Huanghe V3.0 (3.0) : libunique package : openKylin

libunique source package in Huanghe V3.0

libunique-1.0-0: Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries
libunique-1.0-0-dbgsym: debug symbols for libunique-1.0-0
libunique-dev: Library for writing single instance applications - development files
libunique-doc: Library for writing single instance applications - documentation

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.


Package versions including new functions that should be widely tested, but that are not yet part of a default installation. People who "live on the edge" will test these packages before they are accepted for use in "Updates".

libunique information

Current version:
Medium Urgency

Releases in openKylin


Binary packages

Download files from current release (1.1.6-ok2)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
libunique_1.1.6.orig.tar.gz 440.0 KiB 2cb918dde3554228a211925ba6165a661fd782394bd74dfe15e3853dc9c573ea
libunique_1.1.6-ok2.debian.tar.xz 4.8 KiB e7c1169db78f96d946f84aee45cc9bd44e387df99d98cc685e8ac5bde6b5ff06
libunique_1.1.6-ok2.dsc 2.2 KiB 89b8f27790eb11214932ad777d9978684c95bf331586a789cf7a903d70ac1a2c

Package relationships

Build dependencies

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies

Build conflicts

Platform-independent build conflicts

Platform-dependent build conflicts