libjsoncpp25 : amd64 : Yangtze V1.0 (1.0) : openKylin

libjsoncpp25 binary package in openKylin Yangtze V1.0 amd64

 jsoncpp is an implementation of a JSON reader and writer in C++. JSON
 (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format
 that it is easy to parse and redable for human. It is useful for
 building config files, network communications protocols, etc.
 This library provides following features:
  * High-level data structures for collecting data from JSON.
  * Easy-to-use reader and writer.

Publishing history

Date Status Target Pocket Component Section Priority Phased updates Version
  2023-09-18 07:10:44 UTC Published openKylin Yangtze V1.0 amd64 release main libs Optional 1.9.5-ok1
  • Published
  • Copied from openkylin yangtze-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for openKylin
  2023-05-19 01:15:45 UTC Published openKylin Yangtze V1.0 amd64 proposed main libs Optional 1.9.5-ok1
  • Published