Huanghe V3.0 (3.0) : libxt package : openKylin

libxt source package in Huanghe V3.0

libxt-dev: X11 toolkit intrinsics library (development headers)
libxt-doc: X11 toolkit intrinsics library (documentation)
libxt6t64: X11 toolkit intrinsics library
libxt6t64-dbgsym: debug symbols for libxt6t64

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.


Package versions including new functions that should be widely tested, but that are not yet part of a default installation. People who "live on the edge" will test these packages before they are accepted for use in "Updates".

libxt information

Current version:
Medium Urgency

Releases in openKylin


Binary packages

Download files from current release (1:1.2.1-ok1)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
libxt_1.2.1.orig.tar.gz 991.5 KiB 6bd1daf9c38789f784292dcd4a2a6a2be7c5c072dcf793fc2e488d87650b54e0
libxt_1.2.1.orig.tar.gz.asc 358 bytes da406cc94c25ca6773bb37c2055e2eb5665491f7ca6dfc9ea04f0f30ea3fd098
libxt_1.2.1-ok1.debian.tar.xz 20.3 KiB 8aaa59ce0d035cca7e8888c4e61567cfc79af74812fcb2fceb4ebfa0d1572712
libxt_1.2.1-ok1.dsc 2.2 KiB 25f02e6ebe89118ce5e05acf0cd402e031549c0d8ecd248376dedce41e086d22

Package relationships

Build dependencies

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies

Build conflicts

Platform-independent build conflicts

Platform-dependent build conflicts