elfutils source package in Nile V2.0
debuginfod: debuginfo-related http file-server daemon
debuginfod-dbgsym: debug symbols for debuginfod
elfutils: collection of utilities to handle ELF objects
elfutils-dbgsym: debug symbols for elfutils
libasm-dev: libasm development libraries and header files
libasm1: library with a programmable assembler interface
libasm1-dbgsym: debug symbols for libasm1
libdebuginfod-dev: libdebuginfod development libraries and header files
libdebuginfod1: library to interact with debuginfod (development files)
libdw-dev: libdw1 development libraries and header files
libdw1: library that provides access to the DWARF debug information
libdw1-dbgsym: debug symbols for libdw1
libelf-dev: libelf1t64 development libraries and header files
libelf1: library to read and write ELF files
libelf1-dbgsym: debug symbols for libelf1