2.15.0-ok5 : fontconfig package : openKylin

fontconfig 2.15.0-ok5 source package in openKylin


fontconfig (2.15.0-ok5) nile; urgency=medium

  * BUG:无
  * 需求号:无
  * 其他改动说明:修复emoji无法显示问题
  * 其他改动影响域:无

 -- handsome_feng <email address hidden>  Wed, 15 Jan 2025 10:33:51 +0800

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Nile V2.0
Original maintainer:
Openkylin Developers
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Medium Urgency

Publishing See full publishing history

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Nile V2.0 release main fonts
Nile V2.0 proposed main fonts


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
fontconfig_2.15.0.orig.tar.bz2 466.6 KiB 8bbac31d445d119160e479850007059037365e5fa18a0e89e67b059c4a9a6903
fontconfig_2.15.0-ok5.debian.tar.xz 12.8 KiB 27594b6bf25bed03d5f28a2a5f431d598afab66ca96147eccf63f0195446c51b
fontconfig_2.15.0-ok5.dsc 2.4 KiB 165ba2589b51e4846bc992a50da3b5ca00e4c151055b16e838aaeecf59410b85

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Binary packages built by this source

fontconfig: generic font configuration library - support binaries

 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
 does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
 fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
 specified by applications.
 Fontconfig is not a rasterization library, nor does it impose a
 particular rasterization library on the application. The X-specific
 library 'Xft' uses fontconfig along with freetype to specify and
 rasterize fonts.
 This package contains a program to maintain the fontconfig cache
 (fc-cache), a sample program to list installed fonts (fc-list), a program
 to test the matching rules (fc-match) and a program to dump the binary
 cache files in string form (fc-cat). It no longer makes fonts managed by defoma
 available to fontconfig applications.

fontconfig-config: generic font configuration library - configuration

 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
 does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
 fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
 specified by applications.
 This package contains the configuration files and scripts for fontconfig.

fontconfig-dbgsym: debug symbols for fontconfig
fontconfig-udeb: generic font configuration library - minimal runtime

 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
 does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
 fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
 specified by applications.
 This package contains the minimal runtime library and configuration,
 only for use in the installation system.

libfontconfig-dev: generic font configuration library - development

 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
 does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
 fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
 specified by applications.
 This package contains the static libraries and headers needed for the
 development of applications using fontconfig.

libfontconfig1: generic font configuration library - runtime

 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
 does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
 fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
 specified by applications.
 This package contains the runtime library needed to launch applications
 using fontconfig.

libfontconfig1-dbgsym: debug symbols for libfontconfig1
libfontconfig1-dev: generic font configuration library - dummy package

 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
 does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
 fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
 specified by applications.
 This is a transitional package for libfontconfig-dev. It can be safely