100644
+--- a/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c
++++ b/src/lock-dialog/pam-tally.c
+@@ -57,20 +57,20 @@ int get_is_open_other_authentication()
+ 	int open_other_authentication = 0;
+ 	while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), config_file)) {
+-		if(strlen(buf) == 0 || buf[0] == '#')
++        if(strnlen(buf, 1024) == 0 || buf[0] == '#')
+ 		{
+ 			memset(buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+-		if(buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n')
+-			buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
++        if(buf[strnlen(buf, 1024)-1] == '\n')
++            buf[strnlen(buf, 1024)-1] = '\0';
+ 		char *p = strchr(buf, '=');
+ 		if(!p)
+ 			continue;
+ 		*p = '\0';
+-		size_t len = strlen(buf);
++        size_t len = strnlen(buf, 1024);
+ 		if(len == 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		//去掉=之前的空格
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ int get_is_open_other_authentication()
+ 			continue;
+ 		p++;
+-		len = strlen(p);
++        len = strnlen(p, 1024);
+ 		if(len == 0)
+ 			break;
+ 		//去掉等号之后的空格
+@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ int get_pam_tally(int *deny, int *unlock_time , int *root_unlock_time)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), auth_file)) {
+-		if(strlen(buf) == 0 || buf[0] == '#')
++        if(strnlen(buf, 1024) == 0 || buf[0] == '#')
+ 			continue;
+ 		if(!strstr(buf, "deny"))
+ 			continue;
+@@ -138,15 +138,18 @@ int get_pam_tally(int *deny, int *unlock_time , int *root_unlock_time)
+ 			}
+ 			ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+ 		}
+-		return 1;
++        fclose(auth_file);
++        return 1;
+ 	}
++    fclose(auth_file);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ 	static
+ void set_shm_tally_real()
+ {
+-	sprintf(shm_tally_real, "%s_%d", SHM_TALLY, getuid());
++//	sprintf(shm_tally_real, "%s_%d", SHM_TALLY, getuid());
++    snprintf(shm_tally_real, sizeof(shm_tally_real), "%s_%d", SHM_TALLY, getuid());
+ }
+ int pam_tally_init()
+@@ -372,13 +375,15 @@ pam_modutil_read(int fd, char *buffer, int count)
+ void get_tally(uid_t uid, int *tfile, struct tallylog *tally)
+ {
+ 	char filename[50]={0};
+-    sprintf(filename,"/tmp/.tallylog.d/.%d",uid);
++//    sprintf(filename,"/tmp/.tallylog.d/.%d",uid);
++    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/tmp/.tallylog.d/.%d", uid);
+     fprintf(stderr,"filename = :%s \n",filename);
+ 	void *void_tally = tally;
+     if ((*tfile = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1){
+         fprintf(stderr, "lseek tallylog failed,Re-open the new file, uid = %d \n",uid);
+-        sprintf(filename,"/tmp/.tallylog");
++//        sprintf(filename,"/tmp/.tallylog");
++        snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/tmp/.tallylog");
+         fprintf(stderr,"filename = :%s \n",filename);
+         if ((*tfile = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1){
+             fprintf(stderr, "open tallylog failed:%s \n", strerror(errno));
+@@ -388,7 +393,8 @@ void get_tally(uid_t uid, int *tfile, struct tallylog *tally)
+     if (lseek(*tfile, (off_t)uid*(off_t)sizeof(*tally), SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "lseek tallylog failed \n");
+-        sprintf(filename,"/tmp/.tallylog");
++//        sprintf(filename,"/tmp/.tallylog");
++        snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/tmp/.tallylog");
+         close(*tfile);
+         return ;
+     }
+diff --git a/src/screensaver/chinesedate.cpp b/src/screensaver/chinesedate.cpp
+index a5062f9..d3e9563 100644
+--- a/src/screensaver/chinesedate.cpp
++++ b/src/screensaver/chinesedate.cpp
+@@ -267,6 +267,10 @@ int ChineseDate::getYearDays(int year)
+ bool ChineseDate::isLeapMonth(int year)
+ {
++    // 检查 year 是否在有效范围内
++    if (year < 1900) {
++        return false;
++    }
+     return chineseDays[year - 1900] & 0xf ? true : false;
+ }
+@@ -316,7 +320,7 @@ QString ChineseDate::getDateLunar()
+     int offset = oldTile.daysTo(currentTime.date());
+     //获取农历年
+-    int i, yearlength;
++    int i, yearlength = 0;
+     for (i = 1900; i < 2101 && offset > 0; i++) {
+         yearlength = getYearDays(i);
+         offset -= yearlength;
+@@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ QString ChineseDate::getDateLunar()
+     //获取农历月
+     bool isLeap = false;
+-    int temp;
++    int temp = 0;
+     int leapMonth = getLeapMonth(leapyear);
+     for (i = 1; i < 13 && offset >= 0; i++) {
+         temp = getYearMonthDays(leapyear, i);
+diff --git a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp
+index 1f08bc7..a928a46 100644
+--- a/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp
++++ b/src/ukccplugins/screenlock/screenlock.cpp
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ using namespace ukcc;
+ #include <QTranslator>
+ #include <QLocale>
+ #include <QApplication>
++#include <QTemporaryDir>
+ Screenlock::Screenlock() : mFirstLoad(true)
+ {
+@@ -243,11 +244,16 @@ void Screenlock::showLocalWpDialog()
+     QStringList fileRes = selectedfile.split("/");
++    // 使用 QTemporaryDir 或 QTemporaryFile 来创建一个安全的临时目录或文件,而不是直接使用 /tmp 目录。这样可以避免符号链接攻击等问题。
++    QTemporaryDir tempDir;
++    QString tempFilePath = tempDir.filePath("tempfile");
+     QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
+     QString program("cp");
+     QStringList arguments;
+     arguments << selectedfile;
+-    arguments << "/tmp";
++//    arguments << "/tmp";
++    arguments << tempFilePath;
+     process->start(program, arguments);
+     screenlockInterface->call("setWallpaper", selectedfile);
+diff --git a/src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp b/src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp
+index ebeb519..40a2084 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/agreementwindow.cpp
+@@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ void AgreementWindow::initUI()
+     ensureBtn->setProperty("isImportant", true);
+     // ensureBtn->setStyleSheet("#ensureBtn{background-color:rgba(55, 144, 250, 1);border-radius: 6px;}");
+     // ensureBtn->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{text-align:center;background-color:#3790FA;border-radius: 6px;color:white}
+-    // \
+-			      QPushButton::hover{background-color:#3489EE;} \
+-			      QPushButton::pressed {background-color:#2C73C8;}");
++    //		      QPushButton::hover{background-color:#3489EE;}
++    //		      QPushButton::pressed {background-color:#2C73C8;}");
+     connect(ensureBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &AgreementWindow::switchPage);
+     titleLbl = new QLabel(centerWidget);
+diff --git a/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp b/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp
+index c65cb49..fd0abed 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/authdialog.cpp
+@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ void AuthDialog::stopAuth()
+ void AuthDialog::onCurUserInfoChanged(UserInfoPtr userInfo)
+ {
+-    if (m_curUserInfo->uid() > -1 && userInfo->uid() == m_curUserInfo->uid()) {
++    if (!(m_curUserInfo->uid() < 0) && userInfo->uid() == m_curUserInfo->uid()) {
+         m_curUserInfo = userInfo;
+         updateUI();
+     }
+diff --git a/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
+index 0a0d0c9..982da8a 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/lockwidget.cpp
+@@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ bool LockWidget::exitSubWidget(bool isForScreensaver, bool hideVirkeyboard)
+         authDialog->show();
+         buttonListWidget->show();
+         m_timeWidget->show();
+-        m_powerListWidget->hide();
++        if (m_powerListWidget) {
++            m_powerListWidget->hide();
++        }
+         if (m_systemMonitorBtn && m_systemMonitorBtn->isVisible()) {
+             m_systemMonitorBtn->hide();
+         }
+@@ -174,7 +176,9 @@ bool LockWidget::exitSubWidget(bool isForScreensaver, bool hideVirkeyboard)
+     if (m_blockWidget && !m_blockWidget->isHidden()) {
+         m_blockWidget->hide();
+         m_timeWidget->show();
+-        m_powerListWidget->show();
++        if (m_powerListWidget) {
++            m_powerListWidget->show();
++        }
+         buttonListWidget->show();
+         allExited = false;
+     }
+@@ -208,14 +212,16 @@ void LockWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
+         m_userListWidget->updateWidgetSize();
+         qDebug() << "m_userListWidget:" << m_userListWidget->geometry();
+     }
+-    m_powerListWidget->setMaxHeight(height() - (80 + m_timeWidget->height() + m_systemMonitorBtn->height()));
+-    m_powerListWidget->updateWidgetSize();
++    if (m_powerListWidget) {
++        m_powerListWidget->setMaxHeight(height() - (80 + m_timeWidget->height() + m_systemMonitorBtn->height()));
++        m_powerListWidget->updateWidgetSize();
+-    if (m_powerListWidget->getScrollShowStatus()) { // 如果显示Scroll,直接从时间窗口底部开始显示
+-        m_powerListWidget->move((width() - m_powerListWidget->width()) / 2, m_timeWidget->height() + 30);
+-    } else { // 居中显示
+-        m_powerListWidget->move(
+-            (width() - m_powerListWidget->width()) / 2, (height() - m_powerListWidget->height()) / 2);
++        if (m_powerListWidget->getScrollShowStatus()) { // 如果显示Scroll,直接从时间窗口底部开始显示
++            m_powerListWidget->move((width() - m_powerListWidget->width()) / 2, m_timeWidget->height() + 30);
++        } else { // 居中显示
++            m_powerListWidget->move(
++                (width() - m_powerListWidget->width()) / 2, (height() - m_powerListWidget->height()) / 2);
++        }
+     }
+     updateBottomButton();
+@@ -409,6 +415,9 @@ void LockWidget::initSessionWidget()
+ void LockWidget::initPowerWidget()
+ {
++    if (m_powerListWidget) {
++        return;
++    }
+     m_powerListWidget = new PowerListWidget(m_modelLockDialog, this);
+     m_powerListWidget->move(
+         (width() - m_powerListWidget->width()) / 2, (height() - m_powerListWidget->height()) / 2 - 80);
+@@ -673,6 +682,9 @@ void LockWidget::updateBottomButton()
+ void LockWidget::onPowerItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *previous)
+ {
++    if (!m_powerListWidget) {
++        return;
++    }
+     QWidget *currentWidget = m_powerListWidget->itemWidget(current);
+     PowerItemWidget *currentItem = dynamic_cast<PowerItemWidget *>(currentWidget);
+     if (currentItem) {
+@@ -735,6 +747,9 @@ void LockWidget::onButtonItemClicked(QListWidgetItem *item)
+ void LockWidget::onPowerItemClicked(QListWidgetItem *item)
+ {
++    if (!m_powerListWidget) {
++        return;
++    }
+     QWidget *widget = m_powerListWidget->itemWidget(item);
+     PowerItemWidget *currentItem = dynamic_cast<PowerItemWidget *>(widget);
+     if (currentItem) {
+@@ -1115,6 +1130,9 @@ void LockWidget::onShowVirtualKeyboard(bool tabletMode)
+ void LockWidget::onShowPowerListWidget(bool issessionTools)
+ {
++    if (!m_powerListWidget) {
++        initPowerWidget();
++    }
+     if (issessionTools) {
+         m_powerListWidget->setPowerType(SESSION);
+         m_isSessionTools = issessionTools;
+@@ -1139,7 +1157,9 @@ void LockWidget::onShowPowerListWidget(bool issessionTools)
+             m_widgetMediaControl->hide();
+         }
+     } else {
+-        m_powerListWidget->hide();
++        if (m_powerListWidget) {
++            m_powerListWidget->hide();
++        }
+         authDialog->show();
+         // bug#292889 头像加载缓慢问题,需要调用一次update或repaint来刷新
+         authDialog->update();
+@@ -1224,7 +1244,9 @@ void LockWidget::onShowInhibitWarning(QStringList list, int type, bool iscommand
+         m_userListWidget->hide();
+         m_userButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+     }
+-    m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    if (m_powerListWidget) {
++        m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    }
+     m_blockWidget->setGeometry(this->geometry());
+     m_blockWidget->setWarning(list, type);
+     m_blockWidget->show();
+@@ -1240,7 +1262,9 @@ void LockWidget::onSureShutDown(int inhibitType, bool iscommand)
+     authDialog->hide();
+     buttonListWidget->hide();
+     m_timeWidget->hide();
+-    m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    if (m_powerListWidget) {
++        m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    }
+     if (m_userListWidget && m_userListWidget->isVisible()) {
+         m_userListWidget->hide();
+         m_userButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+@@ -1276,7 +1300,9 @@ void LockWidget::onMulUsersLogined(int inhibitType, bool iscommand)
+     }
+     buttonListWidget->hide();
+     m_timeWidget->hide();
+-    m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    if (m_powerListWidget) {
++        m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    }
+     if (m_userListWidget && m_userListWidget->isVisible()) {
+         m_userListWidget->hide();
+         m_userButton->setClickedStatus(NORMAL);
+@@ -1304,7 +1330,9 @@ void LockWidget::onMulUsersLogined(int inhibitType, bool iscommand)
+ void LockWidget::onConfirmBtnClicked()
+ {
+     m_blockWidget->hide();
+-    m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    if (m_powerListWidget) {
++        m_powerListWidget->hide();
++    }
+     authDialog->show();
+     if (m_widgetMediaControl) {
+         m_widgetMediaControl->show();
+@@ -1324,7 +1352,9 @@ void LockWidget::onCancelBtnClicked()
+ {
+     m_isInhibitStatus = false;
+     m_blockWidget->hide();
+-    m_powerListWidget->show();
++    if (m_powerListWidget) {
++        m_powerListWidget->show();
++    }
+     buttonListWidget->show();
+     m_timeWidget->show();
+     if (m_isSessionTools) {
+@@ -1561,19 +1591,25 @@ void LockWidget::refreshTranslate()
+     QLocale local;
+     systemLang = local.name();
+     if (systemLang == "ug_CN" || systemLang == "ky_KG" || systemLang == "kk_KZ") {
+-        if (m_pBottomWidget)
++        if (m_pBottomWidget) {
+             m_pBottomWidget->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
+-        if (m_userListWidget)
++        }
++        if (m_userListWidget) {
+             m_userListWidget->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
+-        if (m_powerListWidget)
++        }
++        if (m_powerListWidget) {
+             m_powerListWidget->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
++        }
+     } else {
+-        if (m_pBottomWidget)
++        if (m_pBottomWidget) {
+             m_pBottomWidget->setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight);
+-        if (m_userListWidget)
++        }
++        if (m_userListWidget) {
+             m_userListWidget->setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight);
+-        if (m_powerListWidget)
++        }
++        if (m_powerListWidget) {
+             m_powerListWidget->setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight);
++        }
+     }
+     setUserListWidgetLocate();
+ }
+diff --git a/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp
+index 9e3cbde..f71bb49 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/powerlistwidget.cpp
+@@ -54,13 +54,11 @@ bool PowerListWidget::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+ void PowerListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ {
+     QPoint mousePos = event->pos();
+-    QList<PowerItemWidget*> itemList = this->findChildren<PowerItemWidget*>();
+-    for (PowerItemWidget* item : itemList)
+-    {
+-        if (item->geometry().contains(mousePos))
+-        {
++    QList<PowerItemWidget *> itemList = this->findChildren<PowerItemWidget *>();
++    for (PowerItemWidget *item : itemList) {
++        if (item->geometry().contains(mousePos)) {
+             //  如果是点击的功能按钮,不发信号,防止点击锁屏按钮时不进入锁屏
+-            return QListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event);;
++            return QListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+         }
+     }
+     //  只有点击空白处,才需要发送信号
+@@ -111,51 +109,56 @@ void PowerListWidget::updateBtnShowFlag()
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
++        bool canDoAction = false;
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CanLockScreen")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && m_modelLockDialog->getCanLockScreen());
++            canDoAction = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->getCanLockScreen();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && canDoAction);
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CanLogout")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && m_modelLockDialog->getCanLogout());
++            canDoAction = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->getCanLogout();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && canDoAction);
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CanPowerOff")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = m_modelLockDialog->getCanPowerOff();
++            canDoAction = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->getCanPowerOff();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = canDoAction;
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CanSuspend")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = m_modelLockDialog->getCanSuspend();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->getCanSuspend();
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CheckSystemUpgradeReboot")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && m_modelLockDialog->checkSystemUpgrade());
++            canDoAction = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->checkSystemUpgrade();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && canDoAction);
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CheckSystemUpgradeShutdown")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && m_modelLockDialog->checkSystemUpgrade());
++            canDoAction = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->checkSystemUpgrade();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = (m_powerType == SESSION && canDoAction);
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CanReboot")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = m_modelLockDialog->getCanReboot();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->getCanReboot();
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+         if (powerBtnList[i].canFuncName == QString("CanHibernate")) {
+-            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = m_modelLockDialog->getCanHibernate();
++            powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag = Q_EMIT m_modelLockDialog->getCanHibernate();
+             if (powerBtnList[i].m_show_flag)
+                 m_powerBtnNum += 1;
+         }
+diff --git a/src/widgets/screensavermode.cpp b/src/widgets/screensavermode.cpp
+index b374f26..6596fbe 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/screensavermode.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/screensavermode.cpp
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ bool ScreenSaver::timerStatus()
+     return timer->isActive();
+ }
+-QDebug &operator<<(QDebug debug, const ScreenSaver &screensaver)
++QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &debug, const ScreenSaver &screensaver)
+ {
+     QString modes[] = { "blank-only", "random", "single", "image", "default-ukui", "default-ukui-custom" };
+     QString effects[] = { "none", "fade-in-out" };
+diff --git a/src/widgets/timewidget.cpp b/src/widgets/timewidget.cpp
+index 5716a51..98322d7 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/timewidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/timewidget.cpp
+@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@ QString TimeWidget::getLongFormatDate(int type)
+ void TimeWidget::update_datatime()
+ {
+-    m_t_label->setText(getLongFormatDate(TIME));
+-    m_d_label->setText(getLongFormatDate(DATE));
++    if (m_t_label) {
++        m_t_label->setText(getLongFormatDate(TIME));
++    }
++    if (m_d_label) {
++        m_d_label->setText(getLongFormatDate(DATE));
++    }
+ }
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h
+index a153f34..e96da07 100644
+--- a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/addr_any.h
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ private:
+                 pathname_pos += 1;
+             if(pathname_pos >= (int)(sizeof(line) - 1)) continue;
+             pathname = line + pathname_pos;
+-            pathname_len = strlen(pathname);
++            pathname_len = strnlen(pathname, 1024);
+             if(0 == pathname_len) continue;
+             if(pathname[pathname_len - 1] == '\n')
+             {
+@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ private:
+                 pathname_pos += 1;
+             if(pathname_pos >= (int)(sizeof(line) - 1)) continue;
+             pathname = line + pathname_pos;
+-            pathname_len = strlen(pathname);
++            pathname_len = strnlen(pathname, 1024);
+             if(0 == pathname_len) continue;
+             if(pathname[pathname_len - 1] == '\n')
+             {
+diff --git a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h
+index c5f2f53..3c32c7e 100644
+--- a/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h
++++ b/tests/kt-test-utils/cpp-stub/stub.h
+@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ public:
+         if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), static_cast<size_t>(m_pagesize * 2), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC))
+ #endif
+         {
+-            throw("stub set memory protect to w+r+x faild");
++//            throw("stub set memory protect to w+r+x faild");
+             return  false;
+         }
+@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public:
+         if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC))
+ #endif
+         {
+-            throw("stub set memory protect to r+x failed");
++//            throw("stub set memory protect to r+x failed");
+             return false;
+         }
+         m_result.insert(std::pair<char*,func_stub*>(fn,pstub));
+@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ public:
+         if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC))
+ #endif
+         {
+-            throw("stub reset memory protect to w+r+x faild");
++//            throw("stub reset memory protect to w+r+x faild");
+             return false;
+         }
+@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ public:
+         if (-1 == mprotect(pageof(pstub->fn), m_pagesize * 2, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC))
+ #endif
+         {
+-            throw("stub reset memory protect to r+x failed");
++//            throw("stub reset memory protect to r+x failed");
+             return false;
+         }
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp
+index f88a413..20648cb 100644
+--- a/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp
++++ b/tests/unit_test_auth_pam/unit_test_auth_pam.cpp
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ protected:
+     // 辅助函数,模拟写入数据到文件描述符
+     void writeToFd(int fd, const char *data)
+     {
+-        write(fd, data, strlen(data));
++        write(fd, data, strnlen(data, 1024));
+     }
+     // 辅助函数,从文件描述符读取数据
+@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ TEST_F(PamAuthenticateTest, OnSockRead)
+     message.msg = "Enter password";
+     write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], &message.msg_style, sizeof(message.msg_style));
+-    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], message.msg, strlen(message.msg) + 1);
++    write(pamAuthenticate->m_fdToParent[0], message.msg, strnlen(message.msg, 1024) + 1);
+     QSignalSpy showPromptSpy(pamAuthenticate.get(), SIGNAL(showPrompt(QString, PamAuth::PromptType)));
+diff --git a/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp
+index 3f4e5ec..601fb4b 100644
+--- a/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp
++++ b/tests/unit_test_dbus_interface/unit_test_dbus_interface.cpp
+@@ -31,11 +31,10 @@ class DbusUpperInterfaceTest : public testing::Test
+ protected:
+     static void SetUpTestSuite()
+     {
++        m_pAccountsHelperDbus = QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper>(new AccountsHelper());
+         StubExt st;
+         st.set_lamda(&LightDMHelper::connectToDaemonSync, []() { return true; });
+         st.set_lamda(&isGreeterMode, []() { return true; });
+-        m_pAccountsHelperDbus = QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper>(new AccountsHelper());
+         m_pLightDMHelperDbus = new LightDMHelper(m_pAccountsHelperDbus, Configuration::instance());
+         m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = new DbusUpperInterface();
+     }
+@@ -62,6 +61,13 @@ DbusUpperInterface *DbusUpperInterfaceTest::m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus = nullptr;
+ LightDMHelper *DbusUpperInterfaceTest::m_pLightDMHelperDbus = nullptr;
+ QSharedPointer<AccountsHelper> DbusUpperInterfaceTest::m_pAccountsHelperDbus = nullptr;
++TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, init)
++    StubExt st;
++    st.set_lamda(&LightDMHelper::connectToDaemonSync, []() { return true; });
++    m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->init();
+ TEST_F(DbusUpperInterfaceTest, GetSlpState)
+ {
+     m_pDbusUpperInterfaceDbus->onNameLost("test");
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From: liuyuanpeng <liuyuanpeng@kylinos.cn>
+Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 16:02:04 +0800
+Subject: update changelog
+ src/common/global_utils.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/common/global_utils.cpp b/src/common/global_utils.cpp
+index 1b8041a..6a4d6a7 100644
+--- a/src/common/global_utils.cpp
++++ b/src/common/global_utils.cpp
+@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ char *kdk_system_get_systemName()
+ bool isOpenkylin()
+ {
+     QString systemName = "";
+-    const char* systemNamePtr = kdk_system_get_systemName();
++    char* systemNamePtr = kdk_system_get_systemName();
+     if (systemNamePtr) {
+         systemName = QString::fromLatin1(systemNamePtr);
+         free(systemNamePtr);
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	2024-11-15 10:53:30.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -68,3 +68,10 @@
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	2024-11-15 10:53:30.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -5,6 +5,18 @@
 glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
+dpkg-divert --package ukui-screensaver --rename --remove "$path_conf".old
+path_sh="/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-session-setup.sh "
+dpkg-divert --package ukui-screensaver --rename --remove "$path_sh".old
+dpkg-divert --package ukui-screensaver --rename --remove "$path_desktop".old
+path_sl_plugin="/usr/lib/`/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture -qDEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH`/ukui-control-center/libscreenlock.so"
+dpkg-divert --package ukui-screensaver --rename --remove "$path_sl_plugin".old
+path_ss_plugin="/usr/lib/`/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture -qDEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH`/ukui-control-center/libscreensaver.so"
+dpkg-divert --package ukui-screensaver --rename --remove "$path_ss_plugin".old
 if [ -x /usr/share/kylin-system-updater/kylin-reboot-required ]; then
diff -Nru ukui-screensaver- ukui-screensaver-
--- ukui-screensaver-	2024-11-15 10:53:30.000000000 +0800
+++ ukui-screensaver-	2025-02-27 16:00:04.000000000 +0800
@@ -16,3 +16,10 @@
+# dpkg rename ukui-control-center's libscreensaver.so and libscreenlock.so
+path_sl_plugin="/usr/lib/`/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture -qDEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH`/ukui-control-center/libscreenlock.so"
+dpkg-divert --package ukui-screensaver  --rename --divert "$path_sl_plugin"".old" --add $path_sl_plugin
+path_ss_plugin="/usr/lib/`/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture -qDEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH`/ukui-control-center/libscreensaver.so"
+dpkg-divert --package ukui-screensaver  --rename --divert "$path_ss_plugin"".old" --add $path_ss_plugin