Huanghe V3.0 (3.0) : wcwidth package : openKylin

wcwidth source package in Huanghe V3.0

python3-wcwidth: determine printable width of a string on a terminal

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.


Package versions including new functions that should be widely tested, but that are not yet part of a default installation. People who "live on the edge" will test these packages before they are accepted for use in "Updates".

wcwidth information

Current version:
Medium Urgency

Binary packages

Download files from current release (0.2.5+dfsg1-ok2)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
wcwidth_0.2.5+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz 29.6 KiB 93f1c3bf69c677032a2339f636a2d14004ce013e57acd36b6e129f45b28d096a
wcwidth_0.2.5+dfsg1-ok2.debian.tar.xz 4.6 KiB 65ee27122cc6a308a1c0e12cea050422529c0acdeb990301fe3fdfc73c58ca5b
wcwidth_0.2.5+dfsg1-ok2.dsc 1.9 KiB 8a8ae700cd2c4ebcc53def16d833ef964934bef41c20fcde450240d8a735c890

Package relationships

Build dependencies

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies

Build conflicts

Platform-independent build conflicts

Platform-dependent build conflicts