4.0.0+ds-ok1 : lerc package : openKylin

lerc 4.0.0+ds-ok1 source package in openKylin


lerc (4.0.0+ds-ok1) nile; urgency=high

  * Build for openKylin.

 -- openKylinBot <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 May 2024 15:12:48 +0800

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Nile V2.0
Original maintainer:
Openkylin Developers
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Very Urgent

Publishing See full publishing history

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Huanghe V3.0 proposed main libs
Huanghe V3.0 release main libs
Nile V2.0 release main libs
Nile V2.0 proposed main libs


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
lerc_4.0.0+ds.orig.tar.xz 340.0 KiB acf855502fd3b950ee78f0b67bc9e9b39316b3526fbf6d8b8b1a9482fb756723
lerc_4.0.0+ds-ok1.debian.tar.xz 6.4 KiB 4887ceb350938e03d9fa4bfc22f92e2319509b38f8b4039aedcf0e19fde8817a
lerc_4.0.0+ds-ok1.dsc 2.4 KiB b98114d59c4263426ec324916998adf5c37b6f1a137e43782d5367df24b7b687

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Binary packages built by this source

liblerc-dev: Limited Error Raster Compression library (Development files)

 LERC is an open-source image or raster format which
 supports rapid encoding and decoding for any pixel
 type (not just RGB or Byte). Users set the maximum
 compression error per pixel while encoding, so the
 precision of the original input image is preserved
 (within user defined error bounds).
 This is a development package of LERC.

liblerc4: Limited Error Raster Compression library

 LERC is an open-source image or raster format which
 supports rapid encoding and decoding for any pixel
 type (not just RGB or Byte). Users set the maximum
 compression error per pixel while encoding, so the
 precision of the original input image is preserved
 (within user defined error bounds).

liblerc4-dbgsym: debug symbols for liblerc4
python3-lerc: Python 3 bindings to the Limited Error Raster Compression library

 LERC is an open-source image or raster format which
 supports rapid encoding and decoding for any pixel
 type (not just RGB or Byte). Users set the maximum
 compression error per pixel while encoding, so the
 precision of the original input image is preserved
 (within user defined error bounds).
 This is a Python package of LERC.