5.15.10-2ok25 : qtwayland-opensource-src package : openKylin

qtwayland-opensource-src 5.15.10-2ok25 source package in openKylin


qtwayland-opensource-src (5.15.10-2ok25) nile; urgency=medium

  * use ukui-shell as default shell integration
  * qwaylanddatacontrolv1: clear clipboard if recieve null selection
  * ukui-shell: set ukui_surface_slide to none to cancel slide effect
  * fix: set blur_level<0 can not remove blur
  * ukui-shell: ignore no_titlebar for frameless window

 -- Jie Liu <email address hidden>  Thu, 05 Dec 2024 10:04:20 +0800

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Nile V2.0
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Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers
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Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
qtwayland-opensource-src_5.15.10.orig.tar.xz 555.2 KiB c8d3fd100f48d4e07338d0b7a7f00d56d009348d309a3ab082e5391a3e6536f1
qtwayland-opensource-src_5.15.10-2ok25.debian.tar.xz 121.6 KiB ea805958297d4b32320e95a80a08f6823f63cf595854ec147ad4e17a28074a28
qtwayland-opensource-src_5.15.10-2ok25.dsc 3.5 KiB 5fcd46f75715472f096c6b42595d011c71fb45b34e472cc350eb2f00afd1101f

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Binary packages built by this source

libqt5waylandclient5: QtWayland client library

 QtWayland is a Qt 5 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland.
 This package contains the QtWayland client library.

libqt5waylandclient5-dbgsym: debug symbols for libqt5waylandclient5
libqt5waylandclient5-dev: QtWayland client development files

 QtWayland is a Qt 5 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland.
 This package contains the development files for QtWayland client

libqt5waylandcompositor5: QtWayland compositor library

 QtWayland is a Qt 5 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland.
 This package contains the QtWayland compositor library.

libqt5waylandcompositor5-dbgsym: debug symbols for libqt5waylandcompositor5
libqt5waylandcompositor5-dev: QtWayland compositor development files

 QtWayland is a Qt 5 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland.
 This package contains the development files for QtWayland compositor

qml-module-qtwayland-client-texturesharing: Qt 5 Wayland Shared Texture Provider QML module

 Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
 is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
 This module allows Qt Wayland clients to use graphical resources exported
 by the compositor, without allocating any graphics memory in the client.

qml-module-qtwayland-client-texturesharing-dbgsym: debug symbols for qml-module-qtwayland-client-texturesharing
qml-module-qtwayland-compositor: Qt 5 Wayland Compositor QML module

 Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
 is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
 The Qt Wayland Compositor modules provide QML types that can be used to
 create custom display servers supporting the Wayland protocol.

qml-module-qtwayland-compositor-dbgsym: debug symbols for qml-module-qtwayland-compositor
qtwayland5: QtWayland platform plugin

 QtWayland is a Qt 5 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland.
 This package contains the QtWayland platform plugin, which allows users
 to run Qt 5 applications under Wayland, and the qtwaylandscanner

qtwayland5-dbgsym: debug symbols for qtwayland5
qtwayland5-dev-tools: Qt 5 Wayland developer tools

 QtWayland is a Qt 5 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland.
 This package contains the QtWayland developer tools.
 At the moment there is only qtwaylandscanner tool here.

qtwayland5-dev-tools-dbgsym: debug symbols for qtwayland5-dev-tools
qtwayland5-examples: Qt 5 Wayland examples

 Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
 is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
 This package contains examples of the Qt 5 Wayland module.

qtwayland5-examples-dbgsym: debug symbols for qtwayland5-examples
qtwayland5-private-dev: QtWayland private development files

 QtWayland is a Qt 5 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland.
 This package contains the private development files for QtWayland client
 and compositor libraries.