Files: *
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2014, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of *
Files: autotests/*
Copyright: 2022, KylinSoft Co., Ltd.
License: GPL-3+
Files: autotests/ffmpeg-extractortest.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2019, iaom / Text: 2019, Alexander Stippich
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of autotests/ffmpeg-extractortest.cpp
Files: autotests/ffmpeg-extractortest.h
Copyright: Text: 2019, Alexander Stippich
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of autotests/ffmpeg-extractortest.h
Files: autotests/
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2013, David Edmundson
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of autotests/
Files: autotests/office2007-extractortest.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2022, kirito / Text: 2014, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of autotests/office2007-extractortest.cpp autotests/pdf-extractortest.cpp autotests/pdf-extractortest.h
Files: autotests/samplefiles/*
Copyright: Text: 2016, Varun Joshi
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of autotests/samplefiles/*
Files: src/embedded-image-data.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2018, Alexander Stippich
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/embedded-image-data.cpp src/embedded-image-data.h src/format-strings_p.h
Files: src/extraction-result.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2013, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extraction-result.cpp
Files: src/extraction-result.h
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2013, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extraction-result.h
Files: src/extractor-manager.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2016, Varun Joshi / Text: 2012, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extractor-manager.cpp
Files: src/extractor-manager.h
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2012, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extractor-manager.h src/extractor-plugin.h
Files: src/extractor-plugin.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2012, Vishesh Handa / Text: 2012, Jörg Ehrichs
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extractor-plugin.cpp
Files: src/extractors/*
Copyright: 2022, KylinSoft Co., Ltd.
License: GPL-3+
Files: src/extractors/ffmpeg-extractor.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2012-2014, Vishesh Handa / Text: 2011, Tirtha Chatterjee / Text: 2010, Evgeny Egorochkin
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extractors/ffmpeg-extractor.cpp
Files: src/extractors/ffmpeg-extractor.h
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2012, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extractors/ffmpeg-extractor.h
Files: src/extractors/pdf-extractor.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2022, kirito / Text: 2012, Vishesh Handa / Text: 2012, Jörg Ehrichs
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/extractors/pdf-extractor.cpp
Files: src/format-strings.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2018, Alexander Stippich
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/format-strings.cpp
Files: src/mime-utils.cpp
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom / Text: 2019, Stefan Brüns
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/mime-utils.cpp
Files: src/mime-utils.h
Copyright: Text: 2019, iaom / Text: 2019, Stefan Brüns
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/mime-utils.h
Files: src/properties.h
Copyright: Text: 2014, Vishesh Handa
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/properties.h src/typeinfo.cpp src/typeinfo.h src/types.h
Files: src/ukui-file-meta-data_global.h
Copyright: Text: 2022, iaom
License: UNKNOWN
Please fill license UNKNOWN from header of src/ukui-file-meta-data_global.h
License: GPL-3+
This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by foo.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 3 dated June, 2007, or (at
your option) any later version.
On Debian systems, the complete text of version 3 of the GNU General
Public License can be found in '/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.