Yangtze V1.0 (1.0) : linux package : openKylin

linux source package in Yangtze V1.0

linux-buildinfo-5.15.0-ok3-generic: Linux kernel buildinfo for version 5.15.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
linux-cloud-tools-5.15.0-ok3: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 5.15.0-ok3
linux-cloud-tools-5.15.0-ok3-generic: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 5.15.0-ok3
linux-cloud-tools-common: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 6.1.0
linux-doc: Linux kernel specific documentation for version 6.6.0
linux-headers-5.15.0-ok3: Header files related to Linux kernel version 5.15.0
linux-headers-5.15.0-ok3-generic: Linux kernel headers for version 5.15.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
linux-image-unsigned-5.15.0-ok3-generic: Linux kernel image for version 5.15.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
linux-libc-dev: Linux Kernel Headers for development
linux-modules-5.15.0-ok3-generic: Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.15.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-ok3-generic: Linux kernel extra modules for version 5.15.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP
linux-source-5.15.0: Linux kernel source for version 5.15.0 with Ubuntu patches
linux-tools-5.15.0-ok3: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 5.15.0-ok3
linux-tools-5.15.0-ok3-generic: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 5.15.0-ok3
linux-tools-common: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 6.6.0
linux-tools-host: Linux kernel VM host tools

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.


Package versions including new functions that should be widely tested, but that are not yet part of a default installation. People who "live on the edge" will test these packages before they are accepted for use in "Updates".

linux information

Current version:
Medium Urgency

Binary packages

Download files from current release (6.1.0-4.5ok1)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
linux_6.1.0-4.5ok1.tar.xz 129.8 MiB fb4add629ed1dd2a00875addbce5930c3648f0b41c315bf81e118fe581e4b74d
linux_6.1.0-4.5ok1.dsc 4.8 KiB 34a20a03a3f4103579e23561b2d71e43dd760ad8f39e373df167fb8d8f955935