oxygen source package in Yangtze V1.0
kde-style-oxygen-qt5: Qt decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme
kde-style-oxygen-qt5-dbgsym: debug symbols for kde-style-oxygen-qt5
kwin-decoration-oxygen: KWin decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme
kwin-decoration-oxygen-dbgsym: debug symbols for kwin-decoration-oxygen
liboxygenstyle5-5: style library for the Oxygen desktop theme
liboxygenstyle5-5-dbgsym: debug symbols for liboxygenstyle5-5
liboxygenstyleconfig5-5: style library configuration for the Oxygen desktop theme
liboxygenstyleconfig5-5-dbgsym: debug symbols for liboxygenstyleconfig5-5
oxygen-sounds: Sounds for the Oxygen desktop theme
plasma-theme-oxygen: Look-and-feel for the Oxygen desktop theme