: qt5-ukui-platformtheme package : openKylin

qt5-ukui-platformtheme source package in openKylin


qt5-ukui-platformtheme ( nile; urgency=medium

  * 改动:
    BUG号: I7WCOH 【设计走查】启典主题平台对话框未完成  启典关闭按钮图标反白及高缩放比下tree边框残留处理

 -- tanjing <email address hidden>  Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:37:39 +0800

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Nile V2.0
Original maintainer:
Kylin Team
Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section
Nile V2.0 proposed main libs


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
qt5-ukui-platformtheme_4.1.0.0.orig.tar.gz 384.2 KiB 147e11c621d056e593b70d080ad74780d7e56e368930b8b48d1ce2bc1e0ebd30
qt5-ukui-platformtheme_4.1.0.0-ok56.debian.tar.xz 282.2 KiB 0377b8fa892395d2b9a91a036a38d6f95eadd2132b5e378a980cc09a87d4e186
qt5-ukui-platformtheme_4.1.0.0-ok56.dsc 2.8 KiB 016658c0afaef469dd72d0a8105c9a113ed825077c9d4f3e84a08298db0402f3

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Binary packages built by this source

libqt5-ukui-style-dev: Development files of libqt5-ukui-style1

 qt5-ukui-platformtheme is official platform theme of UKUI desktop
 environment. It also provides the common metadatas for ukui-styles
 and platform theme using. The library provided many convenient API
 for changing a qt widgets style, such as buttons color, tabwidget
 animation, etc.
 This package provides the development files of libqt5-ukui-style1.

libqt5-ukui-style1: UKUI platform theme and styles' shared library

 qt5-ukui-platformtheme is official platform theme of UKUI desktop
 environment. It also provides the common metadatas for ukui-styles
 and platform theme using. The library provided many convenient API
 for changing a qt widgets style, such as buttons color, tabwidget
 animation, etc.
 This package provides the shared libraries used by ukui platform
 theme and ukui-styles.

libqt5-ukui-style1-dbgsym: debug symbols for libqt5-ukui-style1
qml-module-org-ukui-qqc2desktopstyle: Qt Quick Controls 2: Kylin Style

 Small style written in QML for QtQuickControls2 intended
 to be used by default in QQC2-based apps when used in the
 Kylin tablet desktop.

qml-module-org-ukui-stylehelper: qml stylehelper

 Ukui qml platformtheme library.It provide an UI style with
 ukui for qml applications.Include theme color, widget, font,
 The external dependency Lib of qml theme framework.

qml-module-org-ukui-stylehelper-dbgsym: debug symbols for qml-module-org-ukui-stylehelper
qt5-styles-ukui: QStyle plugins provided by ukui

 qt5-ukui-platformtheme is official platform theme of UKUI desktop
 environment. It also provides the common metadatas for ukui-styles
 and platform theme using. The library provided many convenient API
 for changing a qt widgets style, such as buttons color, tabwidget
 animation, etc.
 This package provides several qstyle plugins which as default
 styles in ukui. For now, fusion is the base style of ukui-styles.

qt5-styles-ukui-dbgsym: debug symbols for qt5-styles-ukui
qt5-ukui-platformtheme: Qt5 QPA platform theme of UKUI

 qt5-ukui-platformtheme is official platform theme of UKUI desktop
 environment. It also provides the common metadatas for ukui-styles
 and platform theme using. The library provided many convenient API
 for changing a qt widgets style, such as buttons color, tabwidget
 animation, etc.
 This package provides a qt5 qpa platform theme plugin.

qt5-ukui-platformtheme-dbgsym: debug symbols for qt5-ukui-platformtheme