31-ok1 : dh-cargo package : openKylin

dh-cargo 31-ok1 source package in openKylin


dh-cargo (31-ok1) nile; urgency=medium

  * Update upstream version info.

 -- liyang <email address hidden>  Sat, 18 May 2024 10:42:49 +0800

Upload details

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Uploaded to:
Nile V2.0
Original maintainer:
Openkylin Developers
Medium Urgency

Publishing See full publishing history

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Huanghe V3.0 proposed main devel
Huanghe V3.0 release main devel
Nile V2.0 release main devel
Nile V2.0 proposed main devel


Nile V2.0: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
dh-cargo_31.orig.tar.xz 13.3 KiB 530618ef2ac1125f37d1a35609495d4e3134968356b09bb0b0b0152776f626c6
dh-cargo_31-ok1.debian.tar.xz 4.2 KiB 65cb64796d324ed70b81cbb26b94bba01e5ff17082478177ccdc3ed1f22cb938
dh-cargo_31-ok1.dsc 1.7 KiB 927be7ae9c4e00ea47791af8bed1564eee0084196e6ff8d6ca12a6acb1010689

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

dh-cargo: debhelper buildsystem for Rust crates using Cargo

 dh-cargo provides a debhelper buildsystem to build Rust crates using Cargo.
 This builds Debian rust crates to be installed into a system-level crate
 registry in /usr/share/cargo/registry containing crates that can be used and
 Build-Depended upon by other Debian packages.
 Debian packages generated by debcargo use this buildsystem; packagers are not
 expected to use this directly. If you have a multi-language program such as
 firefox or librsvg that includes private Rust crates not exposed to others,
 you should instead use Debian's cargo wrapper /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo in
 the cargo package, and Build-Depends on that instead of this package.

dh-cargo-tools: debhelper buildsystem for Rust crates using Cargo - tools

 dh-cargo provides a debhelper buildsystem to build Rust crates using Cargo.
 This builds Debian rust crates to be installed into a system-level crate
 registry in /usr/share/cargo/registry containing crates that can be used and
 Build-Depended upon by other Debian packages.
 Debian packages generated by debcargo use this buildsystem; packagers are not
 expected to use this directly. If you have a multi-language program such as
 firefox or librsvg that includes private Rust crates not exposed to others,
 you should instead use Debian's cargo wrapper /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo in
 the cargo package, and Build-Depends on that instead of this package.
 This package contains various scripts that can be used standalone outside of the
 standard dh-cargo context.